It was that first nerve-racking, pussy shattering blowjob that had turned Ellen on like a blazing dynamo. She’d been eaten before, but it was a joke compared to what the lusty brunette did to her that first night.
For two solid hours, Sandy had sucked Ellen’s juicy cunt. Gently at first, with dainty kisses and laps of her long tongue, teasing, loving, exploring. Then an intense, nerve screaming blowjob, like a dizzying roller coaster ride, with thrills that nearly caused Ellen to lose her mind.
Every few minutes, Sandy would rest by snaking her wet tongue up Ellen’s tender asshole to vary the wanton thrills. By the time the hot-lipped brunette had finished with the student nurse, there was a fierce glow in Ellen’s young cunt she would never forget.
By cunning degrees, Sandy hooked the girl, sucking lovingly on her tits, kissing and playfully biting her ass, finger-fucking her with sensuous, dreamy fucks of her searching fingers. A few weeks later, the games began. By then, Ellen was her humble, adoring sex slave. It was too late to back out.
Now the brunette could merely snap her fingers and Ellen would leap to obey any command. No one could get the girl’s rocks off like the ravishing nurse. No one could push Ellen to the very brink of losing her mind with sheer pain, either.
Ellen didn’t know whether tonight was a punishment night or not. She could never tell with Sandy. Sometimes Sandy would start with a playful spanking and end up an hour later with Ellen tied helplessly down on her own bed, on her belly, her ass on fire with a vicious whipping, her hot, silken cunt trembling with urgency. Some nights Ellen would get savagely raped for a straight hour with the monstrous dildo she kept in her drawer until she couldn’t stop coming, until her entire naked body felt like an exploding mass of fire.
Sandy had trained her girlfriend with exacting discipline. Tonight Ellen knew Sandy was in a good mood because she allowed her to eat her pussy first, a ritual that. Ellen had learned to crave even more than cock-sucking, at which she was something of an expert herself.
The brunette moaned wildly and tugged at Ellen’s hair, rubbing her hotly sucking cunt in a fury against the girl’s face. Whimpering with bliss, Ellen feverishly swallowed the sweet stream of cunt-honey, pausing to dip her nose in Sandy’s luscious pussy and fuck her tongue up her boiling asshole. Her hands rubbed Sandy’s creamy ass lustfully all this time, squeezing and pinching the silky flesh.
There was still a possibility that Sandy would use the whip on her tonight because she was angry at Ellen for not fucking guys. You have to have a balance in your sex life, Sandy had told her. Otherwise you get too kinky, too narrow in your outlets.
But the only man Ellen wanted to make it with was Sandy’s husband, Al, whom she’d met a couple of times. And that was only because Sandy was his wife. Ellen secretly yearned for a three-way with Sandy and Al, but she didn’t dare hint at that to her lover. Sandy never talked about her husband, but Ellen was certain he didn’t know Sandy swung with girls.
Suddenly Sandy pushed Ellen away from her throbbing cunt. The brunette trembled from head to toe, a fine sheen of perspiration covering her lush curves. “Climb over my lap,” Sandy panted.
Eagerly Ellen obeyed. Sandy loved to play with Ellen’s ass, which could lead to almost any act, depending on how excited the lusty nurse became. Hunched over Sandy’s lap, ready for a hot spanking or a delicious fingerfucking session, Ellen held her breath, rocking gently, wiggling her ass.
Slowly, her eyes blazing on her trained sex slave, Sandy rolled Ellen’s panties down to bare her naked ass. Her ass was perfectly fanned, with white, soft cheeks that were flawless and girlishly sexy. Her cunt still gently spasming from. Ellen’s feverish pussy-eating, Sandy stroked her naked hot ass, playing with the juicy cheeks for a couple of minutes.
She used both hands to squeeze Ellen’s plump ass cheeks, savoring the hot, satiny feel, torn between spanking and biting Ellen’s succulent flesh. Sandy was getting tremendously aroused at the feel of Ellen’s naked ripe ass. She tickled the girl’s asshole to make her whimper with suspense, then traced a fingertip across Ellen’s tiny pink cunt-lips.
Panting with lust, Sandy suddenly began spanking the girl with vicious slaps of her palm. Ellen squealed and wriggled, the burning sensations on her ass-flesh quickly exciting her to a frantic pitch. “Fuck me!” whispered Ellen urgently.
“Please, darling, fuck me or eat me! I’m so hot I could scream! Oooo!”
Suddenly Sandy slipped a finger up the girl’s luscious, tight cunt. She started masturbating her with lewd strokes of her finger, craning her neck down to bite and suck her burning asscheeks. Ellen began coming all over Sandy’s fingers rapidly, sobbing with obscene bliss. As Sandy sucked and kissed and bit her girlfriend’s juicy ass, she knew why she was so obsessed with sexy asses.
The first girl she’d ever fucked with in the student nurse’s dorm had been a young blonde, her roommate, with the hottest, most deliciously ripe ass Sandy had ever seen. Once the blonde had sat on Sandy’s face when they’d first sixty-nined, the brunette was infatuated with her golden ass. Her first taste of cunt had been tremendously exciting to Sandy, but she associated the excitement with the feel of the blonde’s hot, wildly sexy ass hugging her face.
From that unforgettable night forward, Sandy had become an ardent switch-hitter, getting as much satisfaction from girls as from men. She knew she wasn’t born that way. It was an acquired addiction because the student nurses were denied contact with men for a period. Shut in together, naturally hot and passionate, many of the girls turned to each other for satisfaction.
Sandy had always gotten all the sex she wanted from men, but the excitement of fucking with another eager, attractive girl was irresistible. Which was why she had a steady girlfriend on the side even though she was happily married.
She traced her wet tongue along Ellen’s silky ass-crack as she dreamily finger-fucked the sobbing girl. Ellen always came in tiny torrents, oozing delicious cunt-honey in a flood over Sandy’s fingers. Getting hotter, the brunette suddenly pushed Sandy down onto the carpet, on her back.
“Fuck me, eat me, love me,” chanted Ellen, her ass weaving madly on the floor. Sandy quickly stripped her nightgown off Ellen. Moaning with fierce heat, Sandy climbed on top of the naked, trembling girl. She kissed her torridly on the mouth, snaking her tongue deep while she rubbed her throbbing cunt to Ellen’s, creating a delicious, obscene friction between their pussies. This teasing action always drove Ellen into a state of frantic torment because she couldn’t come this way. She could only get hotter and more feverishly frustrated.
Still making lustful fucking motions with her pussy against Ellen’s steaming cunt, Sandy craned her neck down and sucked on one of her tits greedily. Ellen had surprisingly sweet tits, small but tipped with huge, dusky areolas and nipples, which were now gorged with desire. Sandy wondered if she would ever be able to explain to her husband how thrilling it was for her to suck on a pair of hot young tits.
There was a chance, though, that Al might understand that. After all, he certainly tit fucked Sandy often enough.
Ellen was in a fever of heat now, begging in tears for Sandy to eat her pussy. Because the hot brunette’s desires were totally unpredictable with girls, she herself never knew what she’d do from moment to moment. But she hadn’t tasted juicy cunt since Monday night and it seemed like a terrific idea.
She worked her lips down over the girl’s soft white belly. She hunched between Ellen’s widely parted thighs, gripping her naked asscheeks tightly in her hands. She stared with smoldering eyes into the girl’s delicate pink cunt, which sucked and pulsed eagerly, filling Sandy’s nostrils with delicious cunt-fragrance.
“Eat meeeeee!” wailed Ellen, digging her bare heels into Sandy’s shoulders and nudging her luscious pussy close to her mouth. “Oh, God, don’t tease me any more, suck me, Sandy, eat my cunt – ooooooo! Oh, Lord! Unnnnng!”
A wild, overpowering rage of hunger suddenly struck the brunette. Instead of her usual delicate blowjob, she abruptly slammed her frenzied mouth to Ellen’s dripping cunt. She kissed and sucked in a fury of lust, smearing her face with cunt-juice, hearing Ellen’s wild cries of passion.
She loved to eat hot young cunt! It was the ideal balance to her husband’s huge prick, sweet and juicy and sticky, like a mad mouth kissing hers with obscene eagerness. Ellen’s pussy actually did kiss her in return, the luscious cunt-lips squirming wildly against her lips and tongue.
As Ellen screamed and came in her mouth with violent happiness, Sandy realized only one thing was missing. Her husband, Al. If she could only feel his enormous cock fucking savagely in her own throbbing cunt at the same time! Then watch Al fuck his massive hard-on brutally into Ellen, listening to her cry, first with anguish, then with wild joy.
She let Ellen come profusely in her mouth for five minutes, then shifted her body around so they could sixty-nine. The lewd spectacle on the floor quickly became a depraved contest of thrills, each sex-crazed girl trying to outdo the other. In a frenzy, the brunette and her moaning girlfriend sucked each other’s cunt and licked each other’s tender asshole, kissed and lovingly bit each other’s ripe ass-cheeks while they caught their breaths.
Fifteen minutes later, Sandy suddenly rolled over on her back so that Ellen was on top. This way she could feel, the girl’s delicious hot, ass hugging her face, which always fired her lust deeply. Again and again they came all over each other’s faces, their hands groping and squeezing and caressing tits and legs and feet, their tongues working furiously.
It wasn’t, the kind of slow, languid sex they often had. There was a urgency to their cunt sucking, an undercurrent of explosive violence.
Thirty minutes later, Sandy forcibly pushed Ellen away. Her cunt was almost numb from raw thrills. Ellen moaned and sucked lovingly on Sandy’s panting tits while the brunette caught her breath.
“Are you going to tie me down now?” Ellen whispered, staring up from Sandy’s creamy tits. “Use the monster on me? Or the whip?”
Sandy looked at her thoughtfully. “No,” she suddenly said in a flat voice. “I’ve got a husband, remember? I’ve got to get going, baby.”
Ellen clung to her fiercely. The games had been slowing down lately, and it worried her. It seemed that for the past few weeks, Sandy was only coming by for quick blowjobs and urgent sixty-nines, with only an occasional whipping or rape thrown in.
The nurse was well aware of this, too, although she didn’t mention it. Sandy suddenly realized what was wrong in a flash.
She wanted a new girlfriend.
It was that simple. For a year she’d sucked and fucked and whipped and tormented Ellen, and it was wild and lusty while it lasted. But now the hot-titted brunette, wanted fresh pussy, a change of partners.
After swinging with numerous girls over the years, Sandy had learned that each type had its own unique personality and flavor. Ellen was slender and very fair with a delicious little ass and pussy. But sex was different with different girls. Blondes tasted different than dark haired girls, and redheads tasted different than both of them.
Sandy suddenly realized she wanted a blonde this time. The games had worn thin with Ellen, and Sandy needed a change, a new conquest. She wanted a hot young animal this time, with full, juicy curves, a plump ass she could really sink her fingers and teeth into.
Like Al’s younger sister, Linda.
As if she sensed what was coming, Ellen had crawled down to Sandy’s feet and was now sucking on her toes, a ritual of humble worship. Sandy didn’t stop her. It felt wonderfully lewd, for one thing, and for another, this might be the very last time she had sex with Ellen.
Of course, fucking with Linda, who was also married, was out of the question. The girl was a nympho but was straight to a fault! But, still, Sandy could fantasize while she searched for a passionate young blonde.
Sandy didn’t have the heart to tell Ellen, who was now licking the soles of Sandy’s feet to send delicious thrills through them. She was only nineteen and Sandy was her first girlfriend. How could she explain to this wide-eyed, adoring young thing that life was like that, that people met, played games and then left to find other partners?
Now it would be Ellen’s turn to go out and find her own girlfriend, and turn her into a humble sex-slave.
Now Sandy understood why she was reluctant to use the dildo or the whip lately. In a sense, she was saving it for her new girlfriend. She was building up lust in her blood, generating fierce heat for her new conquest.
Saving it for my wedding night! thought Sandy dryly.
She got dressed while Ellen watched her with moist eyes. She knows, thought Sandy, she somehow senses it but doesn’t want to face it. The brunette wanted to take her huge dildo and whip with her, but that would have been cruel in a way. The girl would live on hope for a week or two and then cry her heart out for another week or two, then fuck her pussy half to death with guys. Only then would she find another girlfriend.
She would leave her the dildo and the whip, mementos of their lusty affair. Sandy could always drive a couple hundred miles north to San Francisco and replace the items. In fact, she wanted to get a new dildo anyway. There was a model out that had scores of tiny pimples on it that was supposed to drive a girl mad with joy.
She gave Ellen a goodnight kiss, a farewell kiss actually, told her she’d see her on shift next Monday and hastily left.
It was a little past two, Sandy noted as she drove the quiet streets home. She was contented, but tired. She’d trained Ellen well. When the girl gave a blowjob, she held nothing back. She would miss Ellen. For a little while.
In about one week Sandy would be ready to climb the walls, if she didn’t score a new girl. She was already eager to use a dildo and whip on almost any girl that crossed her path, and in a few more days, she would be seething with violent urges.
A blonde would be perfect. A year of Ellen’s dark-curled pussy, her soft white ass was enough. If she could only find someone like Linda. What a body on that mink! The first time she saw Linda in a bathing suit, Sandy found an excuse to disappear for thirty minutes so she could finger-fuck herself lustfully and fantasize sex with Al’s sister.
At home, Al was soon asleep and didn’t even stir when she crawled in bed beside him. Sandy kissed him tenderly on the lips and turned away on her side. She loved her husband like any devoted wife. She just happened to love hot young pussy, too. Poor Al, she thought as she started drifting off to sleep. If he knew what his faithful wife was doing on the sly all this time.
As cunning as Sandy was, there were more than a few surprises in store for her in the following week.
Sandy did not know that poor Al, as she thought of her ruggedly hung husband, slept so peacefully because he spent nearly two hours savagely fucking his own sexy sister that afternoon. In her sultry mouth, in her wild cunt and in her tight, searing asshole.
Sandy couldn’t even begin to guess what was going on in her husband’s mind. If she could have known that Al warned a three-way with her and his nympho-sister, she would have started coming all over herself with sheer eagerness.
But if the hot-cunted brunette could have guessed what was going on in. Ellen’s mind at that moment, her mouth would have popped open like a lovely little pussy eager for action.
She’d made her decision to dump her passionate little girlfriend, and that was that.
Ellen had different ideas. The student nurse was not about to be cast aside so easily. The smoldering dark-haired girl had a few lusty surprises of her own, for Sandy.
Hell hath no fury like a hot young pussy scorned.
It was that first nerve-racking, pussy shattering blowjob
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