Group Sex Stories

Best group sex ever

It is, of course, hard to tell which was the best sex-experience ever. Although one we often recall is an adventure during a holiday with my wife Judy, on Seychelles. Judy is born there but moved to the states with […]


New Beginnings(MF, BDSM)

She walked into the thinly lit doorway wearing a man’s white dress shirt and nothing else. Obediently she waited head down. “Walk slowly towards me and unbutton your shirt” She nodded slightly and raised her trembling hands. She moved forward […]


Daniel’s Life – Caught in the Act

“Jessica! What are you doing?” Daniel jumped as Jessie bit him slightly before pulling her face off of his cock to address her mother. “What the fuck does it look like I’m doing, bitch.” “I can’t believe it, you’re trying […]


Lisa and Bonnie’s porno tale

It was about 7:30 on Friday night when Bonnie knocked on my door. ” Hey stranger, it’s time to start living again” She screamed through the door when I did not answer it. “You know I will not go away […]

Free sex stories

The Great American Erotic Novel

Ron and Samantha had been happily married for 28 years. Not that everything had been blissful, far from it. There had been difficult times along with the good, but they had presented a united face to all their problems making […]

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