Pussy and ass play in the Afternoon

I walk into the office not finding Heather at her front post.
Slightly disappointed. I proceed back to my desk in what is a
typical after lunch ritual and get my empty glass of water for
the afternoon. As I get to my desk and turn I see Heather walking
toward me from the break room with an semi empty glass in her
hand. She approaches me tugging at the rear hem of her dress,
smiling as usual.

I look around and everyone seems busy and seemingly oblivious to
us. ‘Sup.’ I say with a wink. I can already feel my cock filling
with blood from her intimate presence.

‘Ready for that treat I promised?’ tilting her head slightly to
the side and winking back with a huge smile painted on her face.

A little unsure at what she could possibly have in mind, I grin
back and nod my head, eyebrows raised slightly. Heather bites
down on her lower lip and offers me a peek at the contents of her
cup. I’m taken back a little at what I see. Without a doubt it’s
my massive first load I shot up her ass, maybe even some of the
second that I didn’t suck from her pussy. Quite a large amount of
cum, everything I had been saving for the last two days without
any release. Once satisfied with my observation she brought the
cup to her lips. I watched with a growing hard on as this
beautiful woman drank down the huge load of cum I deposited in
her ass an hour ago. A watery stream quickly hits her palette
while a thicker mass slowly coats and trails down the tilted
glass and pools in her mouth. Her eyes shut seductively as looks
of ecstasy flood over her body. If I didn’t know better I’d wager
she just had another orgasm swallowing my load.

I stood there dumb founded at what I just witnessed. This
pantyhose goddess was too much for me. Such an act in the middle
of the office was too hot. As I collected my thoughts she had
already turned and walked back toward her station. I grabbed my
glass and headed to the break room to get my water. The room was
empty but I noticed a mess on the floor near the cabinet that
held clean glasses. It looked like more of my cum from her ass on
the floor. ‘Holy shit, she emptied her ass right here in the
kitchen.’ I whispered to myself while I stared at the globs of
dirty cum on the floor.

I filled up my water and stealthily got back to my desk, checked
my email and then saw that there was message waiting for me from
Heather in messenger.. An attachment. It was time stamped from
before we left for ‘lunch’ too. Before I clicked on it a
co-worker approached me from the side asking a question on if I
had a chance to respond to his email. I switched over to Outlook
and read it briefly. ‘I’ll get right on this John.’ That cleared
him away for a second, then I went back to messenger and opened
the attachment Heather sent me before lunch, it was a compressed
file filled with about forty pictures. ‘Hmm.’ I extracted them to
a folder and turned the thumbnail view on. They were pictures of
her in her clothes today, her white hose pulled down to her
knees, dress hiked up to her waist and her soaking wet pussy and
ass from this morning, both stuffed with pantyhose!

Almost an animated sequence as she stuffed one pair into her ass
and three assorted pairs into her pussy while in the stall of
what looked like the women’s rest room. The last few were of her
pulling them out slowly one leg at a time, soaking wet and then
sucking on them. In the last one she was blowing a kiss to the
camera as she pulled the pair she had hidden in her ass.

I quickly closed the folder as the chat window started blinking
in the task bar.

H – ‘How did you like that?’

B -‘You really leave little the imagination Heather.’

H -‘hehe, I think we taste good.’

B -‘I think you taste great.’

H -‘You’re too sweet. How did you like my little show from this

B -‘Heh, once again you leave nothing to the imagination.’

H -‘Sorry, that’s what you get for ignoring me all morning. I
wanted you to pull them out btw.’

B -‘I wouldn’t mind that. I think I could oblige some time. ;)’

H -‘brb’

Her window closed out leaving me hanging. ‘That was sudden.’ I
thought. I managed to hit John’s email and give it some thought
and responded to it by the time Heather logged back on.

H-‘Sorry, I had some clients up here and I had to use the

B-‘Oh? Anything I should know about?’

H-‘Yeah, but you’ll have to wait until I leave today. ;P’

H-‘You love it.’

B-‘Yeah, I do. ;)’

The rest of the afternoon was pretty busy leaving me time to get
some work done, only to look up on occasion to see Heather
walking through the office dropping off mail or leading clients
through the space.

The 4:30 rush approached fast and furious, and I dabbled in the
idea of needing to rendezvous with Heather for her daily clean
up. Seeing her cross through the office on her way to the break
room was all the encouragement I needed. She had something extra
in her step this time; that fire was back. ‘No telling what is
going on in that girls head.’ I told myself as I got up and
followed her back.

‘Hey beautiful.’ I turned the corner to see her standing at the
sink dumping the excessive coffee out. ‘OH. I’m glad you’re here,
I need some help with something.’ She smiled a wink and shrugged
her shoulders signaling me to come over. ‘Help with something,
oh-whatever-would-that-be.’ I whispered nearing her. She rested
the coffee pot in the sink and hiked her skirt, spreading her
legs enough for me to see that she cut a hole in the crotch of
her white pantyhose and there was something black, barely hanging
from between her puffy labia.

Heather gave me a sultry come hither look and pursed her lips
together. ‘Can you help me remove that please?’ Her eyes were
pouty and telling me everything I needed to know. I looked over
my shoulder checking the room then took advantage of the
opportunity. I glided my hand up her inner thigh slowly, feeling
her silky legs before reaching the soaking wet fabric loosely
hanging from her lips. ‘Well, looks like you found a way to slow
the flood.’ I humored in her ear as I gently pulled on the
pantyhose that were lodged inside her.

‘Ueewww.’ She cooed as I pulled one leg of black pantyhose from
her pussy. The fabric was absolutely drenched, with small drops
of juice falling to the floor off the stuffed hose coming from
her. Heathers moans continued to be contained and controlled
until I got to what I thought was the end of the second leg, only
to find that she had tied another pair of flesh toned pantyhose
to the black. As I pulled on the knot she cried a shreek of
pleasure and I saw her face contort in pleasure once again. As I
got to the panty of the tan hose the hose were dry but warm to
the touch, her legs were shaking vividly as I pulled it out along
her clit; sending a shiver head to toe through her lithe body.

A moment later I heard some one approaching from the hall.
Heather heard them too, her eyes bulged and hands instinctively
went down to recover her hem line. After that was accomplished
she grabbed the balled up wad of wet pantyhose that were still
connected to her and hurriedly began to nurse them back into her
wet pussy. Her legs looked weak and frail as she obviously worked
herself off cramming the hose into her tight hole, she was on the
verge of another orgasm and it sounded like whoever was coming
was almost here.

I turned on a heel still amazed and peering at her and put some
distance between us. A second later I was at the entrance of the
break room only to almost run into my boss. I bought Heather some
time but she still had a half a leg of the black hanging like a
heavy cock from her pussy. She stopped cramming it in. Her face
contorted and knees were quivering, she was cumming again. I
played off the erotic image as I still had my boss in the doorway
and attempted to make small talk with him. Seconds later I turned
to see Heather stuff the last of the hose in her pussy, quickly
recompose herself and attempt to finish her cleaning duties. I
managed to get drawn away by my boss to his desk at the last
moment anyway. As he lead me toward his office, I put my fingers
to my nose and smelled what Heather had been preparing for me all

This hard on is never going away.

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