Couples play a sexy game that leads to a swinger foursome

The beach always offered excitement for me whether it
was the actual scenery and nature or the sensuality
associated with it. The sun, the sea, the clouds, the
birds, the tits, the ass, tan lines and the concert of
movement all excited me. Recently my wife and I took a
trip to a little town on Lake Erie. We went to visit
some friends, have a taste of culinary bounty and a bit
of the grape. After refreshing ourselves, we donned our
suits and headed for the beach.

The beach was rather rough littered with large stone
and trees washed ashore during the unusually rough
winter. In addition, bodies of every sort graced the
beach. Lovely young ladies sported their finest swim
suites, and tone conscious men rippled while partaking
in the shore sports.

Peggy and I picked a great vantage point on a large,
sun-bleached tree that had washed up on the beach
months ago. She looked great. Although she was ultra-
modest, her suit was revealing. She is a small girl of
42 years of age, 5’3″ tall, 115 pounds and tight. Her
bountiful breasts floated in the top of her suit, and
her smooth, well-shaped ass rippled when she moved.

It always excited me when other men gawked at her.
Although she never agreed when I suggested that we get
into the swinging scene, she did enjoy the attention of
other men and enjoyed knowing that she turned them on.
We would often fantasize about how it would be if she
were to have a hot affair, but she would back up if I
suggested that she actually get it on.

As we sat on the fallen tree I asked, “Have you noticed
how those two men over there have been staring at you?”

“How could I help but notice? They aren’t very subtle
about it. I think the guy in the red suit it beginning
to pull a stiff. Does that excite you, honey?” she
asked seeming to not notice her attention.

“Yah, it turns me on. I was just thinking about how hot
it would be for you to suck on his cock bone while I
drove my thick tool inside of your hairy pussy.”

She smiled and said, “You’re beginning to turn me on,
Jim. My pussy is starting to melt at the thought of it.
You would like to see his hands on these tits, wouldn’t
you?” she continued rolling her shoulders to accent her

My cock was getting so hard I was wishing for more skin
so that it could grow more. “Promise me that one day
you will break down and take some strange cock.”

“I will, Jim. When the time is right and I find the
right guy, I will fuck his brains out and tell you all
about it. It amazes me how excited the thought of me
taking a strange penis makes you. I think I can
understand though. It excites me to think of you
playing with a great big pair of tits as you drive your
tool into a lovely young lady,” she offered with a sexy

My bone was ready. It continued to drive me crazy
thinking about her touching another man. I wanted her
to be kissed, touched, sucked, reamed and driven to
utter ecstasy while I watched her passion. While I
began to continue the fantasy about the men who had
been watching her, two of my friends and their wives
approached. Peggy suggested that we pick up the
conversation later. Our conversation had been drowned
out by the crash of the waves.

“Hi folks!” John said as he and his wife approached.
John was a huge man. He weighed about 260 pounds and
stood about six feet, five inches. His large barrel-
shaped chest rippled as he and Michele walked up to out
position on the log. Peggy spread her towel on the sand
and greeted Michele. As she bent over her lovely white
breasts spread, bounced and moved as John watched with

As she bent down to lay on her belly, her buttocks
flexed and tightened. Her “c” cupped 34 inch tits
almost fell free of her suit. John observed me watching
him as he stared at Peggy. He hunched his shoulders and
smiled as if to say, “OK, you caught me, but her tits
are wonderful and I couldn’t help it.”

I smiled back in understanding as my gaze traveled to
Michele’s outstanding body. Michele was about ten years
younger and her charms were well spread out over her
large frame. My eyes traveled from her heavy breasts to
her perfectly shaped ass. I found myself riveted on the
blond, thick, curly hair that escaped from the vee of
her suit bottom. John caught my stare and laughed out

“What’s so funny, John?” Michele asked as she spread
her towel on the beach. John simply waved her question
away and began to talk with me about various small-talk

The girls discussed the kids and every soap opera that
they shared an interest in. John and I continued our
conversation as our eyes danced over the girls. It
became more exciting for me as Peggy would move and
John’s eyes traced every move.

At one point she pulled the top of her suit up to apply
tanning lotion just inside the top. Her large, pink,
eraser-hard nipples came into view. John’s conversation
was stunted as his eyes fell upon her gathered aureolae
topped with cherry sized nipples. “What were you
saying, John?” I asked in an effort to draw his
attention to the fact that I observed his attention.

At this point the girls lifted themselves to go into
the water. They provided us with yet another show. They
each pulled the back of their suites into proper
position, covering their luscious buns in expected, but
false modesty. We watched their buttocks as they sang
the song of lust, moving as if in concert.

“Well Jim, you caught me twice. I’m sorry, but I can’t
help but stare at Peggy in that suite. She is a hot
lady, and my eyes just get glued to her when she
moves,” John said apologetically as his eyes followed
Peggy to the water.

“Lust means never having to say you’re sorry,” I
offered with a grin. “For the consolation it may be to
you, it excites me when other men look at Peggy. I get
a stiff just knowing that someone it watching her. I
have often told her that she is free to fuck anyone she
wants, but as yet, she hasn’t taken me up on it.”

“You’re kidding! Why would you want her to do that? No!
Don’t tell me. You may change your mind if you think
about it, and if I thought there was a chance, I would
fuck her in a heart beat. Quite honestly, I get
somewhat excited when I think of Michele doing someone
else. I still get jealous every now and then. We are a
goofy gender, aren’t we?” John inquired.

“I’ve talked with Peggy about it before. I wanted to
join a swing club and try some new things, but she
wasn’t interested. She said that one day she will find
the right guy. When she does, I think I will blow a
load just hearing about it,” I assured him.

“Maybe later, after dinner, we can turn the
conversation to such things and see what happens. If
Michele fucks anyone else, it may as well be you, Jim.
I know you would love to get your hands on her. She
gets as hot as a sidewalk in Houston.”

I said, as the girls were returning to the beach,
“You’re on. I would love to develop this kind of

The girls were kind enough not to get dressed as they
prepared the dinner. We were able to see this curve and
that hollow as they moved about the cabin. I was having
trouble trying to decide whether the thought of Peggy
fucking John was making me hotter than me sticking my
thick cock bone into Michele’s hairy hole. It was all
exciting, but as much as I was thinking about Michele’s
heavy tits in the palms of my hands, I wanted to see
Peggy get excited.

After dinner, our conversation was mixed with the other
couples so sex only occupied as portion of the
interchange. Later that evening, John, Michele, Peggy
and I found ourselves alone as the others turned in
early. Michele and John sat in front of the fireplace
on the floor. Peggy and I were perched on the sofa.
“The only thing that I miss here is the fact that we
have been unable to swim in the buff,” I offered in an
attempt to turn the conversation to lust.

“Have you guys ever swam in the nude?” John asked of
Peggy and I.

“This nut has done it a few times, but I’m always
afraid that someone will see me,” Peggy said with a

“Like you have the only pair of tits in the world. What
makes you so sure that everyone will be staring at your
ass?” I asked of Peggy.

“If I had half a chance, I would love to see those
lovely humps,” John said as Michele reached out and
slapped him on the shoulder.

“What’s the matter with my humps, asshole?” Michele
demanded of John.

“There is absolutely nothing wrong with your humps,” I
hurried. “Few women on this planet have tits as lovely
as yours. I guess we have a tendency to want to see
what we’re not allowed to see. It’s all pretty stupid
if you think about it. Tits are tits, but we all want
to see someone else’s. It seems to speak to the issue
of variety is the spice of life. Peggy’s tits are
wonderful, and I can see why John would want to see
them — see them hell! If I were John I would want to
see them, touch them, suck them and come on them. I
know, I have and can’t get enough of them.”

“Wouldn’t that piss you off, Jim? I mean to let someone
else essentially make love with Peggy. Wouldn’t you be
jealous?” Michele asked.

“I’ve given it a lot of thought. For some reason, don’t
ask me to explain, I love the thought of Peggy getting
it on with someone else. She simply is afraid. I can’t
get mad at her because she is a prude,” I toyed.

“I am not a god damn prude. I was just brought up
differently. Monogamy is in my bones. I am afraid
though. You don’t know where a lot of people have been.
This is the 90’s and you can die if you’re not careful.
I have thought about it. I’m human and I wouldn’t be
normal if I didn’t look and appreciate being looked
at,” Peggy argued.

“We all like to be lusted after whether we want to
admit it or not,” John added. “Doesn’t it excite you to
know that Jim was staring at your body at the beach,
Michele? The reality of it is that you girls are just

“He was not! We were just all at the beach, dressed the
way we would normally dress at the beach. You can’t
expect me to swim in blue jeans and a flannel shirt.
We’re supposed to dress that way. And we are not
chicken, just refined,” Michele countered.

“You can get wet wearing anything,” I said. “You wore a
very revealing two piece suit. Your breasts were
bearing covered and the cheeks of your ass were almost
completely visible. I was looking at your body and
loved every minute of it. If John wasn’t there and you
were interested and not chicken, I would have fucked
your brains out right there,” I added with a grin.

Peggy slapped me on the thigh and told me to watch my
tongue. “Michele doesn’t want to hear that. You are
beginning to turn our stomachs, Jim. I can’t believe
how you embarrass me when we go someplace. That chicken
routine is as old as dirt.”

Michele diverted her eyes shyly and displayed a bit of
a smile. “No one has ever said that to me in front of
John. It is a little shocking, Peggy, but I have to
admit it’s flattering. I guess we do wear what we wear
at the beach to be noticed. I couldn’t help but seeing
John admiring your lovely frame. In fact he even rolled
his eyes as few times as you moved about. I guess the
unknown is somewhat exciting. I believe that each of us
girls has a little bit of whore in us.

“Now is about the right time to see how courageous
these little girls are. Why don’t we play a few hands
of strip poker and see who has balls and who doesn’t,
so to speak,” John suggested.

“Get the cards, Jim,” Peggy surprised me with her
boldness. “I may not have balls that show, but mine are
just a big as yours, John. I think it would be funny to
see that big hairy ass of yours. OK with you, Michele?
Let’s show them.”

“I don’t know if I could get naked in front of someone
else, Peggy. I never have been. John is the only one
who has ever seen me without clothes on, and I usually
like to have the lights subdued. I don’t know if I
could go through with it,” Michele said.

“Don’t prove them right, Michele! Look at them. They
look like a couple of smug assholes. We have every bit
as much courage as they do. It might be fun. You don’t
have anything to be ashamed of. Your body is wonderful.
They can’t play cards for shit anyway. Jim doesn’t
always admit it, but he almost never wins at cards,”
Peggy assured her.

And the games began. We were all in various stages of
undress. I waited anxiously to see Michele’s lovely
body and was trying to think of some way to effectively
cheat. Suddenly Peggy was faced with the choice of bra
or panties. Her decision was made for her when she
noticed that the table top was made of glass. She would
have to bare her breasts.

John and I were already hard. Each of us was anxiously
awaiting Peggy to take off her bra. John was excited
because he had never seen her tits, and I was almost
insane because I knew it would be the first time that
any other man had ever seen Peggy’s juicy mammary

After teasing the hell out of her, we finally convinced
Peggy to drop her bra. She tried to unhook it and leave
it in place, but all three of us taunted her to quit
being a coward. She dropped the bra to the ground and
tried to hide her ample breasts with her hands. That
only served to provide more excitement. As her arm and
fingers of her free hand covered her heavy tits, the
one “hidden” by her arm bulged and the breast in her
hand was being manipulated between her frantic fingers.

John and I had our reserve of clothing diminished as
well. I was down to under pants only. John still had
his socks and tee shirt. The girls continued to tease
us because they could see the bulge of our cocks
through the glass table. “I hope you guys don’t think
you are any threat with those little thimbles. I’ve
seen bigger bones on park dogs,” Michele kidded us.

It was Peggy’s turn to deal. How was she going to deal
the next hand and still hide her tits? She found a way.
The cards were placed on the table and she shuffled
them and dealt them one at a time. John wasn’t going to
be denied. He picked up a coaster and threw it at
Peggy. Before she realized what she was doing, she
reached to catch the coaster with both hands and
exposed her heavy swinging tits. John’s eyes riveted on
her swollen, pink nipples which rested upon her
bouncing flesh globes.

Immediately, she was aware of her nudity. Her shoulders
slumped, a frown painted her face and her eyes had a
look of resignation. “OK, so now you’ve seen my tits,
big deal. You’ve seen tits before, John. Suddenly she
stood up and pointed them at him. Take a good look so
you won’t forget, asshole,” Peggy said as she returned
to her task of dealing without any effort to hide her
swaying breasts.

“John, quit staring at her. You’re going to make her
feel self-conscious,” Michele cautioned.

I was in heaven. My cock was a bug as it had ever been.
I could actually feel the cream in the channel from my
balls to the tip of my straining member. John was
staring at and appreciating my wife’s lovely tits. It
seems as though she was pleased with his attention. She
continued to smile as John stared at her breasts. She
began putting a little bit more movement into her
shoulders in an effort to make them bounce a little
more than was normal.

On several occasions I noticed John reaching below the
table to squeeze his raging cock beneath his under
pants. It had risen so much that its purple head began
peaking out of his shorts. “I think the little fella is
trying to get out,” Peggy teased John after she glanced
down through the glass table top.

“I didn’t think you looked at such things, Peggy. I’m
flattered that you took the time to look,” John said
with a lecherous grin that didn’t escape Michele. Peggy
looked sheepishly at Michele but regained her composure
as Michele winked at her.

The next round didn’t go well for me. I had to give up
my last vestige of cover. “OK, here goes!” I announced
with false courage as I stood up. In one motion I
dropped my shorts to the floor. Peggy, Michele and John
all stared in shock as I stood there, naked and
erected. My cock was standing at full attention, rising
from its hairy bed between my balls and reaching toward
the ceiling. My eight inches of rock hard cock was
topped with a heavy thick bulb, split by its one wet
eye. I stood there longer than necessary to show the
pre-ejaculation fluid beginning to flow down the shaft.

John and Peggy both looked at Michele to see what her
reaction would be. Michele seemed to be in shock as she
stared at my thick cock bone. Her nipples beneath her
bra had hardened and seemed to be applauding my nudity.
She diverted her eyes once she felt the eyes of Peggy
and John on her. “You seem to like that,” John
commented. “Does it excite you to see another man’s
penis, Michele? Do you feel yourself getting a little
warm?” he asked with a little chuckle.

“Well I do have to admit that it’s hard not to look. I
haven’t seen any other penis but yours up this close.
It seems like a very good one,” Michele said.

Peggy assured her that it was a very good one. Soon
Michele was down to panties only. I didn’t think my
cock could get any bigger until she dropped her bra
into the pile of clothing. Her thick breasts were
larger than Peggy’s. Her nipples were smaller and a
dark brown in color. They swayed so deliciously as she
regained her seat.

The next round placed John in an precarious position.
He lost his shorts. I watched Peggy’s eyes intently as
she focused upon John’s crotch. As he dropped his pants
Peggy’s eyes sparkled and grew in size. He was hung
like a mule. Peggy’s mouth parted slightly and she wet
her lips unconsciously with her pink tongue. She seemed
to be holding her breath as she stared at John’s long
cock. He stood there permitting the girls to appreciate
his raging bone. He even turned slightly sideways in an
effort to offer a profile to remember. Peggy just
continued to stare in wonder. “OK John. Everyone has
seen your johnson now. You can sit down, stud puppy,”
Michele said a little uncomfortably.

“Leave him alone, Michele. He may be getting a cramp
and has to work it out; poor thing,” Peggy said in a
kidding fashion.

Michele quickly responded with her own humor, “You
little whore, you! You just want to look at John’s
cock. His head is big enough now without your help.”

“Actually, I was looking at the whole thing, not just
the head. And besides, I’m not a whole, but I am
starting to think about changing my luck,” Peggy

This little exchange left me speechless and on the
brink of ecstasy. Suddenly I imagined Peggy sucking on
John’s thick pole as I drove my cock into her hairy
pussy hole. Then I added the thought of massaging
Michele’s heavy tit sacks and Michele was the first to
notice. The hot come boiled in my balls. I could feel
an uncontrollable flexing of my staff and shot a load
of come onto the underside of the table we were playing
on. “Talk about getting too horny, Jim. You don’t have
too much of a problem with premature ejaculation do
you?” John mocked me.

Michele and Peggy just stared in amazement. “Did you
actually come, Jim?” Peggy asked in amazement.

“I tried to control it, but it just came out, honey.
I’m sorry. I hope I haven’t offended anyone. I just
started thinking about how horny we all were and…” my
voice stalled.

“I’ve never seen anything like it, Jim,” Michele said.
What made you go off? How can you come just thinking
about it?

“I guess you can do anything with your mind, Michele. I
imagined John’s cock in Peggy’s hot mouth, his big,
hairy balls in her hands, my cock in her fragrant hole
and your luscious tits in my hands. It was all down
hill after that. I couldn’t hold back,” I said

An excited shiver ran up Michele’s back as I explained.
I could see her squirm against her chair as she breasts
swayed back and forth. Peggy got up to get me a towel.
While she moved across the floor, John’s eyes watched
every move. “I wonder if anyone can do that?” Michele
inquired. “I wouldn’t mind being able to come just
thinking about it.”

“Have you ever tried? How about you John?” I asked
while wiping myself off. It is the paramount of
climaxes. I have taught Peggy how to get off just
thinking about it, haven’t I, honey?”

“You’re not supposed to share our private experiences
with others, Jim. They’re going to think we’re nuts,”
Peggy said a little embarrassed.

“Did you really learn how to come without touching
yourself, Peggy?” Michele asked enthusiastically.
“Don’t keep it to yourself. I would love to learn how
to do that.”

“It’s all mind control, Michele. Jim has been using
hypnosis for years to hone our skills. He is quite a
hypnotist. All it really is can be explained by
relaxation techniques. Sometimes I can make my climax
last for several minutes,” Peggy explained.

“Teach me now, Jim. You don’t mind, do you John? I
would love to learn how to get off like that. I’m so
damn excited now I may come just thinking about it,”
Michele said in a sultry fashion.

“It’s up to Peggy. I would have to use her as an
example because she already knows how. You would have
to watch her in order to learn how to do it yourself,
and I’ll need John’s help and show you how it’s done in
stages. I warn you that John will have to touch Peggy,”
I explained only partially being truthful.

“Why would John have to touch Peggy? And what do you
mean my touching. I don’t think it’s a good idea to go
too far,” she said with somewhat of a skeptical eye.

“It’s not something that you need to know in order to
have a great sex life. Let’s just go on with the game,”
I suggested hoping that she would give in.

“Well if it’s OK with Peggy and John, I guess it’s OK
with me. What can it hurt?” Michele said seeming to
have given in.

Peggy hadn’t been able to take her eyes off of John’s
erection since she first saw it. “I guess it will be
OK, Jim. Just don’t get carried away you two.

“OK, clear the table and get me a blanket, Michele.
We’ll lay Peggy down on the table and I’ll show you how
it’s done.

The table was cleared, and I lifted Peggy and placed
her in the center of the blanket. John could not take
his eyes off of her. Her red public hair was peeking
out the sides of her flowered panties and his eyes
hungered for more. Because of her excitement, an aroma
of sex began to fill the air. As I positioned her on
the narrow table her breasts swayed from side to side
like firm gelatin coming to rest beneath her swollen
nipples. John made no effort to hide his recurring
erection. “Now watch closely, Michele,” I instructed
stealing peaks at her monumental breasts.

“OK, now Peggy, just relax and begin to think about
John and I making love with you. John, hold your hand
over Peggy’s left breast just above the nipple and
begin to make circular motions above her nipple without
actually touching it. Now I will do the same thing on
her right breast. Can you feel the warmth of our hands,
Peggy? You can open your legs slightly and squeeze them
together again as you see fit. As you continue to
relax, you can feel the heat of our hands above your
breasts. You can feel your nipples getting harder and
reaching up toward our hands. Follow my lead John. As I
lower my hand, you do the same.”

Soon our hands were only a hair’s distance above her
ripe, pink nipples. She began to moan. Michele was
unconsciously touching her own breasts and squeezing
her legs together to increase her own excitement.

“I thought I would be jealous if John touched another
woman, but it’s exciting the hell out of me,” Michele
admitted as she began to openly manipulate her own

Peggy continued to increase the volume of her moans. My
hand fell upon her hot right breast, her nipple resting
in the palm of my sweating hand. John followed suit,
and his shaking hand gently lowered itself on Peggy’s
hard nipple. He lightly manipulated her thick, rubbery
nipple in a circular fashion.

“Oh fuck, this is beginning to drive me fucking wild. I
don’t think I’ve ever been this fucking hot,” Peggy
uttered through clenched teeth as she rubbed her thighs
together. Michele’s hand dropped to the vee of her
swollen pussy and began to manipulate her love lips.
John’s free hand fell to his raging erection and began
to stroke it slowly.

Michele watched John stoke his thick cock without a
word. I was beginning to approach another orgasm so I
diverted my thoughts. “Now John, I want you to remove
your hand. Lift it gently and do what I do. Reluctantly
he removed his hand and watched me for a clue to what
was next to come. “Peggy, imagine two hot mouths
attached to your stiff, rubbery nipples.”

I lowered my mouth to within inches of her right
nipple. John followed my lead and did the same. I began
exhaling hot air on her growing nipple, and John began
to blow his own hot breath on her. I said, “Peggy,
imagine two cocks in your hands; two distinctly
different cocks in your grip. Feel their girth and
length as they come to full erection. Imagine one of
those cocks in your mouth while the other enters your
swollen cunt hole. Can you see the cock enter your
depths carrying with it your thick, curly cunt hair
which rests at its edge. You can see your cunt cream
seep from its depths to paint the probing fuck tool.
You can feel strong hands on the cheeks of your tight
ass, squeezing, manipulating twisting and spreading.”

Keeping my mouth close to her right nipple, I continued
to talk to her, and I began to lightly touch her inner
thigh near her escaping pussy hair. John kept up with
me motion for motion while his hand remained firmly on
his own lance. Out of the corner of my eye I could see
Michele squeezing her breasts and pussy. What a turn
on! I lightly licked Peggy’s right nipple, and John
began to flick her left milk spout with his stiff
tongue. Michele moved closer to see more of the slow,
concentrated action. Her hands had switched places in
an effort to pay necessary homage to her other breast.
I stood upright, removed my mouth and hand from Peggy
and motioned for John to do the same. He winced as he
reluctantly moved away.

“Now, Peggy you have a huge cock buried in your sucking
pussy, driving you hard. There is another thick bone in
your mouth and you are holding his heavy, hairy balls
and sucking it deep into your throat. Hands are on your
ass and manipulating your straining tits. Harder and
harder you are being fucked and fucking. They are
getting ready to blow thick streams of cream into your
hot body. You want to be filled with that love spunk
and you will have a climax like never before an second
now. Fuck them, fuck them hard, suck them hard. You’re
going to come. Come, baby, come hard and take all of
their spunk. Take those hard streams of come into your
hot body. Now, baby. Come now. Feel those bones in your
body, fucking that cream into you,” I urged.

All of a sudden, Peggy reached down and grabbed her
fuck box with one hand and her breast with the other. I
immediately removed her hands and placed them at her
sides telling her that the rules did not permit her to
touch herself. Her eyes rolled up in her head and she
uttered, “Holy shit, I’m getting a nut. I’m coming
mother fucker. I can feel those cock bones driving into
my guts and my hungry mouth. Fuck me you mother
fuckers. Pour your cream into me. Fill me up with those
rock-hard fuck tools.”

She started to jerk on the table and twist the blanket
into a bunch with the cheeks of her ass. She jerked and
jerked while she continued to utter almost
unintelligible phrases. “Michele, this is fucking
wonderful. John, your cock is pouring its cream into my
throat. Jim’s boiling jism is burning my guts. Oh,
thank you, thank you so much. I wish you could all come
with me. Fuck all of you. Fuck you, mother fuckers.”

Finally she settled into a slow motion of lust. Her
buttocks continued to work, but slowly. The patch of
flowered panties between her legs was soaked with her
own juice and dripped onto the blanket covering the

She reached out for me, pulled me to her and said, “Oh,
thank you, baby. Thank you so much. As she began to
recover from her outrageous climax she looked over at
John and Michele. They were both still holding
themselves and watching in disbelief. “It looks like I
wasn’t the only one enjoying myself,” Peggy panted
softly as sweat dripped freely from her face and neck.
The other couple released their grip on themselves as
it dawned on them that they were being observed

“Peggy, you looked so beautiful as you were coming,”
Michele whispered. It was unbelievable. You actually
came and came hard without anyone touching you.”
Giggling she continued, “You’re all wet sweetie. I’ll
get you a towel.

John stood their still erect and breathing heavy. “I
got to hand it to you, Jim. That was one of the hottest
moments I have ever experienced. I only wish that it
was more than just a fantasy. The only thing I had
trouble with was whether I preferred to be in her mouth
or in her lovely pussy. I started to feel everything
you were telling her.”

Michele returned with a towel, “Peggy, you seemed so
hot. Do you think I could do that as well. Would you
mind if they helped me experience that?”

“I feel as though I have already made love with your
husband. You may as well take how much you need,” she
said with some exhaustion in her tone.

“My turn fellas. Let’s help Peggy over to the sofa so
she can watch while she recovers,” Michele said as she
placed her arm underneath Peggy’s back lifting her into
a sitting position.

After Peggy had made her way over to the sofa, Michele
smoothed the blanket and jumped upon the table. At this
point she was not embarrassed about her near nudity. I
said, “Let’s do this a little differently this time,
Michele. Turn over on your belly and close your eyes.
Better yet, let’s blind fold her, John.” John obtained
a large napkin and brought it to me. I rolled it over,
placed it over her eyes and tightly tied it behind her
head. “You will feel hands on your body, Michele. You
won’t know whose hands they are. Soon you won’t care.
Just relax and feel the excitement grow as we bring you
to new heights of sensuality.”

I motioned for John to trade places with me. After we
switched places, I motioned for him to begin stroking
her back softly. I pointed to where he was to touch.
Nothing was said at this point. He was stroking the
left side of her back and I stroked the right. We
reached up on our respective sides and gently tickled
the area behind her ears and down her neck. She began
squirming already. “Oh christ, this feels wonderful! I
have never felt quite like this before,” she said in a
relaxed voice.

I motioned for John to move his hands down to her ball-
shaped buttocks and I followed his lead. From there our
finger tips moved down to her thighs and the back of
her knees. She began to moan a little louder. Our
mouths were then placed in close proximity to her back
and we began to breathe our hot breath on the muscles
her rippling back. I reached down with my finger tips
and took her panties into my grasp, pulling them half
way down her hips, exposing the upper part of her
buttocks. I urged John to begin to lick her lower back
at her thin waist and the cheek of her ass. After he
began, I started my own assault.

She was moaning much louder now. With our nails we
began to lightly scratch the back of her knees. She
placed her hands over her head and the swell of her
heavy breasts spread out under her weight. We moved up
and began to lick the sides of her tits. As we began to
lightly lick her tits, she began to squirm and squeeze
her legs together. Our hands continued to tease her
sensibilities and her legs squeezed together with more
regularly. She was getting wet. I ran my tongue down
her back and into the crack between her tight buttocks.
I am sure she could feel which side this assault was
coming from, and she thought that John was on that
side. I felt that I could take more liberties because
she didn’t know it was me.

“That is so fucking hot,” Peggy uttered from across the
room. I can’t wait to see her come. Make her come the
way you made me come, boys. Make her cream drip onto
the table.

I reached over and turned her over. Naturally she
though that I was John turning her. I motioned for John
to begin rubbing her breasts lightly as I focused my
attention on her legs and belly. As John lightly
massaged her breasts she began to pant, “Jim, I never
let anyone else touch my tits before. It feels so
wonderful and so wicked.” We smiled at one another
understanding that she was confused. As my hands moved
down her belly I was following them with my tongue. She
thought that John was doing that. Again we smiled, but
kept working on her. My fingers moved her panties lower
and her curly, blond pussy hair came into view. My
mouth licked at her fragrant curls. I gently pushed her
legs apart and played with her pussy through her

She began pumping up into the air thinking that John
was playing with her pussy. I gently moved her panties
lower until I could see the lips of her fuck tunnel. My
hot mouth began breathing its heat onto the folds of
her cunt and her pumping increased. I lightly licked
the outer lips of her vagina and she reached up and
pulled my head into her extended box. I grabbed her
hands and placed them at her side once again as I
spoke, “Now Michele, you have to follow the rules. No

Suddenly she became aware that it was not John who had
licked her swollen pussy. She jumped half way off the
table and began to protest, “I thought that John was
down there. That’s not fair. Just as quickly she became
aroused at the thought of another man putting his lips
on her creamy pussy. “Oh christ, what’s the difference.
Why don’t you just fuck my cunt and get it over with,
mother fucker. Both of you fuck me. Put your cocks into
me. I need some cock and I need it now.”

“You are going to come without a hand on you just the
way Peggy did. Now just relax and enjoy the
experience,” I directed as I removed her panties the
rest of the way. She had achieved some degree of
comfort now because she no longer was concerned about
being modest. Her beautiful ass was lifted off the
table now waving in the air, begging to be touched, and
her steamy cunt was pointed right at me winking in

“Would you really like to have Jim’s cock in you,
Michele? Would you like to feel his tongue in your wet
hole, baby,” John asked in a husky voice.

“At this point I don’t care whose cock or whose tongue
is in me. I just need to be fucked, and I need it
badly. Please you rotten mother fuckers, put something
in me. At this point I motioned for Peggy to come over
to the table. She caught on right away and sneaked over
to the table without making a sound. John stood back
waiting for direction. I grabbed Peggy’s hands and
placed them on Michele’s rolling breasts, stifling a
chuckle. I began moving them in a slow rotation and
then stood back.

“Oh my god, that feels wonderful. So gentle, so sexy,
I’m so fucking hot I’m going to lose my mind. Can’t you
please fuck me? Anyone, everyone, just stick a cock
into my hole. Suck my hot pussy.”

I motioned for John to return to the table and directed
Peggy to begin to run her fingers up and down Michele’s
legs. She was a real tease. She ran the fingers of both
hands from Michele’s feet to her straining pussy hair.

I motioned for John to bend down and suck on one of
Michele’s hard nipples as I bent over and pair tribute
to her other breast. One of my hands fell upon
Michele’s belly and the other held her heavy breast.
John did the same thing. It took quite some time for
Michele to realize that there were six hands on her.

Suddenly she jumped up and pulled the blind fold from
her eyes. “What the fuck?! Holy shit! I didn’t know
what was going on.”

After gathering her wits, she reclined once again and
smiled at her response. We turned her over and the
three of us began to massage her from every direction.
It was especially exciting for me to see Peggy’s hands
on Michele’s rounded buttocks. I am convinced that John
was just as excited as I was.

Peggy didn’t seem to mind the touch of another woman’s
flesh. She certainly did a wonderful job of
manipulating Michele’s meat. Periodically Peggy’s
breasts would graze Michele’s legs, and Michele would
emit a long moan. A similar moan escaped whenever
Peggy’s hand would dip down into the union of legs,
buttocks and cunt.

Once again I rolled Michele over and motioned for the
others to step back. “Spread your legs, Michele.
Imagine a huge cock at full erection resting at the
lips of your sweet pussy. Your pussy is so swollen, and
cream is beginning to seep from your depths. You need a
cock in your cunt. Wouldn’t you love to feel a strange
fuck bone in your mouth as you play with his big hairy

“Imagine a tongue licking your ass crack and fingers
invading your tight, slippery cunt hole. You would love
to have thousands of lips on your tits, sucking your
rubbery, swollen nipples and squeezing your heavy tit
flesh. Feel that cock bone invade your fragrant cunt
hole. Can you begin to feel these things? Can you feel
that rod in your gaping honey pot? Can you see it
disappear an inch at a time as it pulls your outer lips
into your guts? Can you see the shaft glisten as he
slowly withdraws himself only to pound it in deeper?”

“I can see it. I can feel your cock in my mouth. It
tastes so good to suck on your cock as John drives his
thick hose into my belly. I can feel your mouth on one
nipple sucking for all you’re worth as John bites the
other. I can feel all of your hands squeezing my
buttocks and spreading them so I can receive a thick
cock bone. Oh, fuck me you mother fuckers. Stick your
cocks into me wherever they will fit. Come on my tits.
Come up the crack of my hot ass, you cock suckers.
Fuck, fuck, fuck me you cunt lappers. Fuck my greasy,
hairy fuck hole. I need some cock mother fuckers. GIVE
IT TO ME!! Bone me Jim! Pour your cream into my throat,
John. Do it. Oh fuuuuuuuuuck! I’m blowing. I can feel
it in my feet and in my hair.”

She began to jerk uncontrollably as she lifted her
wiggling buttocks from the table and reached for her
hole. John and I quickly grabbed her arms and held them
tightly. She continued to jerk through her climax
calling us every kind of mother fucker you can think of
and intermittently laughing and crying. After what
seemed like minutes, she began to settle down.

“Oh my god, I know I never came that strong before.
Thank you guys.” She looked over at Peggy who was
smiling with an understanding of what she just

“Thanks, Peggy. Now I know what you were talking about.
It’s still early, but I think I need a break right now.
What do we have to drink? I think I’m dehydrated. No,
John! I’ll drink that in a little while.

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