Interracial sex tales – Right Turn On Black 1.

We reached the summit and descended the lift, waiting with Kevin for
the others. Once we were all gathered, we headed back down under the
lift. The run was thrilling. I didn’t put up for another race,
wanting to savor the trail this time. I pushed off the top first.
Last season I had really mastered the art of mogul skiing. I couldn’t
ski it like the Olympics, but I could head down the mountain and cut
moguls now rather than ski across the valleys between each bump.
I attacked the first slope of them vigorously. My legs were
pistoning up and down, skis tight together, eyes on the next bump. It
was tough exercise, but invigorating. I narrowly missed clipping
another skier who suddenly came to a stop in front of me, but a last
minute pole pushed me away to the right.
I paused at the end of the section, and watched. Michelle came down,
skiing well, but a bit hesitant.
“Phew, that is some hard stuff,” she said, arriving at my perch.
“Yeah. It’s still a bit icy. I guess it always is though. You are
probably used to more snow.”
“Generally, yes.”
“Shall we?” I asked.
She set off and I followed close behind. I looked at her ass. It
looked good in her stretchy pants. I must have looked a bit too long,
because with no warning I bit the dust.
I got up, still intact, looking up to see what threw me, but there
was nothing out of the ordinary, probably just a rut, I thought.
Actually it was Michelle’s cute ass that threw me, I amended. My skis
were still on, so I turned and continued. Michelle was waiting below,
“I thought you never fall!”
“Funny. Well, there you have it, you have seen me eat snow.”
She removed a glove, and wiped a piece of snow from my cheek,
lingering rather tenderly I thought. Her fingers were warm and dry,
and a wave of feeling swept through me. I really liked her. I
thanked her softly.
We skied down together. Near the bottom, we stood waiting off to one
side for the others. We were there for perhaps a minute.
“Look at this guy heading our way,” I said, indicating a clumsy guy
making his way down the hill.
“He shouldn’t be here. He’s practically a beginner.”
He was up-slope from us, and suddenly he slipped on ice, and skidded
down towards us.
“Looks like he’s gonna drop in for a visit,” I joked, somewhat
nonchalantly. He hit some more ice and picked up a little speed.
Right towards us.
“Shit, look out,” I said. Michelle was between the guy and me and I
tried to push us away, but he smacked skis first into Michelle’s skis,
which in turn smacked into mine, and pushed me over the edge of the
mogul we were standing on. I felt Michelle’s body push against mine
as we lost balance and went over the top, sliding down the end of it,
and landing on the next mogul. Thankfully it was snowy, breaking my
still-painful fall onto it. Michelle was on me then, letting out a
small wail.
Her body landed on me hard, and her skis popped off. I gathered my
senses. I was laying somewhat on my side, and Michelle was straddled
on me, cheek pressed against mine, laughing.
“Damn,” I said, “all this talk of falling and look at us.”
“Yeah. I can’t get up.” Shit, I thought, suddenly really worried.
“What is it?” I asked urgently. “Are you alright?”
“No, I’m fine,” she said, turning her head to look at me. I relaxed
again. Her nose was but an inch from mine. She looked beautiful from
this close. “I don’t WANT to get up. Are you alright?”
“Yeah, I think I’ll pull through.”
“Hey, I’m really sorry!” I heard the guy who hit us say.
“Hey, don’t worry about it. We’re alright.”
“Sorry, I was outta control.”
“Forget about it. It happens.” He skied on.
“At least,” I said to Michelle, “This mogul was snowy. If it was
ice, I’d have busted a hip or something.”
Michelle laughed. “Well, thank you for breaking my fall.” And she
pressed in and kissed me squarely on the lips. I was a bit surprised,
but I kissed back. It was delicate, no tongue, but sweet and pure.
“Alright, break it up, break it up. We are in public here.”
It was Luke, who had skied up with the rest of our group. They were
watching. Michelle sighed and got up. I felt a little warmth in the
face, so I got up and stretched out a bit.
“So what happened there?” asked Luke.
“Nothing,” I said.
“That guy down there,” said Michelle, pointing, “hit us and we went
“That’s not all that went on, it looked like,” said Debbie,
mischievously. I busied myself with adjusting my skis, without
looking up.
“Hey Robbie, relax, it’s no big deal.” Luke reached over and pulled
Debbie close, giving her a firm smack on the lips. I fussed furiously
with my gloves.
“Alright, let’s go, quit giving ’em a hard time,” said Kevin, laughing.
I was all warm inside. I had a good feeling about Michelle, that she
was interested in me. Unlike my kiss with Clara, which went nowhere,
I knew this would mean some sort of a relationship. I glanced over at
her. She gave me a warm smile. I smiled back. The rest of our group
was already heading down. Michelle pushed away, and I followed,
staring at her. I took it easy, though, still a little sore from my
fall. Damn she looked cute, I thought. She was the kind of person
who looked better the more you knew her and looked at her.
We reached the double lift again. The line was minimal and we were
on almost immediately. We took our chair and closed the bar. There
was an awkward silence for a few seconds.
“So, uh, how are you feeling?” I asked, looking at her.
“Good. The fall really didn’t hurt at all. I was comfy laying on
you,” she said, a bit shyly.
“That’s alright. It felt good having you… well whatever,” I said,
steering away from a lewd statement last minute.
“Lay on you? You can say it, I don’t mind.”
“Well then it did.” I couldn’t help myself and leaned in and kissed
her. It was as good as the first time. Her eyes closed gently. I
reached my right arm around her back gently, and from behind I heard a
loud “Woooooo!!” from Luke and Debbie. Michelle smiled but we still
pressed our lips together. I lifted a finger on my right hand towards
Luke without breaking the kiss, and it was not my thumb. The hooting
turned to laughter and then silence.
She turned her head a little, and I felt her tongue on my lips. I
opened my mouth a bit and her tongue slid into my mouth. I probed
hers with mine. It felt good. I was awash with waves of feeling
coursing through my body. I explored her tongue in my mouth, and then
pushed past our lips and entered her mouth. It felt heavenly. I
pulled my arm around her a bit, drawing her in. A soft “Mmmmm”
escaped her throat, and she opened her eyes. I pulled back, feeling

“So does this mean we are going out?” I asked in a daze.
“Yeah, today can be our first date.”
“I like that,” I said.
“Are you alright? You look a little flushed!”
“A bit lightheaded.”
“Have you been smoking?” she asked with playful mischief in her
voice, knowing full well why I was flushed.
“No, your tender lips lit me on fire,” I said, without even knowing
where it came from.
“Oh, Rob, that was sweet!” she said, genuinely touched.
“Uh, thanks. I just made it up.” I said humorously. She laughed,
and gave me a hug. We made out and talked on the way up the slopes, and skied like hell
on the way down. After a few runs we got separated from the rest of
our group when they took a different trail. I think they actually
tried to lose us!
We ate lunch together, and I offered to pay, but Michelle would hear
none of it. The afternoon was warm, and the combination of skiing,
talking, and kissing, and more kissing too, made the day really special.
There was still Mike to deal with, though. Around 4:10, on our last
run, we were riding up the summit chair from the main lodge. We
exited at the top, and skied around under the chair. While we were
deciding which trail to take at the trail map posted there, I heard a
familiar voice yell “HEY!” I turned to see Mike on the same chair
lift, about to get off.
“Oh shit!” I said. “Here comes hell!”
“Let’s go!” said Michelle, laughing. We took our poles in one hand
and joined our other hands together and pushed off. I looked back,
Mike was watching us. He got off the chair and burst around the bend
to give chase. If we were caught, he would at least spray us, but
more likely cut us off and make us fall. We pushed hard, laughing.
“Where to?” said Michelle wildly, anticipating the race.
“Belt Parkway and hope he gets into traffic.” A weak hope with the
dwindling numbers skiing this late in the day, but who cared. We
reached the first decent slope and started to gain speed from gravity
rather than leg work and pole pushes. I looked at her, and smiled.
We were approaching a couple of people in the middle of our route. I
took her glove and gave it a kiss, letting it go just in time for us
to split apart and avoid the skiers..
“Wait, go right!” I yelled.
Michelle turned to the right, and entered White Cloud, a small trail
that ended back out on Belt Parkway about where Way Out started. It
was a short cut, and if Mike missed it we would surely get away. I
looked back. Unfortunately he was around the trees already and could
see us. I followed Michelle into the trail. She was tucked down,
gaining speed. I was a bit faster on my skis, so I pulled up next to
her. “Watch out, this part is steep and slick!” I yelled over. She
nodded. We were whipping across the shallow incline, around the bend
to the left and over a small hill. Quickly the ground fell away, and
a steep section dropped out underneath, zooming us down at breakneck
speed. Belt Parkway was right there, and at the bottom of the hill a
sharp right sent us down the Belt again.
I looked back, and couldn’t see Mike. He was surely there though.
We tucked in and blazed down the Belt. There were only a few skiers,
so we bee-lined it for the bottom. I looked back. Mike was indeed
there and gaining now. I waved to Michelle to split away, and she
headed to the right edge of the trail, I to the left. Mike followed
to my side. At least he’s going for me, I thought.
He was perhaps ten feet behind now, and there was still a good
distance to go. He was surely gonna nail me. I looked back; Mike was
grinning evilly. I needed to do something. Michelle was behind both
of us now, having slowed when Mike took after me. The trail was
flattening a bit, speed was being lost. I tucked down, and weaved to
the right. Mike followed, a bit unsteadily. I weaved back. He
stayed on chase. I was almost there. Belt Parkway merged with the
bottom of Racer’s Edge in 300 feet. I had it. I reached the merge,
faked a left weave and then sharply turned right and headed UP Racer’s
Edge with my momentum. It was enough to get up thirty feet before
slowing to a stop. Mike, delayed for a second by my fake left, made
the same turn to follow, but his slight hesitation took away just
enough momentum that he was unable to reach my height. I was able to
pole push away from him.
Michelle sped by on the Belt, giving a wave and heading for the
safety of the lodge. Mike looked after her for a second,
contemplating whether to follow, and then started after me. We pushed
across the lower part of Racer’s, through the trees, onto the bottom
of Bleeker. I turned left and headed down hill immediately while Mike
was still in the trees. I looked back. He was stuck on a root, it
seemed. I booked it down the hill, and Mike finally emerged. I
didn’t have much speed so I started skating and poling to the lodge.
Mike was a big guy and was doing the same, catching up. At this point
though, the best he could do was to push me into the snow. I didn’t
want even that though, so I poled like a fiend.
I reached the lodge area, and spotted our bus to the left. I skied
down a footpath barely covered with snowy slush, and kicked my
bindings on the fly, picked up my skis and reached the bus unharmed.
Mike was there shortly there after, and squarely landed a punch on my
“Ass, I had you until the end,” he said.
“Too bad.”
Michelle came over. “Whose idea was it to ditch me?” asked Mike.
“Your sister’s,” I said, taking off my boots and using Michelle to
lean against.
“Funny. I don’t care, I skied with this girl all day that I met.”
“Right Mike.”
“I did!” he insisted. Michelle and I got on the bus, leaving Mike to
take off his gear. We went to the back. Luke and Debbie were in the
second to last seat already, and were saving the one in front for
Tonya and Val. Kevin was sitting back against the window of the one
across from Luke, legs on the aisle seat. Michelle and I took the
back seat, across from the bathroom and behind Luke and Deb’s.
Fortunately the restroom did not smell.
Mike was forced to sit in front of Kevin’s seat, across from Val and
Tonya’s, since Kevin wouldn’t share his seat. Mike was grumbling
something about fuck and shit.
If past trips were any indication, the ride home from a ski trip was
an adventure. Truth or Dare was the order of the ride, and past trips
had gotten a bit raunchy, at least by my innocent standards. The best
trip of my freshman year had forced Whitney, a senior now graduated,
to show her bra to all, revealing without question the size of her
ample breasts. That was the highlight of the trip, and made up for
the cold skiing we had received that day. Another pair of seniors who
were going out was dared into frenching for a full minute. I got away
only by revealing my virginity and having a fellow classmate, Dana,
sit on my hand for a few minutes. I was too afraid to wiggle my
fingers at the time, but the possibility was there, I suppose.
Another time a hot eighth grader with a rebel streak joined in the
game and had to sit on Luke, rubbing her ass on his crotch. He later
told me he had a hand up her sweater. There was indeed more going on
than met the eye, though perhaps less than filled the imagination, too.
I was glad to be sitting in the back seat, where any dares performed
would be less conspicuous. I nudged Michelle.
“Hey, usually these trips back involve some Truth or Dare, but you
don’t have to play if you don’t want.”
“How much do you have to dare?” she asked.
“Sometimes something dumb, other times a bit heavier. It’s fun
“What have you had to do?” she asked, turning to me with an
interested curiosity, and a bit of taunting mixed in for good measure.
“Uh, well, I had to tell how far I’d gone with a girl before, and
“How far was that?”
“Hey, the game ain’t started yet!”
“O.K. Rob, I’ll give you that. What else were you gonna say?”
“Also a girl sat on my hand for a timed two minutes. Nothing too
much going on there though,” I said quickly.
“Could have been, though,” she said, with a glint in her eye. “Maybe
I will play. I just don’t want to kiss Mike.”
“If you don’t want to do something, you don’t have to, but you will
lose face.”
Everyone was on the bus now, and Roger took a head count as we headed
out. The bus driver turned off the lights, and the tinted windows
made it cozily dark. Luke rose in his seat and turned on an overhead
light, illuminating our area with a feeble light like that of a few
candles, just enough to see what was going on. But not enough to see
too much; depending on whether you were doing the looking or doing the
doing, the low light was either bad or good.
“Alright, Truth or Dare. Who’s in?” Luke asked.
The eight of us all voiced a favorable reply, and Luke took out his
trail map and a pen, and began writing names out on sections, ripping
them off and handing them to Debbie. She placed them in her ski hat.
“Alright,” he said, finishing up the slips. “I’ll draw to see who
goes first. Nah, fuck that, it’s my pen, I’ll go first myself.” He
pulled a slip out of the hat with much ceremony.
“Ah, Mike. Truth or Dare?”
“Hmmm…” Luke thought for a second. “Let’s start out easy. How
many different girls have you kissed?”
“Three,” said Mike. Liar, I thought. Mike had never gone out with
anyone in his life, as far as I knew.
“Who’s that?” asked Luke.
“Sorry, your turn’s up,” Mike said with a sly grin. “Just one
Luke passed Mike his slip. The deal was you pulled a slip first and
then replaced your own, so you wouldn’t get yourself. Mike pulled out
a piece.
“Well, well. Robbie-boy. What’ll it be?”
“O.K., who’s idea was it to ditch me today?” he asked.
“No one’s. You missed the turn. The race was for the bottom of
Hunter West.”
“Wait, isn’t the name of this game TRUTH or Dare?” asked Mike,
“It was Val’s idea,” I said, just for the hell of it.
“No!” she protested.
“Well, whatever, I don’t remember anymore how it came about,” I
“Bullshit!” Mike said.
“Alright, questions over,” said Luke. “Skiing is over too, let it
rest, Mike.”
“He didn’t answer it though. Not truthfully.” Mike was getting into
a puerile mood.
“Alright it was my idea, if that’s what you want to hear,” I
confessed, annoyed. “Now gimme the goddamn hat, cumstain.”
He passed the hat, muttering “I knew it.”
I pulled out Debbie’s name.
“Dare,” she said, confidently, facing me, looking in my eye, really
daring me to request something lewd. Shit, I thought, what do I dare
her to do. Something with Luke.
“How about sit on Luke and do a dance.”
“Woohoo!” exclaimed Luke, grinning at me. I remembered how much he
liked that last time. Debbie motioned for Luke to sit, and then
planted her ass firmly on his groin, and started a slow grinding
dance. Kevin and Mike started clapping a rhythm and the rest of us
joined in, offering encouragement. I wondered if Luke’s dick was
pressing up against Debbie’s hot crack. It probably was. The dance
ended with a patter of applause.
Debbie got up and reached into the hat, looking a little flushed, but
it was hard to tell in the lighting. Luke looked at me and gave me a
thumbs up.
“Kevin, Turth or D – I mean TRUTH or Dare.” Everyone laughed.
“That will be tough to follow, so I will take Truth.”
“O.K., what’s the furthest you have been with anyone, and who was it.”
“I went all the goddamn way with Katrina Michaels this summer.” he
answered forcefully, like a poker player playing a royal flush.
“Yeah baby!” said Luke, laughing. I let out a hoot.
“Are you serious?” asked Debbie.
“Damn right I am,” he said smiling. Debbie prided herself on knowing
all the social comings and goings in the school, and this was news to
her. “Gotcha,” he said, knowing this.
He pulled out a slip. “Michelle. What’s your poison?”
“I’ll take dare.”
“O.K., let’s have a close up view of that chair lift action. French
kiss Rob for us for twenty seconds.”
“Yeah baby,” cried Luke.
She complied. It felt good to be kissing her again. Out of the
corner of my eye I could see a puzzled Mike looking intently. It was
a satisfying sight, and I wrapped my arms tightly around Michelle, to
the cheers of the others. All too soon the kiss was over, and Debbie
broke us up, handing Michelle the hat.
“Alright, he said twenty seconds, not twenty minutes.”
Michelle pulled out Kevin’s name.
“Alright Kevin, I get to return the favor. What’s YOUR poison?”
“I’ll try a dare, but go easy on me.”
“Get up and dance between Tonya and Val.”
“Sure thing,” he said, happily. Tonya and Val giggled and sandwiched
him in the aisle, all three of them facing forward and pressed
together. Luke and I started to pound a tribal beat on the seat
backs, as the three of them swayed hips back and forth. Kevin grabbed
hold of Tonya’s hips in front of him and was really getting into it.
We all laughed our asses off. Kevin let out a big sigh as he sat
down, and pulled a name. “Alright, I got Tonya.”
“I’ll take a dare, Kevin.”
Perhaps emboldened from his dance with her, he let out this well
structured beauty: “How big are your breasts and prove it.” We
erupted in laugher and howls. I wish I had his balls, I thought to
Tonya covered her mouth with a hand, smiling, turning a bit red.
“Kev, that was harsh,” she said.
“Well, then you might have a chance to get revenge later,” he offered
as a small consolation.
“You better hope I don’t get you.”
“O.K., I won’t, but that don’t stop you from answering the question.”
“I can’t.”
“Aw, c’mon, play fair, be a sport,” we all said.
“Oh alright.” I looked at her. Under her tightish sweater I knew
she had decent breasts. I wagered a 33 or 34 B.
“34…B,” she let out meekly.
“Now prove it,” said Kevin, without pause, greedily. His eyes were
hungry. I was staring too. How would she show? She moved into the
aisle, walked back, and entered the bathroom. “Shit,” said Kevin. I
was a bit disappointed.
“Did she quit the game?” asked Mike.
The door reopened and Tonya walked out, bra in hand. I got an
instant hard-on. She was holding the tag, and pushed it towards Kevin.
“There it is!” she proclaimed proudly.
“There it is. Very creative, although I admit I was hoping for more.”
Tonya smacked him lightly on the face. “I bet you were. Don’t
worry, when I get you, you’ll get more.” She returned, braless, to
her seat. I watched the gentle bounce of her 34B’s.
“What are you looking at?” asked Michelle, grinning.
“Nothing,” I said, turning my gaze. “Alright draw, Tonya.” She
pulled a slip.
“Well, well, well. Look who I got,” she said, with sly, evil intent
dripping from her words. “Mr. Kevin here.” Kevin breathed a “Shit!”
as the rest of us laughed. “Truth,” she paused, “or daaaare?” Kevin
looked her in the eye, weighing the possibilities.
“Truth,” said Kev, after some consideration.
“How big is your dick and prove it.”
We all went wild. Kevin just sat there as the rest of us clapped,
laughed, and pointed. People in the front of the bus were looking
back to see what the commotion was. After a good thirty seconds, it
died down.
“Come here and I’ll show you.” Another outburst from us onlookers
“That’s not the question. C’mon, out with it!” I didn’t know if she
meant that literally at this point.
“It’s getting a little hot in here,” I joked.
“I disqualify the question,” said Kevin, “because it’s really a truth
and a dare, so it doesn’t count.”
“Bullshit, so was yours.”
“O.K., I disqualify mine too then.”
“Too late, man. Answer the question!”
I looked over at Tonya, and my eye’s caught the slip in her hand. It
was not Kevin’s, having seen his when Michelle drew it. His had been
large, and the one Tonya held was smaller. I looked at Kevin. I
hated to break up the fun, but he wasn’t going to show his dick to
everyone, so I decided to break open the scandal. He looked at me,
and I mouthed “IT’S NOT YOUR SLIP.” He nodded back.
“Alright Tonya, I call. You better have a good hand. Ten long
inches!” he exclaimed. We laughed and hooted. I wondered what he was
doing. Maybe he had misunderstood me.
“Bullshit. Prove it then.”
He stood in the aisle next to her and unzipped his pants, and
unbuttoned the top. He pulled them down to his knees. He was in
boxers. Tonya and Val laughed and shrunk back a little.
Luke started chanting, “KEV-IN! KEV-IN! KEV-IN!” and we joined in.
He put his hands on the bottom of his boxers. Tonya shielded her
eyes. Val let out an “Eeeewww!” and pressed back against the window.
“Wait,” said Kevin, straightening. “Isn’t it funny that you should
pull out my name so soon. I challenge you to prove that you pulled my
“It’s yours, trust me,” said Tonya, a bit less confident now.
Kevin yanked at the slip, but she pulled it away behind her,
laughing. Kevin lunged after it, pushing her against Val. We cheered
on the fight. Tonya was laughing so hard she was almost crying.
Sudden Kevin tripped up on his pants and fell into her, face first
onto her right breast. Tonya let out a yelp and pushed a grinning
Kevin off. The commotion was enough to get us out of our seats. Luke
reached out and tried to grab the paper, and I was the only one who
saw Debbie reach down and grab his crotch, causing him to retract his
arms to fend her off. Mike watched and cheered from his seat. I got
up and tried to join the pushing. Tonya pulled the sheet down into
her lap, and curled up on the seat. Val was just yelping and laughing
against the window. Kevin had tripped and fallen, and was getting
sucked under the seat. I reached in and grabbed for the paper,
brushing Tonya’s breast briefly in the process. Another yelp, and she
pushed the page behind her back.
I started to reach around when someone started tickling me from
behind on my sides. I am very ticklish, and was forced to withdraw.
It was Michelle. Kevin was trying to get free in vain from under the
seat. I tickled Michelle back. Luke and Debbie were groping in their
seat. Mike started to tickle Michelle. That made me mad, but what
could I do.
“HEY, what the hell is going on here!?” It was Roger, the director.
He was in the aisle watching the commotion. “You, get up and what the
heck is wrong with your pants? Rest of you in your seats, NOW!!”
“Sorry, my belt came loose and I fell,” said Kevin, regaining his feet.
“Get back in your seat. People are trying to sleep up there, and
there’s way too much noise going on here for my liking,” he barked.
We retook our seats, suppressing smiles. “Alright, now keep it down!
We are on a moving vehicle, so you all need to stay seated!” He
turned and made his way forwards. We waited until he was seated
before letting out a laugh.
“So show the paper, Tonya,” said Kevin.
“No. You need to prove your question,” she said, holding the slip
tightly in her hand.
“I know that the slip is not mine,” he pressed.
“How’s that?” she challenged.
“Because,” he said, holding up his own slip, I never put it back in
after Michelle drew it.” We cheered, somewhat quietly, but with no
less enthusiasm than before.
“You bastard!” she said, lunging into his seat, beating his arm.
“That’s cheating!”
“So is what you did. Besides, didn’t God tell you to stay in your
seat? We are in a moving vehicle, you know.”
She gave him one last punch and returned to her seat.
The game was apparently over, since Tonya disqualified everyone, and
Luke and Debbie started making out, and no one offered to start the
game again.
“So you are pretty ticklish?” asked Michelle, as the others quieted.
I saw Kevin pull out his truck magazine, and had a twinge of longing
to catch the rest of the calendar pictures. Oh well.
“Yeah, very. That was not nice.”
“I’ll have to remember that. It might come in handy again sometime.”
“You better not!”
She leaned her head on my shoulder.
“I was just kidding.” She weaved an arm around my waist. “I
wouldn’t a thing like that.” Suddenly she started tickling me.
“Lay off,” I shrieked, a bit loudly, laughing.
“Shhhhh, what’s the problem,” she said, stopping. I pushed her arm
“O.K., I promise,” she said, leaning against me, trying to wrap her
arm around me again.
“I don’t trust you.” She looked up at me and pouted.
“Ffffff…Alright, but no tickling or I won’t let you in again.”
“Trust me,” she said, placing her head on my shoulder again, and
pushing her arm across my waist. Its path was low and she pushed
open-handed across my crotch without pausing, but firmly, and passed
through, coming to a stop on my other hip. I was already half hard,
as she went over, my rod went rock hard instantly. Had she really
done that on purpose? I glanced down at her. Her eyes were closed
and a satisfied smile graced her pretty lips like some one curled up
in front of a fireplace on a cold night would have. Perhaps she
didn’t mean to touch me, but she sure had to have felt me as she went
over. It was a strange sensation. Maybe she was a bit horny from the
game earlier. I leaned back into my chair and closed my eyes. A
thousand thoughts raced through my head: kissing Michelle, her stray
hand, her tender lips, her green eyes, her soft hair. And I thought
of the great skiing we had enjoyed, and the tickling even, and mixed
it all together.
I returned briefly to my earlier fantasy with Michelle, and thought
again of the calendar, but strangely my thoughts returned to reality
and kissing her and the pressure of her head on my shoulder. Strange,
because thinking of that felt better than fantasizing about sex or
some scantily clad models at the moment. It’s funny how a small
amount of a real thing is better than any amount of it imagined. I
drifted off for a while, pleasant feelings washing through me.
When we arrived at the school I longed to kiss her goodbye, but the
presence of parents made me feel weird, so we parted verbally and a
bit awkwardly, as we looked in each other’s eyes, wanting one last
touch together for the night.
All night I thought of what tomorrow would bring. Translating Latin
even looked good now if it was doing it with her. I couldn’t wait to
see her, and hug her, and kiss her lips again. I already missed her.
I got into my bed, aching, completely worn out. I was asleep in a
minute, thoughts of Michelle in my head.

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