Free sex stories

The big All-girl orgy

She was a darling girl and I had plied her with enough liquor that I thought I would now have no trouble seducing her. And I was right. She seemed almost suspiciously willing to go along with my wants and […]


An unhappy husband sexually fulfilling

Henry opened his eyes and stared at the ceiling. Morning sunlight filtered into the room through the sheer curtains on the double doors. He glanced at them and blinked. The doors led to a balcony with stone balustrades, which overlooked […]

Free sex stories

Sara’s revenge fuck

“Hey, Don,” Ken called out, as he came through the door, “Sara’s out here, she wants to talk to you.” As Don headed towards the door, Ken grinned and asked, quietly, “You ain’t fixin’ to tap that little pussy, are […]


My sister-in-law now nineteen

I was married at twenty-one, a few months before college graduation. Everyone — especially my parents — said it was a foolish thing to do, but after twenty years of marriage it’s pretty obvious we’ve beaten the odds. I’ll admit […]

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How Polygamy Begins 2.

I push hard until it gives, Sue screams, lifts up and bites my shoulder as I slowly sink into her. She pants hard as I start moving in and out with only about half of my cock. After several minutes […]


Vanessa the teen schoolgirl adventures

When Vanessa Adams got home from school she went immediately to the kitchen to grab a snack, before heading for her room. She was very excited, and couldn’t wait to get on-line. A boy she’d met that very day in […]

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