She was kneeling, her hands clasped behind her neck, breasts
thrust forward, back straight and head held level, eyes cast
downwards. She didn’t dare look into his eyes, knowing that if she did
so, she would see the love there and her posture might melt along with
her resolve to go through with the coming ordeal, and she knew this
would displease him.
She had agreed to the week-ends experiments, even before he
had informed her just what they would consist of. They had managed to
steal some time together only very rarely, and this being only the
third time they were actually face to face, it still unnerved her
somewhat to be in his presence. But the first meeting had been touched
by their “games”, the second had incorperated a few more, and now, as
he had told her, it was time for them to move on… to begin
stretching her limits.
They had been writing back and forth daily over the system,
and once the meeting was set, he had finally sent her a long, detailed
letter outlining the three “trials” he would be subjecting her to over
the three days they would be together. Each was to be the centerpiece
of that days activities, which would also include the usual hugging,
cuddling and gentle love play that always gripped them whenever they
met. And as she read the details of each of the up-coming trio of
“tortures” she could feel her body tremble and her stomach churn, even
as her sex began to moisten in delicious anticipation.
Now she was kneeling before him, the first evening upon them,
and all chance of withdrawing from the events out of her grasp.
He sat in the chair across the room from her, watching her
intensely. He was naked except for his shirt, which hung unbuttoned,
and his tight, black briefs, but from his pose he might have been
relaxing in some quiet private club somewhere. His feet planted
firmly, his elbows resting on the soft, padded arms of the overstuffed
chair, his fingers laced before him, eyes gazing across at her.
She felt herself shift her weight slightly to counter a cramp
that was beginning in her legs and she was grateful for the firm
pillow which protected her knees from the careting. But she caught
herself on the verge of a fidget and faught it off, determined to
maintain the posture, to please him.
She remained unmoving for an agonizingly long time, her eyes
fixed on the floor just before his bare feet, desparate to cast her
glance up at his face, to see what he was thinking, feel what he was
feeling. But she merely took a slow, deep breath and remained as she
was ordered.
Finally, he spoke.
“Paula, you know how much I love you. How much I want you. How
much your body and being able to please you thrills me. I have always
had the most intense fantasies about you… doing things to you… I
think I could be perfectly content if I never came again, as long as I
could make you cum whenever I wanted. I honestly think that would
almost please me more.”
He fell silent, and she could feel herself gasp slightly, the
ripples of excitement rumbling through her stomach and deep into her
moist sex. After a long, contemplative moment, he spoke again quietly.
“I know you want to please me… to turn yourself over to me,
and you will never understand how happy that makes me. But for the
longest time, I have had the most desparate urge to drive us both
completely mad with the pleasure of your body… to do things to you
that you never would have dreamed possible. And you will never know
how grateful I am that you trust me enough to let me accomplish them
now. I love you, Paula.”
She heard herself moan, her mind drifting on the soft sea of
his words. It was like a drug to her, his ability to satisfy… to
thrill her. And when she realized that she was now on the verge of an
overdose of it, she began to shudder with anticipation, her nerves
tight to the point of snapping.
“Your trials will be divided into three parts this week-end.
The first one will take place tonight. It will last for five hours. By
the time it is over, you will be sobbing, hysterical, completely out
of control and your body will have cum so much you won’t know anything
but that cumming. You will rest most of the day tomorrow, and late
tomorrow afternoon, you will have your second trial. It will last for
six hours, and will make tonight seem like nothing. The night after
that, you will endure seven hours of… activities… and by the time
we part, you will be a different person.”
She could feel her sex clench at these words and the fluids
pooled on the rim of her shaved lips, forming droplets that tickled
her and excited her even more. Her entire body was shivering now, her
wide spread elbows twitching, her breath ragged with fear and
“I have taken great pains to prepare for this week-end, my
love. All I ask of you is that you obey what you are instructed to do
and enjoy yourself… Can you do that for me, my love?”
“Oh yes, master” she moaned, her voice quivering.
“Very good.”
He rose from the chair and moved to the center of the room, a
few feet from where she knelt. She had noticed, when she first came
out of the bathroom after having shed her clothes, that he had placed
something there, but it was fully covered with a blanket so that she
could see nothing more than a bundled heap on the carpeting. He bent
down and she could see out of the corner of her eye that he was neatly
folding the blanket and placing it asside, pausing to gaze down and
inspect the something, there on the floor not five feet from her, but
just out of the edge of her vision.
“Stand up, please” he said, almost casually.
She took a steadying breath and rose slowly to her feet,
keeping her hands clasped behind her neck, her elbows spread wide. The
motion of rising caused the first few drops of her moisture to flood
from her and fall to the floor beneath her naked body. She felt that,
if she could merely squeeze her legs together tightly, she might cum
where she stood, but he had instructed her that she must always stand
with her legs spread wide to prevent just such an occurance.
“Turn this way” he said.
She turned and finally saw it… the “thing”. She gasped.
It was a large, almost threatening contraption, about the size
and general shape of a saddle, resting on the floor. Although it was
covered with some kind of quilted padding, she could see that it
seemed to be based on a very large barrel that had been split in half
and laid over on it’s side. She noticed that some sort of peddle had
been fixed to the side at a slight angle, also heavily padded, and
from underneath of which there trailed the as yet open and unused
straps with buckles. She also noticed that at the other end of
contraption were two large eyebolts just above the floor. But what
focused her attention instantly and sent an apprehensive shudder
through her was the crest that formed the top of the “saddle”…. for
there, near the middle, pointing upwards, were two massive dildoes.
She could feel her knees begin to tremble and she pressed them
back, hard, fighting to lock them before they buckled and toppled her
over. He saw this reaction and quietly shushed her, calmingly.
“It’s all right. You won’t be hurt in any way, I promise you.
Now, come here please.”
With slow, teetering, shuffled steps she moved toward him and
stopped when she saw his hand flick slightly in silent command that
she was close enough. He turned to the bed that stood just behind him
and turned back the thick comforter. Underneath she saw were laid out
her “accessories”, as he called them… the cuffs, the clamps, the
other stimulators that he had used in both of their previous meetings
to adorn and stimulate her body. He picked up the collar/cuffs and
turned to her, casually gesturing with a crooked finger for her to
She stepped closer and when he swirled his hand slightly, she
stopped and turned around. She knew without asking what he wanted.
She unclasped her hands from behind her neck and lowered them
to her breasts, cupping them and lifting them, as he had taught her to
do during their second encounter. She could feel his almost naked body
behind her and then the gentle pressure of the wide, leather collar as
he slipped it around her neck and carefully buckled it into place. She
closed her eyes at his touch and allowed herself the tiny disobedience
of letting her thumbs steal up and lightly stroke the tops of her
already tight, hard, throbbing nipples.
She felt the collar buckled into place, snugly around her
neck, and the coolness of the long, wide, leather strap that ran down
between her shoulder blades. She felt his fingertips lightly touch her
left elbow and she silently lowered that arm, pivoting it and raising
her hand behind her back where he gently took it by the wrist and
slipped the cuff over it, slowly buckling it into place, so that it
rested in the small of her back. A touch on her right elbow brought
that arm back as well, and it too was soon locked behind her. She
could feel the tension in her shoulders and as she pressed down with
her bound wrists, she could feel the collar pull back slightly, though
so clever was it’s design that she never felt the threat of choking.
She had first worn this particular restraint on their second
visit together, when he had kept her in it for over an hour as he
explored every inch of her flesh with his fingers and tongue… Just
the memory of that and the familiar sensation of this device caused
her sex to contract once more, sending a fresh tingle through her. But
then, she felt her wrists being pulled, slowly and steadily upwards
behind her back, causing her to gasp and her body to bow out slightly.
“Oh!” she uttered, as the pressure continued, the tension in
her shoulders now beginning to turn into an ache as her wrists were
raised further and further, her back bending in compensation, moving
her slightly backwards, her breasts thrusting up. Just as she thought
her arms would pull from their shoulder sockets, the pressure eased,
but her wrists remained high up on her back and she could feel him
rebuckling the long leather strap at this new position. Now her hands
practically lay across one another and instead of meeting at the small
of her back, her wrists were somewhere close to the middle of her
For a moment she thought she would collapse from the ache in
her shoulders, but she felt herself pulled back until she was resting
against his chest, holding her up.
“Shhhhhhh” he whispered in her ear, soothingly, “relax…
release the tension in your shoulders… let it go… just relax…”
And then she felt his hands on her breasts, gently stroking
them, his hands cupping them from underneath as her own had just a
minute before, his thumbs now lightly stroking the nipples, causing
her to shudder with the waves of pleasure that countered the tightness
in her shoulders, easing it somewhat, helping her to release it and
ebbing the tight ache down to a dull throb…
“Are you all right, my love” he whispered quietly and she
merely nodded, loosing herself in the sensations of the pain and
pleasure which played back and forth through her upper body from her
shoulders to her nipples…
“Just relax” he cooed again and she felt him release her right
breast, his arm drawing back, his left hand continuing to stroke and
tease her left nipple, drawing all her focus there. Then she felt the
pinch and pressure on her right nipple and opened her eyes, glancing
down, startled.
His right hand was carefully pushing the slide ring on the
clamp which surrounded her right nipple, slowly edging it closed,
pressing the grip of the clamp tighter… and tighter… until a throb
radiated out from the tormented, sensitive bud and rushed through her
She moaned and again, her body shuddered. Again, he shushed
her, as he reached slowly down the length of the chain that now hung
from the clamp and lifted it, trailing it out until his fingers
clasped the other clamp and raised it to where his left thumb
continued to stroke her other nipple. The combination of the throbbing
ache of her shoulders and captured nipple faught a battle inside her
body with the waves of pleasure from the stroking of his thumb and she
felt herself overwhelmed with the sensations, her mind beginning to
loose it’s focus. Then the other nipple was likewise captured and
squeezed by the clamp until it too radiated a dull throbbing through
her chest and down into her stomach.
He stood behind her for a long moment, half supporting her,
allowing her to adjust to these new sensations. Then he gently took
her shoulders in his hands and pushed her upright again, centering her
on her feet and slowly releasing her.
She swayed a moment then found her balance and realized that
her mind felt like she was drunk or drugged… the assault it was
enduring was new and strange, and it reeled around, half-loosened from
it’s normal grip on reality.
She felt him once more when he pressed his body against her
back, causing her to open her eyes, her head rolling back. She felt
his hand slip around her hip and press against her mons, pushing her
hips slightly back… she could feel the hardness of his cock, under
the soft, silken fabric of the briefs and she pressed on it with her
ass, as if to capture more of that delicious feeling against her. Then
she saw his other hand appearing from around behind her, and in his
fingers she saw the weight… a cylinder shaped lump about the side of
a lipstick, a small hook extending from it’s upper end. She watched,
fascinated as the hand swept around and in, in an almost balletic
move, and she realized what he was about to do. She closed her eyes
tightly and gripped them, steadying herself.
She felt the chain which connected the clamps on her nipples
begin to pull downwards, the pressure on her tight, sensitive flesh
increasing as her breasts were pulled and stretched, new levels of
sensations rippling though her, and then his hand withdrawing, and the
weight tapping lightly against her stomach as it hung from the center
of the chain. Again, she shuddered, and this caused the weight to
bobble slightly, each move adding tiny additional tugs to her breasts.
Now her entire upper body was alive with sensations, every
inner and outer nerve screaming signals at her overloaded brain which
retreated even further from the constant noise.
She kept her eyes closed, letting the sensations roll over and
through her, and did not feel the blindfold until it was almost down
over her eyes and her vision blocked out… Now all she had to tell
her what her next trial would be were her ears and her already
overloaded skin.
She felt his touch once more, this time far down on her left
ankle, and instantly recognized the familiar grip of the ankle cuff
being buckled there, followed quickly by the right ankle. She hoped
that he would choose not to link them together this time, certain that
if he did so, there would be no way she could maintain her balance.
But then she felt his hands on her, one on her stomach,
stroking lightly… the other on her ass….
Her sex clenched automatically, the tease of petting so close
now, and she could feel her fluids pooling on her nether lips and
beginning to trickle down her inner thighs. But the hands did not
progress any lower… remaining on her stomach and gently cupping her
ass… then the hand disappeared from her backside and the hand on her
stomach tented, until only his fingertips were whispering over her
skin, like a butterfly walking carefully along it’s surface.
She was just beginning to moan in torment and frustration when
she suddenly felt his hand on her ass once more, now very low, quickly
slipped between her legs, a single finger sliding easily under her,
then curving and slipping, in one smooth motion, deep into her ass.
She could feel the lubricant on it as the finger moved slowly inside
her, coating her, preparing her. It almost slipped completely out of
her when it was joined by a second and both slipped deep once more.
Her whole body suddered wildly now, and she could feel her
orgasm building rapidly, but before it hit, the fingers slipped from
her and she moaned in frustration as the feeling peaked without a
climax and began to drift down again, leaving a dull throbbing in her
Again, she felt him behind her, his hands gently gripping her
shoulders as he turned her and slowly pressed her forward.
She stumbled a few steps, then his hands stopped her and she
felt herself being turned around. Once she regained her balance, she
felt one of his hands leave her shoulder and quickly slip between her
legs, pressing them outward. She spread her legs, planting her feet
even further apart, and when his hand urged her forward again, she
practically waddled in a wide, unfamilair stance.
His hands gripped her, stopping her, and then she felt them
pressing her down. She shifted her weight and as she began to sink,
realized that she was now straddling the contraption. For a moment she
lost her balance and was surprised at the strength of his hands as
they gripped her shoulders, almost holding her up, then carefully
lowering her until her knees were resting on the thickly padded pedals
on either side of the device.
The hands released her, and a moment later, she could feel the
strap being looped over her left calf just below the knee and secured
into place. The right knee was similarly secured soon after and she
took a moment to examine the sensation of this new experience as best
she could without her eyesight.
It was like being held just above a soft, padded saddle
drapped over a fencepost, and she idly wondered what it would be like
if this thing could buck like a horse moving at a trot… then
shuddered when she realized that perhaps it was made to do just that.
She next felt her right ankle being moved close to the side of
the device and the clicking of a link being slipped over the ring on
her ankle cuff and the eyebolt on the contraption, securing that leg
in place, once and for all. The left ankle was similarly captured in a
few moments, and then there was nothing for a long instant.
She took stock of her situation. Her hands bound behind her,
tighter and pulled higher than ever before, the collar around her neck
holding them up… her nipples clamped, the heavy weight pulling and
tugging them every time her body moved… her legs securly bound to
either side of this monster device… now what, she wondered… my
God, now what. She did not have long to wait.
She sensed him leaning down and then felt the belt slipped
around her waist and quickly buckled tightly. This confused her
because it was something he had never used before… but it’s purpose
soon became clear when she felt him tying lengths of rope to the rings
on either side of the belt, and then the steady, slow pull downwards
as the ropes were looped through additional rings on the sides of the
contraption and he began to haul her down.
She thought of fighting him, locking her legs and remaining
fully upright in her kneeling, just to see what he would do, but she
soon realized that he was much too strong and determined to allow her
that little defiance, and she allowed herself to settle down and
…until she touched the dildoes… and she lurched up,
instinctively against the downward pull of the ropes… but it was too
little effort, too late… and she felt herself steadily drawn down
towards them.
She felt them pressing against her cleft sex, and she realized
what was about to happen. She moaned and a sob of nervous thrill
erupted from her throat as she felt the flexible monsters pressing
against her, bending until one was pointed at her naked, oozing sex
and the other pressed against the tight bud of her asshole.
Instinctively she rolled her hips as if to dislodge them, but only
succeeded in planting the tips more firmly at both her openings….
and then she felt them begin to split her and sink into her…
impaling her.
She moaned loudly as her body was penetrated, front and back
and slowly felt the filling sensation of these giants in her sex and
her ass… she could feel them bending slightly as they passed into
her, feel them brushing against each other deep inside her through the
thin membranes and then, at last, her bottom came to rest on the
device and she could sink no further. She was fully impaled, more full
than she had ever been in her life, her sex and ass stretched to their
very limits by the monsters inside her.
Her breathing was ragged now, and each breath was a whimper.
She realized she was more helpless than she had ever been, and this
time when she shuddered, she could feel the monsters tremble deep
within her and she gasped with the overwhelming wash of sensations
that roared through her.
How long could she endure this, she wondered, before she began
screaming with madness. But he must have anticipated this very effect,
for she suddenly felt something pressed quickly against her mouth and
slipping between her teeth… a gag…
She whined sharply, as if in protest, since he had never
gagged her before, but the straps were around her head and buckled
tightly before she could gather enough of her wits to put up a decent
She felt a wave of panic roll through her, then suddenly, it
ebbed and she felt a strange calmness settling over her, as if her
body, realizing that it was truly and utterly helpless had suddenly
resigned itself to whatever awaited it. And it was all right. No
matter what was done to her, no matter what sensations were battered
into her body, it was all right… it was all…. correct… it was
where she belonged.
It was only with half of her remaining awareness that she felt
something being pressed against her mons and secured into place on the
contraption… a something that slipped between the naked lips of her
sex, spreading them and coming to rest against her clit. A sharp
tingle ripped through her and she wished that she could roll her hips
forward, press against this thing and explode with the orgasm on which
she had been hovering. But even this slight move was impossible.
She only vaguely heard him moving around her, inspecting his
handiwork, and then his lips pressing lightly, lovingly, against her
ear in a gentle kiss before his voice whispered….
“…five hours, my love…”
There was a long, tense silence…. then she heard a single
loud click.
Instantly, the monsters inside her leapt to life, vibrating
wildly, shooting waves of stimulation through her like tingling fire.
Her body lurched forward against the assault, only to press hard
against the thing holding tightly on her clit which also roared to
vibrating life. And an instant later, the two monster dildoes which
filled her began to pump, like pistons, into and out of her body in
succession, one sliding from her sex as the other plunged deep into
her asshole, then reversing their assault.
Her body lurched and the weight on the chain began to dance,
sending little tugs and teases shooting deeply into her breasts.
When the first swat of the many-tailed flogger slapped against
her exposed and tender ass, she exploded in cumming which would last
for hours… and began to scream…
When she drifted awake, it was early afternoon and her body
was still tingling. She slowly opened her eyes and it took a long
moment before she was able to focus on anything but the feeling of the
vibrations that seemed to rush over every part of her skin. But then
she smiled, as the memory of the evening before became clear in her
He had been as good as his word… he had said five hours and
it certainly had felt like it. After the agonizing build up, her body
had been as tight as a drawn bow spring, and when he had impaled her
on the amazing “saddle” she had erupted in a furious orgasm, which was
quickly followed by another, and another… In moments she was cuming
in waves, each one crashing forward as the one before receded, and she
lost all sense of time. She wasn’t even certain whether or not she had
passed out, though she remembered her mind drifting in a heavenly,
peaceful place, as if separate from her body. She recalled the
torments being stopped at various points, and the feeling of warm,
moist clothes being lovingly swab over her body, soothing and cooling
her. But before she could fully recover her wits, the “attentions”
would begin again, each time with a bit of variation that attacked new
portions of her body and sent her careening off again, into that sweet
She certainly hadn’t remembered, at least not clearly, being
removed from the device and tucked tenderly into bed. But the moment
her head had hit the pillow she was asleep as deeply as if she had
And now she was back, enjoying the lingering aftermath of the
experience… something she was certain she would never forget.
She rolled over and suddenly felt the stiffness in her
shoulders from the tightness of the bondage the night before, but it
was not nearly as sore as she had imagined it would be. She had bourne
it well, and was as proud of having done so as anything she had ever
accomplished in her life before.
Suddenly he was there, at the foot of the bed, a large tray in
his hands, a gentle, loving smile on his face.
“Good morning. Time to eat. Sit up, please” he said gently.
She pushed herself up in bed as he set the bed-tray over her
legs. On it was a veritable feast of all her favorite morning dishes
as well as a small vase containing a single red rose.
“Love, I wanted to tell you – ” she began but he quickly
shushed her, cutting her off.
“No need” he said simply. “Eat.”
She smiles and obediantly dug into the meal.
As soon as she was finished, he removed the tray, setting it
asside, threw back the covers and helped her to her feet, sweeping her
up in a warm and comforting embrace which lingered some moments before
he took her by the shoulders and pushed her back, gazing down into her
Having seen there whatever he was seeking, his lips stretched
in a wide, satisfied smile and he spoke again, quietly.
“Now, go take a nice, hot shower and get dressed. I’ve
arranged a little surprise for you tonight.”
A shudder of anticipation rolled through her, wondering what
him might have in mind for her this time, but she simply nodded
obediently, turned and trudged into the bathroom.
The shower felt wonderful, soothing all her aching muscles and
she allowed herself the luxury of letting her soapy hands linger on
her skin. To her amazement, she found her own touch exciting her… a
definate surprise after the extreme attention she had recieved the
night before. She had thought that it would have been more than sated.
But instead, it seemed that it now was more hungry than it had ever
been, as if it had been given an initial dose of some narcotic which
it was now beginning to crave on a constant basis.
She was tempted to slip her fingers down, run them over her
clit and steal a quick cum, but she realized that this would surely
not please him, so instead she merely returned to the business of
cleaning and soothing her body with the pelting streams of warm water.
By the time she stepped from the shower and began to towel
herself off, she felt totally refreshed, and ready to face anything.
When she emerged from the bathroom, he had already laid out
her clothes on the bed… a simple dress and on the floor, a pair of
high heel shoes.
She glanced at him, puzzled, but his smile told her he
intended her to wear nothing else. She returned the smile and quickly
donned the single garment.
He scanned her slowly, and sharply nodded in approval before
scooping up the car keys, linking his arm through hers and they moved
toward the door.

The day was warm, the air was fresh and the drive was
leisurely. She could feel the breeze from the open window against her
face and she settled back to enjoy the trip. Leaning her head back she
closed her eyes momentarily, then lulled her head toward him and
slowly opened her lids to gaze at him. Why had he not done anything to
her yet today, she wondered. After the excessive treatment last night,
she had felt sure that he would have wanted to plug her, at least..
perhaps make her wear nipple clamps… something to demonstrate their
respective positions as dom and sub. But then she realized that none
of that was truly necessary. That even without such outward shows, she
truly was his sub and he her master. And if and when he chose to
demonstrate that to others, he would inform her of what would be
required of her. She allowed her head to lull back and closed her eyes
once more, her mind drifting off.
She must have fallen asleep, because she suddenly became aware
of the car turning sharply into a driveway and coming to a halt. She
sat up and glanced around.
They were in the driveway of a modest house in some
development somewhere, and the sun was beginning to disappear over the
horizon behind them. She turned to him, puzzled once more.
He shut off the car and turned slightly in the seat, leaning
back casually, drapping an arm over the sill of his open drivers’ side
window and gazed at her, his expression serious.
“This is a friend’s place. He’s not here this week-end, so
we’ll have it entirely to ourselves. The reason we’re here is because
he’s got a particular room which is specifically prepared for a
particular purpose.”
He leaned forward slightly, as if to emphasis the following,
his voice growing serious.
“Now, I want you to understand something. Once we go into that
house, we won’t be coming out again until tomorrow evening, very late.
We’ll have just enough time to get back, pick up your things and get
you to the airport. But between now and then, do not expect to get
much rest. And be assured that things will happen to you that you
would never have believed possible. Nothing that will hurt you or
damage you… but sensations beyond anything you could have imagined.
So… this is your last chance to withdraw. If you say you’d rather
not go through with this, I’ll understand. If you don’t… then
understand that from now until we’re done here, I control every aspect
of your body… everything you do, everything you feel… everything
you think. So. What do you want to do.”
He leaned slowly back and stared at her, a tense silence
welling between them.
She turned over his words in her mind, her thoughts racing
madly, examining each one for whatever implications they might
contain. She knew he was deadly serious about all this… her ride on
the “saddle” had proven that… but was she ready for all of it,
whatever it might be… In spite of the fact that she had thought
about these fantasies for so long, now that she faced them, she was
hesitant to see them made real.
Her thoughts raced back and forth between numbing terror and
blinding excitment, before she settled on the simple conclusion that,
above everything else, she trusted him… knew deep in her soul that
he could never hurt her… only wanted her most extreme pleasure…
She turned to him and slowly nodded.
“I’m ready” she said simply.
He nodded, turned and reached for the door handle.

Inside the house, they moved directly from the front hall to a
smallish doorway toward the back of the building which he opened and
ushered her through. Beyond were stairs leading down to a totally
darkened basement.
“Watch your step” he said simply.
She gropped for the handrail, found it, and slowly, carefully,
began to descend into the darkness, which became absolute when he
stepped through the door after her and closed it behind himself.
She reached the bottom of the steps and paused, awaiting
whatever would happen next. Behind and above her, she heard a faint
click and a low wash of lights, barely enough to cut through the
blackness came on overhead, revealing a large, high ceilinged room
beneath the house. It took here eyes some moments to adjust to the
gloom and she began to pick out various features within the space…
which caused her eyes to widen even more.
Far back in the corner, tipped at an angle, was some sort of
table, a number of wide straps hanging from it. Across from it was
some sort of frame-like structure made of heavy pipes, also with
various means of “attachment” dangling. Against the cinderblock wall
to her side was a bar jutting out with manacles and she noticed more
such restraints anchored into the blocks themselves. At the far end of
the room was a very large, black, oddly shaped box.
Her mind reeled at the implications of what she was seeing.
This was either some sort of extensive torture chamber, or insane
“laboratory”. She silently prayed it would be the latter.
She felt him move down the last few steps behind her and move
up behind her, taking her shoulders in his hands and pressing himself
against her, his hips pushing forward so that she could feel the bulge
of his awakened cock beneath his jeans. He leaned down and kissed her
gently on the neck, then pressed a cheek against her hair and
“Get undressed” he said, then released her shoulders and move
around her, toward a collection of some sort of wires hanging from the
ceiling, and beginning to move them, pull and prepare them.
She hesitated for a long moment, then sighed and reached for
the first of the buttons of the dress near her throat.
In short order she had the garment fully unbuttoned and
allowed it to slip from her shoulders, puddling around her ankles in a
heap. She raised a foot and slipped the shoe off, dropping it on top
of the dress, repeating the motion with the other leg, until she stood
barefoot and naked next to the pile of discarded clothes, awaiting his
pleasure and wondering what was going to happen to her.
Having pulled, unwound and readied the necessary pieces of the
“equipment”, he turned to her and extended a beckoning hand.
“Come” he said.
She stepped slowly forward, like a virgin going to a
sacrifice, and in a way she felt that this was perhaps more true than
she imagined.
As she arrived before him he took her wrist and pulled her
gently forward, turning her until she stood amid a collection of what
she now saw were long, thin but sturdy wires handing down from the
ceiling. He raised one of the wires and took her wrist in his hand. At
the end of the wire was a wide, fleece-lined, leather cuff, which he
quickly buckled in place around her wrist, drawing it very tight, so
tightly that it had no chance to slip either up or down. Taking
another wire-linked cuff he repeated the action with her other
wrist… then her ankles… and her knees… and her waist… and
finally under her shoulders, this last pair being joined by a strap
behind her back into a kind of harness.
All the major joints of her body were now secured, though at
the moment the wires hung limp. She smiled, imagining herself like
some sort of living puppet, and was almost tempted to begin singing
one of the songs from Pinnoccio, just to see if it would amuse him.
But she quickly thought better of it when he stepped back from where
she stood and scooped a small box from a table against the wall.
Running from the box was a thick wire which trailed off into the
gloom, and she squinted at it, attempting to trace it’s origin through
the darkness.
He stood, lightly running a finger over the box for a moment,
as if searching for something, then looked up to where she stood and
stabbed his finger down onto a button.
Instantly she heard the whine of hidden motors and saw the
slack being drawn from the wires connected to her shoulder. Startled,
she reached up with her hands just as the wires drew taut and began to
lift her from the floor. She gripped at the wires in an attempt to
steady herself, but he tapped another button on the box and she saw
the slack being drawn from the wires attached to her wrists, and very
soon she felt her wrists being drawn upwards and out to the sides,
until they were pulled tight, holding her off the floor in a sort of
crucified “Y”.
Again, he tapped a button and the wires attached to her knees
began to tighten, pulling them up and outwards until they too were
drawn tight. Now her body hung as if she had merely planted her feet
wide apart and squatted. But the pull on her knees caused her legs to
stretch to the very limit of their extenion and she could feel the
beginnings of an ache in her hips. Thankfully the majority of her
weight was being held by her shoulders and wrists, or she would have
been screaming with pain.
Another stab of his finger on the box and now her ankles were
being drawn up, only this time, instead of pulling out, they were
being drawn inwards, folding under her until the souls of her feet
were touching.
She felt more vulnerable than she ever had in her life before.
It was one thing to be attached to something, rooted in place, but
this was something quite different… for she was floating, it seemed,
every part of her, top, bottom and sides, exposed and available for
whatever he wished to perform on her. She did not have long to wait to
discover what that would be.
He placed the box back on the table and scooped up an object,
moving to where she hung, her head now a full foot higher than his. As
he reached up she saw the ball gag in his hands and a moan of
complaint escaped her. He stopped, holding it before her lips, his
brown eyes gleeming in the gloomy light, staring at her, waiting
patiently. She thought of protesting, refusing. But she knew he would
immediately end their game, and she knew that would disappoint him.
Instead, she simply sighed and opened her mouth. He slipped the gag
between her lips and she dropped her head foward a bit, allowing him
easier access to close the strap behind her neck.
He turned back to the table, retrieved something else and
moved back to her… only this time her stepped around her, ducking
under the tight wires that held her aloft, until he was behind her.
Then she felt him reaching around her and looked down to see him
wrapping something around her breasts… it was made of soft plastic,
except for two semi-spheres which he lifted over her breasts,
enclosing them before shifting his grip around the sides of the object
and attaching it snugly around her back.
She saw that the the points of the clear, plastic semi-spheres
were a pair of black, rubber nipples and she imagined she looked a bit
like a kind of see-through plastic doll with tremendous tits.
He stepped out from behind her and moved to the table once
more, this time fiddling with something, his back turned, blocking her
limited view of his actions in the dim gloom. In a few moments,
however, he slowly turned to face her, and her eyes widened.
In one hand he held a long, thin object which might have been
mistaken for a vibrator, except that it seemed to be covered with a
loose, clear plastic skin which rolled up and down as he stroked it
slowly with his other hand. And from the sound, she could instantly
tell that he was lubricating it.
She moaned, knowing what was to happen next, as he moved
around behind her, out of her field of vision. She straightened
herself and concentrated, forcing the muscles of her ass to relax, and
just as she felt them begin to loosen, she felt the press of the tip
of this slimy object against the tight rosebud and slipped slowly
inside of her. She was surprised at how thin and flexible it was,
producing no discomfort at all, merely an odd sort of tingling as it
slipped up inside her and came to rest deep in her bowels. Just as it
was pushed fully in, she felt the slight stretch of the bottom end and
realized there must be a small widening there which held it in place
once her tight muscles closed over its base.
The invasion was a bit startling at first but her mind quickly
adjusted to it, and she began to relax once more, assessing her
situation…. hung above the floor, her knees splayed wide, her feet
touching beneath her, arms drawn high up and out at an angle… her
ass plugged with this odd device, a gag firmly sealing her mouth and
this strange doll-like bra around her chest. Although it was all very
unusual… outright bizarre, really, she had yet to experience any
overt stimulation, and wondered what the ultimate purpose of all this
elaborate preparation would be.
Moving around in front of her again, she watched as he
inspected her, reaching up to test the tautness of a wire here, the
snug grip of a cuff there… Satisfied, he turned and grabbed a thin
bundle of something hanging above and beside her head. As he pulled
steadily, she could hear the clicking of a ratchet unwinding high
above her, allowing more and more length to play out, until he had
enough so that, had he released it, its end would have dragged on the
His fingers parted the bundle, and separated a single strand
which he played out to its end, and raised toward her mouth. She
watched, shocked as his hand reached up, found a small opening at the
outer point of the gag and heard the faint click as the strand which,
at this close range, she recognized as a thin tube of some kind,
seated itself into a tiny coupling there.
He then separated out another tube from the bundle and, after
deftly plucking the black nipple from one of the cups of the clear
bra, snapped onto it at that spot. This was repeated with the other
He separated one more strand and carefully threaded it through
the suspending wires, reaching it down behind her… and she felt a
short pressure on the end of the plug inside her, and realized he had
attached it to that.
Stepping back from her, he gazed up, like a sculpture might
examine his half-finished handiwork, then allowed an awed smile to
play out over his lips.
“Oh my” he whispered, and she could hear the amazement in his
voice. “You have no idea how beautiful you are, my love…”
But then he seemed to get control of his billowing emotions
and sighed, his tone becoming calmer, more business-like.
“Do you trust me” he said simply.
Looking down at him she simply nodded.
“Do you love me”.
A more forceful nod.
“Do you want to please me”
This time her nod was sharp, almost urgent.
“And do I own you, body and soul.”
She wanted to scream out “yes, my God, how can you ask me such
a thing”, but the gag prevented any intelligent sound from escaping
her so she merely whimpered in frustration and nodded emphatically
once more.
He stood, a look of amazement and adoration on his face, and
slowly reached up one hand to lightly trail the tips of his fingers
down the skin of her stomach. The tickling sent ripples of pleasure
deep into her and she instantly felt her heat begin to rise up, her
sex starting to moisten… But then he withdrew his hand and took a
couple of steps backwards, reaching up to begin unbuttoning his shirt.
His strip was slow and measured, and she drank in every new
exposed portion of his body… his chest and arms as the shirt fell
away, his legs as the jeans were dropped to the floor and kicked
away… and finally, his hard and erect cock as the velcro closures on
his breifs were tugged open and it, too, was discarded. He stood naked
before her, and for a long moment, she felt like some icon under the
gaze of a pilgrim who was finally viewing it for the first time after
a long and difficult journey. She felt worshiped.
Then he turned and moved to the table, scooping up the box
once more.
From across the room she could hear him say, quietly… “I
love you…” and then his fingers began to touch the buttons in
All three of the “attachments” on or in her body leapt to life
at the same moment. There was a sudden hiss above her and she
instantly felt the gag between her teeth slowly begining to swell,
inflating, prying her mouth even further open and filling to assume an
almost cocklike shape which pressed down on her tongue. At the same
instant, the invader inside her bottom also began to move, not only
beginning to press out on the inner walls but also to vibrate,
allowing the wrinkled skin to bulge and part her evenly, filling her.
But most startling of all was the device on her breasts, which was
performing just the opposite task… pumping out the air which it
contained and drawing her breasts deeper and deeper into the cups.
Her entire body shuddered with the sensations and she began to
sway and writhe as she hung, suspended a few feet above the floor. The
sensations were entirely new to her. She had experienced invasion of
every oriface, most certainly, but this was unique to her… the
invader increasing in size while inside her, or her entire breast
drawn up, as if being sucked into the mouth of a giant. She looked
down, her eyes wide, and saw her breasts actually beginning to swell
and darken as they ballooned to fill the cavity of the cups, and then
her nipples brushed against the point at which the tube entered the
cup and a shock burst through her as it was drawn tightly into the end
of the tube, plugging it.
She moaned and lulled her head back, and suddenly felt the
device buried deep in her ass swell past the point that delicate flesh
had ever experienced. The sensation of fullness was beyond anything
she could possibly have imagined, and the fact that it was vibrating
was literally knocking the breath out of her from underneath.
Just when she thought that she could take no more, that the
welling gag that now sealed and swelled her mouth and the expanding
probe in her bowels would split her open, they suddenly stopped
increasing in size, but held their fullness inside her. She faught to
take slow, steadying breaths and demand of her body that it relax and
accept these new sensations, when she heard the whir above her once
more and felt her body pulled by the various attached wires.
Her legs were pulled up behind her, as the cinche around her
waist let her weight pull her body forward, and her arms were slowly
drawn together, so that in a few moments, she was lying in the air,
facing the floor, her knees still held wide, her ankles crossed, her
wrists touching behind her neck. For an instant she thought she must
look like a nude version of a skydiver cutting through the air in an
attempt to gain maximum speed, and then another jolt of vibrations
from the probe deep in her ass hit her and she moaned loudly into the
bulbous gag, her head dropping forward, almost in surrender.
She hung in this position for a few moments only, before once
again the motors above her whirled and she felt her head being
lowered, her legs and hips raised, and then she was completely upside
down, hanging, like a piece of meat, the blood draining into her brain
and causing her to see distant sparkles of fire through the gloom. She
was afraid she would pass out, when she suddenly felt him standing
behind her inverted back, rapidly unhooking the cuffs which held her
wrists from the wires and her arms drawn up behind her back and the
cuffs linked quickly together. One of the wires was then re-attached
to the joined cuffs and he snapped it, testing it’s tautness.
Then he leaned down and she felt his warm breath blowing
gently across her splayed sex, and in a moment, the tip of his tongue
slipping between her labia and brushing over her clit.
She erupted in a moan and her entire body thrashed in it’s
suspension as the sensation of this attention rocketed through her.
The moan became a low sob behind the gag as she could feel her orgasm
welling up, about to burst and tear her to pieces. But before it could
strike, the tongue was gone and he was moving back to the table.
Her head was swimming now, her entire body one rhythmically
pulsing nerve as the vibrator buried inside her and the blood flooding
her brain met somewhere outside her flesh and she could dimly imagine
that she was swelling and contracting in little rapid pulses as she
hung there.
“Oh God” she thought “what if he doesn’t let me cum. Oh God,
I’ll die if I can’t cum soon…”
And even as the horror of this thought raced through her mind,
she felt her body being hoisted once more, her shoulders being drawn
upwards until she once again lay in the air, facing the floor. But
instead of stopping at this point, she could feel an additional
tightness on her ankles and knees, and the steady tugging on her
shoulders and her bound wrists, while even at the same moment the band
around her waist began to loosen, allowing her torso to sag.
She hung, amazed and felt her body being slowly but inexorably
bent backwards, bowing up, shoulders drawn back, legs pulled up, like
some contortionist she had once seen in the circus…
Sensations of tightness struck her in a thousand places as her
body was stretched in this unnatural position, but instead of turning
into pain, it merely transformed to a dull, throbbing ache in a
hundred places and she mentally witnessed, with a sort of fascinated
horror, as her spine bent back, and back, and back…
And then she felt them… the soles of her feet… pressing
against the back of her head, and the sudden realization of this sent
a shock through her mind which slammed against the filling, pulsing
vibration from deep in her bowels and she shuddered in a tremendous,
thundering orgasm. From somewhere her obliterated brain picked up the
sounds of her own fluids as they ran freely from her as yet untouched
sex and made little splattering sounds on the floor beneath her.
“My God, I’m cuming… I’m cuming… nothing in my pussy… no
touching… clit… and I’m cuming… oh God…” she thought.
She rode out the waves of the orgasm and then felt it begin to
ebb, and allowed her muscles to relax, her torso sagging enen lower,
bowing her body even more. Then she felt a sudden jolt and managed to
focus enough to realize that she was being lowered, slowly, toward the
floor. But instead of sinking down onto it’s surface, she was stopped
only a couple of feet above it. She lifted her head and saw him
standing, gazing at her, his hands trembling as he slowly lowered the
box and placed it back onto the table.
Then he moved toward her, his steps dream-like, almost
balletic, as he circled her, disappearing behind her.
She sensed, rather than saw, him kneel behind her and then
felt his breath against her sex once more. A moment later, his moist,
hot tongue slid between the naked, oozing lips and locked onto her
clit, already thrashing back and forth.
She exploded again, cumming hard and fast with this additional
attention and her animal wail became a distant moan, then a weak sob
as the orgasm rolled through her and began to fade…
But there was a rustling somewhere behind her as he rose and
then she felt the unmistakable press of his cock against her sex…
“Oh God, yes, my love… Yes, fuck me! Oh God, FUUUUCCCKKKK
MEEEEEEE” her mind was screaming, and as if in answer, felt his warm,
familiar cock plunge deeply into her.
She erupted once more and her entire frame began to thrash,
like a speared fish, causing the impaling cock in her sex and the
still vibrating invader in her ass to brush back and forth through the
membranes and set off yet another burst of cumming which wedded itself
to the one before… and the one after… and the one after that…
And then, she was no longer human, and this was no longer the
Earth… it was some distant dream-land… and she was pure spirit…

She was only vaguely aware when he erupted inside her, drawing
yet another thundering wave of orgasm from her, and then, shortly
thereafter, felt her body being moved again, to yet another strange,
wondrous new position…
And this she hung and was attended to… for an immeasurable
span of hours…

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