Muscular Maid

I get along with my apartment-mate Martha OK, but since we are
both working women and active on the weekends, we don’t keep the
apartment as neat and clean as we’d like. We never seemed to be
able to find the time to give it the straightening and cleaning
that it really needed so we despaired of ever getting it back
together. I heard a co-worker of mine talking about a friend who
had hired someone to help do their cleaning and I immediately
realized that is what we should do. I found out the name of the
cleaning lady and arranged to hire her for a Saturday which Martha
and I would devote to our task. With three of us working, we
should be able to do wonders in a single day.

Well, the Saturday arrived and the woman arrived at our doorstep
at the appointed time: 8am. You can see that we were serious. I
had not met her and she turned out to be young black woman named
Letty. She was tall and angular but muscular and she had quite a
chest– she reminded me of some of those female olympic track

Well, we went to work right away, but Martha and I immediately
got to wrangling about what to do first, and soon we were arguing
instead of working. I glanced at Letty in embarrassment, but
though I figured it would help if I backed down, Martha was taking
the silliest positions and I couldn’t help myself. Soon Letty,
looking exasperated, told us she had a suggestion. She said that
in her regular job she supervised a cleaning team and had plenty of
experience in planning such cleaning projects and suggested that we
let her take charge. She said if we put her in charge, she’d have
the apartment looking great in no time. We were immediately sold
on the idea. We told her to go ahead and give the orders.

To my surprise, the first thing she did was tell us we had to
change! We were dressed in old jeans and sweat-shirts, but she
said we’d get too hot dressed like that. She took us to my bedroom
and picked out clothes for me: a short pair of cutoffs and an old
tee-shirt. She asked me to pick out a tee-shirt that I didn’t
need, then she tore it off so my midriff showed. Then she had me
change, right there in front of them, which was a bit embarrassing.
She told me not to wear a bra and that shoes were unnecessary since
we were just in the apartment. Then we went to Martha’s room and
she got Martha dressed the same. Then she assigned us our first
tasks and got to work herself. It occurred to me that she wasn’t
dressed like that, wearing a custodian’s uniform-dress as she was,
but I had to admit that her dress looked cooler than the sweat-
shirts we had been wearing. I must admit she was a really hard
worker–she got almost as much done as the two of us even though a
bit of her time was spent inspecting our work and giving us our
assignments. In a way it was nice not having to think about
things, just follow orders and soon both Martha and I were looking
to her for everything we did– going to her for a new job whenever
we finished one, and jumping to her every command.

By noon we could look at our apartment and see that we were
making good progress. Martha and I are usually very casual about
lunch, often skipping it entirely, but Letty was having none of
that! She had Martha in the kitchen making sandwiches, and even
when I said I wasn’t planning to eat, she insisted. She said if
she wanted good work out of us in the afternoon, we’d need to eat
a good lunch.

After lunch, she worked us again, and finally the apartment was
really taking shape. Finally at around 6pm Letty told me to get
three beers from the fridge and sat down saying we were done. We
sat there, sweaty and dirty, drinking our beer, and Letty said she
would need to take a shower before leaving. We agreed to that and
sat talking a bit more, and when we finished our beer, Letty
suggested that Martha and I shower first. Actually, it was more
like an order, and strange though it was, Martha and I looked at
each other, deciding who would go first. Then Letty told us to
just go shower together. Again, we just went and did it. What can
I say?

Well, you can understand it was strange showering with Martha.
We don’t parade around nude in front of each other much less shower
together, but our bathroom has a good-sized shower which
accommodates two very easily. When we were done and stepping out
of the shower stall, we discovered that Letty was in the bathroom,
with one of our extra-large beach towels. She told us she would
dry us and immediately wrapped the towel around both of us! She
pressed us together as she dried us with the towel wrapped around
us. Being pressed against Martha was just about too much for me to
take–it made me wonder about Letty a bit more, but also I must
admit to a sensuous feeling that made me wonder about myself! I
certainly had never had any ideas of getting it on with Martha!
Well, soon Letty had us standing back to back as she was toweling
us and I was almost paralysed, wondering what was going on. There
I was, my back and ass pressed against Martha’s, ideas flying
through my mind!

Then Letty was touching me–the towel was wrapped around us but
she had her hand under the lower edge touching my cunt! And I
realized that I was wet! I was speechless and breathing hard, and
from feeling Martha’s back against mine, I could tell that she was
in exactly the same state. Letty knew what she was doing with her
fingers, and soon I was coming. I could feel Martha doing the

Since we were standing, I, at least, was in some danger of
falling, but Letty held us and didn’t let that happen. After a few
seconds to get our breath, she said now we’d have to shower again.
She guided us into the shower stall, turned the water on us, and in
a minute she was nude, following us in! I couldn’t believe how
magnificent her breasts looked, and in a second, she had pulled my
head to one of her breasts and I was sucking away, with her hand
behind my head. Martha was at her other breast. Soon I felt
Letty’s hands running up and down my body, then playing with my
nipples, and then reaching down to my cunt again! I just kept
sucking. Soon I was coming, and in real danger of falling! The
water still sprayed us all. Somehow Letty got Martha and I both on
the floor and soon I found myself lying face down on the shower
floor next to Martha. I could feel Letty running her hands over my
back and ass. Soon she started working in earnest on the crack of
my ass, then she was pushing a finger into my asshole! I was
worked up again and was soon coming again!

Then Letty turned off the water, pulled us out, dried us again,
this time rather quickly, and then took us into my bedroom and got
us both kneeling over the side of the bed so our bodies lay face
down on the bed next to each other and our asses and legs hung off
the edge. She also tied a cloth around my eyes as a blindfold and
I could tell she was doing the same to Martha. Then she told us
that she was going to bring each of us off once more, one at a
time, and that right when we were coming, she was going to whip our
ass ten times quickly. Almost immediately I heard Martha breathing
hard, then harder and harder, and sure enough, when she was at her
peak, 10 hard slaps on her ass! Then she was fingering me again!
She did both my cunt and my asshole, though this time she didn’t
penetrate it. I was ready to come in no time, and right when I was
just beginning, I felt an explosion of pain and pleasure in my ass!
I couldn’t believe the sensations! I just lay there, heaving,
trying to get my breath!

After that, she got us up into the bed next to each other, still
blindfolded and put the covers over us. She told us to kiss each
other and hold each other. When we started, she told us to open
our mouthes and use our tongues. Then she didn’t say anything, but
after a few minutes, we broke the kiss and she immediately told us
to get back to it. Let me tell you, I was feeling hot again! She
ordered us to not break the kiss, and it seemed like we kissed each
other for hours there, blindfolded. In fact, I must have drifted
off, because the next thing I know it was morning. Neither Martha
nor Letty were there, and I found Martha eating her breakfast as
usual. Letty was gone.

Neither Martha nor I was capable of talking about that evening,
and we went through the week avoiding the subject, though sometimes
our conversation got stilted as one or both of us became paralysed
with embarrassment. But midweek the phone rang and Martha answered
it. All she did was listen for a minute, saying “yes” every few
seconds, then she offered the phone to me, telling it me it was for
me. It was Letty. She told me that we had forgotten to pay her,
and therefore she was coming over to get her check. She told me
she was coming on Saturday at 7pm and that she specifically wanted
me to be there. She also said she was bringing her boyfriend.

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