Ooohhh… there’s nothing like a hot cunt for milking a teen’s cock

Mrs. Rodgerson’s long, satiny blonde hair cascaded over her shoulders as she
knocked on the door marked “Duty Nurse” with her reluctant son trailing behind her.
Timmy didn’t like going to the medical centre. At 18 years old, he didn’t feel
comfortable being examined, and certainly not in front of women. The medical centre
always seemed to be full of women. He couldn’t remember when he had last seen a
male doctor or anything.

“Come in!”

Nurse Susan Shaftsbury looked up from her desk as the door to her office opened. She
licked her lips as she caught sight of Timmy. She couldn’t believe just how cute he
looked. The woman he was with was wearing a white and yellow cotton dress with a
button front and flared skirt that fell about six inches above her shapely knees. She
was very attractive and seemed a bit too young to be his real mother.

“Hi there! Mrs. Rodgerson is it?” smiled the nurse.

“Er, yes,” said Mrs. Rodgerson hesitantly. “I’ve brought Timmy – my son – in today
because I’m concerned about -er his -er… ” Her voice tailed off.

Nurse Susan looked from Mrs. Rodgerson’s flustered demeanour to Timmy’s bright
red face and sized up the situation immediately.

“I assume you mean his masturbation habits?” she smiled helpfully.

The woman was startled. “Oh dear, this is rather embarrassing…” she stuttered.

“Don’t worry Mrs. Rodgerson; we cater for all sorts of problems here – especially
sexual ones.” Nurse Susan smiled wolfishly at the young boy. “Would you like me to
examine Timmy now while you are here?”

Mrs Rodgerson’s eyes lit up with relief “Oh yes that would be helpful.”

Nurse Susan felt a familiar tingle between her long, shapely legs at the thought of
undressing the boy. She was a bit disappointed about his mother being there but at
least she could pretend to be examining Timmy when she got the chance to fondle his

“I don’t want to be examined!” said Timmy, his voice rising in panic.

“Now really Timmy,” said Mrs. Rodgerson impatiently. “Nurse Susan is a medical
professional! There’s nothing to be afraid of!”

Timmy knew different. He couldn’t explain it but he saw the way the nurse looked at
him. She almost seemed to be undressing him with her eyes. He started to back away
nervously but Nurse Susan and his mother each grabbed an elbow.

The nurse was tall, slender and blonde. Her uniform was a figure-hugging white
cotton dress, the hem of which ended just above her shapely knees. Timmy noticed
she had the top three buttons undone, exposing the swell of her firm breasts to the
young boy’s confused gaze. Her long legs were encased in traditional white nylon
and she wore white high-heeled shoes, and a nurse’s cap.

Nurse Susan took his hand and looked into his frightened eyes, so sweet and innocent
and shy. She liked the shy ones.

“Well Timmy lets see what you’ve got – hmmm!”

She suppressed a chuckle at her inside joke. She was going to see what he’d got all
right! Nurse Susan hoped Timmy would be more co-operative than the boy she
treated last week. That boy was also 18. She smiled when she thought of how she and
two other nurses had to struggle with him to get his clothes off. Then they had had to
tie him to the examination couch but once they had him naked the women took their
sweet time having their wicked way with his innocent young body.

Nurse Susan sat down on a chair directly in front of him and shot an amused look at a
very embarrassed Timmy as his mother went into detail about his masturbation habits.
Timmy’s face flushed a bright red as they discussed him as if he wasn’t there.

Nurse Susan kept crossing and uncrossing her shapely legs as she stared hungrily at
the young boy. The hem of her dress rode up over her shapely thighs, revealing
tantalising glimpses of her stocking tops to Timmy’s flustered gaze.

“Do you think it’s serious, Nurse?” Timmy was dragged back to the present by his
mother’s direct question.

“It might just be some hypersensitivity of the penis,” said the Nurse reassuringly. “On
the other hand,” she pursed her lips as if in thought, “this kind of thing, if left
unchecked, can result in serious embarrassment for some boys. They can ejaculate
during innocent contact like being measured for clothes or dancing with a girl. Or
sometimes even by just thinking certain thoughts.”

Nurse Susan looked at Timmy with a pretty smile and said, “You wouldn’t want that
to happen, would you Timmy – hmmm?”

Timmy blushed and said, “N-no, miss.”

“And if it continues after becoming an adult, it can grow into a sexual dysfunction
called ‘premature ejaculation,'” continued Nurse Susan. “It can destroy a marriage.”

“Oh, my!” said Mrs. Rodgerson. “Is there anything that can be done to make it

“Yes, indeed,” answered Nurse Susan enthusiastically. “There is a range of, er –
treatments we can try. Don’t you worry. Now let’s have a look at Timmy, shall we?”

Nurse Susan slowly hitched up her white skirt and gently drew Timmy between her
shapely knees, forcing him to stand in front of her, enclosed by her nylon-clad thighs.
Timmy felt his young cock twitch once or twice in his trousers as the white ‘V’ of her
panties momentarily flashed into view.

Suddenly, he felt the nurse’s hand gently trace the length of his hardening cock
through the material of his trousers.

“Oh!” Timmy gasped, his eyes widening with shock. “W-w-what are you doing?”

“Mmmm – I see that he’s a growing boy.” Nurse Susan grinned wolfishly.

A stunned Timmy looked down and saw that the slyly grinning Nurse was gently
massaging the swelling bulge in the front of his trousers! Timmy screwed his eyes
shut as he felt his penis rapidly swelling under the manipulations of her soft hands.

‘Oh my!’ she thought, he was so beautiful and so helpless and so vulnerable. And she
gloated in the deranged anticipation as her fingers began to work the zipper down to
open his fly.

Timmy’s throat constricted until he felt as though he would never catch his breath
again. He could feel the nurse’s cool fingertips delving into the opening of his trousers
until they made sudden naked contact with the throbbing hard shaft of his virginal
penis. The sheer sensation made his whole body tremble and he felt just then as if at
any minute he might explode.

Then, to his increased horror, he felt her fingers grasp the waistband of his trousers
and start to pull them down. Timmy put his hands in front of his private parts and
tried to back away. His mother quickly grabbed his arms from behind and held him in

“No – p-please!” whimpered Timmy. “I-I don’t want to!”

“Timmy” said the nurse firmly; “your mother knows I won’t take any nonsense from
you. I’m here to help you. Now are you going to cooperate or am I going to have to
bring in some other nurses to help me take your clothes off? Answer me!”

“N-no, I-I mean y-yes, miss,” gulped Timmy.

“That’s better,” said Nurse Susan. “Now let me get your trousers off, OK?”

With almost indecent haste, Nurse Susan hurriedly tore at the young boy’s trouser
snap and unhitched his belt, tugging them and his underwear quickly down over his
slim hips and buttocks to leave them finally clutching obscenely at his ankles. Then
she paused for a moment, feasting her eyes hungrily on the up-thrust and stiffening
cock that speared outward from his thighs and the crinkled sac of his virile young
balls that lay softly between his legs.

“I see?” said Nurse Susan to Mrs. Rodgerson. “It, er – appears he is getting erect just
from having his underwear removed. Yes, we need to work on this before it gets any

Timmy’s boy-prick was now standing straight out. His cock looked about six inches
long and about as thick as a broom handle. Its purplish head peeked from its foreskin.
Mrs. Rodgerson swallowed, stunned by the sight of her son’s cock. Not only was his
cock big for a boy his age, but it was hard and straight as an arrow. As she gazed at it,
she felt a rush of tightness between her legs.

To Timmy’s further embarrassment the pretty nurse placed her hand beneath his
scrotum and gently cupped his testicles.

‘Hmmm, you’re certainly big for your age.’ She said thoughtfully as she stroked her
fingers down the shaft of his penis, her other hand pushing between his thighs and
caressing his testicles. Timmy could not help groaning in anguish as the smiling nurse
fondled him between his legs.

The Nurse held the boy’s testicles with her left hand, while her right hand grasped his
shaft lightly and felt for abnormalities. Timmy got a close up view down the cleft of
her shapely breasts showing between the undone top buttons of her starched uniform.
He caught tantalising glimpses of her lacy bra as the pretty nurse ran her slender
hands up and down his penis.

Nurse Susan looked up at Timmy and followed his eyes down to her breasts. “Like
what you see young man?” she smiled.

“Is anything wrong, Nurse?” asked Mrs. Rodgerson.

“He was looking at my bosom,” said Nurse Susan wryly.

“Timmy!” said Mrs. Rodgerson.

“No, it perfectly natural,” said the Nurse. “It’s just that I don’t want him to spurt
before I’ve had a good look at him.”

By now, the attentions of the Nurse’s hands to his genitals had almost caused Timmy’s
straining penis to reach the point of no return. The boy’s prick was angling upwards,
his foreskin retracted almost completely off the cock-head and his prick appeared to
have grown another half inch. Nurse Susan noticed that his hairless, pink ball-sack
was swollen. The head of his penis was purple with drops of seminal fluid leaking
from its tip, and the two women noticed that his breathing had become much faster.

The boy whimpered and glanced up at his mother, his eyes begging for her to
intercede. Instead, she licked her lips and gripped his arms more firmly, her eyes
fastened all the while on his handsome up-thrusting young cock.

Timmy’s eyes turned blank as his mind clouded. He was becoming totally swallowed
by the sweet, soul-consuming sensations coming from his fondled penis.

“He, er – certainly looks like he’s, er…,” murmured his mother as she observed her
blushing son squirm with embarrassment.

“Well,” grinned the nurse, “we’d better let him get it out or else it’s going to go all
over. Could you pass me those tissues over here please Mrs. Rodgerson?”

His mother brought the tissues, and, leaning over his shoulder, held a wad of them
with both hands below the boy’s straining penis. He felt the soft mounds of her
breasts pressing into the back of his neck through the crisp fabric of her summer
dress. Her flowery perfume flooded his senses as the pretty nurse commenced to jerk
him off in earnest, pointing his penis right at the tissues.

“OK, Timmy,” said Nurse Susan. “You can let it go now. Let’s have a big squirt.
Can you do that? Can you make a big squirt for me?”

The pretty nurse’s encouragement sent Timmy into the longest and strongest
ejaculation of his life. His sperm shot out in jet after jet, covering the tissue and the
nurse’s hands with his hot cum.

“Gosh, that’s a lot of sperm!” said Nurse Susan in a tone of admiration. The two
women looked on, fascinated as the rope-like strands of sperm spurted out again and

“Is that good?” asked Mrs. Rodgerson curiously.

“Well, he certainly is vigorous for such a young boy,” said the nurse. “And he
showed he can produce a copious volume of semen with the correct encouragement.
You’ll find that he will produce more if you encourage him like I did.”

“What!” gasped Mrs. Rodgerson. “Do you mean I’m going to have to do it to him?”

“I’m afraid so,” said the Nurse. “We’re going to have to desensitise him. But you’ll
get used to it. There’s nothing sexual about it. It’s just like blowing a child’s nose, or
giving him an enema!”

The nurse giggled at Mrs Rodgerson’s shocked expression. As Timmy regained his
senses he felt mortified that his mother had held him firmly in position while this
strange woman had just jerked him off — and now she was laughing about it.

Nurse Susan wiped the boy’s penis with a fresh tissue and then washed her hands at
the sink. She ordered Timmy to remove his clothes completely and get up on the
examination table.

“Mrs. Rodgerson,” said Nurse Susan, “we’re going to start a desensitisation program
for Timmy involving regular milkings.”

“Milkings?” murmured a dazed Mrs. Rodgerson as she helped her son out of his shirt.

“Yes,” said Nurse Susan. “You’re going to have to milk the sperm from his penis on a
regular basis. It’s going to be done repeatedly to get him to lengthen his time to
ejaculation and to desensitise him to penile contact. It is NOT masturbation.
Masturbation connotes sexual activity. That’s not what this is. In fact, masturbation
by Timmy is forbidden. Do you understand that, Timmy? You are not to play with
yourself while the treatment runs its course.”

“Y-yes, miss,” said a red-faced Timmy.

“And we will introduce some other points which will also reduce any desire to
masturbate in Timmy’s mind,” continued Nurse Susan. “I think regular sexual
intercourse in between milkings will do nicely. Not to give him pleasure or anything
like that, mind you. It’s just to get his mind off of dirty thoughts and to further
desensitise him to prevent premature ejaculation.

“D-did you say sexual intercourse?” gasped Mrs. Rodgerson.

“Yes of course,” said Nurse Susan very matter-of-factly. “It serves to teach a young
boy just what his penis is really for.”

“R-r-really for?” said Mrs. Rodgerson breathlessly, not quite believing what the
young nurse was saying.

“To give pleasure to us females silly!” grinned the nurse wickedly. “Even a young
boy like Timmy here can be used to provide regular and satisfying sexual intercourse
for any female who desires him.”

“You-you m-mean you want me to-to…” gasped Mrs. Rodgerson.

“Well – it needn’t be you if you don’t want to of course,” winked the nurse. “I’ve met
quite a few women who are a bit squeamish at the thought of screwing their sons at
first, especially on a regular basis – but believe me, the advantages can be quite

Mrs. Rodgerson glanced at a wide-eyed Timmy, whose exposed cock was already
showing signs of recovery. The tingling sensation down between her own legs
became even stronger as the connotations of what the grinning nurse was saying
began to hit home.

“B-But, is-isn’t that incest?” she stammered.

“No-of course not!” exclaimed the nurse. “Incest implies sexual gratification by both
partners. We’re not doing that here. We simply want to provide a kind of sexual
therapy for your son and if you or any other females involved enjoy it, well – that’s a
bonus isn’t it?”

Mrs. Rodgerson wasn’t entirely sure that Nurse Susan’s explanation was strictly
accurate but she was certainly beginning to feel strangely excited. She had enjoyed
watching the young nurse ‘milk’ Timmy’s penis and the thought of being able to do
that to Timmy herself on a regular basis at home was making the crotch of her panties
quite moist.

“Of course you need not have sexual intercourse with Timmy yourself if it worries
you Mrs. Rodgerson. I’m sure we would be able to arrange for your son to have
regular home visits from some of our female staff here. In fact I’m certain some of
our young nursing staff would be delighted to fit such a gorgeous young man into
their tight schedules!”

Timmy looked on with a distinct lack of comprehension as the nurse again burst into a
fit of giggling and even his mother smiled.

“But any female will do of course,” continued the pretty nurse wickedly. “Sisters,
aunts, cousins, neighbours – any woman or girl who is not averse to having regular
sex with a young boy. In fact, one of our recent boy ‘patients’ is regularly milked and
ridden at school by his female teacher at the request of his mother. And I’ve known
other mothers volunteer their – er – services to a particular boys needs and even enrol
their daughters too.”

“Really?” murmured Mrs. Rodgerson dazedly.

“Anyway,” continued the nurse, “I’ll show you how to milk him now Mrs. Rodgerson
and perhaps we’ll have time to try him out with a bout of sexual intercourse later.”

Timmy wasn’t too sure about this sexual int… inter… thingy that nurse Susan and his
mother were talking about. He fervently wished his mother would pick up his clothes
and take him home.

“This procedure is to make sure that he’s able to produce sufficient amounts of semen
to keep up with the milking schedule,” continued Nurse Susan. “OK, we’ll check and
see if Timmy’s ready to go again, and I’ll show you how to hold your son down while
you give him a good milking.”

The nurse spread Timmy’s legs as he sat on the examination table and cradled his
balls in her left hand while commencing to stroke his penis with her right hand.
Immediately, Timmy got an erection.

“My,” said the nurse to Timmy as she smiled, “you sure are an eager beaver aren’t

“I’m s-sorry!”

“Don’t be sorry,” said the Nurse. “About 40 years from now you’ll wish you could get
a good erection this fast right after ejaculating!”

Even his mother giggled at that.

“Mrs. Rodgerson,” said the nurse. “Why don’t you come over here so you can try
milking him yourself? I’ll hold him for you while you’re doing it.” She placed Mrs.
Rodgerson’s hand on Timmy’s erection and showed her how to stroke it up and down.

Mrs. Rodgerson hesitated for a brief moment of time before allowing the nurse to take
her hand and place it on Timmy’s shaft. Timmy gasped audibly at her touch, even
more than he had when Nurse Susan had first manipulated him. It felt really strange
having his mother fondle him in such a private place. She gingerly held her naked
son’s erection between a slender thumb and forefinger while Nurse Susan showed her
how to stroke it up and down.

Timmy’s mother stood between his spread legs, her attention focused on mechanically
stroking her young son’s hard-on. Nurse Susan held him firmly by his shoulders
watching his penis for signs that he was going to cum.

Timmy stared at his mother as she masturbated him. Her face was flushed and her
eyes appeared out of focus. Timmy could almost see through the stretched thinness of
her summer dress, picking out the outline of her white nylon bra, emphasising the
high-set roundness of her firm breasts. The short-hemmed dress moulded down over a
slender, still-girlish waist and a flat, smooth stomach to long, shapely thighs; and
where the dress ended, slim curved legs tapered down to a pair of black high-heeled

“Timmy,” said the nurse. “I want you to tell me when you are getting ready to spurt.”

It didn’t take long before Timmy gasped, “I – I – think I’m c-c-coming!”

The nurse held up her hand as a signal for Mrs. Rodgerson to stop stroking him. She
reached over and gripped the base of his penis tightly.

“Now we’re going to let him calm down, and then you can start again Mrs.
Rodgerson. Start and stop about three times, and then we can let it out. This is good
desensitisation training.”

“Oh, I see,” said Timmy’s mother dazedly.

The nurse nodded at Mrs. Rodgerson and she started stroking her boy again.

“I think his penis is getting bigger,” said Timmy’s mother.

“Good,” said Nurse Susan. “Are you going to give me another good spurt, Timmy?
Let’s show your mother what a big boy you are, OK, sweetheart?”

His mother’s breasts jiggled under her dress as she stroked her son’s penis faster and
faster. This sight sent Timmy over the edge, and he bore down, groaned in pleasure,
and spurted all over his mother’s dress, even splattering Nurse Susan’s uniform.

“Oh dear,” gasped Nurse Susan, staring at the sticky mess all down the front of Mrs.
Rodgerson’s dress, “Young Timmy here certainly responds well to, er, stimulation
doesn’t he Mrs. Rodgerson?”

“Uuurgh” gasped Timmy’s mother, dabbing ineffectually at the spreading semen
stains with a dainty lace-edged pocket-handkerchief.

“Look, you can’t go home with your dress all splattered like that can you Mrs
Rodgerson?” said the nurse firmly. “Here, let me help you take it off and later on
we’ll find something for you to wear temporarily.”

Mrs Rodgerson wasn’t too sure about removing her dress in the circumstances but had
to admit that walking home covered in obvious cum stains was an alternative too
embarrassing even to think about. Before she could hesitate any further however,
Nurse Susan was busily undoing the buttons at the front of the stained garment.
Within a very short space of time she felt her light summer dress being pulled down
over her shoulders to land in a crumpled heap on the floor.

Timmy stared wide-eyed at his scantily clad mother as she stepped from her dress.
Blushing furiously, she quickly tried to cover herself up. Timmy’s eyes darted down
over her jutting breasts confined by a lacy white bra to her trim waist and flaring hips.
Even with her long shapely legs held tightly together, Timmy couldn’t help noticing
her prominent mound, which caused the damp crotch of her tight white panties to
bulge tantalisingly.

From her vantage point, Mrs. Rodgerson could see the effect her exposure was having
on her son’s penis. It began to rise again perceptibly from his crotch. She didn’t know
if she should be happy about that or not. She felt vulnerable, almost naked, but
strangely excited about this situation. Not since before her own husband had left her
two years ago did she feel so sexually stimulated.

Nurse Susan looked down at her own splattered uniform.

“Oh well,” she giggled resignedly, “this dress is only in the way now.”

Timmy stared in amazement as the pretty nurse began unbuttoning her tunic. The V of
the neck widened as the buttons came loose, revealing the rises of her full breasts
confined by a lacy white bra. Even Mrs. Rodgerson stared, her mouth agape as the
nurse let her tunic fall to the floor and daintily stepped out of it. Timmy’s eyes raced
nervously up and down her shapely body; his young cock continuing to renew its
former stiffness.

Nurse Susan’s pink tongue poked out between her full lips and slid back and forth.

“Now then young man, I think a spot of fellatio will be just the thing to get you nice
and hard for us again.”

Her blue eyes dancing with mischief, Nurse Susan reached over and held his penis
near its base so that it was presented invitingly to Mrs. Rodgerson.

“Would you like to try it Mrs. Rodgerson?” grinned the sexy nurse. “A young boy’s
sap is quite delicious you know.”

Timmy’s pretty Mother blushed furiously as the erotic suggestion hit home. Her pussy
spasmed at the extremely lewd thought of sucking her young son’s lovely cock.
She moved closer until Timmy’s prick twitched just inches from her nose. She felt
overcome by the perverted desire to take his stiff young cock in her mouth and suck
on it. She’d never done anything like that before — although she’d often felt such

Moistening her lush red lips, she moved her face close to Timmy’s trembling organ
and opened her mouth hesitantly. Her eyes searched his as she inserted the first few
inches of his shaft into the wetness of her mouth. Timmy gasped as she closed her lips
around it.

“Well done, Mrs. Rodgerson,” said Nurse Susan, watching closely as Timmy’s
Mother warmed to the task of sucking the young boy’s penis. “Yes, take him deeply
inside your mouth. Now flick your tongue against his frenum – that’s the sensitive area
underneath.” A moan of confusion and pleasure from the boy told the nurse that his
mother’s slippery tongue had found its target.

“Doesn’t that feel nice, having your cock sucked?” the nurse whispered in Timmy’s
ear, coaxing him quietly in a voice so low that he was sure his mother couldn’t hear
what she was saying. “Look how wet she’s making it. Let’s watch it slide in and out
shall we Timmy?” The explicit commentary continued softly in his ear, adding an
extra layer of sexual tension to the delicious physical sensation his mother’s mouth
was bestowing on his penis.

Nurse Susan felt herself becoming more and more excited by the imminent prospect
of fucking this delicious naked young boy. She found his body intensely beautiful –
lightly tanned and lithe. She kissed his lips tenderly, breathing in the musky, boy-
scent his body was giving off. She turned to look down the front of his body to watch
Mrs. Rodgerson sucking him hungrily.

It was not long before Timmy’s movements became pronounced and determined. His
sexy Mother had grasped the young boy’s hips with both hands and was sliding his
jutting penis in and out of her lips with an intensity that suggested he might soon fill
her mouth with his seed.

His breathing, too, had become ragged, confirming his mounting desire for a climax.
“Mrs. Rodgerson, I think we should stop there and have a short rest,” the nurse said
softly in his Mother’s ear. She gently pulled Mrs. Rodgerson’s pretty head away so
that his penis reluctantly disengaged itself from her mouth and slapped wetly against
his belly.

“I think its time to get up on the couch and continue the milking session there,” she
whispered hungrily.

Quickly reaching behind her, the nurse Susan undid the clasp of her lacy bra and
pulled it away. Her breasts jiggled free, ripe pink mounds capped by dark circles and
thick, stiff nipples. She cupped them in her hands a moment before bending down to
hook her fingers in the elastic waistband of her panties.

Timmy was stunned. He did not know where to look, his whole body trembled as the
sexy nurse slid her damp panties down her shapely thighs and over her slender calves
leaving her stockings and suspender belt in place. He gasped with embarrassment and
nervousness as she stepped toward him. Mrs. Rodgerson watched with fascination as
the young woman tossed her underwear aside and climbed swiftly up onto the
examination table.

“There is a technique to properly fucking a young boy,” gasped Nurse Susan as she
straddled Timmy’s helpless naked young body between her stocking-clad thighs.
Timmy noticed that her prominent pussy was neatly shaved, leaving only a trace of
close-trimmed pubic hair extending in a thin line up from the top of her slit.

She positioned herself so his cock was just pressing against her cleft and savoured the
sweet sensation of having this perfect boy pinned down between her long, shapely

“Firstly, one has to have regard for the smaller size of the cock,” she sighed, “and
therefore ensure maximum friction against the clitoris”.

The nurse reached down between her stocking-clad thighs and Timmy felt her soft
fingers fumble around his jutting penis. He gasped as she rubbed its sensitive purple
head against her moist slit.

“Now just relax Timmy dear… you’re not feeling any discomfort are you? Do your
genitals feel alright?”

“OOOoooohhhhh!” Timmy moaned as he felt the intense sensation of his hard cock
being inserted into a warm, tight, slippery place. Nurse Susan smiled down at her
naked captive as she wriggled her shapely hips from side to side, inexorably sliding
the young boy’s cock into her eager slit.

She leaned forward and grabbed the young boy by his wrists, pinning them down on
the couch above his head. Timmy was now completely helpless, unable to do
anything other than watch the naked nurse’s jutting breasts swinging inches from his

Her eyes closed and she shuddered. “Oh, yes-s-s, this is nice. Oh, baby, you’re so
deliciously hard. Ooh, yes, that feels so good inside there. Let’s see how far it’ll go.
Don’t move, baby, don’t move a muscle, just lie there and let it happen.”

“Oooooooohhhhhhhhhh!” Timmy could not contain himself as he felt his penis
gripped tightly inside the pretty nurse’s vagina. He could not stop his hips from
responding as she moved slowly up and down on his naked body, gradually arousing
him to fever pitch.

She tossed her head in the air and moaned, “God, he feels so gooood!!!”

Mrs. Rodgerson could see the look of acute embarrassment on her son’s face as Susan
bounced up and down on his captive body. The pretty nurse rode him slowly, her
bottom rising and falling, exposing the boy’s penis sliding in and out of her hungry

For his part, Timmy was immersed in an agony of pleasure and humiliation. The
young woman riding him felt wonderful: tight, slippery and warm. But the lustful
look on her face frightened him.

“Mmmm, yessss!” she gasped. “S-some boys, oooh, can climax very, ahh! quickly
and one has to, uuugh! sometimes stop completely in order to prevent the boy, ohhhh!
from shooting too soon.”

Timmy’s head moved from side to side, his hips writhed as the nurse increased the
tempo of her shapely hips bouncing up and down on his penis.

“Ohhhhh!” she gasped. “Ohhhhhhhhhhh my!

Oh, God! Mrs Rodgerson thought. Oh, my God! Her face was flushed with a terrible
heat. A maddening throbbing had begun in her pussy. She felt like grabbing at her
cunt and squeezing it until she came in a shuddering orgasm.

“Unnnnghhhh!” cried Timmy.

“Does this… Ohhh…. feel good, s-sweetheart?” gasped the Nurse, contracting her
vaginal muscles around the young boy’s cock for maximum effect. With another
moan of pleasure, she continued moving her hips back and forth, pinning the naked
boy firmly against the padded couch as she slid his wonderfully hard prick in and out
of her highly aroused vagina.

She started to come with one particularly hard down thrust. She broke her rhythm,
rising quickly and coming down hard and then resting there for a half second.
Thump, Thump, Mrs Rodgerson could hear the couch absorb the nurse’s weight. She
squeaked a little cry of joy at every landing and she stared out into space, lost within
her ecstasy. Her cheeks and lips flushed a glowing pink.

After what seemed like a long moment of silence broken only by the sounds of heavy
breathing, Nurse Susan turned to Mrs. Rodgerson.

“Ooohhh… there’s nothing like a hot cunt for milking a young boy’s cock.” Her face
was flushed in a rosy postnuptial glow. “Would you like to have a go now Mrs.
Rodgerson? He’s still hard you know. I think you’ll love how good a young boy’s
cock can feel sliding in and out of your vagina.”

Mrs. Rodgerson was too far-gone to resist her wanton urges any further. Throwing
restraint to the four winds she reached behind and unhooked the clasp on her lacy bra.
Her eyes gleamed with lust as her beautiful firm breasts bounced free. She gave her
tiny nipples a tweak with her fingers before slipping her moist panties down over her
shapely thighs. Her full red lips were shiny with saliva and Timmy’s pre-cum, her
eyes were glowing with excitement, her face flushed. Her nipples were firm and hard,
her cunt lips swollen and shining with lubrication. She was excited and now eager for
the sex she had at first tried to avoid.

Nurse Susan scooted forward to make room for the other woman. She pivoted around
until she was kneeling above Timmy’s shoulders and facing his feet. The young boy’s
erect penis glistened obscenely as it jutted from the junction of his splayed legs.
Timmy stared helplessly at the moist cleft hovering inches above his face. He felt the
nurse’s high-heeled shoes digging painfully into his shoulders as she used her
stocking-clad thighs to pin him down.

For a moment Mrs. Rodgerson stood beside her helpless naked son. Tall, slender, and
dressed only in her shoes, stockings and suspenders. Her pussy was neatly trimmed.
The mons was puffy and bulged out to form a classic coffee bean oval with a delicate
slit marking the entrance. In her lust-crazed mind, the naked boy being held down on
the nurse’s couch was no longer her son. His glistening erection bobbed invitingly and
the fact that Nurse Susan straddling his head obscured his face helped extinguish the
last of her inhibitions. He was now just a sex object.

Moving hesitantly, Timmy’s mother swung her long, shapely legs onto the
examination table to position herself above the boy’s jutting penis. As she straddled
his thighs, Timmy became acutely aware of his mother’s warm moist pussy brushing
against his straining member. He felt the heel of one of her shoes dig into his calf and
her stockings massaging his naked thighs. Timmy gazed hypnotically at her bobbing
breasts and jutting nipples as she began rubbing her vagina over the tip of his penis.
She leaned forward and met Susan half way to share a kiss, their tongues intertwining.

Reaching down, his mother leaned back and grasped his hard boy-cock with one hand
and eased him up inside her. Her level of excitement was such that it met no
resistance at all. A moan of pleasure escaped her full lips as she settled down on his
hips. The sensation of her slippery vagina sliding down over his so-hard penis was
overpowering. Timmy moaned loudly at the sudden envelopment of his manhood.

“Oooohh! That’s nice,” she gasped. “Ooh! Yes, all the way in. Uuuuuuuuh!

With a whimper of pleasure she began bobbing up and down, her eyes locked on her
captive son as she felt his wonderfully hard prick sliding in and out of her highly
aroused cunt. She was beside herself with lust! Timmy’s cock felt sooo good inside
her, even better than she remembered his father’s cock had felt during the years of her
marriage. That is, before he left her for some blonde secretary half his age. Well now
it seemed she had a young lover too… her own young son!

Timmy felt his mother’s vagina squeezing on the shaft of his cock as she continued to
rock and bounce on him. The agonizing, exquisite sensation of yet another climax
started to build in his groin and he wondered desperately when this ordeal would end.

The press of Susan’s pussy against his mouth suddenly cut off Timmy’s gasps and
moans. Capturing his nose between the cheeks of her bottom, the naked nurse
squirmed back and forth delighting in the feel of her pink vagina rubbing against his

Timmy moaned. He could hardly breathe. The sexy Nurse’s moist womanhood was
smothering his face, totally obscuring his vision. He tried to squirm free or at least
turn his head for air. Nurse Susan felt the young naked boy struggle delightfully
between her stocking-clad thighs but his writhing and frantic gasping only heightened
her ecstasy. He was being smothered. Her love juice was smeared all over his face
and chin. The weight of her body straddling his face and the force of his naked
mother bouncing on his cock strained his muscles and joints. His penis was being
forced in and out of his mother’s hot, buttery vagina. He could not get enough air.

Fortunately, it only took a little more motion from each woman to bring their efforts
to a shattering completion. Timmy exploded deep inside his mother with a force that
caused the room to spin around him. Never had every part of his body felt so drained
and exhausted.

Nurse Susan stiffened and let out a loud moan before suddenly exploding into another
climax. Sprays of her juices squirted into Timmy’s face.

Even after he had been totally drained, his mother continued to bounce up and down
on his cock until it began to shrink and slide from within her. He didn’t even notice
that Nurse Susan had lifted herself off him as well and was now helping his mother
regain her composure.

Finally, drained of every bit of energy, Timmy’s head fell back and his weary eyes
closed. Darkness washed over him and carried him off to blissful unconsciousness.

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