Group Sex Stories

The swinger party

Tuesday morning was the first morning I was able to get up before Swimmer, who still lay curled on her side of the bed, head in her arms. I didn’t blame her. Last night would have been exhausting for anyone. […]

Slut Wife

Aiko’s Awakening

I’m not quite sure how to start this. I haven’t written any stories like this before and this really isn’t much of a story, its just what happened with me and my wife. We’ve been married for a little over […]

Slut Wife

Tell me another one

For a virgin bride, Susana was astonishingly imaginative in her approach to love-making. From the start she was insatiable, not just for the physical act, but also for the mental sex to which Neil was addicted. Early on, he told […]

Slut Wife

Bound to Please

Peter groaned. His buttocks contracted and he arched his back, lifting his pelvis off the bed in a futile attempt to reach Susana’s mouth, hanging teasingly just a centimetre or so above the tip of his straining cock. Her left […]


Hypno bondage 2.

As He watched Her with His all-seeing eyes, Her body began to sway slightly. As He ‘felt’ with the grasping, sensual hands of His mind Her bosom rose and fell more and more rapidly. Her flesh swelled in His hands […]


Hypno bondage 1.

He found himself attending a gathering in his life he had not wished to attend. She found herself there as well, wanting to be anywhere else, but right there, and right then. She was through with men of all types. […]


Law student in trouble

I have to tell this story because it’s not possible to live with it without telling anyone… This story started when I was age 17,… I was at the birthday party of my girlfriend. I was always partying and amusing […]

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Pervert NUN

Checking his identification badge, Theresa let the computer repair technician in, and showed him to her tiny study. When he moved the mouse, the “floating crucifix” screensaver disappeared, yielding to a “modem not responding” error message. “Where does the computers […]

Group Sex Stories

More than stepmom 2.

The next day after bathing, Barbara pulled on a pair of shorts she had not worn in a long time. They were a bright yellow color and hugged her shapely ass like a second skin. The legs were cut high […]

Group Sex Stories

Just Another Day At The Office

Danny’s cock throbbed painfully, his balls aching with the pressure of unreleased cum, his shaft stiff, and his cockhead swollen to a daunting girth that made Carnie wetter just looking at it. I’ll be right back, she said from behind […]

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