Mike and Alice the horny teens

Mike I was combing out my hair in front of the bathroom mirror when Mike came
in. For a brother and sister, we got along pretty well. He was tall
and good looking, and several of my girl friends were pretty interested
in him, even though they were the same age as I was (17). Mike was 18
and a sophomore in high school, while I was in the school. I was
tall for my age and had filled out nicely during the past few years.
Several of his friends made lewd remarks occasionally.

Mike and I worked out together in our basement. He needed to be in
shape for football and hockey, while I was doing gymnastics and diving.
One day, we had just finished a workout and had each showered. I was
standing in front of the mirror combing out my recently dried hair when
Mike came in. He stood behind me and began to comb his hair. When he
was done, he put both hands on my waist. His hands slid forward to my
stomach, then rose up to cup my breasts through my robe. I felt a warm
sensation begin in my belly and a tingling all over. “Cut that out, you pervert” I said. “Your tits are getting pretty nice, Al” he said huskily. “Thanks, I think” I replied, lowering my arms so that they brushed his
hands away. “You know, I saw you spying on me yesterday. I think its time you
learned a few things.” With that, he turned me around to face him, slowly undid the towel
around his waist and let it fall to the floor. I had seen him undressed
before, but not up close since we were little. His penis was much
larger than I had ever seen it, huge in fact. Skin covered about half
of the large, smooth, purple head. It appeared to be about twice as big
as his hand which he wrapped around it and began to slowly use in a
pumping motion. As he did, the skin near the tip slid with it, covering
and uncovering the tip. I was fascinated by the sight and stood there
as if rooted. A thousand confusing thoughts ran through my mind. My
view widened and I took in his flat belly with its clearly defined
muscles, his chest, broad with small dark nipples, his broad thick
shoulders. He paused in his stroking and stood there briefly with his hands on his
slim hips. Then he took both hands and reached out to me, letting his
fingers trail lightly from my cheek downward along my neck to the vee
formed by my robe. He slowly loosened the sash of my robe and let it
hang loosely. His hands slipped under the robe to my waist, and slid
slowly upwards until they cupped my breasts. He rubbed his thumbs over
my nipples and I could feel them stiffen at his touch. He slowly raised
his hands taking the robe with it and sliding is off of my shoulders,
let it drop to the floor. His touch was electric and left trails of
fire on my skin. My knees were trembling and my legs were growing
weaker each time his fingers moved on my skin. He took my hands and moved them to his cock. Even with the tales and
stories of my more knowledgeable girl friends, I was not prepared for
the size and hardness of it. My hand was too small even begin to
encircle it. I tried to squeeze it to no avail. My knees started to buckle and I
grabbed him for support. One of his arms went around my back, the other
swept me up with effortless ease and he carried me out of the bathroom
and into my bedroom. My hand was still locked in a death grip on his
rock-like manhood as he lowered me gently onto the bed. He straddled my hips, his long torso towering over me. “Look at me,
closely” he whispered. And look, I did. I studied the head of it, noting the cleft on the
underside and the opening at the tip as he pulled the skin back.

could see the loose folds of skin covering his balls pulled tightly up
against him. Removing my hand from him, he leaned forward and began to
rub his cock on my belly and breasts, occasionally letting it slap
against me. The size and weight of it was incredible. I had imagined an
erection before, but I had always pictured it as thinner and lighter. He began a pumping motion again, and a drop of clear fluid appeard at
the tip. He moved his cock to one of my nipples and transferred the
drop to it. A few strokes later, a second drop was placed on my other
nipple. He lowered his head and started licking my breasts, circling
the moistened nipple with his tongue. His lips then seized a nipple
gently while his tongue flicked the tip of it. The sensation was
electric. Each touch sent waves of fire through me. I heard myself
sigh as I was unable to take my eyes off of him. Between my legs it was like fire and ice. I had had feelings of
excitement before but nothing like what I was experiencing now. The
feeling was spreading through my entire belly and all my muscles were
tightening. My back arched as I sought to press my entire breast into
his mouth. He began to suck on the nipples harder, squeezing each with
his tongue. He rose up and put my hands back on his cock, guiding them to a pumping
motion. The tip was very wet and he took one of my fingers and
collected some of the moisture. Taking the finger, he brought it up to
his lips and licked it. He then took my hand, moistened my finger on
the tip of his cock, and guided it to my mouth, applying the liquid to
my lower lip. I licked at it tentatively with my tongue, not knowing
what to expect. The taste was slightly salty but sweet. He wet my
fingers again and offered them to me to lick clean. He stroked himself slowly, and lowered his cock to my breasts again,
rubbing it gently around my incredibly hard nipples. Leaning forward,
he brushed it against my neck and cheek. My mind was racing with tales
of the girls at school, how they talked about blow jobs and sucking. I
couldn’t imagine how anyone could take something of that size in their
mouth. I kept my eyes closed as he used his tool to caress my cheeks,
and when he brushed it over my lips a “no!” escaped them. Undaunted by
my feeble resistance, he returned the tip of his swollen shaft to my
lips, pulling down my lower lip with the ridge near the top. More of
the liquid was transferred. “Lick it” he said huskily. I turned my head away but his free hand cupped my cheek and turned me to
face it again. My lips were now coated with fluid and I instinctively
licked them. As I did, he pressed forward and I felt my tongue brush
against the tip of it. The taste was stronger now, and I could smell
the muskiness of his scent. He repeated his command, holding himself
against my lower lip. With a tentative lick, my tongue slowly traced along the underside of
the tip. I marvelled at how smooth it was. With a little motion, he
insisted on an encore and again, my tongue extended. Slowly he pressed
it further towards my mouth. Opening my lips slightly as if I were
going to clean off an ice cream cone, I felt his shaft with both lips.
My toungue pressed against the tip, feeling the small cleft. With
gentle pressure, his cock slid forward easily until I could feel the
ridge pass my lips. My tongue was now flat along the groove underneath
the swollen tip. He withdrew slightly and pressed forward again, deeper
into my mouth. Again and again, deeper and deeper he probed. My mouth
was stretching wider with each movement. My hands went to his hips to
press him back when I felt the gag reflex develop in my throat. He backed off slightly and I found my hands exploring his hips and ass.
The pumping of his hips reacted to my touch. As I pulled on his hard
buttocks, he pressed forward into my mouth. As I released the pressure,
he withdrew. I realized that he was letting me control the depth of his
penetration. “Suck on it . . . harder” he moaned. I could feel the strokes quickening as I did as instructed. Rather than
the long, slow strokes of the initial penetration, he was moving faster
now. I could hear his moans growing in intensity. Suddenly I felt his
entire body stiffen and a low scream escaped his lips. A sudden jet of
hot fluid struck the roof and back of my mouth. As I started to push
him away, another geyser erupted and he plunged his cock deeper. Unable
to breathe, I felt a moment of panic. I tried to swallow as best I
could as more and more fluid bathed my throat. I could feel the pulsing
of his cock and realized that he was still stroking the shaft slightly. As the pulsing subsided, he withdrew slightly, allowing me to breathe.
He rolled slowly to the side, pulling my head with it to keep the
penetration. I swallowed and began to sense the taste and texture of his spunk. It
was much saltier than the earlier fluid and slightly bitter to taste.
It clung to my mouth in sticky globs and left my mouth and troat feeling
dry. His hands held my head, keeping my mouth around him as I felt his
cock begin to soften. I let my head fall to his stomach, and I began to
be aware of the heat in my own loins. He withdrew himself from my mouth
and drew me up to lie beside him, cradled in one arm, my head tucked
into the nook of his shoulder. “That was incredible, Al” he whispered. “I have never cum that hard
before. Are you OK?” I sort of nodded against his shoulder, my mind still whirling. His
hands stroked my back, kneeding and caressing. I felt one hand slowly
tracing the curve of my hip, sliding along under the top edge of my
panties. He rolled me slowly over on top of him. His hands were now
inside the thin fabric, cupping my buttocks. I felt incredibly warm and
tight as I lay atop him. His hands slid downward, taking my panties
with them. One of his legs was between mine, and I could feel the
hardness of his muscles between my thighs. His penis was starting to
harden again, and it pressed insistently against my lower belly. His
hand roamed to my stomach, and moved lower. I could feel his fingers
entwining the sparse hair atop my mound. He seemed to grab a wad of
hair and pull it upwards towards my navel. The leg between my thighs
raised further upwards, pressing against my crotch. As it made contact,
it was though a stick of dynamite had exploded between my legs. My hips
convulsed against him and my teeth bit into his chest. He rolled over on top of me, removing his leg in the process. I
suddenly felt empty. I felt my panties being drawn down past my knees
and off of my ankles. His hands traced rings of fire on my thighs,
moving higher. His fingers probed my wetness, ice against fire. My
hips again began their involuntary movement, seeking hardness. His leg
again emerged between my thighs. His hand was insistent as it rubbed
and probed. I felt the tip of his finger slide into the wetness. As I
felt the muscles of my vagina open to his touch, searing heat began to
spread upwards through my belly. My fingers dug into his shoulders,
pulling him to me.

I felt him shift my leg around his, locking my ankles with his own. He
spread his legs further apart, taking mine with him. His cock was fully
erect now, pressing into my lower belly. His hands slid up my sides,
taking my arms and pressing them over my head. I felt totally helpless,
my squirming doing nothing more than tighten his grips. I felt his body
shift, his cock dragging slowly over my mound, down along the cleft. My
body seemed to be shrinking. I felt like I was the diameter of a
pencil. My legs fought against his to no avail. Then came the pressure as the
tip of his cock found my wetness. My head was trapped between my arms,
my chin on his shoulder. I tried to protest but only a moan escaped. The pressure between my legs mounted. I felt his legs widen further and
the pressure increased. Slowly I was taking him inside me. He began to
move, side to side, up and down. I could feel him slowly stretching me,
filling me. My hips moved against his movements to ease the pressure.
I felt even smaller, tighter. One of his hands slid down my back to
encircle my hips. I felt totally naked. The hand and arm lifted my
buttocks as he suddenly pressed into me with all of his strength. The
muscles of my vagina suddenly relaxed and he plunged into my depths.
The sensation of penetration was overwelming. A mixture of pain,
discomfort, and pleasure coursed through me, spreading outward from my
crotch. The pressure was gone, just the feeling of being filled, of
being possessed. He just held me tightly for a while, not moving. I reveled in the
sensation. His legs relaxed, allowing me to move. My arms were freed
and I lowered them to circle his shoulders. He raised his head to look
at me, silently asking if I was OK. Not sure of how to react, both of
us just lay there, looking, feeling, joined together. I could feel him
pulsing inside of me at each movement. I told the muscles of my vagina
to clamp down. Lightning bolts shot through me as I did. I could feel his breath,
inches from my face. I drew his head towards mine until our lips were
just touching. It was as though an electric circuit had been completed.
The surge of energy coursed through me and I spasmed around him. He reacted by pressing against me. I thought he was totally inside of
me and was unprepared for the thrust. Blinding lights flashed in my
brain. I could feel myself opening further, taking him deeper and
deeper. After what seemed like hours, I felt the hardness of his pubic
bond meet mine, crushing against that secret spot. Explosions wracked
me as he ground our hips together. Harder and faster he rubbed, harder
and faster were the spasms that coursed through me. I grabbed on with
my arms, my legs, my vagina. I felt him pause, letting my reeling
senses return. He started to withdraw from me and I heard my feeble
moan in protest. Like a pile driver he plunged again into my depths,
sending shock waves through me. Again he withdrew, again he plunged.
Again. Again. His tempo increased, as did the length of his withdrawal and
penetration. I could feel his heat within me, spreading through me. I
felt my own hips respond, merging into his rythmn. The waves swept over
me, coming faster and faster. I heard screaming. I felt the white hot
poker plunging within my loins. I felt the insides of my body moving,
rearranging. I felt like a thin sheath around him, taking him, milking
him, taking life from him. Everything went white with blinding light, and then, slowly, to
blackness. When conciousness slowly returned, I could still feel him inside of me.
He was softer now, when I moved, I could feel him slip with the moisture
that joined us. He rolled off of me, taking me with him to lie on our
sides. Somehow, he stayed inside of me. We lay there for what seemed like
hours, looking at each other. On impulse, I brought my lips to his, as
if to say that it was OK. He smiled and hugged me tighter as we drifted
off to sleep. The events described above actually took place over a period of several
months. We have remained friends and lovers over the years since then.
He is married, has two wonderful boys, and except for occasional visits
with me, remains faithful to his wife. I have a group of men and women
with whom I have a deep relationship. Except for my occasional visits
with Mike, I remain faithful to them.

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