Hypno bondage 2.

As He watched Her with His all-seeing eyes, Her body began to
sway slightly. As He ‘felt’ with the grasping, sensual hands of His mind
Her bosom rose and fell more and more rapidly. Her flesh swelled in His
hands beneath her mind, and in His mind beneath His hands. He ‘wanted’ Her
to ‘feel’ Him … there, ‘with’ Her, as He was in His mind right then.
His mind focussed as He tranced down even more deeply, now that He could
see She had been visibly and physically affected. In His mind His hands
released Her heaving breasts back to her and moved to other parts of Her
body beneath Her clothes-one centred on the centre of Her chest below Her
breasts, the other moved slowly around and settled between Her shoulder
blades, opposite the other on Her front. He could ‘feel’ Her heart
pounding against Her rib cage. It thumped relentlessly as Her arousal grew
from sensing the presence of His hands on both sides of Her upper torso at
once. She was tranced! It was now time to utilise that trance and instill
in Her mind and body the concepts of Her ultimate and complete bondage to
Him, not in so many words, but in concepts, roles, attitudes, ‘feelings,’
and behaviour; all those small, but so very powerful things that would
mould and shape Her self-image ultimately, and so completely, in such a
way, so as to ensure Her happiness with Him for the term of Her natural
life. Jesus! Her flesh so real, felt ‘alive’ beneath the hands of His
mind, shimmering, trembling almost, and heated. Her velvet skin felt
pliant and vibrant, feeling His slow burn for Her, such that He knew She
could ‘feel’ He was there – right ‘there,’ right ‘now.’ Somewhere in the
dimness of His conscious awareness He sensed His own thighs begin to
tremble as His energies pooled and began to rapidly centre in His lower
belly and loins. This was the place. Now was the time. ‘She’ was the

The images of being of being comforted in his presence, the feel and
concept of soft velvet around Her exquisitely pale throat left His mind
under their own power and surged electrically along the visual pathway
connecting them between their deeply-locked eyes, and reinforcing the
strength of them overall was the subconscious link of rapport now firmly
established the surrounding mental bridge. He had to make everything as
clear as He could in Her mind’s eye and Her physiological sensations. He
would have only one chance, and this was it; all or nothing. He mentally
placed that velvet collar gently and lovingly around her delicate throat,
wanting Her to ‘feel’ its softness, its texture, and know it was He who was
sealing the clasp. She belonged at His feet, Her place being there, for
all time, so that She knew, could see it on His face and in His powerful,
protective gaze that held Her helpless, yet safe and secure. He had yet to
physically touch Her face, but She was now being known by Him truly.
Distance was no barrier to the feel and the strength those which now moved
downward, gliding smoothly over hot, trembling skin and flesh. In his
visions He brought Her own gentle, trembling hands to His face and
features, to clearly establish in Her mind and sensations so powerfully now
that She would always wait for Him to come, to pleasure Her, to ‘take’
pleasure ‘with’ Her, ‘in’ Her, and ‘from’ Her, knowing that She ‘could’
give and receive as could He, as no other two beings ever could, or ever
will. He was knowing Her body now so well, so intimately, so privately as
His hands clasped Her furry slick saddle and protruding mound from the
front, and the hot depths of the crease between Her buttocks from behind,
bonding more and more with each passing second.

The hands of His mind showed Her body no mercy, and no quarter was given
Her trembling, slickened and wet-matted junction, nor the humid clenching
abyss between her flexing buttocks. They dove deep, from both sides at
once. She gasped audibly, sucking huge breath after breath as His hands
‘knew’ Her from the outside in and the inside out. Her eyes bulged in
sheer, pure disbelief as He plundered her royally and most privately,
prodding her now-dripping crease and Her tight, tiny starfish
simultaneously, and very relentlessly to overwhelm Her mind and sensations
so She could not cope with what was happening and would finally yield and
break of Her own free will, and then be reborn anew. Slowly He began to
sink downward, all the way to His knees, but ever-so-slowly, as if in slow
motion, dragging Her gaze with Him, followed hesitantly by Her physical
body, resisting still in the depths of something She could have never
imagined was possible. More and more down He dragged Her, His images
clear, brutal and very physical. His body plunged and lunged into Her
bending, parting trembling centre, driving mercilessly upward into her as
She sank behind His powerful visual capture net. She buckled as He fucked
Her to Her knees, such that in reality there was at least three feet of
clear unobstructed humid air between them. Yet in their minds was He
taking Her with such animal force and raw lust He saw Her begging for mercy
as He thrust upward violently, relentlessly and so powerfully with each
piercing stroke as fucked Her finally all the way down to the floor.

She was gasping as loudly as he was, yet none other heard, nor knew what
was taking place on ly a little distance from their goings-on. He knelt
and bore His surging gaze down into her eyes, His mind falling on Her like
a savage wild predator who had found its helpless prey. She fought Him
like a devil-woman as She ‘felt’ Him jackhammer His driving, flaming arrow
upwards again and again and again, hammering Her cervix back inside itself
and the womb and home of Her future children. He could feel Her every
resistance, but He would simply not allow it. He had come too far to turn
back now. She did not have His strength, His power. His mind drove her
body ever-downward, thundering over and far up inside every inch of Her
sweating skin, pushing deeper and deeper between Her thighs, riding Her
furry, heaving saddle like a wild stallion in the most uncontrollable
mating heat, knowing and forcing Her to realize that He knew what She
ultimately needed, better than She did, and now She was feeling and
experiencing those sensations ‘He’ needed from Her. Her gasps were ragged
and harsh to His ears which heard them not. Her groans of increasing
anguish as She felt Herself losing the battle, yet know She would win the
war were sent forcefully flying across time and space toward her sweating
face, through Her tortured and ravaged gaze in deeply into the imagination
of Her subconscious mind. He forced Her hips and thighs to heave and jerk
uncontrollably from her subconscious mind’s acceptance of what was
happening. He knew it knew not the difference between reality and
imagination, knowing also, that in any battle between the imagination and
the will, it was always the imagination that reigned supreme, just as Hers
was doing right now.

He drove His mental length and girth as deeply as His imagination could
instill in Hers would possibly allow it to happen, and then He plundered
Her even more deeply still as She writhed on the carpet in reality, mouth
opening and closing almost soundlessly now, for no huge breath She drew
remained long enough to give force to any word of sensations wracking Her
senses like a raging bush fire. Down and down He drove her body in His
mind, then clearly in His thoughts he flipped Her like a wisp of the
willow, a leaf with no weight as He withdrew the fearful lance from between
her mind’s thrashing thighs. And did He see and hear and then ‘feel’ her
moan and groan from the depths of Her gut as He drove Himself piercingly
into and solidly through her tight, tiny starfish. She screamed in His
mind to the almost silent and rapid mouthing actions of her real and
heavily-sweating face and features as He hilted the full length and girth
of His pole of His fury deeper than He was allowing Her to imagine was
physically possible in a woman of her size. Yet still He felt the fight
within Her, weakening second by second, but still enough for Him to sense
its presence. His own mind focussed and dragged them both ever downward
into the depths of trance, forcing and tearing the throbbing folds of Her
private flesh apart as Her hips suddenly and savagely ‘felt’ Him grip them
in steel vice-like hands that pulled Her back violently as He drove into
Her steaming tight centre, plundering through Her gripping, flexing
buttocks, Her glistening, trembling tissue tearing from the sheer force he
imagined and ‘felt’ in His mind as He ravaged Her ass. His pure mental
strength of mind then overpowered what little will He ‘felt’ She had
remaining, as, with one last brutal and powerful thrust up into the
quivering depths of her backside He forced Her to ‘feel’ Him shudder from
the very base of His loins; a trembling, rumbling, like a volcano about to
blow He erupted as the fiercest volcano ever had in Her mind’s eye and
imagination and delivered Her gift as Her invader, Her conqueror and Her
Master. His boiling lava stream of semen burned and seared its way into
the heart of Her ass and bowels, searing Her bruised and battered flesh in
Her mind’s terrorising fear and futile anguish. Yet as it torched and
flamed Her entire back passage, so, too, did He cause Her to feel its
soothing presence as it cooled rapidly inside Her, bathing Her trembling,
tortured flesh to quell and calm her searing fires within.

* * * * * *


* * * * * *

And in that way did he continue to hold Her in His mind and Hers,
allowing Her to see herself calming in His gentle grasp to rest as She lay
exhausted and flattened on the carpet, to heal, to know the difference
finally between the victor and the vanquished, the weak and the strong; so
She could know now and ‘feel’ She had pleased Her master well. He saw Her
eyes close for Her, aware once again of the softness and the comforting
‘feeling’ of the velvet collar secured lovingly around Her neck and throat.
He softened the strength of the powerful gaze that had held and still held
her spellbound, only now She could ‘feel’ other things besides His
strength, and His violence given in their courtship as He now allowed Her
to see it as it was. He saw Her body healing quickly from the inside out,
from the back to the front, from the top to the bottom, and everywhere in
between and allowed that calming and soothing image to flow continuously
for several long minutes across the pathway linking their subconscious
minds and imaginations. Her breathing began to finally calm for real as
She remained transfixed and very aware of both His conscious and
unconscious presence. Of respect and love did he now flow freely and
willingly to and from Her, His chosen one; so deep a respect of mutuality,
so nurturing a love of enduring safety and protection and caring that She
would also fear the sheer power of it as being of equal strength to the
raw, unadulterated violence of Her initial courtship just ended.

Slowly He began to rise and straighten, yet remaining on His knees on
the carpet. Yet the backward action of His upper torso saw Her own slowly
begin to follow upright into a sitting position. Her hair dishevelled, Her
makeup long-gone, yet He saw Her as radiant and as beautiful as any queen
had a right to see Herself. And through the power of His mind did She then
as His head aligned upright with his spine and she slowly rose shakily
upright to Her knees to face Him, a distance of only a foot or so between
eyes that had seen nothing and no-one for almost an hour of time. His
countenance softened a little more as His breathing deepened and calmed
with Hers. He saw Her own following suit, and, as He did, so did She. Her
face and features calmed now to match Her breathing being led by His as He
‘felt’ the declaration of Her feelings for Him in His mind and emotional
sensations, unable and unwilling to put words to His concepts now He was
happy just to lead her to feel the happiness in Her mind and body that He
now knew so very well.

His feet and legs found their sure footing as He began to rise before
Her entranced gaze of awe. So, too, did the loose muscles of her own legs
then galvanised slowly into action to follow His lead once again and rise
slowly with him, like a dancer of the most artistic kind, rising in the
most graceful manner until they stood, breathing calmly and evenly, face to
face, but for a few inches. Their gazes were one now, a bridge that had
been built on raw lust and sheer violence that was right now being paved
with mutual love and respect and caring; a bridge and a crossing where more
and more concepts and information still flowed freely from His mind to
Hers, from His imagination to Hers, from His heart to the heart of His
chosen one. Freely he allowed Her inner sight to look at Him now with the
innocence of a child, unable to conceal anything from Him, doing precisely
as She would be asked, without hesitation, in belief without question, and
in faith without doubt. He saw Himself as always being in Her mind and
consciousness, and living within the depths of her subconscious mind to
care for Her needs when those needs arose. And everything He saw, She saw.
Everything He felt, She felt, as her mind and body grew more and more calm
with the softening of His gaze.

His mind bathed hers still in healing calm, soothing and replacing,
enhancing the images of Her courtship so fiery so as to soften, yet not to
forget. He ‘felt’ the emotions She now had for Him, such that She now felt
She would frighten Him away were She to declare them open and honestly to
Him as He faced Her. His mind allowed Her to gently understand that She
would never appear foolish in the eyes of Her master, and that She must
never hold anything back from Him, for He now controlled Her perfectly as
truly the slave of Her master She now was and ‘felt’ herself to be. She
was His now, in Her mind’s eyes from His own, and would give Her life for
Him without hesitation if need be or required. He saw through Her eyes now
who He really was – Her Protector, Her lover, and Her Friend, and She now
knew She could tell Him anything – anything at all.

* * * * * *

Trance Termination

* * * * * * * * He brought Her up slowly with the softening of His gaze
in Her own, leading and pacing Her breathing by, and with His own,
lightening Her load of the new dawning of Her awareness of ‘who’ She really
was. And so did He see for Her education and enlightenment the knowledge
of His years that would protect and love and nurture Her from that moment
onward. The fullness of His life before Her held so much promise for the
life ahead of Her with Him, and She, as His willing and loving slave. And
in so doing did He guide Her imagination and unconscious awareness
understand now that the experience everything and everyone His life had
taught Him to care so deeply about is where He drew His strength for Her
safe and protected future. The stories He would tell Her in the fullness
of time at His feet; the stirring of emotions and passions so fiery and so
fine, known only to lovers of the most enduring kind flowed from His mind
to Hers, from His awareness and understanding to her own, so that She knew
now Her experience would be enhanced and cared for from that moment onward.
And in that he ‘felt’ Her to feel safe, and very cared for.

Of the memories of Her very sensual and very sexual courtship He allowed
Her to revisit briefly now, but finding them softened with her new
understanding of Him and all the reasons why. He implored Her ‘whole’ mind
for understanding and was rewarded by eyes widening and softening at the
same time. His heart pounded in His chest while His pulse and courage in
victory surged through His awareness and His conscious mind. She would
always remember Her courtship, for that would be the foundation of their
future pleasure, yet in sometimes gentler ways and manners more befitting
their new relationship of mutual love and respect and deep understanding of
the others needs, as well as their respective places in each other’s lives
and happiness. And from those briefly revisited memories now enhanced and
made soft with Her velvet collar would come their bliss in togetherness of
the most private kind; such pleasure as He could envision strongly She
could and would never have imagined in all Her earthly days. And He felt
Her understanding and awareness grow a little more, for to experience His
touch would from that moment on, and when She would awakened give Her such
intense sexual and sensual pleasure, even from the merest and lightest
butterfly kisses, wherever, and whenever He chose to place them.

He allowed His face and countenance to soften, and His eyes only to
gently smile, yet none of it touched his face or mouth, nor did anything
change in the strength of the mental bridge so carefully designed and
built. And slowly upward did She accompany Him from the depths of Her
courtship anguish and bliss as His mind aroused Her slowly with images
beyond Her belief, with Her knowing truly now that He, Her Master, Her
forced and now self-chosen Lord could and would make Her come, with just so
much as a single word. As the light in Her eyes gradually returned, He
allowed Her subconscious mind to slowly give Her awareness back to Her in
the knowledge that She felt honoured that He had chosen Her as His slave;
that She now worshipped the ground He walked upon and the life He would
live with Her by His side and kneeling lovingly and respectfully at His
feet; that She knew She would be treated kindly because She needed Him so
much, wanting their lives to be lived together, to stand by His side at
parties, with friends, to fly high with Him wherever His life took Him in
His travels, and to prepare His meals and His bed for Her to share at His
grace. As Her awareness almost fully returned he gave Her what She needed
to see and to feel to make their bonding complete in Her mind, as well as
His own; that She needed to look into His eyes again and again and again,
over and over and over as He pushed His body inside of hers in the fullness
of their coming life and relationship together; that She is no longer
ungrateful for their fiery courtship and thunderous, plundering beginning,
for that which now resided in the depths of Her subconscious mind would now
forever only want more and more of the same for Her to be deliriously happy
and content, nestled at His feet, accepting Her selfishness as He did, with
her own grace and humility in loving and bonded servitude.

As Her eyes widened and Her face relaxed completely She believed now She
only wanted to be with Him. She needed Him so much She could already
‘feel’ the aching twinges of imagined separation, and never being
completely satisfied with Her own happiness unless She was where She truly
belonged – at Her Master’s feet. He returned Herself back to Herself
slowly and finally with the last seal of Her bonding with the separation of
His gaze from Hers; that She now loved Him with all of Her heart and mind,
and would forever beg Him to understand Her heart’s feelings – that She was
His now, and ‘only’ His, for no-one in the world could measure up to Him,
and that now, She sought no other, and never would again for Her enduring
and lasting happiness, even if He were to tell Her to go. Yes, She would
go willingly, because His happiness now means more to Her than Her own.
She loved Him. Now. She truly loved Him … Her ‘Master.’

He blinked only once, drew a deep breath and sighed.

She blinked twice, and then lovingly did the same.

And then, as He reached for Her, her hands moved to meet His, and then
their mouths and their hearts slowly began to smile.

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