For a moment, nothing happened – then the elastic ring of her pussy stretched

Steve drove home in a trance. He lost his virginity.
He wanted to stop the car and shout to the
neighborhood. He had lost his virginity to one of his
school’s cheerleaders, Amanda. And now he had some
power where he could make people feel things.

He wondered about his new power, wondering what else
he could do with it. He had a car full of cheerleaders
who had orgasmed around him as he mentally twiddled
their clits – surely that counted for something. He
could probably even use it in wrestling- give the guy
an itch, or make guys on the football field feel like
their legs were breaking when he ran into them.

Sure, it was cheating – but if fate had decided to
play him this hand, he couldn’t help but use it. So
far, it had lost him his virginity – who knows what it
could do.

Steve pulled into the driveway of his house, parking
his car. He was home late- odds are, his dad would
have a shit fit and ground Steve for at least a month.
But it was worth it.

He carefully opened the door, trying not to make much
noise so as not to wake his parents. While they would
all sleep in tomorrow, being Saturday, Steve didn’t
want to interrupt their sleep. His footsteps didn’t
make a sound as he crossed by the living room.

“Home late, aren’t we?” a voice called out. Steve
flinched, surprised by the voice. His father was
sitting on the couch, glaring at the teenager.

“Yeah. I gave a ride home to some girls. Sorry I’m
late.” His father’s eyes burned with anger as he rose
to his feet. He was a few inches taller than Steve.

Steve felt an itchy sweat creep along his scalp. He
had always been afraid of his father, years of beating
installing that sense of fear into him. “That’s not
the truth. You’ve been out partying with your friends,
haven’t you? Been drinking?”

Shock filled Steve’s face. His father thought he was
out drinking? “No! I don’t even like the taste of
beer, Dad. We went to Hopper’s, then- ”

His father’s hand smacked across Steve’s face, leaving
a wide red mark. Steve’s head snapped to one side from
the blow. “Stop lying to me! Tell me the truth, or
you’ll get worse!” He hand started back the other

Steve knew the pattern. His father would tell him how
he was lying, even when he was telling the truth. He
would browbeat Steve until Steve couldn’t say
anything, just stand there in fear of getting hit- and
then hit him for not saying anything. But this time,
something inside of Steve snapped. His hand, trained
from several years of wrestling practice, caught his
father’s in a vice like grip. Strong fingers encircled
the older man’s. His father’s face registered anger
and pain as Steve’s green eyes caught his.

“I wasn’t out doing any of that, Dad.” He spit out the
last word like an insult. “I have no interest in
alcohol, I don’t smoke, and I’ve never even attended a
party because you’ve felt that they’re wrong somehow.”
He felt a pressure building up inside of him. “I
haven’t even gone to a fucking Homecoming dance,
because you felt that I’d get into trouble. When every
parent in this neighborhood wishes they had a kid like
me.” The pressure was building inside his head. Years
of rage were being let out. “You want to beat me, Dad?
Want to hit me? Why don’t you break my arm again, huh,
Dad, like in the sixth grade when I didn’t make my bed
well enough?” The words were flung out like bullets as
he released his father’s hand. “So come on, big man.
Here I am. You want me? Then FUCKING GET ME!” Steve
roared at his father, feeling the pressure inside of
him crack, a torrent of mental energy directed at the
man who had made his life a living hell before him.

Steve’s father clutched his chest, his eyes widening
at shock. With the pressure released inside of Steve’s
head, the realization of what he was doing hit him
hard. His father fell to the floor, his mouth opening
and closing like a fish. After a moment, he stopped

Steve stood there for a moment, then started to move.
He put his hands against his father’s neck, checking
for a pulse. He had CPR training from a health class,
and tried frantically to remember what to do. No
pulse. He grabbed the phone, quickly dialing 9-1-1.

By the time that the ambulance had arrived, his mother
had awoken. His father was declared dead at the
hospital. The coroner would later rule a heart attack
is what killed him. Steve knew better. It was his
rage, and his power, that had killed his own father.

All through the funeral, one thought kept returning to
his mind. He had killed his father. He was a murderer.
Dueling thoughts bounced inside his skull. Murderer.
Killer. Another side warred back “But he deserved it –
look at what kind of man he was, how he treated you.”

Steve didn’t reach some noble line of reasoning as
helped his mother pack his fathers old clothes and
things to give to charity. He knew his power could
kill, as well as bring pleasure. It could harm, and
possibly help others.

But after 16 years of being browbeaten for some
unknown sin, Steve now had a second chance. His
father’s death had left him and his mother over a
million dollars in life insurance money. The biggest
feeling he felt was – freedom.

He was free. He was young, and he had a power that he
could use to make his life better. He would live his
life how he wanted, free from his father’s restrictive

Perhaps it was not the response that most people would
have had. But after the abuse and sudden freedom,
Steve’s thought were not like normal people’s. In many
ways he was still a nice guy. But this new way of
thought followed him on the day he was to return back
to school a week later.


Most people were apologetic, saying something like
“I’m so sorry, Steve,” and things like that. Amanda
gave him a hug, her thin body feeling warm and firm
against his. He felt the first stirrings of arousal
tinge from his penis in over a week.

“Thanks,” he said after the hug. He still felt bad
over his father’s death, but the teenage mind usually
thinks with the groin in stead of the class.

Steve had already planned on catching Amanda after
school that day. He amused himself in his classes by
using his power to arouse different girls. He used
considered himself a one girl guy, but now he saw the
different possibilities before him.

He also started seeing other ways to use his power. Up
until now, he had always thought of it like an
appendage. It could feel things, more like what how a
person imagined that things felt like, but well enough
that Steve had an idea of what things were really
like. But now instead of an appendage, Steve found he
could simply make people feel what he wanted them to.
He made Denise- a large chested redhead in his
advanced chemistry class- feel like her breasts were
erect and swollen. She squirmed in her seat as he made
her breasts harden whenever she glanced his way. In
his math class, he made Jennifer, an innocent blonde
Catholic girl who sat in the back row with him, feel
like she was on the brink of orgasm every time the
teacher turned his back. He caught her biting down on
a knuckle as class ended as he forced an orgasm on
her, his talent letting him feel her vagina ripple in

By the time classes were over, Steve had a world class
erection. He headed for the gym, wondering if Amanda
was in cheerleading practice. He would watch the
cheerleaders- maybe even have some fun- and then take
her someplace. In the back of his mind was the feeling
that he was forgetting something, but he couldn’t
remember what.

The gym was mostly empty, some custodians moving
different items. He glanced about, noting the stairs
that lead to the weight room. Sometimes the
cheerleaders used the tumbling mats for their

The only person up there was Nicole, working on some
gymnastics routines. She was wearing a green gym suit,
looking like a swimsuits but thicker. Her butt was a
little big, but her legs were firm and muscular. Her
large breasts bobbed about as she flipped and danced
on the mat. After a moment, she noticed him standing

“Um, hi, Steve,” she said, blushing. She was probably
remembering how she had fingered herself as his power
brought her to orgasm. Steve smiled at her, part of
him trying to keep his eyes on her face, the other
part trying to catch a glimpse of her heaving chest.
Her large tits were accentuated by her tiny waist. She
came up to his chest, her Barbie-blonde hair falling
along the side of her face.

“Hey, Nicole. Where’s everybody at?” He casually stood
in front of her, considering. He couldn’t make her
have sex with him. But maybe he could convince her
that she wanted too…

He reached out with his power, stimulating her
breasts. He noticed her nipples hardening, poking out
at him as she spoke. “There’s some sort of convention
here late tonight, so most folks are gone.” She
grabbed a towel, patting the sweat off of her face
while trying to hide her erect nipples. “So what
brings you HERE!” she squeaked the last word as Steve
made her aroused mounds feel like a pair of mouths
suddenly sucked on them for a moment.

“Just curious. Wanted to see who was around.” He
noticed a flush spreading along her chest as she kept
wiping her neck with the towel. Steve noticed how it
kept dropping down, gently rubbing over the top of her
large mounds. “I noticed your practicing- you looked
good on that mat.” Her hands were being drawn towards
her tits as he made the feeling of pleasure wax and
wane. It was obvious she didn’t want to stroke herself
in front of him, but the good feelings he was sending
along her body were hard to resist.

“Thanks,” she said. She looked about a moment as if
she wanted to go. Steve let the feeling from her
breasts fade down a little- just enough to make her
squirm. At the same time, he gave the feeling of
tightness in her shoulder. “Ow -” She rubbed her
shoulder. “Sorry. I get a little sore sometimes.”

“I can help with that,” Steve said. He let the feeling
of tightness increase as he approached her.

“Well, I’m not- ohhhhhhhh,” she moaned as Steve’s
fingers touched her back. Her gymnast suit was low
cut, giving him full access to her smooth shoulders
and back. He let a feeling of intense pleasure radiate
wherever his fingers touched her. Her back arched as
his large hands ran across her shoulder, her muscles
unknotting from his powers.

Steve gently rubbed her skin, enjoying the simple
enjoyment of her warm flesh against his. He moved his
body forward, his crotch bumping against her large,
firm ass. At the same time his jeans clad cock bumped
against her crack, he sent a dollop of pleasure along
her buttocks. Nicole pressed against his penis, the
thick shaft gently rubbing against her butt, giving
her pleasure.

Steve moved his hands down her back as she squirmed
from his power. Her butt rubbed along his penis, while
his fingers played across her back, moving lower and
lower. He ran his hands along her arms, “accidentally”
brushing against the sides of her breasts for a
moment. Nicole’s blonde hair smelled wonderful as she
pushed harder against him.

“Does this feel good?” he murmured in her ear.
Nicole’s blue eyes opened with shock as she realized
what she was doing. She started to pull away from him,
but he pushed his cock against her ass again, sending
a sharp shock of pleasure. He brought his hands down
her to legs, stroking her thighs.

“Yeah,” she groaned as his hands moved up and down her
legs, her firm butt rubbing against his cock. “But- we

“Shhh,” Steve whispered in her ear. “We can, and we
are.” His fingers slid up her thighs to her slit. Her
gym suit’s crotch was slick with her juices. “You
can’t tell me you don’t like this.” He gently kissed
her neck as he turned her to face him. His fingers
sent jolts of pleasure along her body as his power
increased the sensations, leaving her without defense.
His lips found hers, their mouths hungrily feeding on
each other.

Steve’s hands left her crotch and made their way up
her flat stomach onto her large breasts. He played
with her round orbs, rolling her hard nipples around
his fingers. His tongue entered her mouth, tasting her
tongue and teeth. He used his power, transferring the
feelings from her mouth down to her crotch. Nicole
went nuts as they kissed, her groin beating against
his as it felt like he was licking all over the
insides of her pussy.

The sound of metal on metal interrupted them. The two
teens turned their heads at the sight of a janitor
coming up the stairs, his bucket banging against the
stair railings. They pulled away from each other,
Nicole blushing so hard that she looked sunburnt.

“Let’s go,” Steve muttered, holding her hand. He felt
a little guilty for cheating on Amanda, but he just
couldn’t help himself. They grabbed Nicole’s bag while
the janitor started mopping, looking knowingly – and
even a little lustily, Steve thought, at the two.

“I- I should take a shower,” Nicole said. She ran a
hand through her sweaty hair. “This way.”

Oddly enough, she didn’t head downstairs to the locker
room, but went to an area of the gym Steve hadn’t seen
before. “This is the teachers shower area – the
cheerleading coach gave us a key so we could stay late
after the janitors locked up the other one.”

She reached into her gym bag and puled out a key.
“I’ll wait here,” Steve said, feeling his hard on bore
a hole into his jeans. He pulled her to him, touching
his lips to hers. She shyly lifted her head to be
kissed, intending for a light peck.

Her mouth opened wide as Steve flooded her clit with
pleasure. Steve pushed her against the wall, his
crotch pushing so hard into hers he though their
clothes would melt. She mewled as her groin rubbed
against his, the friction maddening. Steve entire body
covered her petite frame as they dry humped each

With a force of will, Steve placed his hands against
the wall and pushed himself back. Nicole’s lips were
so soft compared to Amanda, her tongue barely meeting
his as she kept rubbing her breasts and slit against
him. Steve ran his tongue against her ear. “Shouldn’t
you be taking that shower now?”

Nicole put her head against his chest, her warm hair
tickling his neck. “Yesss,” she slurred. She looked up
at him, her blue eyes hazy with lust. She wobbled as
she picked up her gym bag. “I should only be a few
minutes,” she said.

“I can’t wait.” Steve kissed her again, nearly sending
them into another make out session. Steve guided
Nicole into the room, pulling the door shut between
them as they kissed.

Steve turned around, relaxing against the wall. His
penis throbbed in his pants. He couldn’t believe his
luck – first Amanda, now Nicole. There was the thought
of what might happen when the two of them spoke to
each other – but he was so laden in hormones right
now, he didn’t care. Or he did, but knew he’d regret
it later.

Steve closed his eyes, reaching out with his power.
His mind felt Nicole’s, feeling her body, feeling her
hands as she massaged soap into her hair. He could
feel it against the back of her neck, feel the warm
water splashing against her breasts, the nipples still
hard and sensitive. It was the most erotic thing Steve
had felt since he had fucked Amanda.

He felt something cool and slippery in her fingers.
_Must be the soap,_ Steve thought. She started rubbing
it against her neck, sliding it under her armpits, the
smooth skin odd compared to Steve’s usual experience
with his own. Down the arms – and then to her breasts,
rubbing the liquid soap under, then around the
nipples. He could feel how her hands could only cover
a small portion of the large orbs.

Steve used his power, turning up the pleasure in her
nipples as her fingers brushed against them. He felt
her hands pause, then slowly stroke her nipples on
both breasts. He could feel the nipples poke out, the
rubbery tips pulled as Steve increased the pleasure.

He could feel her hands playing with her breasts,
stroking, pulling, gently teasing her mammaries. Steve
felt his own body responding in kind, his cock
throbbing again.

Another touch of his power, and then he felt Nicole’s
right hand reach down to her suddenly inflamed clit,
rubbing the tip with a combination of soap and welling
pussy juice.

Steve could feel her throat buzz, and a second later
he could hear the low moan of Nicole’s voice. He could
sense the growing ned in her vagina, the inner walls
throbbing to be filled.

That was it – Steve couldn’t take any more. He picked
up his things, silently opening the door to the small
shower room. He closed it, locking the door behind him
– just in case.

Nicole was so lost in her own pleasure, she never
heard as Steve stripped off his clothing as quietly as
he could.

Steve suddenly opened the shower door. Nicole’s left
hand was on her breasts, her right stroking her slit,
one finger stuck up inside. Her blue eyes looked up as
he towered over her, giving a little cry of alarm as
her unfocused eyes noticed him.

“Sorry,” Steve said, a wry grin on his face. “You were
taking so long, I thought I’d come in and see if you
needed some help.”

His eyes raked over her, every point burned into
memory. Nicole’s naked body was shiny in water and
soap, her large breasts defying gravity as they
swelled from her chest, the nipples poking almost an
inch from her skin. One hand was on her hairless
pussy, her middle finger slid in up to the knuckle,
her engorged clit red and throbbing. Steve’s penis
gave another lurch, the skin threatening to split.

He leaned down, kissing her lips, pushing his naked
body against hers. Her soap slick breasts rubbed
against his chest, the nipples bending up and down as
they moved. Steve reached out a hand, moving it to her
slit, the wet skin no barrier as he gently pulled her
hand from her cunt, then slid his own middle finger

Nicole’s mouth panted against his as his finger, so
much longer and thicker than hers, filled her tiny
pussy. He could feel her hymen, wondering how the
delicate membrane had survived years of gymnastics. He
wondered how much longer it was going to last.

Nicole’s teeth nibbled at Steve’s neck as she ground
her pussy against his palm. “Ah – ah – ah – ” she
gasped. “Oh, Steve, Steve, ah, we shouldn’t, not

Steve took one hand and directed it to his penis. Her
fingers pulled back as if she had been burned, then
tentatively reached out, her slim fingers gently
touching the skin.

His power flared within, and Steve, without knowing
how, transferred the feelings from his rock hard shaft
to her vagina. He removed his hand as her own started
sliding up and down his cock, her own pleasure growing
the more she handled his manhood. Both of his hands
went to her breasts, touching and teasing as she
wrapped both hands around his penis, pumping up and
down faster and faster, her ass pumping up and down as
she felt her vagina ripple in pleasure.

Steve pulled down on her nipples, guiding Nicole until
she was on her knees before him. Her eyes barely
focused on the large cock in front of her as her hands
flew up and down the length of it. Steve used her
nipples as a guide, hefting her breasts until they
rested next to her moving hands.

Nicole’s hands faded away, her breasts wrapping around
his cock. “Oh, oh – I’ve- I’ve never done this
befffoooorrreee-” Her hands came up, squeezing her
soap slick orbs around Steve’s penis, sliding them up
and down, the nipples rubbing though Steve’s coarse
pubic hair. Her ass bobbed up and down, her body
growing closer to orgasm as Steve reached his peak.

“You know that every boy in school has wanted to do
this with you,” Steve grunted, putting his hands on
the shower wall to hold himself up. “So you’re saying
you’ve never done this before?”

“No- no-oh!” Nicole gasped as the tip of Steve’s cock
bumped into her mouth, her small tongue sliding along
the tip. Steve nearly lost it right there.

Steve reached down, cupper her breasts as he drew her
back up to her feet. Nicole cried out as her impending
orgasm was torn from her. Steve pulled her body
against his, kissing her hard, squeezing her small
body against his.

He reached down, cupping her ass as he continued
lifting her in the air. Nicole’s legs snaked around
him as his cock slid against her gash, her fat nether
lips kissing the length of him.

Nicole’s head lolled back as Steve devoured her neck,
then started sucking on her nipples, rolling the
rubbery tips in his mouth. Nicole’s slit slid up and
down his shaft, bringing him ever closer to release.

Steve lifted her ass up higher, his cock blindly
seeking her entrance. Nicole’s eyes snapped open as
she felt the bulbous head trying to enter her. “Steve
– no- ” Her legs wrapped and unwrapped against his ass
as her confused mind sent conflicting symbols to her
body. “Steve – I’m still a virgin, we can’t – ah-”

Steve’s cock found the hole, lodging the tip inside.
Nicole pressed up with her hands, trying to lift
herself up from her approaching doom. “My – my period
was two weeks ago,” she rasped as her nether lips
lifted from his cock, then nestled back down as
gravity took its toll on her. “I don’t want to get

Steve heard the words, but the sudden image of his
sperm shooting into her defenseless body sent a new
surge of lust into him. His cock lurched forward,
adding to the pressure against Nicole’s innocence.

For a moment, nothing happened – then the elastic ring
of her pussy stretched, letting Steve’s head inside.
Nicole’s arms wrapped around him for support as she
felt herself opening. But there was no pain – Steve
saw to that with his power. All she felt was pleasure
as his cock slowly ground into her, her clit rubbing
against his shaft, her juices sliding down to coat his

Steve let go of her, the action so sudden Nicole’s
legs flared out, her arms around his shoulders. In
that moment, her unnaturally strong hymen that had
survived years of gymnastics, stretches, and the
fantasies of so many men snapped, letting Steve’s cock
slide halfway up inside.

“Argh-” Nicole gasped, for a moment Steve’s cock and
her arms the only things holding her up. Steve
continued his inevitable progression upwards, sliding
another inch into her.

Nicole brought her legs up on Steve’s waist, perhaps
thinking to pull herself off his penis before he could
complete the mating ritual. Her dainty feet slipped
against his water and soap slickened body, putting her
entire weight on Steve’s penis.

“Ahhh-” she cried out as Steve’s penis lurched inside
her, stretching her unused tunnel until it came
crashing against her cervix. Her legs hung straight
down, thigh to thigh, his balls touching the junction
between them.

Steve could hardly hold on – Nicole’s body was more
elastic than Amanda’s had been. Not as tight, but as
her vaginal walls rippled against him, he could feel
every cell in her body caressing him.

He grabbed her hips, pulling back, then jabbing his
shaft back into her. “Oh!” Nicole cried, her arms
tightening around him as pleasure suddenly exploded
into her formerly virgin body. Her legs shook as she
lifted her legs, kneeding her heels into his ass. Her
pussy hungrily slid up his shaft, her strong thighs
challenged from he years of training to fit a pattern
as old as time.

Steve kept pulling back and lunging forward, pushing
Nicole into the wall as his long cock kept sliding in
and out of her body. Her breasts bounced against his
chest, almost scratching him as they raked across his
pecs. Their mouths kept meeting, coming apart as
Nicole voiced her pleasure and slowly swindling

“Pull out,” she moaned as she pushed her hips back
into his, her clit grinding against his crotch. “Don’t
– cum in me – Steve – don’t – oh -” Steve caught a
nipple between his teeth, sucking as her hips sped up.
“Not in me -” Her juicy clit plummeted down his shaft
as her nails dug into his shoulders, her heels
squeezing his lower back to drive him further into
her. “Ah – Steve, oh, I’m coming – Steve-Steve-”

“So am I,” Steve grunted, his thrusts growing shorter
as he approached orgasm. His large hands siezed her
ass, slipping into the smooth crack as he pulled her
closer to him. He felt her body seize, her mouth
uttering a wordless cry as she spasmed, her cunt
muscles squeezing him so tight he was certain his cock
would snap.

His balls rose, and his cock forced itself against her
cervix. Nicole’s eyes widened in the midst of her
orgasm as she felt his penis swell, stretching her
insides even further. Then the first volley of sperm
raced into her unprotected womb, the super hot liquid,
and Steve’s power, increasing her orgasm.

Steve pulled back, then slammed forward again, sending
another shot of his sperm into her fertile body.
Nicole clutched at him, the water cascading down their
bodies as he reared back again, smashing forward for
another shot. She cried out a her body kept shaking,
milking his cock for every drop of the dangerous seed.
It seemed like it would never end, but finally, even
teenage hormones gave out, and the two of them slid to
the floor of the shower stall as Steve’s strength gave

Nicole lay pressed against him, steam rising from
their heated bodies. He gently stroked her web hair,
feeling pangs of guilt mix with triumph.

“Nicole?” He said gently. He was suddenly afraid of
the consequences. Suppose she was pregnant – her or
Amanda? What if she cried rape? “Are – are you all

Nicole sniffed once, then squeezed her arms and legs
around Steve. “I – I think so,” she said. “I could
feel you coming in me,” she said.

“I know,” Steve said, cold fear lancing through his
heart. “I’m sorry, I couldn’t help myself-”

Nicole squeezed him again. “It will be OK,” she said,
more to herself than Steve. “We’ll – we’ll just wait
and see what happens.” She paused, then looked up at
him. “Do you love me?”

Steve didn’t hesitate. He had always liked Nicole. She
was fun, she was interesting, and right now, post
coitus, there was no other answer his brain could
give. “Of course I do,” he said, though a part of him
wondered if he meant it. “Whatever it takes, I’ll make
sure you’re taken care of.”

“I know you will,” Nicole said. “You always have been
a nice guy.” Steve felt another pang of guilt. They
cuddled for a bit, her soft breasts feeling so good
against his chest. His cock deflated, a slow stream of
virgin blood and cum seeping out. When the water
started to turn cold, they cleaned up, dressed, and
walked outside hand in hand together to her car.

“So I’ll see you tomorrow?” she asked as she wrapped
her arms around him.

“Count on it,” he said. “I have to leave early for a
doctor’s appointment, but I’ll be there.” He gave her
a chaste kiss that quickly turned into a tongue
lashing. The two of them pulled away, slightly
breathless. “I’ll call you.”

Nicole’s face put on a pout. “That’s what they all
say,” she said, then smiled to show that she was
kidding. She drove off with Steve looking after her,
wondering what his new powers would bring him next –
and how much trouble it would cost him.

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