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The Bike Trip 2.

. One of the benefits of riding cross country is that you build up pretty good strength, balance and coordination… which comes in pretty handy at a time like this… With your hand still grasping my engorged cock, my mouth […]

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Andy’s Uniform

I was working late, much later than I had planned. I called the wife earlier to tell her not to wait up, but this was ridiculous. It must have been about 2:30 in the morning, and the building was already […]

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Teen orgy at the lake

Three naked bodies hit the water simultaneously and disappeared. A moment later, three heads broke the surface screaming in unison “Yow, it’s cold!” Their traditional yell was truer than usual: notwithstanding the unseasonable heat of Indian Summer, October was pushing […]

Group Sex Stories

A hot summer day with hot sex

A summer day somewhere in the foothills of So. Calif. At a girls school, by the swimming pool, Three girls were relaxing in the sun. All three were clad in bikinis which didn’t leave much to the imagination. They all […]

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Open marriage 4.

Faith spent the entire weekend with Hank and practically three or four nights’ week the next three months. Mark noticed changes taking place in their marriage and recently noticed Faith no longer wore her wedding rings. Mark commented on it […]

Slut Wife

When a wife gets careless

If my wife Laura had not made so many careless mistakes, I would not be writing this now. When a man finds a pubic hair on the sheets that does not match the color of his or his wife’s hair, […]

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