Nikki and the kinky boys 2.

“MmmmmmHMMMMM….fuckmebaby,” Hardbody groaned down at him
as her hips churned her pussy on her father’s still unseen boner. She
had an idea that her father was a big man in the pants based on seeing
him getting out of the shower when she was a girl. Back then he
had looked big even flaccid but it was all a matter of perspective; when
you’re young, everything looks big.
Nikki wished that they would move into another position so she could
see what the exotic woman was getting all worked up about. And her
wish was almost immediately answered.
“Wait…wait, Carmen,” her father huskily directed the grinding sexpot
as he pushed his upper body off the bed and they wrapped their arms
around each other. Her father kissed her neck and Nikki watched
Carmen’s eyes close in delight as she tilted her head back further, now
still on her dad’s dick.
Nikki realized how her own body was reacting to the illicit spying –
mouth was dry, she could feel herself getting all slick between her legs
and her nipples were threatening to poke holes in her blouse. The
voyeurism, the fact that her father’s sexual persona was being laid out
before her, and Carmen’s lush body was a potent combination.
“Roll over,” her father instructed Carmen and she slumped away to her
right, landing on her right elbow before rolling on her back. Her father
twisted up on his knees, facing away from Nikki’s vantage point.
‘Oh, Jesus, this is perfect!’ Nikki realized.
Carmen spread and lifted her legs as her father moved his knees apart
and Nikki found herself looking dead at the Carmen’s dreamy sex mound
and the underside of her father’s hairy scrotum. Nikki zeroed in on
Carmen’s erotic sex crack. Her labia were shaved and reddish from the
sex they had been having and her inner pussylips splayed open where
her father had just been.
“Shove that big cock right back in here,” Nikki heard Carmen coax and
her fingers slid into view. Nikki watched the hot lady pull her lips wide,
revealing every pink inch of her cunt slit to her and her father. Nikki
her breath as she waited for the ‘big’ moment.
“God, what a nasty little slut,” her father countered and he leaned
between her elevated gams. Nikki covered her mouth with her hand
when his hard cock was pressed down to meet her pussy – she was sure
they would hear her breathing; it sounded deafening in her own head.
Her father was hung! It looked all of nine inches from the portion she
could see. And thick – like a rolled up newspaper. She watched him
begin to rub the end of his crimson pole up and down her slit, playing
with her.
“MmmmmmMMMMM,” Carmen whined sexily as her father pressed his
flared crown back and forth, from thigh to thigh. Nikki had to admire the
willpower of her father – every guy she’d dated had just wanted to hide
his salami up her as soon as she’d spread her legs.
Sure that she wasn’t going to be seen now, Nikki crouched down on
her knees. Down lower, she had an eye-level view on things. Now she
could see part of her father’s hand wrapped around the base of his fat
“Oh, that feels so good, Jonas!” Carmen hissed. Nikki saw her splayed
crotch sort of bounce on the bed, sending her father’s teasing dickknob
right up over the little hard bump of her clit and into the tapered strip
pubic hair that began above her sex.
“This feels better!” Her father quickly moved his cock back down to her
waiting notch, raised his hips and pushed down into her. Nikki saw the
whole area around her pussy entrance dimple inward briefly and then
her father’s cock began to disappear into Carmen’s buttery cunt again.
“AAAUUUUGGHHH,” Carmen grunted as Nikki’s father filled her with
his long dong. Carmen seemed to take him easily, inch after inch just
disappeared down in her juicy slot until Nikki saw her father’s thighs
pressing against hers.
“Ahhhhhh…, you are one hot piece of ass,” Nikki heard her
father exalt. He began to give Carmen’s leaking pussy nice, slow, short
strokes as Carmen’s fingers began feeling the portion of his shaft that
remained outside her love chamber.
“That’s it….God, Jonas….you got me so turned on!….oooooh…OWWW
…you’re too big for me!”
Nikki knew Carmen was telling the truth. Her father had pushed
strongly into her and she’d howled in obvious discomfort as her father’s
dick had run out of room way up inside her – and he still had an inch he
couldn’t get in!
“Oh no….you’re just right, baby,” her dad assured her, “Put your legs
up here.”
Nikki watched her father’s hands slide down Carmen’s shins and grab
her ankles. He leaned back on his knees and pulled them up in front of
him, placing her feet on either side of his head. He then leaned back
over her, jackknifing her curvy body and raising her hips off the bed
“Ooooooooooooyeaaahhhhhh……oh…oh…aahhhh…,” Carmen began
oohing and ahhing as Nikki’s virile father began screwing her, moving
his legs wider, putting his weight on the back of her thighs. Carmen flung
her arms wide on the bed to anchor herself, “..oh yeah….ooooo…ooooo
…. aahhhh…..uhhhh….”
Nikki found herself squeezing her breasts through her blouse. She
liked watching as much as having someone watch her.
‘No reason why I shouldn’t have a little fun, too,’ she thought as she
slowly unbuttoned the front of her shorts and unzipped them. Watching
the live sex show had her young pussy on fire and she wanted to use
her fingers on it. She slid her fingers down into her panties to find her
crotch moist and hot. She began working her fingers up and down her
slit as she leaned against the wall and watched the groaning twosome.
Her father was really going at it hard now, driving Carmen’s ass into the
‘I can’t believe Dad is such a stud!’ Nikki wondered what it would
like to have her father make love to her. Her view of sex had always
been ‘if it makes you feel good, go for it’ and, from what she had learned
of her father the last couple of hours, he apparently had a problem
keeping it in his pants.
‘Maybe I could seduce him….or just throw myself at him. God, that
would be just unbelievable….feeling him shooting in me!’
It was a slippery slope from that moment on – she began imagining all
kinds of naughty things that she and her father could do. Really naughty
In a few moments, Nikki felt a self-induced orgasm begin to well up in
her loins. Covering her mouth with her other hand, she slumped against
the wall and fought to keep quiet as her pussy quivered and shook.
When she could again focus her attentions on the bedroom, she could
hear Carmen babbling like a possessed woman.
saw Carmen’s feet begin to kick in the air and her hands dig into the
mattress cover as she came around her father’s plunging prick.
Carmen’s sexy ass began bucking up and bouncing down onto the bed
as she peaked hard.
“FUCK … OHGOD…UUUGGHHHHHHH!” her sinful father groaned as
he shot his wad down her squeezing cunt sheath. Nikki saw him push it
as far in her as she could handle and let it throb in her for several
seconds, his back and legs going all tensed and etched.
Nikki hurriedly began re-doing her shorts as she watched them begin
to come down. When he pulled out part way to give her a few more
thrusts, Nikki could see his cum and her juices coating his wide cock
shaft, more of the stuff welled up around the outside of her stuffed pussy
entrance when he worked it back into her soupy interior.
Nikki spun in her crouch and began to rise to walk back down the hall.
Her knees turned to Jello for an instant and she instinctively put her
hand out to keep herself from falling.
THUD! went her hand against the wall. Panicked, she quickly left the
house by the front door, sure that her naked father would come running
down the hall at any second.
She got in her car, gunned it backwards and then straightened it out
and started back along PCH toward home.

She had gone about five miles when she pulled over at a gas station.
She parked the car in an out of the way parking spot and turned the
car off. She had some thinking to do.
‘I’m crazy but my father really turns me on,’ she thought, watching the
ocean. ‘Dad’s thrown off his family man yoke and gone wild…but has he
gone wild enough to do what I’d like to do.’
Her damp panties were a testimony to how excited her father’s sex
show had made her and they were also uncomfortable. She got out of
the car and walked over to the gas station’s women’s room.
Inside the bathroom, she took off her shorts, folded them and lay the
on the back of the toilet. She then pulled down her wet panties and gone
them off over her tennis shoes. She bunched them up and rubbed her
pussy fairly dry. The silky fabric felt delicious and she rubbed longer
than it was necessary. Looking up, she saw her reflection in the mirror
over the sink. And saw the way to what she wanted
‘I’ve always been able to seduce any male I wanted,” Nikki thought, a
slow smile coming on her thin lips. She turned her head from side to side
as she vainly studied her pretty face. ‘Why should Dad be any different?
He’s just a man….and even if he resists, what harm could it cause?
Dad’s not living at home, so he won’t be able to punish me….he probably
wouldn’t even tell Mother if he turns me down…..and if he does, well, I
don’t think he’d like me accusing him of coming on to me!….it would be
my word against his.’
Nikki threw her soiled panties in the trash can and put her shorts back
on. Walking back to her car, she thought about how she could arrange
to get her Dad alone for awhile. It took her fifteen minutes to come up
with a reasonable plan.
She dialed her car phone and soon had Tori on the line.
“Tori, it’s Nikki.”
“Hiya….what’s up, Nik?”
“Well, it looks like my folks are getting a divorce.”
“What?! Oh, Jeez…I’m sorry, Nikki….why are they splitting?”
“Mom found out Dad has been cheating on her.”
“Really!…Wow, your poor mom.”
“She’ll be O.K.. Listen, I need a favor. I’m going to tell my mother
staying at your place tonight.”
“And you won’t be, right?….what are you up to, Nik?”
“Secret stuff…you weren’t going out tonight, were you?”
“No, I was just going to hang out with the family.”
“Good, you know the drill. Answer the phone first all night and if it’s
mother make some excuse for me, then page me.”
“Sure, no sweat….so when are you going to tell me what you’re
“Some day, my sweet. Thanks, Tori. I love you. Bye.”
Next, she phoned her mother and told her she’d gone out and would
be staying at Tori’s that night. Her mother got a little miffed that she
taken off without saying good-bye and that she would miss the dinner
she had planned. Nikki, making her voice sound emotional, told her she
wanted to be with her best friend as she got used to the idea of their
divorce, it was a hard time, blah, blah, blah. Her mother bought it.
Then, Nikki called the beach house. Her father picked up on the tenth
“Hi’s Nikki.”
“Hi, honey…you back from your trip?”
“Yes……and Mom told me what’s going on and I found your letter,
“I’m sorry about, well…. letting you down.”
“Dad, you haven’t let me down….listen, I’m coming over to see you.”
“Uh, well….” Nikki smiled as she heard her father think of some way
keep her from coming over, “….why don’t you wait and we can go to a
brunch tomorrow?”
“No, Dad. I want to see you tonight….I’m already on my way.”
“Where are you?” He wanted to know how much time he had to hustle
Carmen out of there.
“I’m just getting on Sunset,” Nikki lied, looking at the supermarket
across PCH, “Listen, I’m going to stop and buy some stuff and make you
dinner…I’ll be about 30 minutes.”
“Uh, O.K….great. I’ll see you then.”
“All right, bye.”
Nikki hung up her carphone, smiling contentedly and began to think
about what she would need to buy at the store.

Jonas hung up the phone and was sorry he’d ever answered it. Not
that he didn’t want to see his daughter, it was just that he would miss
another roll or two in the hay with Carmen.
‘I better hustle her ass out of here,’ he thought sadly. He walked back
to his bedroom just in time to meet Carmen coming out of the bathroom.
She’d gone in to clean herself up after their strenuous workout. She
came out now, naked and looking good.
“Jonas, how about that Jacuzzi?” she said, coming toward him.
“Sorry, baby…that was my daughter on the phone, she’s coming over.”
“Now?…..Does it mean I have to leave?”
“Yes, you’ve got to go…if she told her mother you were here, well, it
would just be more ammunition for her. And my daughter would probably
not like to see you here either.”
Carmen looked pissed for a few seconds but it seemed to pass and
she smiled again.
“All right….let me get dressed. There’s always time to meet your
daughter later….we’ll have her over all the time later.” Carmen reached
down to pick up her panties and began putting them on.
‘Better tell her now that I’m not looking for another steady woman
now,’ Jonas decided.
“Carmen, about you moving in…..I’m not sure that’s what I want right
now….with the divorce and all.”
Carmen pulled up her pants and looked at him. He could tell she was
thinking of something to say.
“Well, how long could the divorce take? Lance said you were going to
just settle real quick.”
“It could be months,” Jonas said realistically, “And I would like to
spend some time as a….bachelor…after that.”
Carmen picked up her blouse and slowly put it on.
“So, what you’re saying is I should go back to Lance and forget about
us….about moving down here.” She looked again out at the ocean.
“I think you probably should go back to Lance….and we’ll just play it
ear. I’m sorry but that’s the way it is.”
“All right. Fine.” Carmen’s voice had an undercurrent of anger. She
was trying to keep it hidden but he could tell.
“Carmen, it doesn’t mean we can’t get together when I start coming out
to Palm Springs….I’m going to be going to those swinging parties. We’ll
have ourselves a real good time.”
He reached for her arm and she yanked it away.
“I don’t think so, Jonas….In fact, you can kiss my ass because that’s
the only way you’re ever going to touch it again!” She walked toward the
bedroom door, then stopped and turned back to him. “There’s plenty of
men out in the desert that got more going on than you. I’m sure I’ll find
someone that appreciates what I have to offer….have a nice divorce,
With that parting comment, she walked down the hall and went out the
front door.
“Whew!” Jonas said, happy that she’d left at least. Now she was
Lance’s problem.
Jonas locked the front door and went to take a quick shower before his
daughter arrived. He stepped in to the stall and began lathering up,
thinking about his afternoon tryst with the delectable Carmen.
‘Too bad she turned out to be a mental bitch….she was a hot little
number!’ he thought. Then began to replay the fuck he’d given her in his
Soon, he caught himself snapping back to reality and realized that
he’d tarried too long under the water. How long had he zoned out?
He turned off the shower and stepped out to dry off.
‘Oh, shit. She’s here.’ He hurriedly toweled and combed his hair,
wrapped a towel around his waist and opened the door to his bedroom.
“Hi, Dad.” Nikki was sitting on the bed, waiting for him.
“Hi, Nikki….you should give me a little warning that you were out
I could have walked out without a towel.” Jonas said jokingly and
couldn’t help noticing the look that Nikki was giving him. Her eyes went
up and down his body.
“Sorry, Dad….come on and give me a hug.” Nikki walked up to him and
put her arms around him. Jonas had never seen her so affectionate but
it was probably due to the troubles he and his wife were having.
“Hey, I’m getting you all wet!” Jonas pushed her away and saw that the
front of her blouse was splotched with wetness.
“Don’t worry. It’ll dry.” Nikki laughed and she began rubbing her hand
on the wet area which just happened to be on her bosom. Jonas couldn’t
help but notice the way her breasts shook under her stroking fingers.
And then he noticed that he could see the outlines of nipples as well.
‘She’s really grown up,’ he thought moving his eyes elsewhere.
“So, what did you buy for dinner?” he asked as he walked over to the
“Beef stroganoff…your favorite. I’ll let you get dressed.” She blew
a kiss and walked out of the room.
‘She’s really acting strange. We hardly ever talked much this last year
or two and now she like every father’s dream daughter…..well, maybe
this divorce will be the best thing that ever happened in our
Dismissing it for the moment, he put on some shorts and a polo shirt
and went out to be with his daughter.

Nikki out did herself on the dinner; it was as good as her mother made
it. They went out on the deck afterward and watched the sun set as they
drank some wine. Their conversation had not gotten onto the topic of his
marital troubles and he decided to bring it up.
“Nikki, I want you to know that I’m going to do right by your mother
you,” he promised, sitting beside her on the bench that sat under the
kitchen window and giving her knee a loving pat.
“I know you will…we’ll all be O.K.. You’ve got the right to be happy
Dad. Mom told me about what you did.”
Jonas felt like he’d been kicked in the stomach. He known Stella would
paint him bad in front of Nikki.
“Nikki. I’m not proud of what I did…”
“Dad, it’s O.K.” Nikki cut him off, rising to her feet and walking a
feet in front of him to lean against the railing and look out at the
horizon. “You’ve got nothing to be ashamed of.”
Jonas strunched his brow in surprise. He’d cheated on her mother, she
may not know he’d done it repeatedly, but her mother had told her about
the trip to Lance’s place.
“Nikki, that’s not true.”
Nikki spun and leaned against the railing, looking at him.
“Dad, there’s nothing wrong with wanting to have a little fun….if Mom
wasn’t keeping you satisfied, then you had to find it elsewhere.”
“That’s not fair to your mother, Nikki. It wasn’t about your mother…”
“Oh, come on, Dad!” Nikki said laughing at his assertion. “Let’s at
be honest….you wanted something new, something younger.”
Jonas was put off that his daughter was hitting so close to home. He
was supposed to be a role model to her and she was laying out his
weakness for the flesh like it was all right.
“I think we better change the subject,” Jonas stammered out.
“No, let’s not change the subject,” Nikki said, took a drink of her
and then continued, “I like the subject of sex. We never had the talk
about sex…you let Mom do that.”
Jonas decided to let the conversation go on. He was a grown up and
Nikki was 20, so they could talk like adults about things.
“Well, Nikki, I thought it would be easier…for you.”
“It was some talk. I was fifteen and here comes Mother to tell me the
facts of life……what you two didn’t know was that I wasn’t a virgin
“Dad, I was fifteen, for God’s sake….and this is L.A. And I was
the boys were all over me.”
“This is very personal, Nikki….”
“Dad, we should be able to talk openly about sex.” Nikki walked back
over and sat beside him. “Everyone is so hung up about the subject. I’m
surprised you are after what you were doing……I’m curious, did you and
Uncle Lance make love to that woman one at a time or all together?”
Jonas could see a slight smile on her lips as she waited his answer.
He drained his glass and thought about whether he should answer.
“All right, Dad, keep your little secret…I’ll tell you one of mine.”
“Maybe you shouldn’t,” Jonas said and poured himself some more
“No, I will. Because it sort of dovetails with what you’ve been up
to…. I
do three-ways regularly….don’t look so shocked, Dad……it might be
“All right, Nikki…why don’t you tell me why you’re doing this?!”
lost his cool at the way his young daughter seemed to be playing with
his mind. He got up and looked down at her.
“You really want to know?” Nikki said.
“Yes, let’s get it out in the open.”
“Okay, here it is then……I think both of us are a lot alike. I saw
you in a
different light and I thought there was a chance to get closer, since we
were open to new things sexually.”
“Nikki, I would like to be closer to you but I can’t see how our sex
are going to make us closer…what do you want to do? Trade stories?”
“We could if you want to,” Nikki said, twirling her hair. “But I’d
make our own stories.”
“Our own stories?”
“Yeah, me and you.”
“Nikki…..I hope you are not suggesting…”
Nikki shook her head yes. “Me and you……fucking back in your bed….
think about it…I’m willing.”
“You’re my daughter, Nikki, you’re talking crazy!” Jonas felt like he
in some warped dream. His daughter was coming onto him!
“Is it crazy, Dad?” Nikki got up and moved close in front of him. Jonas
grabbed her arms and held her at arms-length like she was a leper. It
felt ridiculous as soon as he did it but he thought she was going to grab
his crotch or something. “Relax, Dad……just relax.”
“Nikki, I can’t…I may be like you but I can’t do this. Try to
Jonas felt the weight she had been leaning into his hands lessen and
she seemed to relax herself. She looked down at the deck, then back up
to him.
“O.K……I’m sorry, Dad. I’m not going to push the point…if you
want to, I understand. I’d tell you to forget it but I’m sure you
“Well, it was a crazy suggestion…” Jonas said relieved as he let go
her arms.
“You must think there’s something wrong with me, huh?” Nikki said
walking to the railing and looking out at the dark ocean.
“…let’s just blame it on the wine.” Jonas joked as he breathed
“O.K… was the wine.” Nikki agreed, quickly. “I better clean up
She walked by him into the house.
‘Christ, that was weird!’ Jonas reflected. ‘Nikki was acting like a
slut a minute ago….proposing that we have sex. I wonder if she was
telling the truth about having group sex?….I can’t even think about it.
shoo her out of here after the dishes are through.’
He went into the house to find Nikki scrubbing the casserole dish she’d
“Listen, why don’t you leave that and I’ll finish up later? I’m sure
Mom is anxious to spend some time with you tonight.”
“Oh, I guess I didn’t tell you. I’m staying here tonight.”
“Uh, I really think you ought to go back and stay at home tonight.”
“Dad, I okayed it with Mom. She knows I’m here. Go ahead and call
her if you want.” The last thing Jonas wanted to do was talk to Stella.
“Well, I’m sure she did but…well, after what we were just talking
I think maybe you should go back home.”
“Dad, I’m not going to suggest anything like that again…you can lock
your bedroom door if you want,” she said with a laugh.
“Well, O.K.” Jonas relented. She was right; nothing was going to
happen unless he wanted it to.

Later, around 10 P.M., the two of them were sitting watching TV. Jonas
was actually watching it; Nikki was thinking of her next move.
‘Think…..the straight ahead attempt sure didn’t work. I’ve got to
him a little. It may not happen tonight. I planted the idea and it might
one day blossom but a little water right now is needed.’
Then an idea came to her.
She got up from the swiveling easy chair and her father, sitting on the
couch on the opposite side of the room, looked away form the TV to her.
“I’m going to get ready for bed,” Nikki said innocently and walked back
to her bedroom. She kept some clothes at the beach house for weekend
visits and she went through them to find the perfect item.

Jonas looked back up as Nikki came back into the living room,
brushing her hair out. She’d put on a long nightshirt to sleep in and it
wasn’t long enough to suit Jonas’s standards, not after the thing she’d
suggested. The shirt came down to just above mid-thigh. Normally, he
won’t even have noticed. But now he was looking at her young, shapely
‘Just look at the TV,’ he told himself.
Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Nikki sit back down in the chair
she had left.
“Dad? What did I miss in the movie?”
Jonas looked at Nikki, trying to think of something to say because he’d
lost track of the plot himself. Nikki was combing back her hair, sitting
the chair facing him with her legs slightly open and Jonas could see right
up under her shirt.
He looked back at the TV quickly, the image still burning in his mind –
her dark pubic hair and the vertical crease of her womanhood.
“Ah….I was flicking around when you were out. I lost track of
‘Is she doing that on purpose? I can’t believe she’s not!’ Jonas could
see her in his periphery vision as she put down her brush on the table
next to the chair and she turned the chair full on toward the TV. It would
be safe to look at her now.
Nikki leaned forward in her chair and rubbed the shin of her right leg,
the one closest to him. Then she straightened the leg out in front of her
and looked at it. Then she brought the whole leg up toward her face,
keeping it straight like a Rocketeer. Her nightshirt rode down all the way
down to her rear. Jonas took in the soft skin of her upper thigh and the
side of her lower asscheek before he looked again at the TV.
‘She is doing that on purpose! Well, I’m not going to sit here and let
her do it any longer.’
He got up and stretched.
“I’m bushed..I think I’ll turn in. See you in the morning.”
He headed for his bedroom.

‘He almost ran out of here! I guess he got an eyeful,’ Nikki thought
after he left. The evening had not gone as she had hoped but there was
always tomorrow.
She watched TV for another half hour and then turned it off. Turning
out all the lights, she went down the hall to her room.
She put her hairbrush back in her bathroom and got into bed, laying on
top of the covers since the evening was warm.
She wasn’t really tired, so she lay there, replaying her conversation
with her father. She wished she had said different things at different
points and she imagined having had actually convincing him.
‘I’d be in bed with him right now…..and we’d be doing something
great…. something so wild!’
As she thought about being underneath her father’s body, her hand
moved under her nightshirt and began rubbing her tingling pussy. It felt
so good, she kept it up. Soon, she had a nice orgasm in the loneliness
of her room.

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