Cum Drunk Slut

Holly Harmes enjoyed college, but mostly she liked
living on her own. She was ready, after eighteen years
of being a kid, to be master of her own destiny. Almost
immediately, she began to try and find ways she could
make the best of her new-found freedom.

Holly lived in the dorms, in a pair of rooms with three
other girls. The girls all got along fairly well, and
life was enjoyable except for those occasional times
when their periods synced. As far as boys, Holly played
the field a little bit at first, and burned through a
string of hunky young guys, but she didn’t feel the need
to tie herself down right away.

One night Shasta, a girl that roomed with her, told her
about a frat party off campus. “There’ll be booze, and
guys, and loud music, and guys, and lots of booze. Did I
mention guys?”

Holly rolled her eyes, but she was interested. She knew
that most frat boys were fairly rich, even though a high
percentage of them were also assholes. Well, she could
live with that, if it meant being treated like a queen
for a night. She also knew that frat guys usually
expected their girls to put out, and… she could live
with that, too. She was really to play around. She
wasn’t a virgin, by any stretch, but she felt like it
was time to widen her horizons a bit. And maybe widen
something else, if she could find Mr. Right. Mr. hung-
like-a-horse Right. Her list of requirements was
actually pretty short.

She got the details from Shasta, and later talked to
Adrianna, her best friend and roomie. They decided to
just casually show up Friday evening, like they were
invited, and let what would happen happen. Surely the
guys wouldn’t kick them out, they were both fairly foxy,
they thought at the same time, looking at themselves
objectively. Surely they would be allowed to enter.
Allowed, hell, they’d probably be dragged inside. Holly
thought of some things she could wear to speed the
process along.


By Friday evening, Adrianna was a little more reticent.
Holly pooh-pooh her, laughing. “What’s the worst that
could happen?” she asked her friend.

“I dunno…” said Adrianna. “I’ve heard some crazy shit
that’s happened at frat houses before. So have you.”

“Yeah, yeah,” said Holly, still laughing. “That shit
only happens at the big schools. We only make the news
here for stupid shit, like people sliding down flagpoles
and ripping their asshole out.”

Last year a guy had done that, he had gotten hung up on
a cleat while hanging a flag from an opposing school on
the flagpole. It was the biggest news in years, and he
didn’t get much sympathy because of the school he was
from. Too bad for him, especially since he’d be wearing
diapers for the rest of his life. Holly laughed some

“Come on, it’ll be fun… I promise…”

“Shit, Holly… I think I’ll go home this weekend

Holly shook her head. What a spoil-sport. Well, what the
hell. She’d see if Shasta wanted to go. She looked the
other girl up.

“I dunno…” said Shasta, “I’ve heard crazy mad shit
goes on at frat houses.”

“Goddam it,” said Holly, peeved. “Who’s startin’ all
these fuckin’ rumors? How bad could it be?”

“Well, okay,” said Shasta, “I’ll go, but if the guys
start disrespectin’ me, I am fuckin’ outa there.”

Holly laughed. She wasn’t going for respect, she was
going for fun. Maybe a little booze, and maybe a little
fuckin’. The way she’d felt the last few nights… the
fucking was almost a sure thing. Surely she could find
one studly man among the boys.


That night she finally finished her homework, and looked
over at Adrianna’s bed. The other girl had gone to bed
an hour ago, lucky bitch. Holly went down the hall to
the john and peed and brushed her teeth, then returned
to their room. She dropped her jeans, kicked her socks
off, pulled her t-shirt over her head, and was
unsnapping her bra when she heard Adrianna whisper.

“Looook… I am yuh fath-uh…”

Holly laughed, and shook her head. Why she’d ever told
the girl she’d liked those movies as a kid was beyond
her. They did this almost every night now. She leaned
down, and put her face in Adrianna’s.

“Only a master of eve-ill, Darth,” she said, and kissed
Adrianna on the lips.

“Mmm…” said the other girl. They kissed again, slower.

“Darlin’,” Holly finally said, laying down on top of
Adrianna. Damn, these beds are narrow, she thought for
the thousandth time. It was cool enough in the room by
now she had chill bumps. Everything stopped for a minute
while Adrianna helped her crawl under the sheet and

“Holly…” Adrianna said, before she could start again.

“What… mmm…” said Holly, pressing her lips to the
other girls mouth yet again.

“I thought… we’d decided… to slow down…” said
Adrianna, stopping a few times for more kisses.

“We decided to slow down, yes. But we didn’t decide to
stop,” said Holly.

“I thought we decided only on the weekend…” said
Adrianna, her breath hot in Holly’s face.

“Yeah, yeah, well it’s Thursday, that’s fuckin’ close
enough,” said Holly, taking the other girl’s earlobe in
her teeth.

“Ouch. Okay. But not all night, please? I gotta have my
sleep, I almost fell asleep in Durham’s class again.”

“Sorry ’bout last night,” Holly apologized. “I know, I
get carried away sometimes.”

“Baby…” whispered Adrianna, “I’m not complaining. I
love this shit, and I love you.”

“Oh, darlin’, I love you too…” whispered Holly back.
“If you just had a cock, we’d be the perfect couple…”

“You picky little bitch…” whispered Adrianna, licking
the inside of Holly’s ear. Holly purred like a kitten.
So what if the party sucked. This was almost as fun as
getting her cunt filled with man-meat. She knew what was
going to happen in the next few minutes. Adrianna was
going to slide down her stomach and do what she did
best. The girl was the best cunt licker in the school,
bar none. Holly knew once she got her started she’d go
for hours. This was as much fun as any old dumb party.
And guys? Fuck guys. She didn’t need guys, not as long
as Adrianna still had a tongue. She smashed her mouth
against her roommate’s, and tasted the other girl’s spit
in her mouth.


Holly didn’t have any classes on Friday, so she just sat
around the apartment and waited for evening. Shasta
showed up, and a little after six they dressed. Holly
wore a tight, almost blindingly white miniskirt that
barely covered her pussy. She hadn’t had the nerve to
wear it out in public yet, and she almost covered it
with her jacket at the last minute. Shasta, a little
more conservatively dressed, giggled at her.

“Fuck it,” said Holly, tossing her jacket on the bed. It
was brisk enough outside she knew her nipples would pop
through the top. She felt like there was no way they’d
get turned down at the door. She’d shaved her legs this
morning, and, on impulse, shaved her pussy for the first
time in a year or two. She felt all nice and smooth down
there, and she had topped it off with a tiny white
thong. She felt like she was ready have the affair of
her life. She knew once she sat down and crossed her
legs, any guy in the place would be hers. And with that
thong, she’d had to cross them. It was almost literally
dental floss.

The girls walked down the sidewalk and out of the dorm
complex. They looked at each other and giggled when they
heard tires screeching on the road next to them. A car
went by slowly and guys hung out the window and hooted
at them. The apes, thought Holly. What a bunch of
classless thugs. She was ready to meet a real gentleman,
tonight. One that knew how to treat a lady.

They approached frat row at last. Holly had a chill,
feeling the breeze blow on places that were usually
sheltered. She suppressed a shiver, knowing it wouldn’t
look sexy. They finally came up the sidewalk, and stood
at the door of Kappa Omega Kappa. A few flowerpots
filled with pathetic dead plants sat on the windowsill.
The place needed a paintjob, bad. And what was that
smell? The building looked deserted, on top of
everything. There’s a party here? wondered Holly.
Fearlessly she pressed the doorbell.

The wind blew under her skirt again, making her shiver.
Damn, where the fuck are they? she wondered.

At last the door slowly creaked open. A kid stood there,
literally, a kid. Is this somebody’s little brother?
Holly wondered.

“Hi,” she said, in her best Southern-girl accent. “Has
the party started?”

“Party?” the kid said. Holly looked down and saw him
holding a beer. Where there’s beer, surely there’s a
party, she thought.

“Yeah,” she said. “Thuh party.”

“Uh…” the kid said. He looked up and down her,
stopping for a noticeable pause at the hem of her skirt.
He was no dummy. He knew what was hidden by less than an
inch of cloth.

“It’s just starting,” said an authoritative voice behind
him. The kid stood back, and they entered.

In spite of the freezing wind blowing up their asses,
Holly and Shasta walked slowly into the main living room
of the frat house. Seven or eight guys laid around on
couches and chairs, staring at them. The room was a pit,
totally trashed. Old milk cartons and TV dinner trays
littered the floor. And that smell. She heard Shasta
clear her throat behind her.

“Well, good evening, ladies,” said a boy, coming
forward. Boy? This was a man, finally. Tall, lanky and
handsome… this is more like it, thought Holly. A few
more of these would be nice. She looked around.

Well, maybe he’s the pick of the litter. Surely there
were more men around. It was just boys in the room, at
the moment. She could hear music playing, coming from a
hallway. Is that where the party was?

“We just heard there was a party goin’ on here,” she
explained to the cute guy. He reached for her hand, and
she gave it to him. He leaned down and kissed it, like
she was a high class lady or something. She giggled.

“I am truly charmed,” he said. “My name is Ralph.”

“I’m Holly,” she said, and motioned to the girl behind
her. Then she looked again, doing a double take, seeing
the door close on Shasta’s butt. You bitch! she had time
to think. You fuckin’ bitch! Runnin’ out on me!

“I’m sorry your friend… had to leave in such a rush,”
said Ralph, in his smooth baritone. The guy talked like
he was in a play or something. He’d said charmed
earlier, but she was the one charmed, now.

“Please,” he said, “have a seat!”

He swept an crumpled assortment of porno mags into the
floor, and helped her sit in a chair. She smiled at him.
She was vaguely aware of the nine or ten other guys in
the room staring at her like they’d never seen a girl
before. She wondered when the last time a female had
entered this room. Not even the maid had been here in a
while, it looked like.

“The party hasn’t actually begun yet,” said Ralph. “We
are waiting on the refreshments to arrive. Would you
like to come to my room and view my etchings?”

In spite of liking him, she almost snorted at that one.
She wondered if it was a joke. What a prehistoric pickup
line. She looked at Ralph. He was a hunk. Yeah, she
thought. Fuck the etchings. I’d like to see your room. I
might even like to stare at your ceiling for a while.

“Certainly,” she said.

“Oh, I am an inhospitable host,” he said, dramatically
placing his hand on his forehead. “May I offer you a

“Uhm,” she said. “Got a beer?”

“Oh, that we have. Most certainly,” he said, and nodded
at one of the guys behind him. The kid that had answered
the door stepped forward, and Ralph whispered to him.
The kid took off down the hallway.

He returned with a can, and Ralph thoughtfully popped
the top for her. She smiled at him and gave him a small
toast, and then took a sip.

Holly, though a fairly typical and normal young adult,
did have an almost amazing amount of self control. It
was tested to the limit on that day, as she drew a swig
of bitter pig piss into her mouth. It was all she could
do to keep from spraying it all over Ralph the mouth,
but she didn’t. She swallowed, and gasped. The look of
adulation in Ralph’s eyes turned to admiration. He knew
how bad the cheap shit was. This is one tough little
bitch, he told himself. This one might be a challenge.

Holly placed the can on an end table, making a silent
vow to let it stand there for all eternity. She would
not touch it again. Ralph put his hand down to her, and
she took it and rose. He led her from the living area
down the hallway to a small bedroom. On his exit from
the room he had given some hasty and whispered
instructions the the door kid to “let the party begin”,
unquote. The kid had nodded, and raced away.

Holly was no dummy. She knew by now there was no party
here. She was already planning her graceful exit,
possibly after giving Ralph her cell number. But she
followed him to his room, and stood gazing about her in
surprise as he shut the door.

The guy wasn’t lying. He had etching, he had fucking
etching hanging on his wall. Well, artwork, pictures,
whatever. And goodness, she thought. Those people are…
they are fucking.

She looked at the other wall. All his so-called
“etchings” were erotic in nature. Some of them looked
very old, or rather the people in them looked old. And
that man… goodness… that man had an enormous… she
remembered some of the prehistoric porn she’d had to
read in a literature class… the man had an enormous
“member.” She smiled to herself.

“Ralph…” she said. His eyebrows raised when she spoke
his name. “Ralph… you have very interesting tastes…”

He laughed. “I have many interests…” he said. “Making
beautiful young ladies laugh and smile is foremost among
them. Holly, dearest… I keep the good stuff in my
room. Forget that horse piss… here… try this!”

He opened a bottle with a corkscrew, and it popped like
a gunshot, making her jump. He smiled and she giggled.
He produced two wineglasses, and poured an inch into
each of them. He handed her a glass, and then swirled
his around and sniffed it.

“A delicate bouquet…” he said. “Reminds me of…
Paris… the spring before the war… my grandfather sat
on the veranda of a small restaurant, and sang about
love to a girl that was much like you. Her name was
Miranda. My family often laughs about Grandpa and
Miranda on the veranda.”

She smiled, though his story was horrible, and the wine
was almost as nasty tasting as the beer. This is
culture, bitch, she told herself. Get that shit down,
and like it. She took another sip, willing her nose to
stop tingling. Do not sneeze on this man, she told

Ralph blabbed on. She wondered if he’d read this shit
somewhere, or if he was making it up as he went along.
The guy had a career if he wanted it, she thought. She
wasn’t sure if it was seductable quality material, but
he did say funny things every now and then, although
sometimes he probably didn’t intend on them being so
funny. She just smiled and nodded.

He seated her on his bed, and sat beside her holding her
hand in his paw. He asked her about what she was
studying, and where she had grown up, and what were her
goals in life?

“Goals?” she said blankly. She didn’t actually have
goals, yet. Just to get through the next twenty minutes
looked like a tough one.

“Yes, your dreams, your hopes and aspirations,” he said
grandly. He suddenly dropped to his knees before her,
still squeezing her hands in hers.

“My single dream,” he said, “is nothing more than to
spend an hour between your wonderful thighs.”

Goodness, he doesn’t waste time, she thought. To the

“Ralph,” she said, shaking her head. “I like you. You
are sweet, and funny. But I don’t know you that well.
Not for something like that.”

“Oh, we must change that,” he said. “We must make that
happen. You must know me, and I you.”


An hour later she felt like she knew him pretty well.
Possibly even better than necessary. They had sat and
talked and sipped wine, and she felt herself relaxing
and getting looser. The room was nice and warm, and
other than occasional risque comments, he was almost a

Ralph had risen from the floor, and sat beside her, so
close their knees touched. His hand, occasionally
touched her, too. She didn’t mind that much. She was
warming up to him, just like he’d intended.

“Holly, my dearest,” he whispered, and placed his mouth
to her ear when she bent down. “I want to rub you down
with baby oil. I want to massage you, and make you feel
good. I want to feel you beneath my fingers. May I,

“Ralph… I dunno…” that did sound kinda like fun. She
liked to be rubbed. And he looked like he had big strong
hands. He stood.

“Just sit up slightly,” he said, taking the hem of her
miniskirt in his hand. She did, wondering why she was
following his orders so meekly. Was it just because he
was handsome and, so far, fairly thoughtful and polite?
He carefully drew her dress over her head. She sat,
almost naked, except for a small bra and that tiny
thong. Almost as an afterthought she covered her crotch
with her hand.

He reached his hands around her, and she felt his
fingers on her bra strap. “May I?” he said, although
he’d already done it, when he asked. He slid her bra
down her arms.

“Oh, you are divine,” he said, and she felt like he
really meant it, it wasn’t just sweet talk this time.
She knew she had nice tits, enough guys had told her in
the past. Adrianna had even told her, just last night.

“Ralph…” she said shyly. “Please lock the door.”

“The door is fine,” he said in his hypnotic drone. He
kept talking, but she didn’t really hear what he said.
She took another sip of wine. The shit didn’t taste that
bad, now. She gulped down the rest of it, and he
refilled her wineglass. She felt his tentative touch on
her nipple. He was easy and gentle, and it felt good.
She liked having her tits played with. And fuck, were
her nipples ever hard. Her nipples usually stayed hard,
but this time it was special.

“Where’s that rackbub… backrub…” she finally said.
Her tongue wasn’t working right, for some reason.

“Just lay down on your stomach, darlin’,” smooth-talking
Ralph said. She lay down on his bed and sighed. She felt
good. Tired, but good. She closed her eyes, and felt his
hard, strong hands knead her shoulders. She flinched as
something cold dropped on her back, and then she
giggled. Baby oil. He rubbed it in, over and over, up
and down her back. His hands were as hypnotic as his
voice. She yawned, and wondered what Adrianna was doing
right about now. Will I get my midnight kiss here or
there? she thought to herself.

“Holly, baby…” she heard Ralph say. She mumbled
something. His hands went lower and lower, down her
back, and she flinched as he squeezed her ass. She
flinched, but it felt good. She sighed and mumbled. He
squeezed harder, digging his fingers into her bare ass.
She felt him spread her butt cheeks apart, and she knew
he was looking at her butthole. She giggled, instead of
being upset.

This went on for quite some time. It was relaxing, and
felt good. It felt good to have her ass massaged and
squeezed. She was sure it felt good for him, too.
Everybody likes to squeeze a little ass.

“Turn over, darling,” he said. “I have something I want
you to see…”

She sighed again, and slowly rolled over, looking at
him. He was standing beside the bed, his hands on his
hips, and right away she saw what he wanted her to see.
He had pulled his cock and balls out of the zipper slit
of his jeans. He stood there, arrogantly, maybe even a
bit, uhm, cocky. Like he had something to be proud of.

Holy shit, said Holly to herself. That is something to
be proud of. Ralph had a pretty goddam impressive cock.
At least eight inches long, although she was a girl and
feet and inches didn’t always add up in her mind. But,
shit. He was a monster. She smiled up at him, not even
remembering to be shocked.

“Ralphie. You got a nice weenie,” she said, a lazy smile
on her face. He smiled back down. He knew he did. She
wasn’t the first that had told him that. He even had a
girlfriend who regularly reminded him of that. But his
girlfriend wasn’t as sweet as this sweet young thing
laying in his bed. He licked his lips, hoping to hell
his girlfriend didn’t come checking up on him this
evening. That would be… unpleasant.

“Darling Holly,” he said. “You may use my body any way
you see fit, for your pleasure. I give myself to you.”

She took a deep breath, and reached her hand out. Holly
want, she thought. Holly want now. He felt hard, hard
and warm. She rubbed down his shaft, finally sitting up
and grabbing him with both hands. He felt fabulous in
her hands, just like what a cock should feel. I’m
through with boys, she thought. I’m ready for a man.

He let her play for a while, then slowly inched forward.
She didn’t require much of a hint, and finally, holding
his monster delicately in one hand, she leaned down and
took him in her lips. At first she just slurped around
on the tip, feeling the hard cap of his cock on her
inner lips, but she finally sucked him in as deep as she
could. Damn, she thought, that feels cool. And huge, the
damn thing felt like a fucking summer sausage in her
mouth. This was just too damn cool.

Ralph let out a sigh of relief. He’d thought it would be
his hand again, tonight. But, damn. A knock on the door,
later, he was getting a nice knobber. The girl was no
Linda Lovelace, but she had some suction, and a little
bit of style. She rubbed the back of his cap with her
teeth, almost enough to hurt, ran her tongue around the
cap, and then teased his piss-hole. He sighed again, and
relaxed. He could do this all night, if she could.

But then, damn. A creak from the door. It was a guy
named Jerry, peeking in. Ralph motioned him to go away,
but Jerry opened the door even further. Then he made a
blow-job motion with his hand, opening his mouth.

“Later,” Ralph mouthed, irritated. These guys. This was
his girl. Although… the deal was, if a girl came in,
share and share alike. This was just the first time it
had happened. There wasn’t a true protocol established.
And… he’d taken the initiative. He’d taken care of
her, while the other guys just stared and drooled.

Jerry finally backed away, and shut the door. Holly
looked up and the click of the lock, but her eyes were
still focused for looking at his cock. He almost smiled.
What an innocent little thing she was. Truly, this was
his lucky day.

They went another ten or fifteen minutes, and two more
interruptions from the door before he finally gave up,
and told his prostate to go for it.

“Baby, get ready,” he said softly, and moments later he
filled her mouth. His balls were as impressive as his
cock, and she held it in until the last squirt, gulping
as fast as she could. Still some dribbled out, and she
giggled helplessly as it dripped on her knees.

“Oh, thank you, darling,” Ralph gushed, finally pulling
his softening cock from her tired mouth. “You were
wonderful. I am a lucky guy.”

Fuck yeah, she thought. But, you’d better get that bitch
pumped back up, pretty quick. I wanna be lucky, too.

He sat beside her, and they cuddled for a while. She
woke up a little, but she still felt fuzzy and tired.
That goddam wine, she thought. Wine. Where was her
glass? She took another sip. That shit’s not bad at all,
she told herself, draining the glass again.

“Darling…” Ralph continued to talk, non-stop.
“Darling… in a few minutes I am going to make love to
you… like what you deserve. I want to send you to
heaven and back. I want to make you scream in ecstasy.
But first… take a few moments and look at this…”

She looked up, and saw him holding his phone. What the
fuck? she thought. That picture… it looked familiar…
shit, it was her. It was her, sucking his dick. Sucking
his fucking cock. The next picture was the top of her
head, and a few inches of his cock, obviously going into
her mouth.

“What the fuck?” she said, looking at him. She tried to
grab the phone, but he easily kept it out of her reach.

“Don’t worry, darling,” he said hurriedly, “I will show
these to no one.”

“You’d better the fuck not,” she growled. She was wide
awake, now.

“Of course not. I’m sure you’ll be… cooperative… we
are friends, now. And friends help each other out.”

“What do you mean,” she said. She looked around for her
blouse and skirt but didn’t see them.

“Holly… my fraternity brothers are my brothers, just
like my real brothers. Well, if I had any, they would

She was silent for a minute, and stared at him.

“And?” she finally said.

“I just want you to be as friendly to them as you have
to me,” Ralph said. She snorted.

“You mean, you want me to give them blowjobs,” she said.
She shook her head. And she’d fallen for this
motherfucker. She’d put his dick in her mouth.

“Holly, Holly,” he said soothingly. “If that’s what you
want to do, yes. I hope you’ll be receptive to making
the boys happy. That’s what this world needs, a little
more happiness.”

“Yeah, the world needs more blowjobs,” she said,
standing. “Where the fuck are my clothes?”

“You may have left them in the other room,” he said. He
didn’t seem interested in helping her look for them.

“Ralph,” she finally said, “it’s been fun, but I gotta
go. Help me get out of here, give me your number, and
maybe I’ll call you.”

“Holly, dearest,” he said, holding his phone up. “I’d
love to… but… I’m not sure if these pics are safe.
Somebody might get hold of them.”

“Give me your phone, and I’ll take care of that,” she
said, making a face at him.

“I’m… I’m pretty particular about my phone,” he said,
flicking through the pictures.

She sighed. “Ralph, what is this? You’re gonna blackmail
me if I don’t blow your buddies? Where you gonna post
those pics? They’re a little strong for Facebook.”

His face assumed a hurt look. “Holly, I’m not like that
at all. I’m just asking you to be neighborly. Think
about my friends, not just me. You did fine, for me.
Just think about it, darling. They all love you already,
and they’ll love you more if you do this.”

“Honestly, Ralph,” she said, shaking her head. “I was an
inch from fucking you. You almost had me.”

“Oh, darling, I want that more than anything,” he said.
She looked down. His cock, still exposed, was still
hard. So hard it was almost purple. Poor wittle cockie,
she thought, doesn’t know it’s over for tonight. Sad.

“Holly. Come on. Just blow a few guys, and we’ll come
back here, lock the door, and fuck until morning. I can
do it. I can make you happy. How long has it been for
you? Have you ever had one… like mine?”

She looked at his cock again. Truth be known, she
hadn’t. She wondered if he’d stretch her out, to where
normal guys wouldn’t do it for her anymore. But she’d
read in Cosmo your pussy tightened back up, or
something. It didn’t seem to be a problem. And… when
she was fourteen she’d found her mom’s stash of sex
toys, and ended up fucking herself silly with a huge
vibrating dildo, as big around as her arm. And that
hadn’t fucked up her cunt. She realized she wanted it to
happen. She wanted it, tonight. How bad could blowing a
few guys be?

“How many…” she said slowly. Ralph looked puzzled.

“How many what? How many girls have I?” he said. She
shook her head.

“No, how many guys do I have to blow? And can you
promise me that nobody will ever find out about this?”

He smiled. He knew he was in. “Dearest,” he said, “I’ll
make them all swear the sacred oath. No one will ever
know. Your secret will be safe.”

“It had better fuckin’ be,” she said. “I got four
hillbilly brothers that love to kick ass. They carry
sawed-off shotguns and box knives, and live about ten
minutes away.” That was actually a lie, she only had one
brother and he lived in Philly with a fashion designer
named Bruce.

“Okay,” she said. “I’ll blow a few of your closest
friends, and then we’ll… we’ll fuck. That’s the deal?”

“Yes, and thank you. My friends thank you. I thank you.”
Ralph seemed pleased. This was actually working out
pretty good, he realized. He’d thought for a moment
there he’d lost her.

In her mind, she was asking herself why she was so ready
to do this. True, she wanted to go a round with Ralph’s
cock. And what the hell, it was Friday night… Friday
night was good for doing crazy shit you wouldn’t
ordinarily do. But… sucking off a roomful of guys?
What the fuck was wrong with her? She couldn’t come up
with an answer for that one. Sometimes, she told
herself, sometimes you just gotta let go and go apeshit.

“Come on, darling,” Ralph said, standing, giving her his
hand. “Let’s meet the boys.”

“Find my dress,” she said, allowing him to help her to
her feet.

“Oh, no, let’s just go out there like this. They’ll
appreciate you more just like you are,” he said, and she
snorted again. Yeah, everybody loves a peep show. She
followed him into the living room. The low hum of
conversation instantly died. And, Ralph was right, to an
extent. She could feel the worship in their gazes at
once. She wondered if she was the first girl that had
ever been in the house before. She shyly covered her
crotch, and picked one breast to hide, since she didn’t
have three hands. Goddam, she thought, it’s warm in
here, but my fucking nipples are still as hard as Jolly
Ranchers. She knew she was putting on a good show for
the boys.

“Gentlemen,” said Ralph loudly. “My girlfriend Holly…”
he motioned to her and she wrinkled her nose and smiled
sarcastically at his assumption. “Holly has agreed to do
something special for each and every one of you. Please
expose your organs of reproduction, and prepare
yourselves emotionally for titillation, stimulation, and
eventual satisfaction. I have previewed the girl, and I
assure you she is superior to your wildest dreams.”

She thought that speech was a little over the top and
possible even a bit disrespectful to her, but that was
Ralph for you. She realized her face was burning, as the
boys just stared at her, motionless. What? she thought.
What the fuck? Are they too shy? Am I getting off this

No, she was not. Finally one boy stepped forward,
unzipping his pants. That seemed to break the ice, and
instantly they were all milling around, and she heard a
dozen zippers go down. How many do I have to do? she
thought to herself. She turned to Ralph. The bastard was
five feet away, holding his phone up, recording her.

“Hold it!” she shouted, and the room was instantly

“Ralph,” she said, planting herself in front of him.
“Ralph, I like you. But, honestly… if you take one
more second of video or one more single picture of me,
you’ll have to go to Mount Saint Mary’s so the trauma
team can remove your goddam phone from your fucking ass.
Do you understand?”

She put her head down, and stared at him. He looked a
little nonplussed, but he put his phone back in his
pocket, and finally smiled engagingly at her. It took a
lot to fluster Ralph.

She shot him one last glare, and turned back. The first
guy to pull his dick out carefully approached her, and
she looked down at his cock. He was no Ralph, but he
looked more than adequate, and fuck… he was fuckin’
hard. Damn, he was so hard he was purple. She wondered
if she was doing that for him. I bet I’m the best
looking chic that’s ever gave him the time of day, she
thought. I could be a bitch, though, and give him ED for
the rest of his life. He’s in my hands.

It occurred to her to wonder how many of these guys were
virgins. Blow-job virgins, even. Probably the majority.
I’m probably gonna be remembered forever by these guys,
she thought. Twenty years from now, guys would sit
around and say, hey, remember the night that Holly girl
showed up and blew us?

Within fifteen seconds, the kid was literally in her
hands. She squatted down in front of him, grabbed him by
his ass, and drew him to her. She gulped his cock down,
and was satisfied to feel it in the back of her throat.
That quick, above her, she heard him groan, and some
other guys giggle.

She made a wordless noise in her throat, and he sighed
loudly. She knew it felt good, and did it again. She
stroked him in and out, in and out, sucking hard. She
could feel the cap of his cock get harder and even
expand a little. Damn, he felt good in her mouth. She
was surprised, this soon after Ralph, how much actual
fun this was. She could feel that slippery stuff coming
out of his cock, and she wondered how close he was to

She had no idea how much time went by. Maybe ten minutes
later she felt a twitch inside him, and he said
something above her. She nodded, and kept sucking. Her
hands were buried in his balls by now, kneading and
rubbing. She knew he was getting a good blowjob. She
felt like she got a little better, each one she did.
This should kick her stats up a few notches, doing all
these guys.

She remembered with a snort that she’d said “just a
few.” She knew by now that wasn’t going to happen. Every
guy here would probably step forward. So the fuck what,
though. She hoped, she fervently hoped that word didn’t
get out. She saw the headline already– Holly Harmes
blow entire house of Kappa Omega what-the-fuck-ever.
She’d have boys following her everywhere, if word got
out. She wondered how many of these guys had girlfriends
to be jealous of her. Probably not very many, at least.

Suddenly, he filled her mouth, squirting again and
again. She almost laughed, wondering when the last time
he’d ejaculated. Actually, probably just last night, in
his hand, she decided. He came so much some ran down her
chin inbetween her tits. She dropped his cock, and wiped
her lips off.

“Thank you, oh thank you,” he gushed, patting her on the
head like she was a puppy. She grimaced up at him,
shaking her head. He backed up, still staring at her
with a look of total love and devotion. I could tell
this guy to jump off Talbert Bridge, she thought, and
he’d take off for it at a dead run. These guys need to
get out more often. These guys need more girlfriends
than just me.

The next kid stepped into line. And damn… he was just
a kid. It was the kid that had opened the door. She
almost laughed, and smiled up at him.

“Honey, does your momma know where you are tonight?” she
said. His hopeful look dissolved into one of irritation.
She instantly felt bad for making fun of him.

“I’m nine fucking teen,” he said, a little butthurt.

“I’m sorry, I was just trying to be funny,” she
apologized. “Please… I didn’t mean to piss you off.”

“Aw, it’s okay,” he said, finally smiling, “I just get
that shit all the time.”

“Well, let me make it up to you,” she said, and squatted
back down. Her legs were getting sore.

“Ralph, honey,” she said, looking for him. She reminded
herself to look at him occasionally, to make sure he
wasn’t recording her. “Ralph, please find me a stool or
something low to sit on.”

He nodded, and disappeared. She finally looked down at
the cock of the kid in front of her. And fuck, she
thought, sucking in a breath. We have a winner. He was
holding his cock up against his body with both hands,
but she could still see three or four inches of it
sticking up.

“Holy fuck,” she said, looking back up at him. He got a
puzzled look on his face. This little fucker is bigger
than Ralph, she thought. She reached out and pulled his
hands away, and let his cock flop down in front of her

“Don’t cover that goddam thing up,” she breathed. “That
is fuckin’ beautiful.”

The kid laughed self-consciously. “These guys call me a
freak,” he said.

“They’re just fuckin’ jealous,” she said reverently. It
was not just big, it was beautiful. And uncircumcised,
on top of everything, except it was so hard now his
foreskin was long since rolled back. She took hold of it
with one hand, and gently kissed the cap. She rolled her
tongue around the end, and he sighed with pleasure. This
one I’ll do for myself, she thought. And… though I’ll
let Ralph fuck me, when this is over, this is the one
I’ll be thinking of.

She spit him out for a moment. “What’s your name?” she

“Tony,” he replied. She smiled up at him.

“Tony,” she said. “Please tuh meecha.” He smiled again,
and she smiled back, finally taking his cock back in her
mouth. She felt his fingertips touch her nipple. This
might not be too bad, she thought. I just might make a
few friends this way. She liked the kid, instinctively.
And, he wasn’t really a kid, he was her age.


Two hours later she was exhausted, and goddam but did
her jaws ever ache. She was sure she wasn’t sucking near
as hard as she’d started out doing. Blow jobs are hard
work, she realized. You don’t notice it because most of
the time you just do one. She burped softly, tasting
sperm. Gawd, she thought. I’m probably gonna gain a few
pounds, just from all that shit. She actually felt full,
even though she hadn’t had dinner that night.

And she’d caught one sneaky fucker going back through
the line, she’d recognized the bottom four inches of his
shirt. She whipped on him hard, and he hung his head in
shame. He’d tried to convince her it was because he just
loved her so much. She laughed and said, “Next!”

Finally, at long last, she was done. She had no idea how
many she’d done, some of the guys had left the room, and
more than one had showed up, she was suspicious that
somebody had texted about what was going on to their
friends. She’d given up trying to connect names and
faces to cocks, it was all just a blur to her. Tony had
won the size contest that went on in her mind, and also
the award for most aesthetically pleasing. The kid just
had a nice one.

She looked down. Shit, she was a mess. Strings of cum
ran from her chin down onto her boobs. A stream of the
shit flowed between her tits, past her stomach, and all
the way down to her thong. Her damn thong was soaked,
and she was glad she was on the pill, she was sure some
of it had gotten into her pussy. She could feel the
sticky stuff on her pussy lips, when she stood.

Tony had reached down and helped her stand, and then
steadied her when she lurched a little. He thoughtfully
handed her a handful of napkins, and she scrubbed as
much cum off her body as she could. Gawd, I need a
fucking shower, she thought.

Ralph approached her, holding out her miniskirt and bra.
She took it, and dressed slowly, aware of thirty
something eyes on her body. She finally looked at Ralph
and smiled, though by now she’d realized he was kind of
wormy. Well, a deal is a deal. And… he had a nice cock
too, maybe… maybe he knew how to use it.

She looked around. There were maybe twelve boys in the
room. Most of her fan club was still present. At least
they’d put their cocks away. A thought occurred to her.
She could live without Ralph tonight, the urgency had
passed, for some reason. At last she said “Ralph,”
loudly, wanting everyone there to see what she did. She
leaned into him, careful not to breathe her spermy
breath in his face.

“Yes, darling?” he said, looking inquisitive.

“Thank you for a wonderful evening,” she said, and
reached out and put her hand behind his head, pulling
him to her. She smashed her lips against his, and had
her tongue halfway down his throat before he realized
what was going on. He pushed against her, hard, almost
knocking her down, and she stumbled backward, laughing
to herself.

“Bletch…” he almost spit, a disgusted look on his
face. “What’d yah do that for!” he almost snarled,
before his nature took over, and he was back to being
his usual smooth self.

“Just a little thank you kiss,” she answered sweetly,
smiling at him. And maybe even pass on a little genetic
information, she thought to herself, via my tongue. She
wondered if he’d been able to taste the sperm in her
mouth. She hoped so. Looking at several of the boys
behind him, she saw their amused glances at each other.
They knew what she’d done.

“Ralph, honey,” she said sweetly, “I know we had a date,
but maybe we can do it later. I’m plumb worn out. Can
one of you boys take me home?”

To her great pleasure, Tony stepped forward. Ralph
nodded, back to looking a little peeved. She didn’t
really want to fuck him anyway. She was past him. Out of
all these guys, there was only one she’d consider, now.

“I’ll take you,” said Tony. “I’m the only one with a car
that runs.” She nodded, and took his hand.

“Goodnight, boys,” she said, nodding at them
collectively. A few mumbled back at her. Ralph watched
her go, not even trying to get her to stay. She knew
there was no french kissing in her future, if she
stayed. He seemed, probably like most other guys, to
have issues about tasting another guy’s sperm.

Tony wrapped her in his jacket, and they went to his
car, out at the curb. He put her in the passenger’s
side, and got in. The car fired up with a burp of blue
smoke, and she gave him directions. In a minute they
were in front of her dorm.

“Tony, thanks,” she said, looking at him. He smiled
back. “I know you know I just blew fifteen or so guys.
But if I give you my number, would you call me

He smiled and nodded. He found an ink pen, and wrote his
number on her arm, and hers on his. He leaned forward,
almost expectantly.

“You’d kiss me goodnight?” she asked, smiling. “I just
blew fifteen guys, but you’d kiss me goodnight?”

“Yeah,” he laughed. “Just a little one. It’s our first,

“Yeah, I just blew yah, but we haven’t kissed, true,”
she said, smiling at him. They touched lips for a
second, and he hugged her. She leaned into him for a
moment. Fuck Ralph, she thought to herself.

“I’ll brush my teeth before next time,” she said. She
got out of the car and handed his jacket back. “Tony,”
she said. “Call me.”

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