“Jenn – it’s me. I finished the trip a day early and thought I’d
surprise you.” He knew she was home, he’d seen her car outside.
Rick closed the front door. After three long weeks on the road he
was looking forward to some well-deserved TLC. He recalled his
wife’s words as well as her tone when he had informed her of this
trip. “Three weeks, you’re going to be gone THREE WEEKS! Our last
vacation was only a week. Hell Richard our honeymoon wasn’t even
three weeks!” And that was the civil part of the argument.
“Jennifer. Where are you?”
He would make it up to her soon enough. By any standard of
measurement this trip was the pay-off for all of those countless
tedious trips that preceded it. The commissions from this trip
alone would be more then his entire income of last year. Surely
that would balance the books with his wife.
He glanced in the kitchen and saw a wine bottle next to the sink.
He paused and looked at the label; Le Vineros. Rick swore quietly
under his breath. That was a $50 dollar bottle of wine. He felt
his stomach tighten with irritation.
Rick passed through the dining room and noted the candles, the
flowers, a second empty wine bottle and the two place settings,
Shit. Shit. SHIT! This he didn’t need. Things were stressful
enough without having to deal with this. He didn’t mind her
having her friends over but $100 dollars worth of wine!
Then again a little wine-lubricated girl talk usually meant a
very horny Jennifer. His smile slowly turned into a leer of
anticipation. Rick walked down the hallway to the bedroom. “Oh,
here you are.”
Rick drank in the exquisite beauty before him. Jennifer stood
before him at the foot of the bed. She was gloriously nude,
holding a blanket in front of her yet making no real effort to
hide the naked loveliness of her body. Rick sniffed deeply; the
air was thick with her arousal.
Jennifer was breathing deeply her magnificent breasts rising and
falling. Her eyes were glazed-over in excitement. And was that a
little bit of guilt there too? Had he caught her pleasuring
Rick’s mind raced with excitement. The thought of Jennifer lying
on the bed one hand between her legs the other on her breast
blazed hot in his mind. Oh yes, one hand definitely on her
breasts. She loved to have her breasts and nipples lavished with
attention. How many times had he seen her straddling his hips?
Thumb and finger on her nipple tugging it gently as her other
hand rubbed her through one orgasm after another.
“On the bed.” Rick croaked. Three weeks was much too long to be
away from this. Jennifer glanced at the light switch and nodded
expectantly. Rick shook his head in reply. For all of her
exceptional beauty, Jennifer was a lights out girl when it came
to sex. She was even still partially covered by the blanket.
Rick reached out and took hold of the end nearest him and pulled.
God she was beautiful.
“Spread your legs.” Her cunt was shining wet and framed by
swollen lips. Rick’s fingers trailed down her inner thigh. With
the gentlest of pressure his fingers were allowed inside her.
Jennifer shuddered as she gasped.
“You’re so ready,” he pushed his fingers deeper, “so open. Did
you get a sex toy? You did, you finally got one, didn’t you? I
want to see you…” in his near frantic excitement Rick’s voice
faded into silence. He climbed off the bed, went to her
nightstand and rummaged through the drawers. “Where is it, where
is it?”
“Oh come on Jenn. Don’t tease me like this. You know what the
thought of seeing you doing yourself does to me. Jenn please.”
Rick pleaded as he looked through drawers and closets.
“Of course, the bathroom.” Rick reached for the doorknob and
turned it. It was locked. He rattled it a couple of more times.
“Did you lock the door by mistake when I surprised…” The
expression on Jennifer’s face was not one of “yeah, stupid me I
just locked the bathroom door by accident.” Rick thought it
looked more like “you really don’t want to open that door.”
“sonofabitch!” Rick looked at the door as he heard the lock
turned from inside. The door swung slowly open.
Rick gaped at his wife in disbelief. His mouth opened and closed
yet no coherent sounds came out. Rick was too stunned, too
shocked to respond. It was too hard to put a complete thought
together, much less, get the words out of his mouth.
His wife stared at him. He stared back at her.
Rick swallowed as felt his stomach drop in freefall. Sometimes at
the intersection of fantasy and reality it’s not so much a wild
ride; it’s more like a car crash. Like one of those really bad
accidents with wreckage and bodies strewn about.
Rick looked at Jennifer lying naked on the bed. Rick looked at
his wife standing naked in the doorway.
They were not supposed to be in the same place at the same time.
In fact, Rick was pretty sure that there must be some cosmic Law
of the Universe that your mistress and your wife should not be
naked in the same place at the same time. Then again, maybe it
just one of those laws of common sense.
This just made no sense no sense at all.
But then again, when your wife and your mistress begin to undress
you who gives a fuck?
On the other hand, if he’d gotten a glimpse of the huge glass
dildo warming up in the bathroom sink. We would have cared about
And he did care in the end.