Free sex stories

The Muse of my kinky dreams

  My muse, lying so still on the quilted sheets, stripped nude and waiting for my attentions. Her skin so soft and white, so ready to be my story, so wanting the words. Her breath is short and excited. She […]


Bed Game (FF, Lesbian)

I had just gotten out of the shower when Lisa came into the bathroom. “What do you want to do tonight love.” I said. She pulled a towel off the shelve and handed it to me. “Let’s go to the […]

Free sex stories

The Curse of the Bambino

There was no game on Friday. However, that’s when the whole business started to unravel. Melanie knocked on my door after supper. I let her in. “So, did you talk to her?” “Yeah.” “And the bet’s still on?” “Mel, she […]

Group Sex Stories

Pretty wild public load

I did it again…If you’ve read my past stories and/or have seen my videos you know my mo…I love to masturbate in public. I’ve developed a way to cum in public hands free. This allows me to shoot my load […]

Slut Wife

Skanky Kim (fetish)

“I missed you, darling,” Kim said with an excited smile when she opened the door to her apartment. I walked in and she threw her arms around me. She pressed her pelvic area against mine and gave me some nuzzling […]

Free sex stories

Caught By The Babysitter

Tina Mallory was an 18 year high school graduate trying to make money for the summer. She was not very tall but very attractive. She had long red hair flowing down nearly to her backside and although she didnt understand […]

Group Sex Stories

Best group sex ever

It is, of course, hard to tell which was the best sex-experience ever. Although one we often recall is an adventure during a holiday with my wife Judy, on Seychelles. Judy is born there but moved to the states with […]

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