Free sex stories

I’m gonna come on your face, Cali

“Whatcha gonna do to me, John?” “I’m gonna come on your face, Cali. I’m gonna to leave big long ropes that go from your chin to your forehead. Several of them.” “Sounds gooey.” “Yeah? You want it?” “Definitely!” “You like […]


My New Stepsister

My parents got divorced when I was eleven and my mother immediately remarried. She dragged my sister and I from our sleepy Florida town to a city up north, into the new family’s big old house in the burbs. We […]

Free sex stories

Have you ever tasted cum?

Not long ago, after a satisfying session in bed, out of the blue my wife asked, “Have you ever tasted cum?” Now, Ellen and I have been married for six years. We’ve both had our share of affairs before we […]

Anal Stories/Backdoor Lovers

Miss Daphne Makes A Deal

Daphne glanced up from her magazine, looking again toward the closed door of her boss’ office. He’s been in since…well, since after his 9am blowjob, she recounted as she idly popped her chewing gum. Checking the clock, Daphne noted that […]

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