Brenda’s Gone Black (and she won’t go back)

Sweet, sexy little Brenda returned that day to her home in the suburbs to
spend the remainder of the summer preparing for her big move into college life.
Once the initial shock of that day had subsided somewhat, she felt confused
about how she felt toward the experience. She had initiated and encouraged the
encounter with the Black man but it gave her a tinge of excitement to believe
that she had been raped. It was as though some deeply seated fantasy had been
satisfied, her pure, white chastity had been corrupted by a big, Black rapist
and she was no longer a virgin to Black cock. In fact, six inches of her
virginity had actually been taken (the six deepest inches!). She looked to her
father and brothers with less respect, they had lied to her and now she
secretly knew the truth.

Brenda had a whole new vision of reality to get straight in her pretty
little head.

She continued to hang out at the local college but she had a new
perspective on things and the boys there didn’t interest her anymore. They
would hang around hoping to receive some of her favors but she knew what they
had in the endowment department and she couldn’t help but notice how pitifully
small their bulges were. Brenda really did want to continue seeing white boys
like she always had, it was socially incorrect to date a Black boy, but she
desperately needed a man with a very long, very thick, and very hard dick!

She reasoned that perhaps it wasn’t fair to compare all these white boys
to her one Black lover. He was after all a very tall and athletic man and
maybe the white boys who are very tall and athletic will have large penis’s
too. She gave it a try — three different handsome white knights from the
local football team. Brenda was very disappointed. All three had very average
six inchers like all the others and Brenda was alarmed to discover that, since
her Black dick rape, she was even more dissatisfied with the sexual experience.
The lovely little blonde began to accept the truth —

She had gone Black and could never go back!

Brenda discovered that whenever she saw a Black man on T.V., she felt
that now familiar tingle between her sweet little white thighs and she began
watching Black sitcoms regularly. She also became an avid N.B.A. fan and never
missed a game that was televised. Oh, but it was so scrumptious to watch all
those tall, strong Black men running down the court! She imagined that they
were playing in the nude, their dark, horse-size endowments swinging like long,
thick ropes!

Whenever the cameras focused on the cheerleaders, Brenda noticed that
quite frequently, the cheerleaders gazes were fixed on the players crotches as
well. Brenda began to suspect that maybe she wasn’t the only white girl to feel
the way she did about Black men. She knew that most white girls had probably
grew up hearing whispered rumors about Black endowments like she had and
perhaps they too had fantasized about trying one of those Black boys on for
size! She wondered if the local adult bookstore had any interracial video
tapes available for rent.

Brenda had an overwhelming urge to actually witness a strapping, young
Black buck sexually dominate a submissive, lust-consumed white girl but she
didn’t know how to accomplish this dream. Walking into the local adult shop
was out of the question, one of her neighbors would be sure to see her. Even
meeting a Black man in her part of town was highly improbable. Brenda knew
that she would have to go back into the city to quench her Black cock
curiosities and she could not wait until the start of the fall semester to do
so. This was a matter for immediate action!!

The next evening found our pretty little Brenda strolling through the
nightclub district that was adjacent to the university. The streets were closed
to traffic in this district at night to accommodate the large number of
students that meandered through the streets bar hopping. Brenda very
desperately wanted to be a very naughty white girl this particular night. She
was hotter than a firecracker and her revealing, skimpy dress advertised the
fact that she meant business! She came upon a porno book shop and after
spending a few minutes gathering up her courage, she went inside. Never before
had her semi-innocent senses been so overwhelmed with sexual images! The shop
was a large one with several rows of adult magazines, videos, books and sexual
devices. Brenda slowly roamed the store in a trance-like state, her excitement
level climbing rapidly when suddenly her heart leapt into her throat!

The very next row was marked “Interracial” — precisely what she came in
for. Brenda felt herself being drawn toward the taboo material as though her
overly moist clit were a magnet. It took all the willpower that the slutty
little blond had to keep her fingers off of her clit as she ogled the endless
display of monster Black cocks imbedded in the cunts, mouths, and assholes of
vivacious blondes, lush brunettes, and sultry redheads. The sexy, blued eyed
nympho just knew that she would hyperventilate if she didn’t make her
selections soon and get back out on the street. She bought a magazine that
featured five Black studs putting it to a young girl that looked remarkably
like herself, and two videos featuring numerous interracial fiascoes. The
checkout clerk actually blushed as she paid for her selections.

Back out on the street, Brenda stuffed her sinful stash into her
oversized purse and began searching for a club that contained her desired
objective — a massive, ebony schwantz! She didn’t have to search for long.
Ten minutes later found our little blonde heroine sitting at the end of a dance
club bar, hungrily eyeing the crotch and biceps of a strapping Black coed. All
the patrons in this club were white with this one exception — and what an
exception! All the guys checked out Brenda’s revealing attire when she walked
in and several white men came up to her to make passes. Brenda spotted her
Black Romeo right away, however, and decided she didn’t have time to be kind to
their egos. The petite, blue eyed blonde decided to be cruel! As each man
approached her and delivered their pick-up line, Brenda simply made it obvious
to everyone watching that she was sizing up his bulge (she put her hands on
each one). Then she giggled and said,

“Sorry, I don’t think you measure up to my expectations.” Each man
slinked away. After humiliating a few of the bolder ones, the rest of the men
just sat and drooled. Now that the man has been separated from the surrounding
boys, Brenda again turned her attention to the ebony god at the other end of
the bar.

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