Cuckold Short

An excellent story. I remember when my now ex-wife first started cuckolding me, her saying that she had a thing about much younger guys. I was 7 years older than her, she was nearly 35 but fancied lads in their early-mid 20s. What I thought for years was her first extra-marital encounter (I learned much later than she’d been fucked by one of my workmates a couple of months before) was with a lad of 23 and in her mid-40s she had sex with a 25 year old soldier from 2 Para loads of times and a 28 year old security guard twice. He succeeded where the teenage s0n of some friends of ours failed. I remember well my wife showing me their conversation on Facebook Messenger when the teenager confessed to how much he fancied her and wanted to have sex with her. She let him down gently, partly because we were such good friends with his mum and dad and partly because she didn’t fancy him, but she did admit that, even at 45, she’d be quite willing to have sex with a teenager in different circumstances.

No doubt his older mate, who’d seen my wife’s photo on the teenager’s Facebook friends, added her and chatted her up, bragged later to the poor boy how he’d managed to persuade Debbie quite easily to go out for a dr1nk with him and how the next day and the day after that she’d been round to his place and they’d had sex. Debbie told me it wasn’t very good, no foreplay, just yanked her jeans and knickers down and mounted her both days, so she didn’t bother going back for more.

I still see that lad about from time to time. He always say hello. He doesn’t know I know he tried it on with my wife nor that I know his friend got Debbie into bed, but I like to think he smiles to himself when he sees me and casts his mind back to those days. It’s a shame he never got to fuck my wife really. It would be nice for him to say hello to me thinking I didn’t know what he’d done.

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