Delivering Teen Lilly

“Hi, Peter. Tom Henderson here.”

The gruff, authoritative voice required no introduction to Peter Shaw.

“How’s your father?” it continued.

“Not well, Tom, I’m sorry to say. He won’t be returning to the firm.”

“That’s a shame, boy, but considering the massiveness of the stroke,
it’s not unexpected. So you’ll be handling all my affairs from now on?”

“Yes, sir. Dad had already instructed me about your business. He had
been planning to retire in any case.”

Indeed without Henderson’s considerable account Peter would be forced
to move his law practice to a larger town.

“I trust you, boy, even though you’re still a bit wet behind the ears.
Keep doing a good job for me and I’ll stick with you. I called about
another matter, though. Are you planning to go up to the state capital
this weekend?”

“Actually, Tom, it’s next week, but I can rearrange my schedule if

“That would be a great help, Peter, because I need someone to drive
Lilly up to college. I’m going out of town and the bus drivers, you
know, are out on strike.”

“Don’t worry about Lilly, I’ll get her there safely. I’ll also finish
up that deed work for you while I’m there.”

“Splendid! I don’t think I could trust the girl with anyone else. Give
her a call and arrange things.”

After Peter hung up, he stood for a moment to muse about his old friend
Lilly, nine years his junior. When she went off to college, he would
miss her occasional company, the only brightness in the otherwise dreary
routine of their small town. But the five hour trip would be a rare
opportunity to be with her for an extended period. He had always felt
too old to date her, which Henderson would never have permitted in any
case. Her father, a religious zealot, had discouraged her from dating
any of the town’s young men. The journey offered Peter another
advantage: after dropping Lilly off at the campus of the state
university, he would be able to visit Fawn, a part time call girl who,
for a price, allowed him anything he desired.

* * *

Later that afternoon Peter encountered Lilly at the supermarket. As
usual, she was a welcome, lovely sight, clad in a modest, green gingham
dress that displayed her long calves beautifully and which covered
breasts that were neither too large nor too small. He had ogled her for
years at the town’s swimming pool, and he had learned that everything
about her physical presence was in prefect proportion ever since she
began developing at age eleven. Lilly possessed a doll like face and
the alluring skin tone of an authentic blonde. She was not a small girl,
she stood only four inches shorter than he and she weighed about one
hundred and thirty pounds. He had long envied the man who would be the
first to explore her gorgeous body. She was obviously a virgin.

She beamed him a smile from a distance but spoke only when he came
near, unlike more rowdy teenagers who did not hesitate to yell out

“Hi, Peter,” she said in a voice that retained the delightful tinkle of
a much younger girl. “Daddy told me you’re going to drive me up to

He smiled in return. “Yes, I’ll assist you in leaving the nest.”

“Isn’t it exciting?” she exclaimed. “I’m going to be a free person at

“I’ll miss you, of course,” he responded soberly. “But the prospect of
making your own decisions must be exhilarating.”

“It is! Although Daddy means well, I always felt so confined.” She bit
the corner of her lower lip, then added in a low voice, “I don’t share
all his opinions, you know.”

“About boys?” he teased.

She punched his shoulder playfully. “About a lot of things.”

He grinned. “You won’t mind leaving Mr. Dalton Fredericks? I
understand he’s off to Stanford.”

She rolled her eyes. “He’s not my boy friend! I think the only reason
Daddy urged me to go out with him on occasion is that he’s obviously not
interested in girls. I’m sure he’ll enjoy himself in the Bay Area.”

Peter barked a short laugh. “What do you know about that?”

“I’m not a total naif, Peter!

_Not totally_, he mused to himself, _but almost so._

“Can you believe that he never kissed me except for a single peck on the
cheek after the senior prom?”

“Sweet eighteen and never been kissed. Is that how it is, Lilly?”

“You kissed me once,” she retorted. “It was on my sixteenth birthday,
but I suppose you’ve forgotten that.”

That innocent touching of lips was, in fact, one of his most treasured
memories. He had briefly held her in his arms while they stood
concealed behind a bush in her backyard.

“Of course I remember it, but we didn’t do it like in the movies.”

She sniffed nervously. “That would have frightened me, I suppose.
Daddy’s influence has really inhibited me about, you know, kissing and

He swallowed in an effort to dispel an ache in his throat. “You’ll find
a boy, Lilly, a good guy.”

“It’s scary,” she whispered.

He successfully resisted a powerful urge to embrace the girl and linger
with her in a kiss. Their mutual nervousness dissipated when they
changed the subject and began to talk about the regimen of college life.
Shortly, after arranging to pick her up the next morning, he left her
standing next to the produce counter. He was greatly disturbed by the
certainty that she would soon fall prey to a clever guy who would
seriously hurt her.

* * *

She was not attired provocatively. The shorts and tank top revealed far
less of her body than when she wore her usual modest bathing garb at the
pool. But Peter struggled to keep his eyes on the road ahead, because
she was stunning. He could not decide which was more sexually arousing;
the smooth expanse of her long legs, the softness of her upper arms or
the flat stomach’s bare flesh. They chatted casually for the
first two hours of their trip, and they did not lack topics, because she
had known him as a friend all her life. Then she raised a matter that
revealed her vulnerable ignorance of sex.

“Betty Crawford and Jonathan Cribbs are getting married next week,” she
announced. “They have to. It’s a real mess, because they were both
ready to go off to college.”

“They have to?” he asked, darting her a glance.

“You know. He got her pregnant. She told me they were making out and
went too far. I don’t understand it.”

“You don’t know how babies are made?”

She slapped his knee. “Of course I do! I got an A in sex education.”

“You got A’s in all your classes, Lilly. What don’t you understand?”

“About making out. How can you have an accident like that? Isn’t
making out just sloppy kissing and a little sinful touching?”

“You think touching is sinful?”

She blushed. “You know what I mean, Peter! Daddy thinks it is. I
don’t really believe in sin — not like he does — but some touching
is maybe inappropriate, except, I suppose, until you’re married.”

A clever guy, he thought, could easily dispel that notion of hers.

When he did not respond, she asked, “How did it happen? What’s the
difference between making out and going all the way?” Her upper lip
twitched before she added, “I’m sure you’ve done both.”

“Do you really want to know, Lilly?”

“I have to! I’m grown up now and I’ll be living on my own!”

“Just think about it!” he barked. “It’s not rocket science!”

She was about to say something, when he exclaimed, “Oh shit!”

“What’s wrong?”

“The car’s overheating. It’s in the red. I’ll have to stop.”

He pulled to the side of the road, shut off the motor and got out of the
car after releasing its hood. She remained inside. He peered at the
engine then came to stand at her open window.

“A belt snapped,” he announced. “I’ll have to call for a tow truck.”

“Can they fix it?”

“There’s no problem if they have the part. We’ll be underway in a
couple of hours.”

* * *

They rode squeezed together in the tow truck’s cab, Lilly sitting
between Peter and Jack, the mechanic. The latter did not disguise
repeated ogling of her exquisite thighs, and she leaned away from him,
against Peter, who had an arm across the back of the seat with his hand
resting on her bare shoulder. When they arrived at the garage, a
structure among a few others at a crossroad amidst vast wheat fields,
Jack delivered bad news.

“I don’t have the belt and can’t get it until tomorrow morning.”

“Can you drive us back to Hendersonville?” Peter asked. “We can’t wait
here until then.”

“I don’t have the time,” Jack replied. “Besides I’m not a chauffeur.”

Lilly complained in exasperation. “What are we going to do? I can’t
think of anyone back in town who’ll come and get us. It’s five or six
hours round trip!”

Jack jerked a greasy thumb at a decrepit building across the road that
announced with a flaking sign that it was a motel. “Maybe my brother
has a vacancy,” he suggested.

Peter immediately dashed over after waiting for a noisy semi to pass.
Lilly did not join him, but stepped a few paces away from the mechanic,
who continued to ogle her shamelessly. A few minutes later Peter
returned, his shoulders slumped in dejection.

“The guy only has one room free,” he announced to Lilly in a dour tone.

“Only one!” she cried.

“Let’s look at it before we decide. Maybe we can work something out.”

Before they reached the motel room door, the sky opened up and a torrent
of rain began to pelt them.

“We’ll have to take it no matter what,” Peter yelled over his shoulder
as he struggled to open the sticking door.

Lilly pushed in after him to escape the rain. Turning, Peter observed
her assume a slight crouch, place both hands over her mouth, then utter
a wail of either despair or hilarity.

“There’s only one small bed!” she laughed aloud, although her eyes,
fixed on his, revealed a measure of panic.

“I’ll sleep on the floor,” he quickly promised while stepping to close
the door.

“But what if somebody finds out?” Her voice again a mixture of
amusement and concern. “Especially Daddy!”

“No one needs to know,” he assured her. “Besides your father is out of
town. If you don’t mind I’ll register us as man and wife. Maybe the
guy won’t notice that I’m a lot older than you.”

She tilted her head and calmly remarked, “You aren’t so old, Peter. Mom
was a lot younger than Daddy.”

His lips twisted in a flicker of a smile. “I’ll go get the luggage.’

“Wait until the storm passes,” she advised, then sat on the edge of the
bed, bouncing a couple of times. “It’s not so bad here. At least it
doesn’t smell.”

He sat beside her. “Perhaps the owner has a few extra blankets that I
can put on the floor.”

She giggled. “Are you afraid to sleep with me, Peter?”

He gaped at her nearby face.

“We can share the bed. Of all the guys I’ve known, you’re the only one
I’d trust.”

“We’ll sleep in our clothes,” he hastened to state.

“Of course!”

* * *

They bought bread, bologna and beer at the convenience store attached to
the gas station, then they ate in the room with the door closed.

“You aren’t old enough to drink, Lilly,” he chided her.

“Is that so! I’m too young to drink a beer but old enough to go to bed
with you!”

He grinned. “No one will know in any case.”

After a large swallow from her can she stated, “Daddy is against
smoking, drinking and sex. I don’t intend to take up cigarettes.”

He took a deep breath. “I know you’re being playful, Lilly, but it’s
not right to tease a guy.”

“How am I teasing you?”

“We’re going to sleep on the same bed, for Christ’s sake. Don’t suggest
that you intend to take to sex as you have with this beer.”

“Did I do that?” She sounded contrite.

“I know you didn’t mean it, but it’s unfair to a guy to even hint at
something like that when you don’t mean it — even as a joke.”

She sighed. “I’m sorry. I’m stupid about such things, but why is it

“Guys get easily excited, especially …”

“Especially what?”

“Especially when the girl is very beautiful and he’s going to share a
bed with her, and …”


“If the guy is very, very fond of the girl.”

She smiled warmly and placed a hand on his. “I’m very fond of you too,
Peter. Would it be unfair if we only kissed?”

He visibly shivered. “No,” he whispered. “It wouldn’t be unfair. But
you know about the birds and bees. You got an A in sex education, so
you must understand how difficult it will be for me if we start

She shrugged. “If it’ll be such a problem for you, then maybe we
shouldn’t kiss.”

“No, no, Lilly,” he lowered his voice to a whisper, “_darling_. I would
gladly endure anything to kiss you.”

“But with our clothes on!” she insisted.

“Of course! In snow pants and parkas, if we had any.”

He placed his drink on the night stand, and with a quavering hand took
her beer can and disposed of it as well. Suddenly nervous, she bit her
lower lip while staring into his eyes. When he leaned his face close to
hers she puckered like a child. They pressed lips together without
otherwise touching. Pulling back, they stared at each other again for a

“Do you want to kiss like they do it in the movies?” he asked in a low

With upper teeth fully on lower lip she nodded abruptly.

He placed an arm around her shoulders and a palm against a soft,
unblemished cheek. She awkwardly embraced him in return. Their
kissing, which lasted for some minutes, became sloppy and intense. When
they paused for air and fell back onto the bed, he reached over to
fondle her left upper arm.

“Is this sinful touching?” he asked, pinching the lovely flesh.

“Only if you pinch!” she protested.

“How about this?” he inquired, lowering his face to her bare stomach and
tonguing the navel.

She yelped at the tickle and squirmed against his mouth. “I don’t know,
Peter. Are we making out now?”

He raised up to look at her flushed face. “We’re beginning to, darling,
but we’re a long way from getting you pregnant.”

“I know that,” she sighed. “Don’t go too far,” she added then shut her

He fondled the arm once more, lightly pressed his palm against her
stomach, then began to stroke her exciting thighs with his fingers
coming ever closer to the hem of her shorts. She did not protest those
touches, not even the caressing of her left breast, although she held
her breath for a moment when he did that. But she opened her mouth and
eyes widely when he cupped her groin. Her mouth twisted in worry.

“I know you give yourself pleasure there, darling,” he said, wriggling a
finger at a most sensitive spot. “All girls do it once in a while.”

Her response was a single word, one that invited him to continue.
“Higher,” she gasped.

He laid beside her, kissing the lovely face as he masturbated her
through the garments. Her breath came in increasingly erratic, whiny
pants. A brief cry accompanied the climax.

“Oh, god, Peter!” she exclaimed in a quavering voice. “I know we’re
making out now!”

He realized that if it were not he, she would have let another guy bring
her off. He knew she was curious about sex and ready to experiment,
especially now that she was beyond her father’s control.

He kissed her lips lightly. “We’ve just begun, darling. You’ve been
waiting for this, haven’t you? There’s a lot more we can do, even
before we become naked.”

“Naked?” She raised up on an elbow. “You said we’d keep our clothes

“We will, if that’s what you want. But don’t you think it would be
exciting to play with each other while we’re naked? You’ll be
embarrassed at first, of course. But after just a few minutes you won’t
notice it, because we’ll too busy pleasuring each other.”

“Each other? I don’t know anything about pleasuring boys, Peter.”

He kissed her soundly and she captured his neck with clinging arms.
“That’s what making out is all about,” he managed to mumble against her
lips. “Two people giving each other orgasms without risking pregnancy.”

“Then how did Betty get knocked up, if they didn’t have to go all the
way for their pleasure?”

“Maybe she wanted to feel her guy inside her, and they didn’t use any

“That’s dumb!”

“You’re absolutely right, darling. We would never do anything so

She grinned up at him, perhaps relieved that she had chosen the right
guy for making out. She helped him remove the halter and arched her
back so he could take off the brassiere. He quickly fell upon the
creamy orbs with their roseate nipples, sucking them each in turn as she
fondled his head and sighed deeply.

While lifting up to help him remove her shorts, she said in a dreamy
voice, “I can’t imagine doing this with anyone but you.”

“But you would have, and probably with a guy you don’t yet know.”

“That’s a creepy thought. I’m not a loose girl, Peter.”

“Of course you aren’t. But you might meet someone and fall in love.
That’s the way it always is. The danger is the possibility that the guy
is just using you.”

She looked up at him. His hands tugged at her panties, and he pulled
them down when she raised her butt. “Are you using me, Peter?”

He sat erect next to her naked, prone figure, roaming his eyes from her
knees to her face. “I love you, Lilly. In this case I may be the one
to get hurt.”

“That’s not fair! Do you think I’m doing this just out of curiosity?”

“You can’t deny you’re curious.”

“I’ve wondered about this for years, Peter. And you’re right. I have
touched myself — a lot of times. But I always thought of you when I
did it.”

He swallowed as if to remove an ache from his throat. Then, the panties
still caught on her calves, he fell upon her with a gasp and they kissed
more passionately than before.

When they paused after some moments, cheeks together, his hand kneading
a soft breast, she reminded him with a whisper in his ear, “You’re still

He sat up, removed the panties entirely and lifted her legs upon the
bed. Then he stood and began to unbutton his shirt as he stared at her
up and down. Shirt off, he quickly undid his trousers and let them drop
to the floor. She gazed at the impressive bulge in his underpants. He
pushed them down to reveal a rigid, fat, seven inch penis with dangling
testicles. She stared at his privates, then at his face. Her own
betrayed serious concern.

“You’re so big!” she eventually exclaimed.

He grinned. “How would you know? You’ve never seen one before.”

“I can’t imagine it fitting in.”

“It’s smaller than a baby coming out. Are you already thinking of going
all the way?”


“Then don’t worry about it.”

He laid beside her and they resumed passionate kissing. His fingers
found her protuberant clitoral hood. She squirmed, moaned and cried in
climax with lips pressed to his.

“God! Peter! I never thought it would be like this!”

“I can’t hold off much longer, darling. I need relief.”

“Tell me what to do.”

He raised his head to look at her. With a sly grin he inquired, “Do you
know about oral sex? It’s the last stage before going all the way.”

“That’s what Monica did to Clinton — right?”

He nodded. “You could bring me off another way, if you don’t want to
taste me.”

“I’ll do whatever you desire, Mr. President.”

He laughed. “We’ll get to that. But first I’d like to do something for

He leaned down and quickly suckled a raised, roseate nipple, then licked
her flat stomach. He reveled in the touch of his face to the
softness of an inner thigh, so high up that light brown hair brushed
against his cheek. She gasped when his lips encircled her fleshy
protuberance. Her orgasm, after a few moments of loving attention, was
dramatic. She cried aloud and gripped his head between soft thighs.
She pulled at his hair. He raised his body between her legs.

“Now we could do something stupid,” he said, his nose touching hers, the
head of his penis poking dangerously.

“I don’t want your baby, Peter! Not yet!”

He rolled off to lie beside her. “Then do it with your mouth.”

She raised up on an elbow to gaze at him. With quivering lips she
reached down to enfold a penis for the first time.

“I would never do this for any other guy, Peter. Never, ever!”

She leaned her face to his member, which was wet with emission. “Is
that pee?” she asked plaintively.

“No, darling, it’s my seed. I could probably make a baby in you with
just that much.”

She extended her tongue to lap at the large, oozing glans.

“It doesn’t taste bad,” she murmured.

“Suck on it.”

She did so, stretching her dainty mouth to accommodate the bulbous
thing. He groaned. at the sensation and ran fingers through her flaxen
hair. Although her teeth grated against his sensitive flesh, he soon
felt the tingle of approaching orgasm. He didn’t warn her, but pushed
her head back at the last moment. Still, the first spurt shot against
her lips and chin, the second, more copious, slimed her cheek. She
shrieked and fell back, watching as he finished himself by squeezing out
the last dollops with one hand while the other gripped her shoulder.

“We’re a mess!” she announced in disdain, although her tongue flicked
out to taste the stuff.

He pulled her down to him. “Let’s take a shower together,” he
suggested. “Then we can start over.”

* * *

The shower stall was too cramped with both of them in it. He wished
they had more space, because he wanted to explore her lovely body with
soapy hands and darting tongue. They soon retreated to the bed still
damp. She reclined upon it and posed for him with arms and legs

“Raise your knees,” he said, and she did so.

He reached down to spread the legs. “What are you doing?” she asked.

“I’m fantasizing, darling.”

“About going all the way?”

“What else? I’ve lusted for you since you began to grow titties, and
I’ve loved you long before that.”

“I love you too, Peter. I’ve always dreamed of you when I touched

“Do it now, darling, while I watch, and I’ll show you how I pleasure

They began to masturbate while gazing at each other, she using two
fingers, he a fist.

She giggled. “We don’t have to do this. Lie next to me. I’ll suck on
you again.”

“I have a condom,” he mumbled.


“I said I have protection. We can go all the way, if you want.”

“I do want to, Peter, but I’m afraid of getting pregnant.”

“There’s not much chance of that.” He fondled her knee. “I want to be
your first guy.”

She frowned. “My first guy? I don’t intend to have anyone but you!”

He damned himself for the stupid comment, then realized the import of
her response.

“You want to marry me?” he asked.

“Of course. I always have.” She hesitated before adding, “But it’s
true that I might have gone with another guy at college, just out of

“And risk getting knocked up by a stranger?”

“I sorry, Peter. I shouldn’t have said that.”

“But I know it’s true, Lilly. The thought of any other guy touching you

“There’ll never be another guy, Peter. Let’s do it now.”

He was stunned by his victory, but he retained sufficient rationality to
reach down and pick up his trousers from the floor. He retrieved a
small packet from a pocket and ripped it open.

“Is that a condom?” she asked. “It’s a shame you’ll have to use it.
I’d rather there be nothing between us.”

“Just this time. You can go on the pill.”

“I’ll do that right away.”

She watched him roll the latex sheathe onto his imposing member. She
bit her lower lip in concern.

“Will it hurt?” she asked.

“Probably. There’s no avoiding it.”

He knelt beside the bed and began to lick her raised leg.

“I want to suck your toes.”

“Not now, Peter! Just do it!”

He stood, then climbed atop her. They kissed passionately, and she
grasped his neck with one arm while she moved the other between them.
He felt her hand take his penis and position it. He pushed forward and
ripped into her. She cried out in pain, but nevertheless thrust back,
embedding him fully. After several pumps he withdrew, because he did
not want to hurt her further just for his own pleasure.

“Are you finished?” she asked in a ragged voice.

He looked down at her flushed face. “I’ll finish a couple of weeks from
now. You might enjoy it then.”

“You felt so big inside. You filled me up.”

“Did it hurt awfully?”

“Yes. I’m glad you stopped. It was very considerate of you.”

He grinned. “I could kiss it and make it better.”

She stroked his cheek. “I’d really like that, Peter. And I’ll suck on
you again. You must be very frustrated right now.”

“Let’s do each other at the same time,” he suggested.

Without explaining he repositioned himself on the bed. Her pubic hair
was sticky with blood. He licked away a smear from her inner thigh
before turning his attention to her prominent clitoral hood. He felt
her mouth on his penis just as his lips closed over the protuberance.
She attained climax in little more than a minute, her cry muffled by the
knob in her mouth. Not long after he warned her that he was about to
come, but she continued to suck and received his emission in her mouth.
They did not sleep much that night.

* * *

They awoke at ten the next morning. Peter looked out the window and saw
that his car was parked in front of the motel office.

“The car’s fixed,” he announced. “I’ll go settle up.”

He left the room a very happy man. Although he had been drained by six
orgasms, his desire for Lilly remained undiminished. He found Jack and
his brother in the office. He knew them well, having attended high
school with the twins, and he also served as their attorney.

“Hi, guys. I really owe you for this.”

“You sure do, Peter,” Jack responded. “We set you up for Lilly the
Lovely, and from the look on your face you must have scored big time.”

“We won’t discuss the particulars, if you don’t mind. Lilly and I will
be married when she finishes college.

“Congratulations! We’ll keep our mouths shut, of course. But it’s a
great story — a phony car problem and that nonsense of there being only
one room available.”

“Duplicity born of desperation, guys. I think I would have lost her had
we not done this. Thanks again.”

At the door Peter turned to say, “We won’t be leaving for another couple
of hours, if you don’t mind.”

“Enjoy!” the twins shouted in unison.

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