Pure Strip Poker

“If we are going to be playing strip poker, I think I better turn up the
heat,” Vicky said. As Vicky went off to make the adjustments to the
thermostats, I wondered if she knew that she had just said something
that could have a double meaning, or was that just my imagination.

“Let’s discuss strategy here, Larry,” said Betty, interrupting my
daydream. “Have you ever played in a small poker game like this?”

“Well…not exactly,” I said. Actually, I had never played poker before
that first game at Sharon and Kristen’s.

“Well, in a three handed game, any high pair is a good hand,” Betty

“Are we playing jacks to open?” I asked.

“I hope not,” Betty said. “We’ll be here all night trying to get an
opening hand.”

Betty turned to the whole group. “Larry brings up a good point. In our
other big poker games we played jacks to open, but in a three handed
game, that doesn’t really work. I propose a pair of anything as the
minimum hand to open.”

Nobody had any objections, so Betty turned back to Kat and me. “We
have to decide what order we bet our clothes,” Betty said.

“I think we should bet all of Larry’s clothes, then all of Betty’s, then
mine last,” said Kat.

I smiled. “I was kind of thinking it was ladies before gentleman,” I
said. “So you and Betty, should go first, and I’ll go last.”

“You two are being silly,” said Betty. “We take turns betting one
piece of clothes each. I propose that Larry go first, since Kat and I
would have to show our breasts when we get down to one piece of
clothes, but Larry will not really show anything until he loses all his
clothes, so I think that makes it fair.”

Certainly there was some logic to Betty’s proposal. “All right, I
guess,” I said. That meant I had to ante my shoes on the first hand.

“Ok, Larry,” said Betty. “Since it’s your shoes, you can play the first

I bent over and untied my shoes and held them in my hand.
Apparently the other teams had overheard Betty, or had independently
come to the same conclusion, since Jack and Joe were also taking off
their shoes for the ante.

“Ok, why don’t we put the ante clothes in the kitchen,” said Mary.

It wasn’t exactly a kitchen. It was really a kitchenette in the corner
the apartment, but we all knew what Mary meant. I tossed my shoes
onto the kitchenette floor and sat down on the floor next to the coffee
table, while Jack shuffled the cards and dealt out three hands on the
coffee table. I picked up my cards and looked at my hand. I had junk,
an ace, nine, eight, seven and a four.

Jack looked at me. “Up to you Larry.”

“I pass,” I said.

Connie, who was playing for her team, reached down and placed her
shoes on the table. “I’ll open,” she said.

Jack turned toward Mary. “Mary, we need your shoes to open,” Jack
said. Mary already had her shoes off, and handed them to Jack to
place on the coffee table.

Without saying anything, Betty handed me her shoes, and I put them
on the table, then I took three cards. Connie took three cards too, but
Jack only took one.

I looked at my new cards. I had some higher cards, but still just junk.
Connie must have had a pair to open, and Jack might have two pair, so
I was clearly out of this hand.

Connie was staring at Jack. Clearly, she was wondering what Jack had
too. Jack could have two pair, or he could have been trying to fill a
straight or flush, in which case he might have nothing.

Finally, Connie passed. Jack looked at his cards again, and laid them
face down on the table. “Ok, we are going to raise by three, so one
piece of clothes each,” he said.

Jack took off socks placed them on the table. Mary took off her socks
and Pam handed Jack her shoes.

I folded and it was up to Connie. Connie looked at her hand again,
then shook her head, and folded too.

“Alright!” exclaimed Jack, as he grabbed the clothes off the coffee
table. “I like this game already.” Jack pulled his socks back on, and
handed Mary and Pam their clothes.

Mary pulled her socks and shoes back on. “Time to ante for the next
hand,” she said. “Jack, ante one those pair of shoes for us.”

Betty turned to Kat. “We need to ante your shoes,” Betty said.

Kat did not seem at all upset by this, after all, it was only her shoes.
She pushed them into the kitchenette. Vicky tossed her shoes into the
ante for her team.

As I studied Jack, I wonder what he really had. Jack was the one who
thought bluffing was an important part of poker. Had Jack just bluffed
us into thinking he had two pairs by taking only one card and then
betting aggressively? Well I only had junk, so there was nothing I
could have done. I would have to watch Jack and make sure he didn’t
steal the game.

I stood up and let Betty sit down to shuffle the cards for the next
Betty dealt out the cards. I tried to get a peek at what she had, but
all I
could see was some face cards. I had no idea what she had.

Joe had taken Connie’s place, and he passed. Mary, replacing Jack,
also passed. “I can open,” Betty said. “Larry, your socks.”

I had forgotten that my socks would have to be the open bet, so it took
me a minute to pull them off and hand them to Betty. Joe took off his
socks to see the opening bet, and Mary put somebody’s shoes into the

This time everyone took three cards. Since the other two teams had
passed, neither of them had a pair before the draw. Betty pulled her
socks off. “I’ll open for one,” she said.

Joe did not look very happy, and he laid his cards down. “I’ll fold,” he

Mary was now looking carefully at Betty. “I’m going to raise three,”
she announced. “I’ll need one piece from each of you,” she said
turning to Jack and Pam. Mary put her own shoes and sock on the
table, then collected Pam’s shoes and Jack’s socks.

Betty never looked at her cards, but studied Mary carefully. “Ok, I’ll
see that bet,” Betty said. “I need one piece from each of you.” Betty
pulled her tight fitting blouse off over her head. As the knit blouse
came up over her bra, her large breasts seemed to pop out into view
next to me. Betty’s breast looked to be larger than any of the other
girls here tonight even with her blouse on, but now that I could see her
bra, I more fully appreciated just how large they really were. Kat
pulled off her socks and handed them to Betty. I handed her my
jacket, which was replacing my shirt for this game.

Betty laid the clothes on the table. “Ok, what have you got, Mary?”
she asked.

Mary laid her cards on the table. “A pair of queens,” she said.

Betty scowled and dropped her cards. I could see a pair of jacks.

“Way to go Mary,” exclaimed Jack. “I’m liking this game more and
more,” he continued with his eyes fixed on Betty’s bra, and a little
smile on his lips.

Mary sorted their team’s clothes from the pile in the middle of the
coffee table, and handed Pam her shoes. Then she turned to Jack.
“Here, put your socks and shoes back on,” Mary said. “You have to
play the next hand, Jack. Make sure you don’t get so distracted by the
scenery that you blow it.”

“I thought you said that we would trade clothes back and forth,” Kat
said to Betty. “How come Jack’s team keeps winning all the clothes?”

“Just luck,” said Betty. “It’s our turn to win one now.”

“What about our turn?” said Vicky, breaking into the conversation.

“Ok, boys and girls,” said Jack. “Time to ante for the next hand.”

Betty and I both looked at Kat. “My shirt now?” Kat asked.

Kat pulled her tee shirt off over her head and tossed it into the
growing pile of clothes in the kitchenette. Kat was a rather tall, thin
girl, and standing there without her shirt it was clear how slender she
really was. Her breasts were … well petite, and she was wearing a
sports bra over them. Kat and Betty were almost the same height, but
standing next to each other in their bras, they provided a stunning
contrast in the variety of the female figure.

“Larry, you have to play this next hand,” said Betty. “So stop staring
at your teammates, and concentrate on the game. You’re going to
have to bet your pants on this hand.”

I had forgotten about that. I was going to have a little problem here.
>From the first strip poker game, I had learned you should never play
strip poker in boxer shorts. Boxers have a problem with things
popping out. Jockey shorts are much better. I had gone out and bought
a package of jockey shorts for the second strip poker game, but as
things turned out last night, I didn’t need them. Tonight I was wearing
boxers again, so I would have to be very careful after I took my pants

I sat down next to the coffee table. Vicky added her socks to the ante
and Mary tossed somebody’s shoes into the ante pile in the
kitchenette. Vicky shuffled the cards and dealt them out. With a knot
in my stomach, I picked up my cards and looked at them. I had a pair
of aces, a king, queen and a jack. If Betty was right about any high
pair being a good hand in this game, then this could be a winning

Since Vicky had dealt, Jack was the first to act. Jack grabbed
somebody’s socks from his team’s pile of clothes and tossed it into the
middle. “I’ll open,” he announced.

This was the big moment. I stood up, unzipped and unfastened my
jeans. I carefully pulled the jeans down, making sure I did not drag the
boxers down with the jeans, and making sure that nothing popped out
of the boxers either. My erection was in the left leg of the boxer
shorts, so there was little danger of it popping out the front flap, but
had to be careful the leg did not come up high enough to reveal it. I
pulled the jeans down and off one leg and then the other, then abruptly
sat down without standing up completely up.

“What’s that in your shorts there, Larry?” called out a giggling Vicky.
Someone else whistled.

“I’ll see the bet,” I replied.

Vicky turned to Connie. “We need your socks, Connie.” Connie took
her sock off and dropped them on the table. Everyone took three
cards, which was a good sign. It meant before the draw, a pair was the
best hand anyone had, and I was holding the best pair possible. I
picked up my three new cards, but they were no help, a jack, nine and
a two.

Jack began sorting through the stack of clothes his team had won and
counted out three items. “I’ll open for three,” he said.

I had expected him to open for one, but Jack was taking advantage of
his teams position to make it harder on us. “Ok, I’m going to see that
bet,” I said. “We need one item from each of us.”

“What!” said Kat. “You’re going to bet my pants? Are you sure you
have a winning hand?”

I pulled off my tee shirt and tossed it on to the coffee table. “I’ve
him beat, no question about it,” I replied.

Betty unfastened her jeans and began to slide them slowly over her
hips and down her legs, revealing simple pure white panties. She
stepped out the jeans one leg at a time and tossed them on the table,
and then sat down on the floor. Previously, she had been standing
behind me, but without her jeans she chose to sit.

“Let me get this straight,” said Kat. “Larry is `sure’ he has a winning
hand, so I have to take off my pants so we can bet them, so we can
find out if Larry is right.”

“Yeah, that’s pretty much it,” replied Betty.

“If Larry was really sure he had me beat, he would raise three rather
than just see the bet,” said Jack with smile.

“If we raised three, then you would have to take your bra off too,”
explained Betty to Kat.

“And Jack would just raise us back again,” I added. “You would then
have to take your panties off to call that raise. I’m sure I have him
beat, but I’m just calling his bet.”

“Ok, if we win, then I get my pants back, right?” ask Kat.

“Yeah,” said Betty.

“What about my tee shirt? Can I get that back too?” asked Kat.

“Well, we anted your shirt,” replied Betty. Betty turned and looked at
the clothes on the coffee table. “Are those your socks in the pot?”

“Yeah,” replied Kat.

“Ok,” said Betty. “In that case we can trade your socks for your shirt.”

“I hope you’re right about this hand, Larry,” said Kat, as she began to
unfasten her jeans. “Otherwise, I’m going to sitting here stark naked
in a minute.” She slid the jeans down her hips, revealing low cut pink
satin panties. She pushed the jeans down her thighs and stepped out of
first one leg, then the other leg. As she lifted the second leg out of
jeans, I noticed two pubic hairs sticking out from under her panties.
Kat handed me her jeans, and sat down on the floor next to Betty.

I placed her jeans in the pot. “I see the bet,” I said.

Everyone turned and looked at Vicky. “No way, I fold,” she said.

“Ok, let’s see what you got, Larry,” said Jack.

I turned over my pair of aces. Jack dropped his cards on the table.
“Damn,” was all he said.

I looked over at the cards. He had a pair of tens.

“We won?” asked Kat.

“Yes, we won,” I said, as I passed Kat her jeans. I passed Betty her
jeans next, then grabbed my own. Betty stood up to get into her jeans,
but Kat and I both slipped our jeans on over our legs and pulled them
up, while still seated. Then I stood up and began sorting through the
pile of clothes in the pot. I found my tee shirt and slipped it on. I
found Kats socks and went over to the ante pile and traded them for
her tee shirt, which she slipped quickly over her head.

Betty was looking at the pile of clothes we had collected. “Here’s my
socks,” she said, “but where’s my shirt?”

“Over here, Betty,” said Jack, picking up the shirt from his team’s
pile. “I think I’ll ante it this round.” Jack tossed Betty’s shirt into
ante pile.

Betty picked out an unidentified pair of socks and tossed them into the
kitchenette for our ante. Joe had to ante his jacket, which he was
wearing in place of a shirt.

Mary sat down at the table and began to shuffle the cards for the next

“Ok Connie, it’s our turn to win,” said Vicky. “We’re going to be a
little too revealing here if we don’t win soon.”

Mary dealt out the cards, and Betty sat down to play the next hand for
us. Betty studied her cards, then grabbed a pair of socks from our pile.
“I’ll open for one,” she said.

Connie was looking at her cards. She seemed confident and turned to
Vicky. “You or me first?” Connie asked.

“Well, you went first before,” replied Vicky. “Besides you’re playing
the hand.”

Connie pulled her tee shirt up over her head, revealing a white bra
topped with lace. Connie’s breasts were smaller than Betty’s, but
hardly what I would call small. Her tee shirt became caught on an
earring, and Connie had to struggle with arms behind her head and
chest pushed out for a few seconds to free it. When she finally got it
free of her ear, she placed it in the pot. “I’ll see the bet,” she said.

Mary picked up my jacket, and placed it in the pot. “I’ll see the bet
too,” she said. That was the last piece of clothes that Mary’s team had
won, so now they would have start betting their own clothes. Of
course, they still had most of their shoes and socks, so that was not a
big deal.

Everyone took three cards. Betty rearranged her cards, then looked at
our remaining pile of clothes. “I’m going to open for three,” Betty
said. “There’s only two pieces here, so we’ll need your tee shirt, Kat.”

Kat looked at Betty then pulled her tee shirt back off over her head
and handed it to Betty, who placed it in the pot along with two pairs of

Connie was studying Betty. She turned to Vicky and Joe. “I’m going
to see the bet,” Connie said. “So I need one piece from each of you.”

Vicky starred at Connie for a second. “I hope you know what you’re
doing,” Vicky said. Then she pulled her sweater up over her head,
revealing her white lacy topped bra. Vicky’s breasts were slightly
smaller than Connie’s, but still much larger than Kat.

Kat leaned over to me. “How did you know that you had Jack beat?”

Vicky tossed her sweater into the pot and both Joe and Connie began
to remove their pants.

“Well, everyone took three, so I knew the best Jack had before the
draw was a pair,” I whispered to Kat, as I watched Connie carefully
work her jeans over her hips. “I was holding the best possible pair, so
I had him beat before the draw,” I continued, as Connie pushed her
jeans down her legs, displaying white panties, decorated with blue and
read flowers. “Jack could have gotten a second pair or three of kind in
the draw, but the chance of that seemed low, so I figured I had him
beat,” I said, as Connie stepped out of first one leg and then the
Then she placed her pants in the pot and sat down next to the table,
hiding her panties from my direct view.

Joe also tossed his pants into the pot, and sat down. My attention had
been focused on Connie, but Joe was a wearing jockey shorts, and I
could see an obvious bulge in the front.

As Joe sat down, Kat turned back to me. “So what your really saying
is you bet my pants on an educated guess?”

“I guess you could call it that,” I replied.

Mary shook her head. “No way, I fold.”

Connie laid her cards on the table. “I have a pair of Kings,” she said.
“What have you got, Betty?”

Betty slowly spread her cards on the table. “A pair of queens and a
pair of tens.”

“Oh, God…” cried Vicky.

Kat looked at me. “Did we win again?”

“It looks like it,” I said, as Betty pulled the pile of clothes off the
table. Betty found Kat’s tee shirt and handed it back to her to slip on.

“Well, this is a fine mess you got us into Connie,” Vicky said. “We’re
going to be topless in a minute.”

“I had a pair of Kings,” Connie protested. “How was I suppose to
know she had drawn a second pair?”

Kat leaned over and whispered to me. “It looks like Connie’s educated
guess did not work out quite as well as yours.”

I smiled and shrugged. I helped Betty get all the clothes we had won
off the coffee table. I picked up a pair of socks. “Time to ante for the
next hand,” I said as I tossed the socks into the growing ante pile in
the kitchenette. Mary took off her shoes and brought them over to
place in the ante pile. I sat down and started to shuffle the cards for
the next hand.

Vicky was still glaring at Connie. “Now I’m going to have to ante my
pants,” Vicky complained to Connie. “That’s going to make it hard to
even win them back.” Vicky unfastened her jeans and pushed them
down her hips, making sure she did not drag her panties down with
the jeans. Then she slid her jeans down her thighs, revealing bright red
panties. She stepped out of one leg of her jeans and then pushed them
down the other leg. She stepped out of the jeans, stood up and tossed
the jeans into the ante pile. The brief glimpse of Vicky’s pure white
bra and bright red panties before she sat down looked …well, peculiar.
Vicky seemed to realize this too. “I’d have worn matching underwear,
if I’d known we’d be playing strip poker,” she said.

I dealt out the three hands, and picked up my five cards. I had a pair
sixes, a ten, a three, and a two. I figured I would need another six or
another pair to make this hand a winner. Vicky and Jack had picked
up their hands and were studying them. Vicky passed, but Jack
opened with Pam’s shoes. I saw the bet with a pair of socks from our

“I need your shirt Joe to see the bet,” said Vicky. Joe took off his
and tossed it on the coffee table. This left Joe sitting on the floor in
only his jockey shorts.

Everyone took three cards. I looked at my three new cards, but they
were no help, so all I had was a pair of sixes.

“I’ll open for one,” Jack said. He took off his own socks and placed
them on the table.

It seemed to me that the pair of sixes I had was unlikely to win a
showdown. On the other hand, Jack would have opened for three, if
he had a really good hand, so maybe he only had a low pair. I picked
out a pair of socks from our clothes pile and tossed it on the table to
see the bet.

Joe looked at me and at Jack. Connie could see that Joe was having a
hard time deciding what to do. “If you’re going to bet my bra, make
sure you win it back,” Connie said.

Joe shook his head. “I fold.”

“What you got, Larry?” asked Jack, as he laid his cards on the table.

“A pair of sixes,” I said rather meekly.

“Good,” said Jack. “I got a pair of eight’s.”

Joe turned to Connie. “I only had a pair of sevens, so your lucky I

“Well, … `lucky’ isn’t the way I would describe it,” Connie replied
sarcastically. “Now my bra goes into the ante pile.”

As Jack gathered in the small pot of clothes he had just won, everyone
else’s attention turned to Connie.

“Ok, ok,” said Connie. “Might as well get this over with.” Connie
reached around behind her and unfastened her bra strap.

“The rules said you had to standup to take off your underwear,” said
Jack. “So I think Connie should standup.”

Connie looked at Jack, then to Mary. “I think Jack is right,” Mary
said. “We did say you had to stand up to take off your underwear.”

Connie stood up with a little difficulty, since she had already
unfastened her bra and see needed to hold on to it. She held her bra
against her breasts, and pulled first one arm and then the other out of
the shoulder straps.

“Also remember the rule that you cannot cover your breasts up with
your hands,” said Jack.

Connie glared at Jack, but didn’t say anything. She seemed frozen
there holding her bra against her breasts for what seemed like an
eternity, but was probably only a few seconds. I was beginning to
think that Connie was going to refuse to remove her bra and end the
game right there. “Here goes,” she finally said and let the bra drop
away from her breasts. Connie’s breasts were actually quite large, not
by the standards of Playboy or Penthouse, but given the three in the
flesh examples I had seen at last night’s strip poker game, Connie
compared very favorably. With the support of her bra removed, the
breasts drooped noticeably, giving them a rounded look. Connie
tossed her bra into the kitchenette ante pile and sat down.

Vicky gathered up the cards and began to shuffle for the next hand.
Mary grabbed somebody’s socks from her team’s winnings and tossed
them into the kitchenette. Betty grabbed a shirt from our pile and
tossed it into the ante. I sat starring at the erect nipples on Connie’s

Kat leaned over to me and whispered. “Are Vicky and Connie going
to lose now? I’m really hopping I don’t have to take my bra off.”

I leaned over and whispered in Kat ear. “I’m not sure, but I hope so.”

Mary was the first to act, and she grabbed a pair of socks from her
team’s pile and opened for one. Betty tossed my jacket, which I had
never bothered to put back on, into the pot to see the bet. Now all eyes
turned to Vicky, who was going to have to open with her bra.

Vicky smiled, and stood up. She reached behind her and unfastened
her bra, then holding the bra with first one hand and then the other,
she threaded her arms out of the shoulder straps, while holding the bra
tightly against her breasts. Vicky only paused for a second, then
dropped her bra away from her breasts, and abruptly sat down.
Vicky’s breasts were not as large as Connie’s, but they were more
pyramid shaped, and reminded me of the Grand Tetons I had seen last

Everybody took three cards, although I was not really paying much
attention. My eyes kept going back and forth between Vicky’s peaks
and Connie more rounded protrusions.

Mary turned to Jack and Pam. “I’m opening for three, so I’ll need one
piece from each of you.” Mary picked up a shirt, which was the last
item in their team’s winnings, and threw it into the pot. Pam gave her
shoes to Mary and Jack handed his socks to her.

Betty was studying Mary carefully. She picked up two pairs of pants
and a shirt from our winnings and tossed them into the pot. “I’ll see
the bet,” she said.

Now everyone looked at Vicky. I had not been paying too much
attention to the game, but now I realized that Vicky’s team only had
three items of clothes left. If they wanted to see this bet, they would
have to bare it all. If they folded, then they would have to bare it
hand. Vicky picked her cards up again and looked at them to double
check what she had in her hand. Then she took a deep breath, which
caused her breasts to thrust forward and fall back. “I’m going to see
this bet, so we are going to have drop our panties here.”

Vicky stood up slowly, got a hold of both sides of her bright red
panties, then quickly slid them down to her knees, and stepped out of
them one leg at a time. I could clearly she her bush, which was much
darker than her hair. She sat down without ever straightening up
completely. From were I sat, the coffee table was in the way, and
Vicky was positioning her legs to try to hide her bush.

“Ok, I did it,” Vicky said. “Now, how about you Joe.”

Joe looked a little reluctant, and when he stood up, I could see why.
There was a huge bulge in the front of his jockey sorts. Joe suddenly
grabbed his shorts and pushed them down to his ankles in a single
motion. Then he sat down and brought his legs up to cover his
erection. He shook his shorts off his ankles and handed them to Vicky.
In spite of his efforts, from my angle I had clearly seen his erection
pop out as soon as his shorts came down. I turned and looked at Kat,
who was still starring at Joe with a little smile on her lips.

Connie stood up, pushed her panties down to her ankles and then sat
down all in a single motion, similar to what Joe had done, but Connie
seem smoother and more fluid in her motion, and, of course, nothing
popped up when she lowered her panties. Although I caught only a
very brief glimpse, Connie’s bush seemed much smaller and looked
like it had been trimmed, like a Playboy or Penthouse model. Connie
pulled her panties off her ankles and handed them to Vicky. “You
better win these right back for me,” Connie said.

“Ok, I’ve got a pair of ace’s,” said Mary, as she laid her cards on the

Betty dropped her cards without comment. But a big smile spread
over Vicky face as she spread out her cards. “Two pair, kings and
jacks,” Vicky beamed. She immediately grabbed her red panties off
the coffee table, slipped them over her ankles, up her leg, down her
thighs, and over her hips without getting off the floor. She then
grabbed Connie’s panties and handed them to her, and then Joe’s
shorts to him. Vicky then took her bra off the table and slipped it on
over her shoulders.

Connie also slipped her panties on without getting up, but once her
panties were on, she joined Vicky sorting through the big pile of
clothes they had just won. Connie found her pants. “I’m going to trade
this for my bra,” she said. As Connie walked past me towards the
kitchenette, I could see her breasts bouncing up and down with each
step. Connie dropped her pants, and picked up her bra and held it up
to her breasts while she threaded her arms through the shoulder straps.
With the bra in place, she reached behind and expertly refastened the

Joe meanwhile had slipped his shorts back on and was now looking
for more of his own clothes. He found his shirt and pants, and slipped
them back on.

Vicky pulled her sweater out of the stack of clothes. “I’m going to
trade this for my pants,” she said. She walked over to the kitchenette
and found her pants on the floor and wiggled them back up over her

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