Faye the teen whore

I met Faye for the first time in almost ten years when I picked
her up at the airport. Gone was the prissy, almost pompous little
brat she’d been. The girl, no, woman, I met was tall, graceful, and
had a body most centerfolds would kill for. At sixteen, Faye stood
5’11”, and weighed 145 pounds, and not a gram of it was out of place.
She measured 38-24-36, and had already learned to dress to accentuate
her height and her build.
She spotted me as soon as she came out of the skyway and rushed
over, wrapping herself around me in a totally innocent hug. My
initial reaction was an immediate, and very obvious erection.
Faye smiled up at me with a soon to be familiar glint in her eye.
“Well, Uncle Max,” she said, laughing lightly and pressing her
hips against me, making it plain that she was aware of the effect she
had already had on me, “It’s nice to know you’re glad to see me!”
I broke away, holding her at arm’s length. I was amazed by the
ravishing creature I held before me. To complement her obvious
physical charms, Faye had classically beautiful features, thick black
hair that she wore in a long ponytail, reaching almost to her hips,
and rich, cobalt blue eyes. I’m still trying to figure out where she
got her looks. My brother was butt-ugly at best, and his wife, well,
lets just say that she was pleasantly homely.
When my senses and hormones were under some control, I led Faye
out to the car, and headed for home. As we drove, I pointed out
places that I thought would interest her, malls, parks, a some of
notable teen hangouts, and the school she’d be going to. She just
passed it all off, and kept asking me about myself. She wanted to
know all about me, my interests, work, and most especially, if I was
involved in any relationships. I gave her a brief rundown, but kept
personal details to a minimum. I was relieved when we reached the
house and I could show her to her room and let her get settled in.
I gave Faye a quick tour of the house after we’d unloaded her bags
and taken them to her room. She was impressed with both the size and
layout of the house, and complemented me frequently on my taste in
decor. Faye hung on my arm as I led her through each room, pressing
herself up against me as often as possible.
I was taken by her. Her scent was intoxicating and the touch of
firm, full breasts pressing against me was maddening. I finally had
to make up an excuse to get away from her before she drove me mad.
I went to the study and had a couple of fast, strong drinks, then
called my girl friend and explained what was going on, and that I
might not be able to see her for a while. She was very understanding,
but suggested that having a nubile teenager in the house with a
single man might lead to trouble. She laughingly suggested that if I
got too tempted, to call her immediately, and she’d relieve the
tension. I didn’t realize then that I wouldn’t have a choice in the
I managed to dodge Faye for most of the afternoon since she had to
unpack and get her things arranged, and I had some work to get done.
As it turned out, my work kept me at the office very late. I called
Faye several times to check on her and to apologize for leaving her
alone in a strange city. She said that it was okay; she’d be fine and
I shouldn’t worry.

It was just after midnight when I got home and the house was dark,
so I crept quietly up the stairs to my bedroom. It felt strange
sneaking around in my own house, but I didn’t want to disturb Faye if
she was asleep, and I was too tired to deal with her if she was
As I passed her room, I saw the door was open a crack, and the
light was on, so I stopped and peeked in. Faye was stretched out on
her tummy across the bed asleep, hugging her pillow. She was wearing
a pair of sheer pink panties and a cut-off t-shirt. Faye moved, drew
one leg up and fluffed the pillow under her head. The movement
revealed the tight mound of her pussy and another shift pulled the
t-shirt above the creamy mound of her tit. My cock throbbed to
another painful erection, and I forced myself to pull the door
closed. I walked to my own room and flopped on the bed in frustra-
tion. I almost called Rachel, but thought better of it. Instead, I
undressed and slid into bed. I fell asleep almost immediately.
My dreams that night were hot, damp, and they all involved Faye. I
couldn’t get her body out of my thoughts, even in sleep. I remember
waking up around 4:00 in the morning with a raging hard-on, and was
surprised to find it sticky. I hadn’t had a wet dream in years. I
slept nude, so I didn’t have to worry about soiled pajamas or shorts,
but figured that I should check the sheets to assess the damage. I
felt around all over both the top and bottom sheets, but couldn’t
find any sign of a wet spot. Finally, in frustration, I turned on the
light and shook out the top sheet, holding it up to look at it.
Nothing. I looked all over the bottom sheet, and again, nothing. I
finally said the hell with it and pulled the covers back up and went
back to sleep.

I enrolled Faye in school the next day, and our lives settled into
a routine, even though she continued to tease me unmercifully. I was
spending more time at the office in the evenings at that point, so I
really didn’t think the teasing was bothering me that much, but I
kept having emissionless wet dreams almost every night.
A few nights after Faye arrived, I shuddered awake from a really
sexy dream. I was coming, and wrapped my hand around my cock and
milked it to prolong the pleasant sensations. My door was ajar, and I
thought I saw something move past. I wakened further and noticed that
my cock was soaking wet, and not just with cum. As I examined it more
closely, I saw red marks all over my cock, almost like bite marks.
Something was going on. I’d been perplexed by the absence of
stains from my nightly wet dreams; yet this latest one now left me
covered with the sticky white stuff. I had a strong feeling that I
was being visited while I was asleep, but didn’t want to confront
Faye with it until I could be sure. I needed concrete proof that I
wasn’t just jerking off in my sleep.
I got up and walked down the hall to the bath. As I passed Faye’s
room, I stopped and listened at the door. Silence. I opened the door
and peeked in. Faye was lying on her side, asleep in her usual night
wear of panties and crpped tee shirt. My cock began to harden. The
tee shirt was up under her arms and her creamy breasts drew my eye in
the dim light. I stood spellbound, unable to retreat. I pushed the
door open all the way and hall light flooded the room. I crossed her
room and knelt by the bed. Faye’s eyes squinted against the light and
she turned her face into her pillow, but that was the only response.
I knelt beside the bed, scarcely breathing, staring at the ripe
young body of my niece, my ward. I was taking a major risk, but at
that moment I really didn’t care. I didn’t touch her, just looked.
And she helped me. Faye rolled onto her back and her breasts jiggled
like jello-filled balloons. One knee lifted and then rolled out to
the side. Her panty covered crotch came into view.
My eyes were drawn to the junction of her thighs, and my cock
pulsed as I looked at the fresh young pussy through her tight pant-
ies. As I stepped to the end of the bed, she pulled her other leg up
and her thighs spread wide, almost as if she knew I was there. I
knelt motionless, watching, waiting for some sign to let me know that
she knew I was there. She gave me a sign, but it wasn’t what I was
Gradually, her breathing deepened, becoming harsher, and she
tossed her head from side to side, grunting and groaning deep in her
throat. But her lower body didn’t move from its displayed position.
Her left hand crept to one big tit and pinched the nipple, making it
jut out firm and proud. I didn’t know if she were dreaming or putting
on a show, but she was getting turned on. A small dark spot appeared
on her panties and grew quickly as musky droplets seeped from her
cunt. The creamy liquid soaked the gusset and made it almost trans-
parent. Her labia were distinct through the sheer material, and her
scent filled the room.
Faye’s other hand rested on her tummy, tracing small circles on
the smooth white flesh. The circles grew wider until her fingertips
brushed the elastic of her panties.
I could take no more, and backed up, still on my knees, scuttling
to the door. When I stood up my shadow fell over her. The light
behind me threw a shadow across the bed, as if trying to do what I
wouldn’t let myself do. The tip of my shadow-cock rested on my
sleeping niece’s damp panties. I stood a moment longer, then closed
the door and continued on to the bathroom. I knew that I wouldn’t be
able to get back to sleep now, so I got in the shower and turned it
on as cold as I could stand it. It didn’t help; my cock was still as
hard as a rock, so I turned on the hot water and grabbed the soap. I
leaned back and jerked off, thinking how much I’d love to go back in
Faye’s room and fuck the living shit out of her.
I brought myself off quickly, but my cock stayed hard. It stayed
in a kind of semi-erection for most of the day.
Faye’s teasing was much more blatant that morning as she got ready
for school. She came out of the bathroom stark naked as I passed by,
stopping and posing for me, then turning and walking casually down
the hall to her room. Then at breakfast, she leaned over my shoulder,
pressing her tits into my back as she grabbed my wrist and took a
huge bite out of the piece of toast I was holding. She even made a
show of licking a drop of jelly off of my finger, then wiggled her
nimble pink tongue at me before swallowing it.
I almost ran out of the house that morning. I was scared by what
seemed to be going on. I didn’t have any proof that Faye was coming
on to me, and I didn’t want to make any advances even if she was. My
thoughts were of jail cells, and big, hairy men taking turns on my
virgin asshole flashed through my mind as I drove to work.
I tried to call Rachel, hoping that she could help me out, both by
draining my balls and maybe telling me what to do, but her assistant
said she was in Phoenix for the next two weeks. I plodded through my
meetings that day, then stalled as long as I could before I went

The living room light was on when I pulled up in front of the
house. I stood on the front porch debating whether or not to go in.
Finally, I peeked in the bay window to see if Faye really was awake.
She was sitting on the couch, wearing a cut-off tee shirt and a
pair of running shorts. She was watching a MacGyver on TV, so I
figured it was safe enough, especially if I breezed in with a quick
hello and hauled ass for my bedroom. Before I could move, Faye blew
that plan all to hell.
She pulled up her tee shirt and cupped her tits, massaging them
slowly, moving her fingers upward over the firm, full globes until
she reached her nipples. She tweaked the spiky buds, teasing them to
hardness. My cock grew with her nipples, stretching down my pants
leg. I sensed a drop of pre-come ooze from the tip when she lifted
one tit and licked the nipple, then sucked it into her mouth.
I wanted to run, but my feet weren’t getting the message. I stood
there, peeking in my own living room window like a peeping tom. Faye
made it worth my while. When she finished playing with her nipples,
she dipped her hand into the waistband of her shorts and dug around
with her fingers. I didn’t have a very good view, since I was looking
in at her from the side. I could just discern the fingers moving
under the loose material. Suddenly, she got up and pushed her shorts
down, kicking them nearly off. They dangled from one ankle as she sat
back down against the arm of the couch with one leg up on the cush-
ions and the other on the floor. She was fully open to my ravenous
gaze. Fingertips dipped into the fur-clad slit. She kept her eyes on
the TV as she stroked in and out of her pretty pink pussy. Her
arousal was obvious: her pussy lips glistened.
Faye continued the fingering, slowly picking up the pace until her
hand was a blur. She brought her free hand down and started rubbing
her clit. She looked positively delicious lying there on the couch,
her skin flushed a deep red, her hands digging eagerly into her cunt.
I reached down and began to massage the head of my cock, feeling my
own orgasm rapidly approaching. I stopped suddenly, ashamed of myself
for masturbating like a school boy.
You should go in there and put a stop to all this right now, I
told myself. She’s a sixteen year old girl for God’s sake. You have
got to do something.
So I did. I turned around and went back to my car, got in and
drove to the bar down the street. I sat at the bar for a few of
hours, getting pretty well smashed. Finally around 2:30, I decided
that it might be safe to go home.
As I drove up to the house, I couldn’t see any lights, so I parked
the car, (right on top of one of my prized azaleas), and quietly made
my way inside. I tip-toed up the stairs, and as I reached the top, I
saw that Faye’s door was open and the light was on. Shit! I thought,
she’s gonna get me fer sure now, and I’m in no shape to resist.
But my fears proved ungrounded. As I crept past her door, I saw
that she was asleep, but had left another trap for me. She was naked
on top of her covers. I groaned audibly, unsure of how long I could
resist. She must have heard me, because she rolled over on her back,
and her legs drifted open. I stared hungrily at the cleft between her
legs, because she’d shaved the lips and trimmed the bush over her
cunt into a neat little mohawk. I walked into the room and knelt on
the floor with my face between her legs. I leaned in close and took a
long, loud sniff, and was almost overcome by the fragrant aroma
drifting up from her smooth-shaven beaver.
“God, I bet that tastes good,” I mumbled, unaware that I’d said it
Faye must have heard me. She purred lightly and ground her hips in
a slow circle, lifting her pussy toward my eager face. Pearly drop-
lets oozed from between the dusky pink lips that spread slowly, like
a flower opening to the sun. Suddenly, I noticed a drop of water
running down her thigh about eight inches away from her pretty bald
cunt. I saw another drop hit, and realized that I was drooling. I
leaned in a little closer just as Faye lifted her hips again, and her
pussy brushed lightly over the tip of my nose.
Faye moaned as I pulled my head back. She was still lifting her
hips, almost humping up at me. I rose to my feet and stood over her.
I tugged my zipper down slowly and quietly, then reached in for my
throbbing cock. I watched Faye’s legs open wider as she pulled her
feet up under her butt. The thick pink petals of her labia opened and
a stream of nectar seeped out and down into the crack of her ass.
I backed up slowly, stroking my cock as I went. When I reached the
door, I turned off the light and pulled the door closed, then walked
down the hall to my room, still stroking my cock lazily, I mumbled
drunkenly to myself “There ya go bitch. Yer not the only one who can
tease ya know.”
I undressed, dropping my clothes on the floor, my hard cock
preceding me every where I went. On an alcohol-inspired hunch I dug
my camera bag from the closet and fumbled out the pair of 8 mm cam-
corders. I put a fresh tape in each one and set them for slow record.
One rested on the dresser at one side of the bed, hidden by some
papers. The other lay on the window sill and peeked out between the
curtains. I turned off the overhead light and toggled the reading
lights mounted on the headboard. They were aimed at my cock.
I flopped on the bed, not bothering with the covers.
`Why bother? She’s gonna come in and rape me when she thinks I’m
asleep.’ I looked down at my cock, still standing up in an enormous
erection. `Jesus,’ I thought, `that thing must have grown a couple of
inches. If I roll over, I’m gonna pole vault into the closet.’
Shaking my head, I wrapped a pillow up around my ears, (It helps me
sleep, OK?) and tried to sleep. An hour later I was still awake. The
drop of cunt-cream on the end of my nose was driving me crazy, and I
was afraid to roll over for fear of breaking my cock. I was debating
getting up and going downstairs when I heard the knob on my bedroom
door turn. There was a creak as the door opened slowly.
I made my breathing deep and even, feigning sleep. With the pillow
around my head, Faye couldn’t see my face. She stood and watched me
for a very long time, then pushed the door open and crept across the
room. I’m surprised that I never noticed her coming in before. I
could hear her harsh breathing as she drew closer, and I could smell
her musky aroma as she stood looking down at me.
Her boldness surprised me. She moved around to the foot of the bed
and knelt slowly on the mattress. She moved up over me, dragging her
nipples over my legs. She moved slowly, but finally reached my cock
and settled down on top of me. Her hot cunt slid across my hairy
calf, her tits pressed into my thighs. Hot breath fanned the head of
my cock, making it pulse and throb mightily.
I was afraid to open my eyes, but I could feel her looking at my
cock, just inches from her face. I almost lost control when she blew
a stream of cool air around my knob, making it flex and flair like
the head of a cobra. A drop of pre-come squirted out and started to
run down the side of my shaft, and I heard her speak.
“Ah, there’s the candy baby’s looking for,” she cooed. Then her
hot wet tongue raked up the side of my cock to lap the thick, creamy
droplet. My cock pulsed, and another drop, even larger, poured down
the underside of my cock.
She wrapped her fingers loosely around the base of my cock to
steady it as she dragged her tongue slowly upwards, lashing at the
thick vein that seamed the underside of my shaft. I heard her suck my
warm, gooey offering into her mouth, then felt her lips against the
nerve cluster just under the rim. She sucked and licked her way up
over the fat flaring knob of my cock until she was nursing directly
on the soft weeping lips of my piss-slit. A steady stream of pre-come
oozed out of those tiny pink lips, only to be gathered up by her
eager tongue. She’d brought her hands into play, one was milking my
shaft gently urging more of my cream up and out so she could slurp it
off, and the other was massaging my balls gently, coaxing them to
release more of the steaming sauce she craved.
I lay back and relaxed. I was amazed at how well I was taking
this, and was confident that I could maintain the pretense of sleep
throughout her oral assault. I’d become a detached spectator, even
though watching through my sense of touch.
Faye became more active, even aggressive, as she nursed on my
drooling slit. Her tongue made wider and wider excursions around the
sensitive meat of my knob, wetting and teasing the hot crimson flesh.
I groaned when her lips slipped over the rim of my cock-head. She
held the tip between her lips, baking in the furnace of her mouth.
She drooled freely, hot spit streaming down the fat shaft.
She began massaging the hot drool into the thick stalk, moving it
up and down lazily. Her mouth picked up the same rhythm, and she
sucked and pumped on my cock, increasing the pace, and making loud
slurping noises as she sucked.
Faye lifted her head from my cock, but maintained the pumping
motion with her hand. I felt her mashing her drooling cunt against my
leg, humping her clit on my shin.
“Please wake up, Uncle Max!” she whispered, almost pleading. “I
know you want to fuck me, I could feel your breath on my pussy, andД
Oh God.” She licked a drop of cum off my throbbing knob and ground
her pussy harder against my leg. “When I felt you between my legs,
sniffing my pussy, drooling on me because you wanted to lick my hot
little cunt….”
Her hand left my balls, and a moment later slipped between my leg
and her sloppy wet pussy. Faye stroked her clit and continued to
whisper: “I thought you’d finally get the message that I wanted you
to fuck me when you peeked in the living room window. I put on a
special show. Just for you. But when I finished, you were gone.”
She squeezed my cock, making the head bulge out, and dove down on
it, taking half my length into her hot, wet mouth. She sucked vigor-
ously for a long time, varying her speed and rhythm, apparently
familiar with what my cock liked.
My hips jerked, I couldn’t stop them, but she must have gotten the
same response while I was asleep the other times, because she didn’t
stop. I started bucking my hips up at her mouth, fucking my cock into
her mouth in the rhythm I wanted, and she picked it up without
missing a stroke.
She pulled her head up suddenly, leaving my cock to cool in the
still air. “You’re gonna come soon, aren’t you? Oh please, wake up! I
want you to fuck my mouth when you come. Oh please wake up. Wake up!”
She groaned and tugged roughly on my cock. The thick shaft pulsed
once, then twice, much harder, in rapid succession, and she dropped
her head back down, but didn’t take it in her mouth.
“Come, yeah, I know you can do it! Come for me, feed me that hot
nasty cream! Oh, I want it so bad!” she groaned, her lips brushing
the winking piss-hole as she spoke.
Her lips captured the spit-slick tip and sucked hungrily while her
hand beat feverishly up and down my rigid stalk. She brought her hand
back to my balls and squeezed them again, not so gently this time. I
groaned and arched up off the bed, driving my cock between her lips
and into the back of her mouth. She met my motion, diving down the
thick stalk even as the first load burned up from my aching balls.
My cock lodged in her throat as the first hot wad of steaming
spunk spewed from my tortured slit. She moaned deep in her throat,
but didn’t gag or pull away. Her tight throat muscles massaged as she
swallowed, and set off another spurt from deep in my balls.
She pulled her head up as the second load surged up the stalk of
my cock. She kept the head in her mouth, lips clamped tight just
under the rim. She groaned hungrily as my come burst into her mouth,
and I felt thick streams of the hot stuff running down the shaft of
my cock. Her hand was still pumping steadily as she pulled her mouth
off my cock, panting like a marathon runner.
“Yeah, shoot in my face now. I know you’ve got some more in there
for me. Oh, shoot it all over my face, my tits. Drown me in it!”
My cock pulsed even as she spoke. My come flew out and splattered
her smooth white skin. I wanted to open my eyes and look at her
bathed in come, but I lay there and just let it happen.
She kept jerking on my cock long after I’d stopped spurting. She
brought it back to her mouth and sucked it into the warm, wet cavern,
licking up my spilled seed. Almost lazily now, she teased her tongue
around and around my shrinking shaft.
She took her time cleaning me up. It was obvious that she didn’t
care if she was caught. Hell, she wanted to be caught! Finally, she’d
gotten all the creamy nectar I had to offer, and my cock had shrunk
to it resting state as a soft warm snake nestled between my legs.
She climbed off of me, then I heard a squashing noise near my
head. I was sorely tempted to open my eyes, but seconds later was
glad I’d resisted.
“Maybe you’ll get the point now,” she whispered, running her
fingers under my nose and across my lips, smearing her tangy nectar
onto my face.
I licked my lips and smiled dreamily, then rolled over and turned
my back to her.
She stood there for several more minutes, looking down at me. I
finally heard the door close, and I dropped off to sleep.
The next morning, (about two hours later really), I strolled up
behind Faye as she stood at the kitchen counter making her lunch. I
wrapped my arms lightly around her tiny waist and nuzzled her neck,
sucking lightly on the tender skin, like I was giving her a hickey.
She put her hand on my cheek and pressed her body back against me,
wiggling her hips against my crotch, trying to tease me. I surprised
her by pulling her back tighter against me, pushing my semi-hard cock
into her soft, springy butt.
She spun in my arms so she was facing me, but kept up her easy
bumping motion with her hips. I surprised her again, because I pulled
on her hips again and ground my crotch into hers, pinning her up
against the counter. Faye wrapped her arms around my neck and rubbed
her big, fluffy tits into my chest, then closed her eyes and moved
her face up to kiss me. This wasn’t going to be any good morning
peck, but a full-fledged, tongue down the throat soul kiss.
I leaned back, dodging her and putting us both off balance, so we
had to break our embrace. Faye looked at me for a moment, shaking her
head with a wry smile as though she knew the game I was playing.
“You look almost frisky this morning. You’ve been so jumpy and
distant since I got here! I was beginning to think that you might not
want me.” She grabbed the front of my shirt and pulled me close
again. “What’s gotten into you anyway!”
“A dream.” I said simply. I smiled at her, thinking how nice it
was to be able to stand up straight and look her in the eyes. I put
my hands on the counter, leaning into her, making her bend backwards
at the waist. Her crotch was pushed out by her position, and I
dropped one hand between us and let it brush over her mound through
her tight jeans. Faye gasped, shocked at my taking the initiative,
but I moved away before anything else happened. “Yeah, I had a dream
about a woman,” I said dropping to one knee right in front of her to
pick up some crumbs from the floor. I was looking right at her cunt
as I continued. “I think it was Rachel, but I’m not so sure now.
Anyway, I was on this table or bed or something, and she was making
love to me. I wasn’t tied up or anything, but I couldn’t move, I was
subject to her will in all things. It was a really hot dream.” I
stood up and stared into her eyes. “I think I’ve been having this
dream a lot lately. I really don’t know if I should be telling you
this,” I said, letting my voice drop to a conspiratorial whisper,
“but I think I’ve been having wet dreams.”
Faye blushed, and her breath came in harsh pants for a few mo-
ments. She looked back at me, meeting my eyes in a bold stare. “It
sounds to me like you need someone to help you take care of that
I turned away and walked over to the bar. I could tell that she
was off balance. She was looking at me closely, trying to figure out
if I was playing her game now, or if I was really sharing a secret
with her. Either way, I knew she liked the change.
“Yeah, I’m gonna call Rachel this afternoon and see if she wants
to go out tonight. You don’t mind, do you?” I said over my shoulder
as I poured a cup of coffee.
She looked daggers at me and grabbed her books off the table and
started to stomp out. “Do whatever you want. I’m going to be late for
school.” She stormed out, slamming the front door behind her.
Her performance brought a laugh. It’d been cruel to lead her on
then drop her, but I wanted her confused, upset and off her stride
while I got my head together on how to handle her. I knew I was going
to fuck her, especially after I let her suck me off last night.
I went upstairs for the camcorders and brought them down to the
living room. I hooked them to my editing console and grabbed the
remotes, then got comfortable on the floor in front of the tv.
I started the recorder that had been on the dresser, since I’d set
that one for a closer focus. The tape ran for a minute, and then,
there I was, moving around the room, then settling on the bed. I
stared at my image on the screen, not used to seeing this outside
perspective. I liked what I saw, a tall, well-muscled man, still firm
from a youth spent in physical pursuits. My face had a character I
hadn’t noticed in the mirror, and the salt and pepper in my hair
accented it. My eyes were drawn to my cock, especially after I’d
settled on the bed and it took up most of the frame. It looked bigger
from the angle I was seeing it from now compared to when I look down
at it from above. On the whole, I wasn’t to shabby.
I fast forwarded the tape to the point where Faye first came into
view, then slowed it to normal speed and watched her suck my cock.
There was Faye from her tits up, and me, from my knees to the middle
of my chest, clear as day. I was amazed at the quality of the pic-
ture; I hadn’t really expected anything usable. What was really
surprising was that the tape had caught every word she said. I ran
through the tape, stopping every so often to savor the memory and
relive the experience. I ran the come shot more than a dozen times,
till I had every move and sensation perfectly in synch. It was
difficult not to pull out my cock and jerk-off, but I wanted a full
load ready the first time I fucked my hot little niece. And I wanted
something left for the next three or four times.
I scanned the tape from the window and smiled as I began to
compose my movie. I had two full length tapes, one in close-up, the
other a longer shot showing the entire room. I put a blank tape in
the editing deck and started to put it all together.

Part 2

I spent the morning editing my movie, careful to show the actual
sequence of events while maintaining a high level of excitement.
Production values are important. With two camera angles to work with,
I couldn’t let one sequence go on long before changing perspective.
The final result was comparable to a medium grade adult video.
The rest of the morning and afternoon were spent on office paper-
work. Around 3:30, I wrote Faye a note saying I’d be out late, then
went to the office and diddled around for a little while. As I was
leaving, I told my secretary that I’d be unavailable, (except for
emergencies) for the next couple of days.
On the way home, I stopped by a little shop Rachel and I had
found. Though specializing in exotic clothes for rock bands and new
wave types, they had an amazing selection of lingerie. I browsed
through the racks of frilly undergarments, picking out the pieces I
liked and setting them aside. When I’d finished, I had a pile of
bras, panties, garter belts and bustiers that filled the counter.
With the help of Nancy, the salesgirl, I narrowed my choices to a
manageable pile. I was ready to whip out the magic plastic when I
remembered that I’d need stockings too. I’d been careful to go
through Faye’s dresser and get her sizes before I left the house, but
I hadn’t seen any stockings, so I’d forgotten all about them. Nancy
was very patient in helping me decide on a size, then in picking out
several patterns to go with my other selections.
While waited for an authorization on my credit card, Nancy looked
me up and down and said, “I hope your girlfriend realizes just how
lucky she is.”
I smiled, quite sure that Faye would so her appreciation in a way
that I’d appreciate. “Oh, I’m not sure she does. At least not yet.”
Nancy grinned and started to say something, then stopped to listen
to the operator on the other end of the line, then wrote something on
my charge slip. She had me sign it, then tore off my copy. Before she
handed it to me, she wrote something on the back. “If your lady
friend doesn’t like your taste in clothes, give me a call. I love to
wear this stuff, and love men who’ll buy it for me!” She was smiling
as she said it, but her eyes held a lustful gleam that was unmistak-
“I’ll remember that, but tell me something,” I said quietly,
leaning closer so the other clerk couldn’t hear me. “Would you mind
sharing that guy with another woman?”
Nancy’s face took on a hard, almost mask-like appearance. She
looked around, then said, “Not at all, would you like me to bring one
with me?”
She was serious! I swallowed, trying to ease my suddenly tight
throat. “No, I have someone in mind, but she’s inexperienced and
would have to be led, slowly, gently, so she wouldn’t be afraid.”
“Ummm, that sounds delightful,” Nancy smiled coyly. “Do you think
this could happen any time soon?”
I just shrugged my shoulders, “I’m not really sure,” I said
casually, but I was already trying to figure out whether I could get
Rachel to go for something like this if Faye wouldn’t. “If I’m lucky,
it’ll be real soon, but you never know.” I held up the charge slip
and said, “Even if I don’t get lucky, you’ll be hearing from me.”
She handed me my bags and smiled at me. “I’d better!” she said.
“Remember, I have your phone number too!”
I laughed and walked out into the gathering dusk of almost 7:00pm.
I stopped at Reubin’s for a light supper and a couple of drinks.
It was just after 9:00 when I left the restaurant and drove to
Rachel’s house. I knew she wasn’t home so I let myself in and walked
over to the bar to make myself another drink. I went into the bath-
room and turned on the water for the tub. Rachel has this huge
bathtub, its almost a pool, and it takes a while to fill. While I
waited, I went into the bedroom and picked out a comfortable shirt
and a pair of slacks from my side of the closet.
Going back into the bathroom, sat my drink down on the side of the
tub and undressed, dropping my clothes in a pile on the floor. When I
was finished, I stepped into the tub and sat down slowly, letting my
body adjust to the heat. Once I got settled, I turned off the water
and lay back. Although I hadn’t meant to, I fell asleep sitting up in
the tub, drink in hand.
It was after 1:00 when I woke up. I got out of the tub, dried off
and went into the bedroom to dress. As I was putting on my shoes, I
noticed the message light on Rachel’s answering machine flashing. I
hit the play button. Rachel’s voice came from the speaker.
“Max? Are you there honey?… I guess not. I called your house.
Faye said you had a date with me tonight, so I guessed you were
dodging her. I… I was just lying here, trying to go to sleep, but I
can’t seem to stop thinking about you. I want so much to feel you in
my arms, to feel you inside me! God I miss your big cock right now.”
I grinned at her antics. Here she was, 2500 miles away and she
wants a phone fuck.
…gers sliding in and out of my pussy, pretending that its your
cock, but it just isn’t the same. It feels good, rubbing my clit like
this, but I want a real cock, your cock. Oh, shit, this isn’t any fun
without you talking back to me. I’m gonna hang-up. Call me later if
you get this message. Bye now.”
“I’m really sorry, Rache, but I’ve got plans for this evening.” I
laughed and went out to my car, pleased that the alcohol I’d had
earlier had worn off.
I drove home on autopilot, fantasizing what I’d do with Faye. It
was obvious that she had experience, at least in sucking cock. I
wondered if she’d learned how to fuck.
Pulling into the driveway, I parked my car and sat for a few
minutes. My cock was already hard as a rock, eager to dip into the
channel of Faye’s tight young cunt. But I wasn’t sure that I would
fuck her right away.
I got out of the car and walked up to the front door, and an idea
formed as I walked. I went inside and slipped off my shoes, then
crept up the stairs, stopping to peek over the top to see if Faye’s
light was on. Her room was dark, but the door was standing open
partway. I moved slowly up the remaining stairs and walked quietly
over to the door and looked in.
God, she’s beautiful, I thought as I stared at her firm young
body. She lay naked on her stomach, hugging her pillow. Her legs
spread wide, one of them bent at the knee, inviting a nocturnal
visitor. I knelt at the foot of her bed, eyes wandering up and down
her sleeping form, always returning to the soft shadowy crotch.
After several minutes I reached out carefully and caressed her
leg, starting at the calf and gently working up. I kept my touch
light, almost like a feather. If she were really asleep, I didn’t
want to wake her. My fingers danced over the soft, smooth skin of her
inner thigh, then brushed the warm, hairless lips of her pussy. She
was dry to the touch, and her breathing remained unchanged. I re-
treated carefully, pulling my hand back, then stood up and left the
room quietly. I had preparations to make.
I went to my room and undressed quickly, then changed into an old
pair of sweatpants and a tee shirt. I got the tape I’d edited that
morning and walked back to Faye’s room, setting it in plain sight on
her dresser. I went downstairs and out to my car for the lingerie I’d
bought earlier. It was a difficult choice, but I settled on a dark
green bustier with black trim, a black garter belt, a tiny black g-
string and translucent stockings with butterfly clocking. I put the
outfit in box and left it on the coffee table where I knew she’d see
I went back up the stairs and into Faye’s room. She’d turned onto
her back while I was away and her charms lay out before me. I moved
to the foot of the bed and knelt, elbows resting on the mattress.
She was flat on her back, one arm thrown up over her head, the
other across her softly rounded tummy. The fingers just touched her
little beard of pubic hair. Her legs were open, one of them was bent,
the foot drawn up to touch the inside of her other knee. Her pretty,
little bald cunt was open to my gaze, but the way was blocked.
I watched carefully for any sign that she was awake as I moved up
onto the bed. My knees were still on the floor, but my upper body was
on the bed, and she was within easy reach of my trembling hands. I
was about to slide her leg to the side when she grunted and tossed
her head, then drew her leg up even further. Her foot dropped over
the edge of the bed.
Reaching up cautiously, hands shaking with fear and excitement, I
caressed the inner surface her thighs. I slid my hands up toward the
bare pink lips of her cunt, then pulled back. I repeated the process,
coming closer and closer to her soft, pink portal with every stroke.
The caress had an immediate effect. Faye moaned and spread her legs
even wider. I slid my hands up over her thighs once more, and when I
reached her smooth, hairless pussy, stroked the back of one finger
lightly up and down over the soft pink flesh.
She moaned, but didn’t move or show any other sign of waking up.
Emboldened by my luck so far, I continued my lazy stroking, and
was soon rewarded by a moistening of the creamy flesh. I bent my
finger and knuckled the unfurling lips of her dampening cunt. I
slowly spread the warm liquid around as it leaked from her still
unseen little hole.
My finger shone wetly in the light from the hall, and I couldn’t
resist taking a taste. As I drew my hand back, she moaned from the
loss, and her own hand drifted down to cup the abandoned slit. One
finger slipped inside and she stroked it up and down several times,
then stopped and lay still. I raised my finger to my nose and sniffed
it, my cock throbbing at the aroma. I couldn’t long resist. I put the
finger in my mouth and sucked, soaking it with my saliva, marvelling
at the tart, tangy flavor of this woman-child.
When the finger was clean I returned it to her wide open crotch
and teased it with the spit-slick tip. Her hips tilted up as my
finger slid into the hot pink trough of her cunt. She groaned again
and moved her hand, letting my eager fingers explore her tender
flesh. I grew bolder, moving a second finger into the well soaked
slit. My fingers massaged the soft nubbin of her clit, firm and hard
under their light caress. I stroked the erect little nub harder as
she began grinding her hips up to meet my strokes.
Watching her turned me on incredibly. Her cunt looked more than
ready for me to snack on. I removed my fingers and licked them clean.
I pulled myself up onto the bed and lay between her legs, my face
inches from her drooling cunt. I dipped my head down and kissed the
inside of one thigh, then the other. Her legs opened wider, as if
pulled back by unseen strings.
I pressed my mouth to her soft nether lips, letting my tongue dart
out, then dragged it slowly up the length of her slit, scooping up
droplets of her spicy girl-come. I repeated the stroke again and
again, basking in the heady taste and aroma of her fresh young cunt.
I had to have more; not just a few drops, but hot, thick streams
pouring into my mouth. I lashed my tongue over her little clit, my
nimble lips caught the stiff nubbin and caressed it, making her
shudder and cry out.
I froze, her clit still held firmly between my lips, but my tongue
paused, for just a moment. I began licking and sucking again, this
time, bringing my fingers into play. I held the slippery lips open
with one hand and pressed two stiff fingers of the other against her
dripping cunt, easing them inside the tightly clasping channel.
She groaned and shifted toward me, and I felt her hand on the back
of my head. I didn’t care now if she was awake or not, I wasn’t going
to stop until I’d feasted on the rich, thick cream she’d give me as
she came.
I sucked harder on her clit, pressing my fingers deeper into her
cunt at the same time. My fingers drove in past the tight ring and I
imagined what those muscles would feel like squeezing lovingly around
my cock, but that was for later. Right now, I satisfied myself with
making her come so I could drink down my spicy reward.
She was groaning openly now, and humped her hips down onto my
fingers as I twisted them around in her tightly clasping channel. Her
hand still twined my hair, guiding my tongue as it danced over her
clit. Her free hand came down and tugged at the fingers of the hand I
was spreading her lips with. I let her pull it free. She was spread
wide for my sucking tongue and searching fingers. She pulled my hand
up over her heaving stomach onto the spongy globe of her breast. She
held my hand in hers, showing me how to squeeze her tit and nipple.
It was clear that she was approaching orgasm very quickly. The
soft, slick walls of her cunt squeezed my fingers as I stroked at the
little nerve bundle at its roof. I massaged her tender cunt walls,
increasing the pressure with each stroke. My tongue was lashing madly
on her clit, driving her up to and over her peak.
Her legs squeezed suddenly shut, trapping me between her thighs.
Both hands pressed down on my head, holding me firmly in place as she
bucked and thrashed in the throes of orgasm.
I jerked my fingers from her cunt and slid my hands under her,
cupping the firm round cheeks of her ass, lifting her hips from the
bed and settled my head between her quivering thighs. I locked my
lips around the spasming hole and sucked hungrily. A thick, rich
stream of hot nectar gushed into my mouth, and I swallowed eagerly.
My tongue shot out and slid deep into her cunt, lapping at the creamy
juice and urging her to the peak.
She humped frantically up at my face, grinding her slick pussy
lips into my mouth. I kept licking and sucking, gathering her fra-
grant cream. After several minutes of intense spasms, she began to
relax; her legs fell open and eased the hold on my head. I stayed
where I was, licking her sloppy wet cunt and the insides of her
thighs, cleaning stray droplets from the soft, trembling flesh. When
I finished, I pushed her legs the rest of the way open and looked up
at her. Her eyes were still closed, and she was breathing heavily,
but her smile was beatific. I stood up and backed out of the room.
Walking down the hall, I wiped her sticky juices from my cheeks
and licked it from my fingers. When I got to my room, I closed the
door, making sure that it was locked, then dropped onto the bed and
lay there, staring up at the ceiling, waiting for her.
It took longer than I expected for her to notice that I was gone.
It was almost ten minutes later that I heard the doorknob rattling.
She tried the knob several more times, then knocked softly, calling
my name. After a few minutes, she gave up and went away.
I just lay there. Finally, I reached down and wrapped a hand
around the stalk of my cock and stroked it lazily several times. I
fell asleep like that a few minutes later.

Part 3

When I woke the next morning the sun was already high and shining
fiercely in my bedroom window. I rolled over and looked at the clock
on the nightstand. Quarter after eleven.
It felt good to sleep six or seven hours straight, uninterrupted
by dreams. I sat up and stretched mightily, wincing as I felt a
sudden sharp pain. I poked my stomach cautiously, and was relieved
when I figured out that it was just my bladder. My mornings erection
wasn’t because of Faye after all. I had to piss like a gorilla.
I got up and padded barefoot to the bathroom, glancing in Faye’s
room as I went by. The room was empty and the bed was made. I stopped
and walked inside. Looking around, I noticed that the tape was no
longer on the dresser. I smiled to myself. I hoped she’d like it.
The pressure on my bladder reminded me that I had other business
to take care of, so I turned around and went on toward the bathroom.
The big mirror behind the door was still foggy from her shower. I
hadn’t expected her to skip school. I thought I’d have the day to get
ready for whatever was going to happen next.
I dropped my pants around my ankles, pointed my rock hard cock at
the toilet and waited for the golden stream to start. No such luck.
Trying to go through a piss hard-on is like splitting atoms with a
chisel, it just don’t happen.
Sighing in frustration, I shrugged off my tee shirt and stepped
out of my sweats, and got into the shower. I could smell her shampoo
as I turned on the water and cycled it down till it was as cold as I
could stand. It took longer than I’d hoped, but my hard-on gradually
began to wilt. I turned the water to a warmer setting and began to
piss happily, leaning back against the shower wall, watching the warm
yellow rain mix with the shower water and run gurgling down the
I read somewhere once that the absence of pain is the greatest
aphrodisiac. I couldn’t have agreed more at that moment. As the last
drops trickled through my cock I shuddered eerily.
I bent down, resting my butt against the wall and stuck my head
under the spray, shaking to wet my hair. I stood there for a couple
of minutes just soaking in the tingling stream. Finally, I grabbed
the shampoo and started to wash my hair. I let the soap soak in and
grabbed my razor. I always shaved in the shower since it cut almost
ten minutes off my bathroom time. When I finished, I rinsed the
shampoo from my hair, grabbed the soap and a washcloth from the
holder and started scrubbing vigorously.
I soaped my body quickly, lingering on my cock, feeling it harden
slowly as I ran my soapy hand up and down its length. I stopped
myself after a dozen or so strokes and rinsed off, then cranked the
hot water all the way off. I nearly screamed when the cold water hit
me, but forced myself to stand in it, turning slowly so it covered me
completely. After one complete rotation, I leapt out of the stall.
Standing on the mat, shivering furiously, I reached back and turned
the water off as I grabbed at the towel rack. I dried off quickly and
wrapped the towel around my waist, then opened the door and stepped
out into the hall.
I almost went back to my room, but realized that I’d rather see if
Faye were still home. I jogged down the stairs, cock flopping happily
between my legs. Clearing the foot of the stairs, I saw that the TV
was on in the living room.
The movie I’d put together was playing on the VCR. The back of
Faye’s head rested on the arm of the couch, and I heard her breathing
heavily as she watched the action unfold. I stepped closer and
noticed the box I’d left on the coffee table lying on the floor. It
was empty.
“So. What do you think?” I said, standing in the doorway, watching
the movie unfold.
Her hand came into view for a moment as she pointed the remote at
the TV and paused the picture. “I think you’re an absolute bastard
for leaving me alone last night,” she said. She didn’t get up, so I
stayed where I was too. “Do you realize that I had to play with my
poor little pussy for more than an hour before I could get back to
sleep? I think you’re just a mean old tease!”
“I’m sorry to hear that,” I said, “but I meant, `What do you think
of the movie so far’?”
“Oh, I love it. You know…” She paused, and a slim, stockinged
leg rose over the top of the couch. Her hands came up and slid down
from the ankle, then out of sight, as she smoothed it out. She was
wearing a pair of black pumps with what had to be four-inch heels,
and I mentally kicked myself for missing that detail. “…I never
noticed how photogenic I am. You got my good side on the close-ups.”
“I’m glad you like it. And the other?”
“The other? Wha… Oh, that. Well,” she said as she stood slowly
and turned to face me. “I like your taste in clothes, Max.” She came
around the end of the couch and walked toward me. “How did you know
green was my color?”
“I wanted something to complement your eyes.” I said, my voice
catching in my throat at her beauty. “Please stop. Just stay…”
“Oh no,” she laughed, “It’s a little late for that, Max. You’re
going to get just what you deser…”
“No!” I cried, stepping toward her, my prick beginning to tent the
fabric of the towel. “I want it, but that wasn’t what I meant.” I
stood in front of her, letting my eyes roam over her.
Full, ripe tits pushed up over the cups of her bustier, stiff
nipples poking through the shiny material. The outfit highlighted her
hourglass figure, forcing my eyes to the contrast between her tiny
waist and the rich swelling of hips and breasts. The garter belt drew
my eyes down the short expanse of bare thighs to the sheer, patterned
stockings. My eyes continued downward,to her dainty feet, encased now
in rich black leather. As my eyes moved back up her body, I noticed
that the crotch of her tiny panties was wet. My cock throbbed pain-
fully and my balls began to ache. I was sorry now that I hadn’t
jerked off the night before.
“I just wanted to look at you. You look so, so…”
“Exactly!” I stepped back again, then walked around her, circling
her slowly as I savored the effect the clothes had on her. “But I
want to enjoy this…”
“Oh, you’ll enjoy every minute of it, Max.” She spread her legs
and planted her hands on her hips, leaning toward me as I came back
around in front of her. “I’m going to fuck and suck and play with you
till you beg me to stop. But I won’t. I’ll just keep on teasing you
till you dry up and die from pleasure!” She grabbed my cock through
the towel.
The damp cloth loosened around my waist, and I pulled back slight-
ly, letting it fall completely free. We stood like that for a moment,
then Faye released her grip and let the towel fall to the floor. Faye
looked down at my cock as it stood straight out from my body, just
inches from her panty covered crotch. She stepped forward and I felt
my cock slide between her thighs, brushing against the moist material
covering her cunt. She pressed herself against me as she wrapped her
arms around her waist. “Are we through teasing now, Max?” she smiled,
grinding her hips in a slow circle, making my dick slide in and out
between her creamy soft thighs. “Are you ready to get down to the
real thing?”
I smiled at her as I reached down and cupped the firm round cheeks
of her ass, pulling her tighter to me then humping my cock at her.
“The teasing is the real thing, little girl.” I drew my hips back
slowly and released my hold on her. I walked over to the couch and
picked up the remote. I pressed the play button as I sat down on the
floor. I looked at her over my shoulder. “What do you say we watch a
little of this movie?”
“I’ve already seen it,” she said as she walked around the end of
the couch. She stood next to the coffee table, then sat down on the
carpet and lay back. She rolled over on her side, coming to rest
propped up on her elbow.
“I think you’ve seen it, too,” she said as she slowly drew her leg
up until the thin spike heel was resting on the floor. Her legs were
spread wide and the damp crotch of her panties drew my eyes like a
magnet. “Wouldn’t you rather have a live performance?”
I was glad she was going to play the game my way. I leaned over,
propping myself up on my own elbow, copying her position. I brought
my hand down and wrapped my fingers around the base of my cock and
stroked it lazily.
“That would depend,” I said slowly, milking the thick head of my
cock in my palm, coating with my drooling pre-come then holding it
out, just inches from her face, “on who was performing, wouldn’t it?”
“Yes?” she purred. Her tongue dancing out to taste the proffered
morsel. Her hand slid into her crotch and pulled aside the skimpy
panties. The bald little cunt glistened. She dipped her fingers into
the sopping slit and dragged them slowly from top to bottom. “I
imagine that a joint performance would be preferred.”
She removed her hand, and lifted it to her lips. It was covered
with her juice. She held the slimy digits under her nose, inhaling
lightly, then opened her mouth. “I’m sorry,” she said, stopping just
before the fingers entered her mouth. “Would you like a taste?” She
extended her hand, holding it just in front of my face.
“No, I don’t think so,” I managed to say calmly. I slid closer to
her, and moved down until my face was even with the junction of her
creamy thighs. I could smell the rich aroma of her sex, and my mouth
watered eagerly. “You go right ahead. I think I’d rather get it from
the source.” I lowered my head, preparing to lap up the sparkling
droplets on her thighs when she rolled away and stood up.
“Maybe you’re right,” she purred, bringing her fingers to her
mouth. She licked at the sticky cream coating her fingers, and her
eyes lit up. “This is good!” she said as she pushed the fingers into
her mouth and began to suck on them. When she’d cleaned them to her
satisfaction, she dropped her hand down to her pussy and scooped up
anther handful. “I like this,” she said, licking at her fingers, the
turning her hand to capture a drop as it ran down her wrist. “I’m not
sure I want to share it now.”
“That’s too bad,” I said, as I grabbed her ankle and pulled her
down next to me. I rolled on top of her, grabbing her hand and
bringing it to my mouth. I licked at her fingers hungrily, then
stopped and smiled down at her. “You’re right; it is pretty good.” I
licked her hand clean while she wriggled underneath me. “But this is
cold. I really love it hot, right out of a nice tight pussy.” I
kissed her lightly, then rolled off of her and stood up.
As I started walking toward the door, I heard her scrambling to
her feet behind me.
“Wait!” she cried, as she came after me. “You’re not playing fair!
You say you want to fuck and then you say you want to tease, and then
you don’t do anything!”
I stopped and turned around, waiting for her to get closer. She
stopped in front of me, her chest flushed and heaving, face clouded
with confusion. I stood looking at her for a moment, then smiled.
“That’s right,” I said as I rammed my hand between her thighs,
making her gasp. My fingers drilled into her sopping pussy, and her
eyes rolled back in her head. She sagged against me, limp as a rag
doll. “You teased and used me for two weeks!” I jammed my fingers
deeper, making her moan, then jerked them from her roughly. “And
now…. well, now you can wait. Just like I did.”
I turned and walked slowly up the stairs, my cock wagging up and
down in long arcs as I walked. When I reached the halfway point, I
turned. “Well? Are you coming or not?”
She squealed in delight and ran up the stairs toward me.
I turned and jogged up the steps, and had just reached my bedroom
when she plowed into me from behind. We fell onto the bed in a
tangled heap.
Her hands were all over me and I was just as busy fondling and
caressing her fantastic body. Her hand found the rigid stalk of my
cock, and she gripped it fiercely, stoking it at breakneck speed. I
felt her hand on my hip, pushing me over onto my back.
Her mouth dropped down onto my cock and it felt like a bucket of
warm honey had been poured over it. She drooled heavily all over the
thick shaft, and her tongue lashed madly around the head. I groaned,
bucking my hips up at her and pulling her around until her hot wet
pussy was over my mouth.
I pressed my face up into the fragrant flesh and stabbed my tongue
deep into her. My lips tugged at the puffy labia as my tongue darted
between them. I sucked at her hungrily and was rewarded with a spurt
of her hot, spicy cream. I groaned and sucked even harder at her
drooling cunt, raking the tender flesh with my teeth in my eagerness
to get more of her sweet nectar.
Faye moaned pitifully around my cock as I ate her pussy. She drove
her face down over my cock, forcing the fat knob into her throat
again and again. My balls contracted sharply, drawing up tightly in
their wrinkled sac, and I felt a spasm run the length of my shaft.
She felt it too, because she re-doubled her efforts, bringing her
hands into play, she shucked one hand up and down my cock in time
with the movements of her head. Her other hand squeezed my balls
roughly, making me arch my back and drive the head of my cock even
deeper into her throat.
Her nose collided with the washboard muscle of my stomach and I
grunted into her slippery snatch. My tongue slipped up the sloppy
trough, and lashed at the stiff bud of her clit. I suckled at the
sensitive little nub, drawing it between my lips and sucking hard. A
fresh flood poured out over my nose and ran thickly down my cheeks,
but I was too busy to stop and lap it up.
We sucked at each other for long minutes, twisting and rolling
about on the bed, each eager to force the other over the brink,
hungry for the creamy climax of our reward. Faye’s thighs finally
tensed around my head, and she began grinding frantically down onto
my face.
My cock drove into her throat. I hugged her tightly, pulling her
cunt down to my mouth as she began to shake, rough spasms. Her legs
jerked uncontrollably. I felt my own orgasm approaching quickly, so I
started working my hips, fucking her face.
She screamed around my cock as she came, and I planted my mouth
over the slippery hole of her cunt and drove my tongue in deep. She
screamed into my cock again and squeezed my balls fiercely. A white
flare of pain burst behind my eyes and I felt my balls contract, then
pulse mightily and release their creamy cargo.
Faye’s cunt spewed rivers of tart, tangy nectar into my mouth as
my cock flexed, then spat a huge wad of cum. The slimy missile flew
down her throat, straight into her stomach. She groaned hungrily and
pulled her head back until just the head of my cock was between her
lips. Her hand kept up its steady rhythm, and she milked my balls
gently, urging them to feed her more of the cream she craved.
I was trying to force my cock deeper into her mouth when the next
load blasted into her throat. She gulped, then swallowed quickly as
she tried to keep up with the flow.
I was just as busy as I tried to slurp down every drop of juice
that spewed from her hole. As her succulent offering slowed to a
trickle, I pulled back slightly and began to lick around the outer
lips of her pussy and the tops of her thighs, lapping up the anything
I could. I could feel her slowing down as she sucked out the last
dribble of my own orgasm.
Finally, she pulled her mouth off my cock and slid off me. She
rolled onto her back, panting heavily.
After a moment, I managed to push myself up onto my elbows and
looked down at her. She was soaked with sweat, and her crotch was a
sloppy mess. The g-string panties she’d had on were stretched out of
shape and hung off to one side.
I felt a sudden twitch in my cock and when I looked down, I was
surprised to see that I was still hard. Very Hard.
I smiled and moved around until I was between her legs, pushing
them open as I pulled myself up over her slowly.
She smiled dreamily, and wrapped her arms around me. She hugged me
to her, then opened her eyes and looked up at me. “That was wonder-
ful,” she whispered sleepily. A brief pause, and then she cntinued:
“I knew you’d be a great fuck.” Her eyes closed again.
I kept moving up until the head of my cock slipped between the
puffy lips of her tight little cunt. Her eyes flew open in surprise
as I kept moving forward, pressing my cock past the muscular ring at
the opening and slipping inside. She groaned happily deep in her
throat as half my cock bulled into her tender, tight channel.
“Slow,” she said as she drew her legs up and wrapped them around
my back. “It’s so good when you go slow. Unh. Yeah!”
I agreed. Her cunt was a velvet vise that squeezed and massaged my
cock. My hips made small, slow circles, forcing more cock into her
with every stroke. After several minutes of this maddening pace, the
head of my cock bumped the rough muscle of her cervix and I picked up
they pace. Faye responded, pulling me tighter against her and meeting
my strokes.
“Yeah, that’s it, Max!” she purred huskily in my ear. “Gimme all
that big cock! Come on, ram it in now! Give it to me!”
I slipped my arms under her and spread my legs wider, hunching up
so I was resting on my knees and elbows. I started shuttling her up
and down on my cock, tossing her about like a doll as I slammed my
cock into her with vigorous tip-to-root lunges.
“Oh, God! ThД that’s fД fantastic!” she managed to say, her words
coming in time to my strokes. She quit trying to talk and pulled my
head down into the hollow of her throat. She moaned a strange noise
in my ear as my cock drove in. I ignored her. I was too busy trying
to come and keep from suffocating at the same time.
My hips were slamming against her brutally, and her nipples
scraped my chest as I rocked her back and forth under me. Loud
slapping and slurping noises filled the room as we fucked each other
I felt her wrap her fingers in my hair, then my head was jerked
back roughly. I looked down, and almost didn’t recognize my own
niece. Her face was screwed up in an animal grimace, her teeth bared
menacingly. “Fuck me!” she panted harshly up at me. She dug sharp
heels into the cheeks of my ass as she humped her wildly sucking cunt
up at my pistoning prick.
I picked up the pace, arching my hips to escape her heels, but she
just dug them in deeper, spurring me on.
I was fucking her harder than I could ever remember fucking anyone
before. Our bodies merged into a perfect rhythm as we drove furiously
toward our orgasm.
I felt the tell-tale spasm just at the base of my cock and knew
that I was going to bust my nut any second now. I drove into her with
a ferocious cunt cramming stroke and opened my eyes just in time to
see us tumble off the side of the bed.
My cock slammed against, then through, the clenched ring of her
cervix, and I exploded, spewing a fresh load directly into her womb.
Faye screamed in agony-ecstacy-delight-delirium– her eyes had
disappeared into her head, and her jaw was clamped shut so tightly
the muscles bulged. She was shuddering uncontrollably and banging her
head on the floor as new spasms rocked her.
I started to pull out, my own orgasm forgotten in my fear. I was
sure that I had hurt her; that I would have to explain to paramedics,
then doctors and finally to the police, just what had happened to
her. But Faye had other ideas.
When she felt me begin to withdraw, her eyes flew open and locked
onto mine. She hugged me even tighter against her, raking my back
savagely with her long nails and jamming her heels viciously into my
I drove back into the musky maelstrom of her cunt and held on for
dear life as she rode me like a bronco buster. I realized that I was
still coming, or at least shooting thick loads into her as muscles
deep inside her cunt milked at my cock.
We stayed that way for a long time. After a while, I started to
feel like a spectator. My back was starting to hurt from the scratch-
es. I could feel blood running down and dripping off my sides. So
really I couldn’t help it when my cock started to soften, wilting
like a sunflower left too long on the shade.
Faye arched up at me, searching for my shrinking cock. She’d
regained some of her composure, because after several attempts, she
finally manage to speak.
“Please,” She whimpered hoarsely, “fuck me! Don’t stop, it’s never
been like this before.” Tears streamed down her cheeks as she looked
up at me, pleading.
“I’m sorry,” I whispered and kissed her lightly. “I can’t help
I relaxed on top of her and rested for a moment. I rocked back and
forth a couple of times then rolled over onto my back, carrying her
with me.
She moved her legs and wiggled her hips around, getting situated
on top of me. Her pussy was still working on the limp shaft of my
cock, sucking at it hard enough to draw it into and then hold it
inside of her.
She lay out on top of me, and after a few minutes, her breathing
became deep and regular. She’d fallen asleep.
I lay there for a little while, wondering what I had gotten myself
into. I wasn’t worried about the legal problems involved anymore. I
was beginning to worry about my health. Eventually, I fell asleep

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