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The dark damsel

Dark Damsel laughed at the surprise on the faces of the thieves. Well, ‘faces’ was inaccurate as they were wearing ski-masks. Yet, even so, surprise was there to be seen. They had not expected anyone to be there, and certainly […]



Here I am, walking down the aisle on my wedding day, the victim of a conspiracy by my family and my intended to get me here. There was a point at which I thought I’d never be married. The most […]

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Rebecca’s punishment

Darcey didn’t rush the ass licking, giving Rebecca plenty of time to get her rear end completely clean, but it wasn’t the only reason she took her time, before going on to the next punishment phase. The real reason Mrs. […]

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The Bike Trip 1.

I was out by the road on the John Deere the first time you rode by. I love spending an early summer evening mowing, the smell of freshly cut grass tickling my nose, the vibrations of the tractor making other […]

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Andy’s Uniform

I was working late, much later than I had planned. I called the wife earlier to tell her not to wait up, but this was ridiculous. It must have been about 2:30 in the morning, and the building was already […]

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The Boating Weekend Away

We met at the marina where Frank and Kris keep their boat. We were going to Bluff’s Island to a marina there for a weekend without the kids. We got the boat underway after making sure all our gear was […]

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