My balls began signaling that I’d passed into the ecstasy zone, and pumped days of built-up cum deep into the teen’s cunt

Kayla, the beautiful young woman who was to become my wife, started dating
me late in our junior year at the local university campus. We’d both started at
community colleges and transferred after our two years were up.
A natural blonde with hand-sized boobs and a killer figure, Kayla had the
makings of a popular girl on any campus if not for a deep streak of shyness around
strangers. She was studying nursing, and I was determined to get an accounting
degree and then sit for the C.P.A. exam, so I could earn some real money.
I studied hard those two years at university, though toward the end of my
senior year my studying took a bit of a backseat as I began working hard on my sex
life. That’s when Kayla had moved out of the dorms and started sharing my off-campus
digs with me, despite their being grody and definitely low rent. We married quietly
the month after graduation, quietly because we were broke and couldn’t afford much
of a wedding.

In between Kayla’s moving in and the wedding we had fucked like rabbits when
not studying. Our favorite position, or at least mine, was when Kayla had me lie on
my back with my ass on a pillow. A wet and warm washcloth applied lovingly to my
parts was the prelude to some lovely tongue work on my dick, my ball, my thighs, and
— yes, yes, yes! — my anus. There are advantages to hooking up with a nursing
student who wants to lovingly practice what she’s learned.
After she was through with the tongue bath, we’d flip positions, her ass
floating on that pillow, all the better for me to lick her cunt and clit and then
ram my dick deep into her socket.
After our low-budget wedding, Kayla went to work in a nearby hospital, while
I spent the last of my savings on a C.P.A. prep exam course and studied, studied,
studied harder than I had while in school. The concentrated book work paid off when
I passed the C.P.A. exam on my first try and took a job with a regional accounting
firm at a nice salary. We were on our way up!
Fast forward a year or so. Kayla and I were now twenty-three and really
enjoying each other, or so I thought. That’s when she dropped the bombshell.
“Sweetheart,” she said one night, while gently stroking my dick.
“Sweetheart, I know you’re not prepared for this, but hear me out, please!” She
kissed me and looked deep into my brown eyes with her vivid sapphires sparkling in
the soft light of a bedside lamp.

“Sweetheart, I want a sister wife.”
A sister wife? What the…? Kayla’s mom had fled a fundamentalist Mormon
settlement when she’d turned 18. Throughout Kayla’s childhood her mom had taught her
to despise religion and especially polygamists. Perhaps that’s why Kayla had been
fanatical about watching TV reality shows about guys with multiple wives, trying to
work out exactly what her mom had run away from.
Two months earlier, Kayla had gotten in touch with the grandmother she’d
never met. Grandma Sharon had encouraged her to visit the polygamist colony known
as the Settlement, which Kayla did a few weeks later. I’d been surprised the
polygamists had allowed Kayla to visit, but I guess the TV shows had eased some of
their well-known paranoia, and perhaps the massive and well-publicized police raid
on another settlement in Texas a few years earlier had persuaded them it was better
to be somewhat open than live in the shadows.
Kayla climbed on top of me, cowgirl style, and pinioned my dick in her pillprotected pussy. She moved slowly, deliberately, her pussy milking my dick by
tightening and relaxing, as she continued talking about what she wanted.
“Grandma Sharon introduced me to Ashtyn, who’s turning 18 next week and is
as determined to flee the Settlement as was my mom, maybe even more so. But
Ashtyn’s different. She just wants to get away from the fundamentalists, not from
“And, Honey, I think you’d like her. In fact, I know you would. And
wouldn’t you like having two women to fuck, not just one? What could be better than
double pussy?”
She had me there, and she certainly had the interest of my little head. I
got super hard thinking about fucking two women and didn’t last much longer. I
pumped jizz and more jizz into Kayla’s cunt while she frenched me and kept pulsing
her cunt around my cock.
“I’m not saying yes, and I’m not saying no,” I told Kayla after we were
through making love. “I’m married to you, and having watched all those reality shows
with you, we both know that jealousy is a constant companion to every sister wife.
“And what about living arrangements?” I added. “This is a one-bedroom
apartment. Do we move, scrape up the rent for a second apartment, or….”
“Shussh,” said Kayla, as she placed a hand over my mouth. “We can work out
living arrangements later. For now, let’s just have Ashtyn hop into bed with us.
That should work, and it certainly would be fun. And I think knowing what you two
are doing would ease any jealousy issues that might afflict me.”
The following week, after Kayla and I fucked even more than normal thanks to
our horny anticipation of getting Ashtyn into bed with us, we headed to Grandma
Sharon’s polygamist Settlement. We’d arranged to meet Sharon and Ashtyn in a
discreet area outside the Settlement’s property. Kayla had refused to show me a cell
phone picture of the teenager, saying some people have to be seen to be fully
appreciated. Even so, I thought I was prepared to meet the young woman.
I’d deluded myself.
Kayla had said the polygamists lived modestly and simply in a remote area,
but even so I was stunned at the remoteness. We drove for miles and miles across a
vast valley in New Mexico, up into mountains, and then down again. After several
repetitions of valleys and mountains, Kayla turned into a side road — a better
description is a rutted trail littered with bits of broken asphalt — and we drove
for more miles. She seemed unsure of herself and checked her SatNav unit several
times to make sure we were on the right road.
“Ah, there it is,” she finally exclaimed, and pulled our car into a small
area under a large tree. “Now we wait till dark.”
The New Mexico sun finally settled behind a distant mountain, and minutes
later there was a rapping on Kayla’s window. I could barely see an ancient face
looking in. “Show time,” Kayla announced.
Upon getting out of the car I noticed only an ancient woman who proceeded to
hug Kayla. She looked in my direction and nodded but said nothing. She turned and
spoke softly to a shadow that had appeared near the tree trunk: “Everything’s OK.
Show yourself, Ashtyn.”
A slim girl wearing a simple A-line dress of coarse off-white homespun that
covered her to the ankles came out of the darkness and into the dim light cast by
the car’s interior.
Her hair could only be described as flaxen, long and yellow and reaching
almost to butt. As she drew nearer, I began to make out details of her face. Her
eyes were blue, her face was oval with just a few small craters where teen-age
pimples had flawed her skin, her nose thin and delicate, her lips pleasantly shaped
into entrancing curves, like a love boat bouncing on erogenous seas.
Ashtyn wedged herself between Kayla and Sharon, her body mostly hidden. “We
haven’t got time for much ceremony,” Grandma Sharon said quietly. “The Settlement
will start searching for us soon.”
Turning to me, she said: “Dan, do you accept Ashtyn as your wife to love
for all time, to cherish, and to care for her in sickness and in health?”
I certainly hadn’t expected this! But I rose to the occasion and said
simply, “I do.”
“Kayla, do you accept Ashtyn as your sister-wife, to banish jealousy, and to
love her as you love yourself.”
“I do,” Kayla said, and hugged Ashtyn while kissing her on the forehead.
“Ashtyn, do you accept Dan as your husband and Kayla as your sister-wife, to
love them as you love yourself and to banish thoughts of jealousy?”
“I do, I do” the girl said, bouncing up and down on her feet while a worldclass smile stretched across her face.
“Dan and Ashtyn and Kayla, I now pronounce you man and wife and sister wife.
Go ahead, Ashtyn. You may kiss your husband.”
Ashtyn giggled. “OK,” she said and, stepping between Kayla and Sharon,
launched herself at me and almost knocked me over. She threw her arms around my
neck and kissed me passionately, deeply, hungrily.
“That’s enough!” Sharon said firmly. “You guys get your butts in the car and
get out of here, before the vigilantes come after you and drag Ashtyn back.”
I headed to the driver’s seat, but Kayla, in a voice as firm as Sharon’s,
ordered me to get in the back seat with Ashtyn so I could “get to know her.” Ashtyn
cuddled up to me as Kayla pulled out and headed down the road to the distant
highway. The car was bouncing on the rough road, so kissing was dentally dangerous,
but Ashtyn didn’t seem to care. We kissed time and again and hugged each other
tightly. Finally Ashtyn broke away.
I couldn’t see much of her in the darkness, and I could barely hear her soft
whisper over the banging of the car’s suspension as the tires hit rut and pothole
after pothole: “You’re the first guy I’ve ever kissed, and you’re wonderful!”
“So are you,” I replied. “So are you.”
“Are you going to deflower me now, here in the back seat?” Ashtyn asked.
“No,” I said, not surprised to hear that she was a virgin. “Let’s wait till
we’re all home.”
“OK, I’d like that,” she said.
Over the next two days, as we drove home, ate at restaurants, bought
clothing for Ashtyn, and spent the nights cuddling in cheap motels, I learned that
Ashtyn’s father, a carpenter, had eight wives and 31 children and was gone most of
the time, working on construction projects across several states. His wives grew
what they could in home gardens, made and swapped the kids’ clothes, and collected
as much state aid as they could. When the father was at home, he picked his night’s
partner based on the wives’ ovulation charts, which was how he managed to have lots
of kids amid lots of absences.
Ashtyn wanted none of that way of living. She was excited that we were city
folk, and she was intent on getting an education and a good job. But she also
couldn’t imagine life without a sister wife. She’d confided in Grandma Sharon, who
had latched onto Kayla and me, sight unseen, almost from the day Kayla first
contacted her.
We arrived at our home early on a Saturday afternoon, road weary from the
trip but pumped at the thought of what was in store for that night. Ashtyn and
Kayla spent the rest of the day buying toiletries and yet more clothes for Ashtyn.
I went to the gym to work out the road kinks and spent a couple hours on my firm’s
laptop, burning through the emails that had populated the inbox. After the shoppers
returned, I soon abandoned the laptop, distracted by the giggles and squeals coming
from behind the bedroom door. Judging by the commotion, I was married to two
tweens, not two women, including one who had a nursing shift the next afternoon.
A one-bedroom apartment is no one’s idea of ideal housing for a married
threesome. On the way home from Grandma Sharon’s we’d promised Ashtyn that we’d
switch to a two-bedroom apartment as soon as possible (assuming our threesome worked
out, though Kayla and I didn’t mention that footnote to Ashtyn).
We’d also told her that, while we were delighted she wanted to enroll at the
nearest community college ASAP, we couldn’t afford to rent both a larger apartment
and pay out-of-state tuition for Ashtyn. She could study online with a community
college in New Mexico, then after establishing residence in our state transfer her
credits to the c-college near us. Or she could take what the Brits call a “gap year”
of no studying and then enroll at the nearby c-college.
Ashtyn was anxious to begin what she called “real studying,” after years of
marginal instruction at the public school the polygamists attended only because the
State of New Mexico said all kids, including girls, had to attend school. And so she
opted for the online route.
She had one more choice to make that evening. Kayla broke the news to her
this way, while we were all seated in the living room before dinner: “Ashtyn, we
love that you’ve chosen to marry into our family. We’re excited and hope you are,
too. Our apartment isn’t the typical honeymoon spot, but that’s what we can offer
“But how do you want the night to unfold? Do you want to spend the night
alone with Dan in the bedroom? So you know, we can inflate our Aerobed and I can
spend the night here in the living room.
“Or do you want me to be with you in the bedroom, helping you and helping
Dan, helping to make it a memorable night and one that’s as joyous as possible?”
Ashtyn looked at Kayla and then me, and then turned back to look at Kayla:
“Would you just watch, or would you take part?”
“Which would you prefer, Ashtyn?”
“I didn’t marry just Dan, I married both of you, and I think this is a night
for all three of us. Yes, I’d very much like my sister wife to be there with me, and
to join in the blessed moment. I know that sounds kinda dopey, but that’s how I
“I think the Lord caused you to get in touch with Sharon at exactly the time
when I needed to find a wonderful sister wife and an equally wonderful and handsome
husband before I was forced to marry one of the horny, wrinkled, smelly, disgusting
old men in the settlement, and I think the Lord would want the three of us to be
together not just during the day but also during the night.
“And,” she said, barely pausing long enough to breathe, “and I think a onebedroom apartment is just fine for a man and his two sister wives. It’s perfect, in
For dinner we three shared a bottle of wine. Ashtyn was underage, obviously,
but Kayla and I thought a bit of wine would help her deal with what was to come.
She’d never had alcohol before and she didn’t really enjoy the quite dry white wine
we served, but nonetheless she drank it.
After a final toast to “the best threesome marriage in the whole world” I
announced I was heading to the shower. Ashtyn surprised me with: “Can I join you?”
“Absolutely!” On the trip from the Settlement she’d been eager to kiss and
cuddle, but quite shy about allowing me to see her naked in the motel rooms, and in
fact I hadn’t.
The girls had made sure to buy Ashtyn a bathrobe. She grabbed it and headed
to the half-bath off the living room while I stripped in the bedroom and headed into
the master bath. Soon, the bathroom door opened slowly and my new wife entered,
smiling nervously. “Hi!” was all I could think of to say.
“Hi!” she replied in turn. She looked me over, her eyes taking special
notice of my engorged cock standing straight out from my groin. Slowly, she let her
bathrobe fall from her shoulders.
A low “whoosh” came from my lips. She was buff and absolutely stunning.
Gardening work at the Settlement had burned off whatever baby fat she’d once had.
She was slender with full boobs that seemed almost out of place on her thin frame.
Her nipples were relatively short and medium pink, her areolas small and a bit
I kissed her passionately, and she responded in like manner. After
adjusting the water temperature, we entered the shower as one, Ashtyn giggling all
the time. She explored my body, and I hers. One finger was gently, slowly probing
her opening when Kayla hollered into the bathroom. “Hey, you two, save some hot
water for me!”
Hopping out, I expected Ashtyn to join me, but Kayla had other ideas. As I
was drying off, I could see from the shadows on the shower curtain that Kayla and
Ashtyn were continuing the great exploration.
My cock and balls were almost aching at this point. Kayla and I had fucked
the first motel night on our way to the Settlement, but that was days ago and I
hadn’t had release since. It didn’t help matters that Kayla had lit scented candles
in the bedroom before diving into the shower. The turned-down sheets, the flickering
candlelight, the honeysuckle fragrance from the heated wax…everything whispered
“sex,” and boy was I ready.
Ashtyn and Kayla eventually came out of the bathroom wearing robes, while I
sat on the bed naked and still very much erect.
“Shall we?” Kayla asked, and motioned to the bed. Ashtyn hopped in first and
lay on her back. I went to her left side, Kayla to her right. I gently started
kissing Ashtyn and teasing her left tit and nipple as Kayla leaned in to suckle on
her right tit and dance her fingers on the teenager’s tummy.
Soon, I could see Kayla moving her fingers south and down the slopes of
Ashtyn’s mons Venus, which was unshaved and covered with an almost translucent crop
of thin blond hair. My wife’s fingers began tapping gently on the southmost slope,
drumming softly on Ashtyn’s clit and lightly circling around it. My hand drifted
down past Kayla’s and my fingers resumed their explorations of Ashtyn’s innermost
The teenager didn’t know how to respond to the two hands gradually awakening
her sexuality. She kissed me for a while, then lay back on the bed, savoring the
sensations. I began to suckle on her left tit, then moved lips and their kisses
lower, to her midriff and then to the top of her mons. Kayla scooted her hand back
to the teen’s right tit, thereby giving my head a highway to Ashtyn’s heavenly
flower and nectar.
It was now or never. I wasn’t sure how the God-fearing and previously
sheltered teen would react to my kissing and licking her genitalia, but she was my
wife now and, I hoped, would be compliant. So I pulled my fingers away from her
cunt, moved my entire body between her legs, and began kissing her thighs lightly,
Soon I was tonguing her clit and licking her labia as though she were an ice
cream cone. Kayla had assumed my role in keeping Ashtyn’s top half occupied by
sharing french kisses and smoothly, lightly, and softly caressing her tits.
I moved my tongue to Ashtyn’s entranceway and started probing, quick and
shallow at first, sustained and deep later on. As my tongue went deep it touched an
obstacle: her maidenhead. My dick had been hard for many minutes now, but touching
the fabric of a virgin made it swell even further. It was so hard it almost hurt, in
fact it did hurt, but it was a wonderful hurt!
When my tongue started to tire I knew it was time. I moved up the bed and
slid my right arm under Ashtyn. “Sweetheart, I want you to climb on top so you can
ride me like a cowgirl.”
Ashtyn looked puzzled. “Me on top? I don’t understand, but OK.”
Kayla came to my rescue: “It’s so you can control how quickly and how
deeply Dan enters you. Don’t worry. I’ll make sure everything goes great.”
Ashtyn nodded and, after giving me a deep kiss, climbed aboard. Kayla
positioned the teen’s lean body until she was almost parallel to me, with her ass
hovering over my cock. Then my wife, smiling at me, guided my dick to the bull’seye. “Ashtyn, lower yourself on Dan’s dick. Go slowly, slowly.”
My little head slid right in, then came to the thin pale membrane separating
girlhood from womanhood. Ashtyn scrunched up her face, as if she was being pierced
by a white-hot poker, then forced her ass down suddenly.
“O my God, that hurts!” she shouted so loudly that my right ear was still
ringing some twenty minutes later. Then it was all over. I was balls deep in her,
my little head butting up against her cervix.
Neither of us moved for several long moments while Kayla looked lovingly at
us, focusing on me, then the teen, then me again, and then the juncture where Ashtyn
and I had become one flesh. “Make love, but slowly does it,” she said to Ashtyn.
“Just move up and down, and enjoy the feeling of your husband being inside you.”
Ashtyn obeyed, following the “slowly” order at first but then speeding up as
I started to pump my cock in and out of her. And then it was really over, for my
balls began signaling that I’d passed into the ecstasy zone, and I fired and pumped
days of built-up cum deep into the teen’s cunt.
“Oooooh! I feel you planting seed inside me,” Ashtyn said before falling on
top of me and kissing me deeply. “Maybe you’ve seeded my first baby. Hope so. I
love you.”
As she kissed me, I wondered what the fuck I’d done. I had thought about
birth control before fucking the teen, but I had wanted her first time, and my first
time in her, to be bareback all the way. Kayla had seconded the notion. “There’s no
feeling in the world quite like having a guy shoot cum inside you, especially for
the first time,” she’d said. Of course the feeling had been been magnificent for me.
But what if I’d just knocked her up? Yikes!
Out of the corner of my eye I could see that Kayla had an odd expression on
her face, which quickly vanished when she said, her eyes sparkling, “What a marital
consummation! Now, Ashtyn, let’s get you and Dan cleaned up and change the sheets.”
Reluctantly Ashtyn climbed off me, her thighs stained with blood. I looked down and
saw that my groin was a bit bloody, too. Ashtyn dragged me into the shower with her,
and we lovingly washed each other again, to the accompaniment of multiple kisses.
Fortunately Ashtyn had her period a couple weeks later, and in between I
used up several boxes of condoms Kayla had bought for me. After that, Ashtyn was
introduced to the Pill. In time, Ashtyn toned down her religiosity as she observed
that Kayla and I weren’t religious and that the sky didn’t fall as a result.
And since we three were married to each other, at least in our eyes and
Grandma Sharon’s, horny Kayla gradually introduced Ashtyn to the concept of strap-on
fucking. Many was the time when, after getting my rocks off, I would help Kayla
fuck Ashtyn or Ashtyn fuck Kayla. Sometimes the girls would fuck first and then I’d
introduce my special cream into one or the other, or even both vaginas if I was
particularly horny.
With the marriage going so well, we stretched our finances and moved into a
three-bedroom apartment in another complex and bought a third car for Ashtyn. She
finished her online year at the New Mexico community college and began going to
classes nearby while working part time was a waitress at a steakhouse.
Kayla was starting to hint that, with her biological clock ticking, maybe it
was time for her to have a baby. Ashtyn encouraged her, saying she wanted a large
family and would like to have a baby soon as well. My career was going well, so I
thought we could afford one or two kids, though I knew childbirth would mean the
girls’ cunts would never again be so wonderfully tight.
Those were our plans until one Tuesday evening when, during dinner, Kayla’s
cellphone rang. “It’s Grandma Sharon. I’ll put her on speakerphone.”
Kayla: “Hi, Grandma Sharon! We’re all here and you’re on speakerphone.”
Ashtyn: “Hi! Hope you’re OK and the Settlement isn’t punishing you.”
Sharon: “I’m fine. No one suspects me of helping you escape, and they’re
never going to.”
Me: “I’m here, too, Grandma Sharon. I want you to know, having Ashtyn join
our marriage has been absolutely wonderful. All three of us will be eternally
grateful to you.”
The chorus of Kayla and Ashtyn: “Yes, thank you, thank you!”
Sharon: “That’s why I’m calling. There’s another girl here who wants out.
Ashtyn, how would you feel about Lynlee joining your family?”
Ashtyn squealed with delight while Kayla and I looked at each other with
stunned faces. Another sister wife?

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