A new species (Bestiality)

She had been studying him for nearly a year, watching his every move as he
interacted with the other apes. During that time a special bond had built
between them. He had let her get closer than any previous zoologist that had
come into the jungle to study this band of wild Mountain Gorillas.

The day’s watch started like any other, she approached the group slowly then
settled down to record their behaviour. Goliath, as she had come to call the
Silverback, normally ignored her, but today, as she worked he began to move
closer to her. She stayed still as he sidled up, circling her twice before
sitting down to face her. She froze, knowing how his slow and gentle
appearance could lead one to forget how powerful he was. He could literally
rip her limb from limb if he chose.

As she sat motionless he extended a huge black hand towards her, stroking
her pale freckled cheek gently. She was in awe of his power, but not
frightened, sensing he was inquisitive not threatening.

He ran his finger down her face and across her lips before tracing a line
down her neck to the top of her t-shirt. Reaching forward with his other
hand he gripped the neck of her t-shirt and ripped it open like it was made
of tissue. She gasped as he reached forward and tore her bra off, releasing
her big soft tits. Gently he played with her tits, his huge rough hands
manipulating them gently, his face a picture of curiosity as he enjoyed his
new toy.

She shut her eyes and enjoyed his touch, not wanting him to stop. To her
surprise her pussy was beginning to tingle, she was becoming sexually
aroused by his presence.

He smelt her arousal and took her in his arms, effortlessly lifting her like
she was a doll. He began pulling at her shorts with his hands so she undid
her belt and helped him pull them from her. He held her with one giant hand
gripping her waist and lifted her to his face, pushing her pussy against his
nose. Grunting with approval he poked a huge hairy finger into her tight
vagina before withdrawing it and smelling his finger inquisitively.

She was shuddering with anticipation now, her body aching for contact with
him. His sheer power aroused her, crushing any fear she may have and
replacing it with a burning desire to be taken by this massive beast.

Gently he lowered her to his lap and she felt his hard penis against her
skin. She tried to wrap her hand around it but it was too big, more like an
arm than a phallus.

Deep inside her brain a connection was made, her subconscious was still
thinking like a scientist and she realised she was on heat. He must be able
to smell this and wanted to take her like he would take any other female in
his band who was ovulating.

She wanted him, and she wanted his baby. Her primal instincts took over,
lust and the desire to breed suppressing rational thought. She opened her
legs and pushed against the tip of his giant cock, wincing as it stretched
her pussy open, gradually penetrating her.

Slowly and deliberately she wriggled down on him, taking him deep inside her
body. Once she had taken all that she could deep inside her body she began
to ride him, slowly easing his trunk in an out of her throbbing sex.

He began to grunt with satisfaction as his human lover pleasured him with
her pussy. With each stroke she took him a little deeper, the physical bond
between their two species growing with each stroke.

Her body began to shake as an orgasm built deep within her soul. With a
final grunt he came, huge quantities of Gorilla sperm flooding into her womb
and triggering her own orgasm. And as she came her body drew his seed
deeper, flooding her fallopian tubes and washing around the egg making its
way through her. As he lay in his arms feeling his penis twitch in her pussy
one of his spermatozoa penetrated her egg, their DNA mixing to create a new
species which would, over time, revolutionise our thinking about mans place
on the planet.

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