Free sex stories

The Great American Erotic Novel

Ron and Samantha had been happily married for 28 years. Not that everything had been blissful, far from it. There had been difficult times along with the good, but they had presented a united face to all their problems making […]

Group Sex Stories

Comfort From The Cold

“The arctic caps of this planet are so tiny, it’s almost a surprise there’s any ice at all here,” Olivia said, carefully slicing through an ice core where she’d found a bug buried. She extracted the sample with tongs and […]

Slut Wife

Trained Slut

Dave unshackled the females, told them to get cleaned up and then go wake up Bob as nicely as they could. Emily hurried into the house to do as she had been told, then when she didn’t hear her mom […]

Free sex stories

Rita’s first time

“My daughter,” Bettina said, “you have reached the age of eighteen. Our family regards this as the threshold of womanhood. Tonight, you cross that threshold. The men here are those licit for your entertainment. They all married into the family […]

Anal Stories/Backdoor Lovers

Amanda’s favor

So I’m 40 years old, married with two teenaged girls. My life is pretty good. I make pretty good money as a computer consultant and work from my home office. I love my wife and my two daughters. One is […]

Slut Wife

Living the Dream (MF, impreg)

Angela stirred from her sleep, feeling warm flesh pressed into her back. Graham, her boyfriend, had moved into the “spoon” position, his pelvis grinding into her butt. “You’re so beautiful,” he whispered. His pelvis dipped lower, allowing his erect penis […]

Slut Wife

Cuckold Short

An excellent story. I remember when my now ex-wife first started cuckolding me, her saying that she had a thing about much younger guys. I was 7 years older than her, she was nearly 35 but fancied lads in their […]

Slut Wife

My wife’s xmas present

It’s the most wondeful time of the year. Last year around Christmas time, my wife and I went on a date night to celebrate our anniversary. As as we were driving to dinner my cock began to instantly swell. I […]

Slut Wife

My Wife Sucks Cock and enjoy it

She is on her knees, looking up at me. Dutiful, obedient, expectant. I stand in front of her with my hands formed into fists on my hips. She unbuttons my pants and pulls them down, pulling my boxers down as […]

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