It started with a knock on the door. There were a few beats before I knocked again and after a moment it opened; he was there, older than when I’d last seen him but still the same Mister D. It […]
Teenage Lust Girls Who Crave Older Men
As I sit here looking over my notes, compiling and collecting my thoughts to complete this manuscript, I remember young Jenny R. explicitly. Jenny was far from your average young lady. She had wit, charm, and above all, a body […]
My balls began signaling that I’d passed into the ecstasy zone, and pumped days of built-up cum deep into the teen’s cunt
Kayla, the beautiful young woman who was to become my wife, started dating me late in our junior year at the local university campus. We’d both started at community colleges and transferred after our two years were up. A natural […]
Ooohhh… there’s nothing like a hot cunt for milking a teen’s cock
Mrs. Rodgerson’s long, satiny blonde hair cascaded over her shoulders as she knocked on the door marked “Duty Nurse” with her reluctant son trailing behind her. Timmy didn’t like going to the medical centre. At 18 years old, he didn’t […]
It’s called pre-cum and it’s to make things more slippery when a man puts it inside a girl
Emily was pretty excited. She had been in a couple of movies already, but nothing really big. The only reason she was considered for those parts was because of her older brother, Haley Joel. Today, this was a different story. […]
For a moment, nothing happened – then the elastic ring of her pussy stretched
Steve drove home in a trance. He lost his virginity. He wanted to stop the car and shout to the neighborhood. He had lost his virginity to one of his school’s cheerleaders, Amanda. And now he had some power where […]
Julie’s Itch the kinky schoolgirl
Julie’s Itch I met Julie when she got home from the Catholic High School she went to. Her face was flushed and she was sweating from the long walk back to her house. I caught the stale scent of her […]
Freewheeling Barbara Toys With Boys
He had curly blond hair, he was about ninteen years old, and the look in his eyes told Barbara that the young man had other thoughts in his mind than the eggs Benedict he was eating. Look how his tongue […]
Mike and Alice the horny teens
Mike I was combing out my hair in front of the bathroom mirror when Mike came in. For a brother and sister, we got along pretty well. He was tall and good looking, and several of my girl friends were […]
Simone The Schoolgirl
Part One I arrived at Benlow school late, very late. Miss Archer was expecting me at 10.00 and it was 11.30 now. Damn this British public transport. I hoped she would be understanding. Mistake number one ! The school secretary […]
It was that first nerve-racking, pussy shattering blowjob
It was that first nerve-racking, pussy shattering blowjob that had turned Ellen on like a blazing dynamo. She’d been eaten before, but it was a joke compared to what the lusty brunette did to her that first night. For two […]
A schoolgirl turns on
Casey’s cunt quivered. She was going to do it tonight. She hadn’t told him yet, but she was. She leaned back to lick the head of his cock. Nice, solid, stiff prick that was going to slip in her pussy, […]