Law student in trouble

I have to tell this story because it’s not possible to live with it
without telling anyone…

This story started when I was age 17,… I was at the birthday party of
my girlfriend. I was always partying and amusing myself along with some
friends. And especially my girlfriend of that time.

I was really in love with her and the party was great. Lots of booze
and lots of foods. There were also a few of her school friends there. All
of them age 18 to 21.

One of them was Maricha. She wasn’t very pritty , but she had something
special. My girlsfriend was a bit angry at her because she knew Maricha
was interested in me. And jelous as she was she always kept an eye on the
dance floor when there were some good songs playing. She couldn’t stand it
when we danced together.

So after everybody was drunk a bit. This Marisha came up to me and we
started to talk; the main subject was my girlfriend, and if I was happy
with her. I told her that I was but she continued. She was a bit drunk
and layed her hand on my knee. I told her that I couldn’t go with her.
That I had someone else. Then I left here were she sat. And partied on.

Five years later….

I sit in my pub talking with a friend and this Misha comes in with a lot
of her friendds. I have to tell you she is a babe right now. Long black
hair. Beatifull lips and hips. Green finger nails and a very nice dress.
Very sexual…

She studies law right now and thinks she really made it.

“Hey Jeff, looks like Misha’s here too tonight…”

“The arrogant bitch… I bet now she studies law she doesn’t even
recognize us anymore…”

“Let’s find out”

My friend jeff was always with me these days. We dumped our
girlsfriends long time ago now and drink a lot. We party and get some
chicks now and then. But this was one of our favorite palces to go. Lot’s
of girls and good eighteis music.

“No, I’ll do it.” I said, and I toke my pint of beer and walked up to

“Hello Misha!”

“Ow, hello,”.. she said quietly and she talked along with another
girl…totally ignoring me, not even giving me a kiss. She shaked her head
a bit to say `go away’

“Goodbye then…” I said, and walked back to my friend Jeff.

“Looks like you’re right, the bitch doesn’t even know me anymore, “She
studies law” you know… yeagh!

We drank a bit more and started to talk about old times… when these
were the girls we used to screw at stupid parties.

“Let’s teach her a lesson…”

“Yeah, like I forgot how she tried to get me some years ago at that
party… now she doesn’t wanna know me anymore..

I walked out the place… Jeff left there and waited for a good moment.

He waited untill some jerks who were acompagning her were also gone and
at that time there weren’t much people in the place anymore. Jeff stayed
very sober all the time, to make a good impression with our law-studying
bitch. After a while she and two girlsfriends were a bit drunk and started
to talk to more people than just “their own kind”.

After talking to Jeff, who was really acting like the best and funniest
man ever, he proposed to give the girls a lift home after giving some
rounds and tell some cool jokes… There were three of them, so they
thought it was ok. After all, he wasn’t drunk… ”

He drove the way smart and dropped the first girls of at her house, the
second too, and drove then to his own house, wich was on the way to Misha’s
house. Fortunately enough : )

He stopped and said that he forgot his cigarettes and would stop at his
home for a minute. She waited in the car. After two minutes he came back,
stepped in the car and with one fast movement of his arm he tied her mouth.
He grabbed her, and she started to fight and loosen the grip. At that
moment, I opened the door on her side of the car and toke her middle and
leggs. We dragged her away to the garage, were we tied her up and made
sure her mouth was shut. I pushed a knife against her throuth.

“Sooo, here we are then Misha… bitch!!!”

Jeff toke one of the old matrasses that stood against the wall and put
them in the middle of the garage.

“We’re going to learn you some respect for old friends Misha!”

“That’s right… you see this? This is a real sharp knife… If you
make a sound, scream, or try to escpape, or try to do something else then
we oder you to do… we will cut your nipples of … understood?”

She tried to nod and was looking at us with her beautifull brown eyes.

“OK,… ”

Jeff walked up to her and toke his knife… he made a little
psycho-laugh and started to unbotton the dress she was wearing. With those
ropes that wasn’t easy, so he cut the dress open.

“Let’s see… ”

The dress felt down on the floor and we saw her in a very thin t-shirt
and her underpants and panties. We toke a photo of her and Jeff lowered
his tousers , undressed himself.

“OK bitch, you can choose now,… or we’ll rape you like this a couple
of times and stick some nasty stuff in your pussy…. like a barbie doll
or a Coca-bottle…or you can be a nice girl and cooperate…. Nod yes if
you want to work on a flashy night … nod no if you like to get tortured
and fucked till dawn…”

She started to see the seriousness of her situation and nodded yes.

“OK, we will make your arms and leggs loose, but be aware. The doors
are locked and the nearest neighbour lives half a mile from here. And
there are two horny armed men here to hunt you if you try to run…”

She nodded once again.

As soon as she was almost comletely untied we layed a leach around her

“Sit down on your knees Misha!”

she did so and looked at me…

” Why are you …”

“SHUT UP bitch!!!” you had your chance to talk in het pub; but you
thought you were to good to talk to somebody like me isn’t it?

She looked down. Tried to think on something else.

Jeff came back from the bathroom with some water. He trew it over her,
so her long beatifull black hair and her t-shirt got wet. We could see her
firm tits now and her hair was hanging down like the girls on those sexy
calenders we had.

“Ok bitch, turn to me and stick your tongue out!”

She was so frightened that she did it immediately.

I exposed my dick and putted it right before her mouth. “Lick it…
just use your tongue.”

“No! Bastard!”

“No? Did I hear NO?”

I toke her neck and smashed her against a wall.

Her head was hurt real bad, and she cried…

“If I hear that ugly word one more time tonight I’ll burn your name into
your back…. WHORE, that will be! !”

“Now lick me!!!!”

She did it immediately… her head was bleeding and she couldn’ think
clear anymore I think.

After three minutes of intense licking I told her to stop and to stand

“Ok, undress yourself.”

Jeff toke some stuff out of his closet and I heared a familiar sound…

“Jeff? Are you filming this? “Yes, I am!” His camera was up and

She toke her tiny wet t-shirt and pulled it over her head and threw it
on the floor, the she undid her bra.


I pushed her on the matrass now and sat on her waist so my dick was on
her tits. I started to play with them and ordered Misha to jerk me off.

She did so.

“Ok, Misha, that’s real good!!! Tell me the following while we’re
filming, repeat 20 times “I’m studying law because I feel beter then other

She started to repeat the sentence while she was jerking me off.

“Cool ! say it harder!”

“I’m studying law because I feel beter then other people…” she looked
at my totally swollen dick in her hands.

Faster strokes!

“I’m studying law because I feel beter then other people…”


I undid her bra and pushed her breasts agaisnt my dick. Once they were
squized against it I layed my hands on her tits from the left and right so
my dick was between her tits… now I began to tit-fuck her real fast, and
just befor I cummed. I stopped and exposed my dick again to her face.

“Open your mouth!”

“She didn’t hesitate, bacause she still was bleeidng…”

Then I cummed all over her tits and groaned real hard.

“Ok, lick as much as you can of it….”

The cum had landed on het tits, her cheeck and a bit of drops on het

While she was busy with that I undid her panties and underpants. Now
she was completely naked and the real fun would start.

“Ok,…that’s enough Misha… Remember the party where I putted you

“Now you can have me… spread your leggs!”

She did so and looked at me..

My swollen dick was standing up in the air again, ready for action.

First I sat on her breasts. And I put my dick in front of her mouth. I
was sure she was going to bite me if I would let her suck my dick. So I
started to jerk off right on her face. Humilliating her was the main thing

After I did that for about 5 minutes I turned her around, her belly on a
pillow and her ass in the air. We started to stroke her, and squize her
pussy and ass with our fingers,… we did it real good show she was wet in
a few minutes. Then we put some extra oil on her pussy and ass and I
started to ass-rape her real hard.

“How does it feel bitch?”

She didn’t answered at all, she breathed hevily and started not to
scream. Sometime she did scream, but not very loud…

I grabbed her tits, made my cock enter her ass as deep as possible and
my balls were banging against her ass cheeks. All over her ass she was wet
now. I grabbed her tits and did some final pumpings before I came into

Jeff had allready a hard one again and putted his cock in her mouth…
Very dangerous, but she cooperated oddy enough. She started to suck him

Her lips were around his dick and his balls were against her chin. I
found a small plastic bottle motor oil on the floor and putted this in her
swollen hole.

I lifted her up again and sticked my dick in her cunt now… she
screamed a bit and continued to suck Jeff off. I putted the bottle more
into her and started to put it in and out there. Her pussy was really
swollen and totally red.

After Jeff came into her mouth, … we stopped for a while…

We left he oil bottle in her and some small rubber ball in her mouth.
We tied her up again.

After a quarter of relaxing in the couch in the living room we came

“Now it’s time for the big punishment!”

We told her she had to pay some more for being so arrogant to us….

“We’re going to give you a chance… If you find someone who will pay
you 10 bucks for a blow job from you you win. When you win you’re free to
go. When you loose you’ll be very unhappy for het rest of your life.. I
asure you.

We’ll first make some adjustements to your `looks’ off course.

Jeff toke some scissors and I toke a small chain.

Jeff cutted her hair off and let it like like some rat has eaten from
it. Really asymetric hair style, with bold spots and so. Her beatifull
long balck hair was fallen onto the floor. She looked at it ad cried very
hard. She tried to grab herself and kick with her feet onto me. Jeff
grabbed her leggs. Then I smashed , with the chain around my fist on her
face. She felt back and bleedes heavily. Her perfect look missed now 4
teeth in front of her mouth. We gave her a very slutty very short skirt, a
very dirty and cummed-on t-shirt and drove to the roughest neigbourhood.

“Put this on slut!”

She toke the clothes and putted them on. Frightened that we woudl
really mutilate her. She saw the many tools on the floor…

Ok, ready for a ride into town law-slut?

She cried some more and we kicked her a couple of times so she felt on
the floor and we could see her ass peeping under her skirt.

She didn’t knew the streets there, there was no way for her to get home
from there, we had her money, papers and ID’s. And she looked like a punk
girl bum.

“We’re dropping you here, we follow you by car. If you try to run we’ll
just ran over you with the car or grab you again to torture you real hard!
So watch out and do as we told you to slut!”

We pushed her out of the car. She walked away, some drunk old men
yelled at her and did some kissing sounds. She was desperate and walked to
a bar on the other side. A dark skinned man with a moutache and some
tatoos came out of het door and grabbed her instantanious. He was wearing
a leather suit and and some strange cowboy boots. He pushed her into the
ally just behind the corner of the caf**e9**…

We saw her saying something, probably “For 10 bucks I’ll suck your dick
real good…please.. do it for me….let me suck you.”

But the man just pushed her skirt down, putted his finger into her cunt
and started to kiss her. She yelled, and some old folks were coming to
this end of the street to see what was going on… The man pushed her on
the ground and ripped her t-shirt open… Her tits were now to see…
some police car drove by and we moved on to not look suspicious. We drove
around the block. We returned at the same spot two or three minutes later
and saw nobody in the ally. She was gone!

We stepped out of the car and saw a van drive out of the ally by then.
The man with the moustache was in the driver seat and Misha was in the
passengers seat… as good as unconscious…

We persued the van , but lost the way somewhere in het sm-neigbourhoud
behind chinatown…

Since then we never heared from Misha again. Nobosy of her friends knew
what was going on and the still think she moved to another state or so…

Now you all know better…

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