Auntie in the middle 2.

There was a distinct change in Miss Hawkins that morning, and almost all her male students picked up on it at once. There was something soft and glowing about the normally drab teacher, a warm gleam in her shining brown eyes that her glasses couldn’t hide. While the gleam was directed only at the boys, not the girls, even some of those teenage females picked up on the sharp subtle change.
“She got laid,” a plump redhead whispered to another girl in the back of the class. “Can’t you tell? Yesterday she looked like a dried-up spinster and today she’s blossoming like a rose. Look at the way she walks!”
It was true. As Linda moved through the aisles to hand out English assignments, her fully-rounded ass bounced and swayed seductively. She held her lush tits out with a new sort of pride, too, but it was all unconscious.
“Christ,” the other girl whispered back to the redhead, “you’d think she just lost her cherry!”
“Maybe she did,” the plump redhead giggled. They both quickly shut up as the teacher approached. When the assignments were all handed out and the students began working in silence, Linda went to the teacher’s lounge for a cigarette and coffee. Alone, she sat back in a chair, closed her eyes and basked in the hot glow emanating from her tingling pussy. God, what a night! There was absolutely no substitute for a thrilling, hot young cock, especially when it belonged to her sister’s handsome son. And if her sister ever found out about it – but Jack wouldn’t tell, she reassured herself quickly. He was a sharp, almost cocky boy, with a diabolical twist of imagination. Last night, as he was pumping lustfully away in her trembling, eager cunt, he’d inserted a finger up her tender asshole and wiggled it to make the thrashing brunette scream softly with lewd joy.
Linda crossed her legs as she smoked, her hot thighs flexing against her trickling pussy. Was it possible Sherry heard anything last night in the next bedroom?
Possible, but not likely, Linda told herself. Hell, she had enough to worry about seducing her own nephew without imagining the worst. Jack and Sherry would be here for almost two more weeks, enough time to try everything with the massively-endowed boy. Her sister had sent them out to Linda for two weeks to get rid of them, so she could have a second honeymoon with her husband.
While the passionate brunette had her first honeymoon with her nephew, Linda thought with a sultry smile. It was a perfect solution for the teacher. Getting involved with any of the young studs in a small California town like this was very risky. Boys boasted and gossiped. But Jack would be back in New York soon and it wouldn’t matter who he boasted to there as long as it wasn’t his parents.
The trouble was she’d bottled up her healthy natural urges for too long, and now her lustful hunger was erupting like a volcano. She’d barely slept last night, yet her lusciously curved body was humming with raw sex-energy, craving more. Christ, what would she do when Jack was gone?
Linda liked boys, young and sweet, not men who were too often grasping and cynical. She loved the sight and feel of a clean, bristling young cock below a flat muscled belly. She wallowed in the nearly endless flood of boiling young come spurting deep in her throat, and spattering its wet fire in her aching cunt. She’d dated men over the years, but they were dull to her, not exciting like young boys. Maybe it was the risk, thought Linda as she stub bed out her cigarette. There was something deliciously dangerous in seducing an innocent boy, and they wouldn’t forget. There were times when Linda, in her suppressed lust, felt that she could blow every boy in her class, one after the other non-stop. This fantasy always left her trembling, wildly excited, and dangerously aroused. Maybe, the brunette thought with a sigh, I just never grew up.
Linda stood up to return to the classroom. She could feel her burning pussy-juices oozing in her slit at the vivid memory of last night’s strenuous fucking-session. She’d worry about what she’d do once Jack was gone. The whole point was to make the most of him while he was here.
With that in mind, she decided to cut her afternoon chaos and have a substitute teacher take over. She was about sixty miles from San Francisco, an hour’s drive. There were stores in the city that featured the most bizarre devices, openly displayed in their windows. The tall brunette already knew what she wanted. Just a month ago on a quick visit, she’d almost screwed up enough courage to go in and buy the grotesque devices. This time she would, and her dangerous fantasies would finally be fulfilled.
It was experience the frustrated teacher hungered for, wild, different thrills that would heighten her fever for sexual kicks. She had a lot of lost time to make up for.
The voluptuous brunette moved back to her classroom, unaware that she’d get considerably more than she bargained for. So much, in fact, that she would risk losing her mind as well as her reputation in the small, gossipy town.
Jack stirred on the living room sofa, the smell of bacon and eggs and coffee stirring in his nostrils. He got up and slipped on his pants, realizing he was starved, Jesus, what a night! And what a fantastic piece of ass his Aunt Linda turned out to be! It was nearly noon, and when he’d finally crept back to the sofa at dawn, he felt he’d been half-fucked to death. Nothing a long sleep and a gigantic breakfast couldn’t fix, though.
The muscles rippling smoothly on his bare chest, Jack padded into the kitchen. His sister was cooking, clad in a terry cloth robe that hugged her plump tits and cute ass.
“It’s about time, you lazy bastard,” Sherry quipped, tossing her long blonde hair out of her face. “How many eggs you want?”
“Six. And six slices of bacon, and about a loaf of toast. Shit, I’m starving.”
Sherry smiled at him in a strange way as he lit up a cigarette at the kitchen table. She took one for herself. They both smoked behind their parents’ backs, and they both usually had marijuana, like most kids their age. Jack watched his sister’s succulent asscheeks move tantalizingly beneath her robe as she fussed over the stove. For the dozenth time in the past few months, he wondered if Sherry was still a virgin. She always had guys chasing her, but that didn’t prove she wasn’t a cherry. She had the face, tits and ass of an angel, but Jack knew his sister well enough to know she had a wild, malicious streak in her blood. He wondered if she was a prick-tease.
“I had a funny dream last night,” Sherry grinned, placing his breakfast before him. “Sort of an erotic dream, you know, Jack?”
He watched her closely. Did the bitch hear anything? “Yes? What kind of dream?” He began wolfing down his bacon and eggs.
“Oh, lots of passionate screwing, you know? Not me, though,” she added with a sly smile. “You were in the dream, and some woman. Boy, were you guys balling!”
Jack narrowed his eyes. “What woman?”
Shrugging, Sherry lit another cigarette. She’d already had breakfast hours ago. “Didn’t recognize her. Very, very sexy, though, beautiful breasts and legs.”
Relieved, Jack wolfed down the rest of his breakfast. She’d probably heard Linda moaning and screaming in her sleep and that triggered the dream. Besides, what difference did it make if Sherry knew? She wouldn’t squeal. He could buy her off with a lid of grass. She was a girl with a yummy ass, his sister. Not dumb at all, just innocent.
“I get dreams like that all the time,” Jack said with a grin, sipping his coffee. His eyes went down to Sherry’s luscious tits. Her robe had slipped open slightly, and, the smooth tawny curves of her inner tits started a small sharp tingle in his prick.
“What are we gonna do today?” Sherry asked.
“What do you mean we, baby? I’m going to take a shower and split. Thought I’d wander around town and see what’s going on in this one-horse burg.”
That’s what you think, Sherry decided but said nothing. While her brother sipped his coffee, Sherry went to her bedroom and dug out a pre-rolled reefer from her suitcase. She lit it and went back to the kitchen, handing it to Jack without a word. It was a ritual they often indulged in when their parents weren’t home. In their circle of ago, marijuana had long ago replaced milk shakes and Frisbees.
“Good shit,” Jack murmured, puffing deep. Christ, he thought, staring hungrily at his sister, Sherry is gonna be a real fox when she grows up. A knockout, one of those long legged, blue-eyed blondes that reek with the promise of hot raw sex.
“It’s good,” Sherry conceded casually, “but it makes you horny as hell. Rave you noticed?”
“I’m always horny,” Jack grinned.
“Even after last night?”
He inhaled more of the grass, studying her. So she knew, the fox. So what? So she could, he reminded himself, spill everything to their parents in a fit of anger. It’s bribery time, Jack told himself, handing her the reefer.
“How much, Sis?” he asked. “How much you want to keep your big mouth shut? A lid? Twenty bucks?”
Sherry squeezed her burning thighs together beneath the table, a rising excitement singing in her blood. “I saw,” she told him. “I watched you go down on her last night, brother. The two of you almost woke the dead last night. Jesus, isn’t Aunt Linda something else? Who would ever guess she was a nympho?”
“How much?” Jack repeated coldly. “Thirty bucks?”
Her heart hammering with excitement, Sherry stood up. The marijuana made her mind whirl, evoking sharp images of her handsome brother sucking and fucking the big-breasted, furiously aroused brunette. For a wild instant, the blonde wondered what it would be like to go down on a beautiful woman like her aunt, to bury her hot mouth to those sleek, creamy thighs and lick and suck that heady fragrance.
“No money,” Sherry said huskily, coming over to Jack. “No grass either.” She took a deep breath, and her curved tits rose high. “I want to ball, too, brother. Just like Aunt Linda. I want to fuck and suck. Jesus, you two almost drove me crazy last night. I want my share.”
Jack’s mouth dropped open. His sister must have watched last night until she was frantically aroused, and now she was beginning to sound like the passionate brunette.
“Hell, Sherry,” he stammered awkwardly, “You’re my sister. I mean, Linda is a grown woman…”
“She’s your aunt,” Sherry said, slipping off her robe and letting it drop to the floor. She stepped closer to her brother, her tits panting urgently. “She’s your mother’s sister so what’s the damn difference? I want to suck and fuck – now!” she said.
Jesus Christ, Jack thought, she really got turned on last night! Already his prick was gorging with blood at the sight of her golden-skinned tits, each rosy nipple fat with excitement. Beneath her softly rounded belly her golden tangle of cunt-hairs. Compared to his aunt, his sister was practically a baby, with lush baby-fat rounding her cute tits and tawny hot ass. But Jack’s prick was already pounding with urgency, leaping in his tight pants. Just from gazing at her lush nakedness, he knew his sister would be incredibly hot and tight. He reached out with one hand and gently squeezed one of her burning tits, and Sherry gasped excitedly.
“Are you still a cherry, Sis?” he asked hoarsely. “Yes! I want you to take my cherry, brother. I’m so hot I could burn up,” she added eagerly. “I want you to go down on me first, just like you did Aunt Linda. I want to get my pussy eaten!”
There was a childish, spoiled tone to her voice that told her brother he’d better let her have her way, at least temporarily. Not that Jack minded – her cunt would probably explode with sweet juicy fire in his mouth, but he felt he ought to keep the upper hand with his sister. Who was she to give him orders anyway?
“You go down on me first,” Jack demanded, trailing his fingers down over her hot belly to rub at her pussy. It was soaked, literally drenched with excitement. Sherry trembled from head to toe and moaned softly, already beginning to jerk her fiery cunt on his probing fingers. “You blow me first, Sis, then I’ll do what you want.”
“No,” Sherry whispered, undulating her soft hips in a passionate fucking motion. “No, you eat me first!”
Show it to her, Jack thought, remembering how lust-crazed his aunt had grown over the sight of his stiff huge meat. Let her hold it for a minute, get the feel of a big hot cock in her greedy fingers. Quickly, he stood up and slipped off his nuts. Sherry gasped as she stared with awe down at his long bloated prick. It seemed much, much bigger than it did last night, almost impossibly huge with its giant knob glowing crimson with blood. For a moment, the naked blonde trembled with fear. From her own fingerfucking sessions, she knew how tight she was, and the thought that he might rip up her tiny pussy with his thick hard rod made her feel giddy with excitement.
“Grab it,” Jack urged, caressing her naked tits in his hands lewdly. “Feel it, baby.”
Cautiously, the blonde put one hand around its thick burning power and she moaned with delight as it surged and pounded in her fingers. She quickly put both hands around its vibrating length, and shuddered with fierce excitement.
“Jeez, it’s thick and hot, Jack! Mmmmmmm, God, how big and beautiful it is, brother! Oh, wow, no wonder Aunt Linda went crazy!”
Jack quickly sat down on the kitchen clank and spread his thighs so that his gorged meat hovered out impatiently above his swollen balls. He put his hands on his sister’s shoulders and nudged her down to her knees, between his legs. “Just put your little mouth on it,” he urged, cupping her blonde head in his hands and bringing her nail wet lips close to the head of his dick. “Just taste it, baby. Go ahead, it won’t bite.”
Soft whimpering sounds coming from her throat, Sherry gazed at his immense hard-on in awe. Purple veins stood out along its massive length, and a tiny white drop of milky come oozed out of the tiny slit on his knob. Shutting her eyes, panting with intense excitement, the girl gingerly put her lips on the searing tip of her brother’s prick.
“Mmmmmmmm,” Sherry murmured as the salty hot drop of come was lapped up by her eager tongue. At that moment, the girl needed no further urging. Her brother’s burning meat quivered in her mouth with thrilling power as she began to lovingly suck its flesh. Carefully, she rammed as much of his hot dick as she could manage in her small mouth, rolling her tongue around its fleshy knob, her tits panting furiously with her newly awakened lust.
Lord, she was sucking her own brother’s cock and she loved it! It wasn’t just that Jack was so handsome and had an enormous rod that aroused her to such a fever of hunger, nor was it just the grass which made her so high and eager for thrills. It was the sight of her brother eating and fucking theft sexy aunt the night before, added to the deliciously guilty feeling that it was terribly wicked and naughty to give her own brother a blowjob, here in her aunt’s kitchen.
“Oh shit, that’s gooood.” Jack groaned. He nudged her mouth more tightly on his pulsing prick and began to thrust against her throat in steady jerks. Her small hot mouth was juicier and more frantic than Linda’s, tighter and hungrier. He wasn’t worried about coming top quickly with his kid sister, either. The lust-maddened brunette had taken care of that last night, fucked and sucked him until all his pent-up urgency was gone.
Jesus, Jack thought with exhilaration, if Sherry’s mouth is this luscious, what’s her hot pussy going to be like? And a cherry, too, by God!
Frenzied whimpers were coming from the blonde’s throat now as she began sucking his hot meat faster and more greedily. She jerked her fist on the lower half of his immense cock, feeling it swell even bigger and hotter.
“Kiss and suck my balls,” panted Jack to his sister. “Go ahead, baby. Ahhh, what a beautiful cocksucker you are, Sherry! You’re a born natural, honey!”
Thrilled by the praise, Sherry nudged her mouth beneath his long prick and kissed his hairy hot balls with fervor. She lashed out with her tongue to lick at their hardness, still jerking him off in her fist. His balls tasted pungent, rippling with the power of his stored-up load. But as fiercely aroused as she was from sucking her own brother’s long hot prick, Sherry had no intention of allowing him to shoot his come off in her mouth. Not yet, anyway. She could sense he was getting close, though, from the way his bristling meat leaped and quivered in her mouth and fist, getting as hard as a brick.
Suddenly, the naked blonde released him and stood up. Her tawny tits heaved with lust, and she felt as if her soaked cherry could explode momentarily.
“Fair is fair,” she gasped. “Now you suck me off, brother. You blow me, Jack. Come on!”

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