A horny modern day Nanny

Athena Valentine awoke suddenly in the darkened
playroom. The dream she just experienced had been
terrifying, and she was still not over its effects. It
was the night of her graduation form City College, and
her entire family had gotten together and reserved a room
in the fanciest restaurant in town to celebrate. They
were all dressed to the Nines. Even her younger sister
had been wearing real clothes for a change.
Things were just fine until she felt a light tickling
on her feet. She sneaked a look under the tablecloth and
was shocked to see an entire army of women only one inch
high covering her feet and crawling up her legs! She
looked closer and saw that the leader looked suspiciously
like Mrs. Devereux. Try as she might to prevent it with
out attracting attention, the tiny women climbed up her
stocking-covered legs and moved into her dress.
She had been frantic when they began cutting small
parts away from her pantyhose. She thought of dashing
off to the ladies room to get them off her, but her
family kept asking her questions about college.
Suppressing a scream, she felt a second group continue
to move up the inside of her dress until they reached her
bra, and began cutting small bits away from that as well.
Soon the floor around her was piled high with the
small sliced pieces of her underwear, and she was naked
under her dress.
Absolutely helpless, she could only sit there
squirming as the tiny women now began to stimulate her
vulnerable privates. She could feel their tiny bodies
all over her breasts, the small mouths nibbling on her
(to them) enormously erect nipples. Not content with
fondling her labia on the outside, vast numbers of them
were also teasing her from inside her vagina as well.
Agitated beyond endurance, she stood up and started
for the rest room. She could feel vaginal fluids
running down the inside of her legs as she stumbled away
from the table.
It was when she was in the center of the dinning room
that she climaxed and the seams on her dress disappeared,
leaving her screaming in lust with clouds of tiny naked
women covering her chest and pubes.
The scream woke her.
When Athena opened her eyes, the first thing she saw
was Danielle’s smiling face hovering over hers. She knew
she was on her back and totally exposed in the middle of
the floor in the empty play room, yet relief flooded
through the naked 21-year old woman. With Danielle here
she was finally safe from the children.
“Wow, babe,” the girl said softly. “Did we have
ourselves a fun first day, or what?”
“Oh, Danielle!” Athena cried as she wrapped her arms
around Danielle’s long, stalk-like neck. “It was awful!”
Putting her thin arms around Athena’s shoulders and
under her knees, Danielle easily lifted the sobbing woman
from the floor, and held her for a moment before heading
for the door, enjoying the feel of the warm, firm flesh
on her bare arms.
When she reached the door, the sobbing Athena suddenly
became alarmed. “Wait! I can’t go out there like… like
“It’s all right,” Danielle soothed. “It’s very late
and there is no one around. And even if there were, it’s
still all right in this house.”
“Okay,” sobbed the distraught Athena, not sounding very
sure about this at all. “If you say so.”
Danielle lightly carried her delectable burden through
the deserted hallway and back to the nanny suite. Once
inside, Danielle continued to carry Athena through the
sitting room and into the bedroom.
Raising her head from Danielle’s shoulder, the softly
sobbing Athena watched them pass through the rooms.
“Where are you taking me?” she said meekly.
“These are your rooms, remember. We are going to get
you fixed up for bed.”
“That’ll be nice,” the naked woman sniffed sleepily as
she laid her head back down on Danielle’s shoulder.
Danielle placed Athena on her feet in her adjoining
bathroom. “Okay, now,” she said carefully. “Do your
business, wash your face, and brush your teeth. If you
need me for anything, I’ll be right outside.”
“Okay. And thanks. Thanks for rescuing me,” Athena
said shyly, and closed the bathroom door. The normally unflappable Danielle, after being in such
close proximity to Athena’s lush, nude body, was so
light-headed from the experience she had to lie down on
the bed for a moment.

By the time Athena had returned to the bedroom, she
was feeling very refreshed. What had happened seemed
so incredible that she refused to think about it tonight.
Athena was surprised to see that Danielle had the bed
spread turned down and the lights dimmed. She noticed
Danielle was, as usual, sprawled comfortably across the
bed, watching her with those surprisingly alert eyes of
“Such service for a lowly nanny,” the smiling Athena
said. She was wrapped in a bath towel, and was in the
process of putting another around her wet hair.
“Anything for you, babe,” Danielle murmured very
softly. “Oh, we sleep in the raw here at Castle
Devereux, ma’am,” she called to Athena across the room.
“You might,” Athena said, laughing a little. “I
Athena walked over to her dresser and went through the
drawers, looking for something to sleep in. She found
the underwear drawer and removed a pair of modest white
panties and a long, sleeping T-shirt.
Danielle said nothing when Athena pulled on the panties
underneath the towel. She was patient, and knew her time
would come to lower those panties and get what delightful
secrets were hidden inside soon enough.
With her back to her guest, Athena demurely dropped
her towel and quickly pulled on the T-shirt over her
head. She was grateful that her clothes had been neatly
put away by the staff. It would save her the trouble of
doing so tomorrow.
At the thought of tomorrow, and the fresh horrors it
would bring, Athena froze. Try as she might to forget
them, the terrible events of the day flooded through her.
“This was only the first day!” her mind screamed.
“The first day!”
In the mirror over the dresser, Athena saw that
Danielle had noticed her look of panic and had come over
to where she was standing.
“What’s wrong, honey?” the tall teenager kindly
asked, as she wrapped her long arms around Athena’s
trembling body.
“First Day!” Athena was finally able to gasp. “It’s
only the first day!”
Athena felt Danielle’s hands as they slid up her back
to rest at the base of her neck. There, she felt
Danielle’s fingers start to dig into the wrought-iron
muscles of Athena’s shoulders.
“Good God!” Danielle exclaimed, humorously. “I’ve
held steel weights that were more flexible than these. I
can see this is going to take a while.” She led the
still trembling Athena over to the foot of the bed.
Before the woman had a chance to react, Danielle
deftly pulled Athena’s T-shirt over her head and pushed
her face down onto her bed.
“Oh! Danielle!” cried the startled Athena as she
scrambled to cover the sides of her exposed breasts from
“Oh, brother! Now you get modest!” muttered Danielle
as she undressed herself. “Get yourself comfortable,
“I would like my shirt back, please.”
“No. You can’t do this with clothes on, it just isn’t
the same, and you’ll never get to sleep tonight without
it. You’re as stiff as a board, honey.”
Danielle watched with amusement as the reluctant
Athena slowly slid up the bed, being extremely careful to
keep her naked chest as covered as possible. As she slid over the silk sheets, Athena was surprised
at the reaction her semi-nude body was having because of
her contact with the luxurious fabric. Goose pimples
appeared all over her exposed flesh. Her nipples were
suddenly outrageously hard as they dragged on the slick
Athena didn’t know what to do! “If only Danielle
hadn’t taken my top,” she thought. She knew that if she
got up, her chest would be exposed, and she had more than
enough of that today. So she continued moving up the
slick, cool sheets, gritting her teeth to fight the
insane sensations her body was feeling. “If it’s this
bad now, what will sleeping in them be like?” the
despondent reporter thought. At least she would have her
top on then, and possibly even a bra. Usually she didn’t
wear a bra at night, but it would be better not to take
any chances tonight, she decided. Things were strange
enough with her as it was. Danielle waited until Athena had moved herself up the
length of the king-sized bed and placed her head sideways
on a pillow. Nude, Danielle got on the bed and straddled
Athena’s waist with her thighs.
“Danielle!” cried the suddenly alarmed Athena as the
nude Danielle settled herself comfortably on the raised
hillocks of Athena’s firm buttocks. “What are you doing?
I’m not even dressed!” She turned her head and looked
behind her in shock. “And neither are you! What are you
“I’m going to have my way with you,” Danielle said
softly, as she started massaging the stiff muscles at the
base of Athena’s neck.
“I said I’m going to have a new wave review,” Danielle
said, much more loudly. “Later this week, when I can get
my room back. Want to come?”
“Oh. But…but…,” Athena sputtered, unable to continue.
Two women naked on the same bed like this, it just wasn’t
right. But, how can you explain that to someone without
offending her, especially when she had just come to your
rescue? The problem was too much for Athena’s tired mind
this late in a very long day.
“That’s right. Lay your head back down like a good
little girl. This could be some time before we are
“Not for too long, okay? I’m very tired.”
“After your day, I can believe it. But, tired or not,
this is going to be a very long night for both of us
unless I can get you relaxed first.”
“For both of us?”
“Have a short attention span, do we? I told you
before, when the company comes, I am homeless.
Fortunately, this is a very big bed because (in case you
haven’t noticed) I am a very big girl.”
Athena chuckled at that, and began to feel much more
at ease. “That was why she took her clothes off,” she
thought, greatly relieved. “She’s sleeping here
Danielle could feel the tension begin to ease out of
the body beneath her.
“You never said if you were going to come to my
“Oh. Sure. Ah, what’s ‘new wave’ anyway, some kind
of music?”
“You know, for a teenager, you sure aren’t up on your
popular culture. Unless you’ve been living in a cave
somewhere, I would have thought that all kids our age
would know everything there was to know about new wave.”
Danielle could feel the tension immediately return to
Athena’s muscles.
“Yes. Well, my parents were pretty strict and I
didn’t get out much. Sorry.”
“Of course you didn’t. Now, shut up and let me get
some of these kinks out.”
As Danielle worked on her stiff shoulders, Athena
gradually felt the terrors of the day fade into the
background of her mind. She knew she should have done
some research into what was currently popular with
teenagers, but the assignment and everything which
followed happened so quickly she just didn’t have time to
do much of anything. Athena though she had covered up
her ignorance well enough, but she realized she had to be
much more careful about such things in the future.
She had enough to worry about without having her cover
blown as well. God only knew where that would lead. Unnoticed by the thinking reporter, Danielle was
slowly working her way down Athena’s supple back. She
wasn’t even aware that the teenager had moved her arms
away from her sides, and had included the bulging sides
of her tender breasts in the massage. Before she did anything else, Athena knew she had to
become the perfect nanny. Her poor performance today
could have seriously jeopardized her position at the
Devereux home. Yet, was it possible that that was
exactly what was also expected of a nanny here. Not to
be just be a child’s companion and guardian, but their
playmate as well? Even (My God!) their plaything?
She just couldn’t do that! Not at all!
Still, something wasn’t right. Not with what Danielle
was doing to her. That felt wonderful. The strong hands
of the tall teenager were down to Athena’s waist now and
Athena was so warm and content she felt like purring.
Something wasn’t right about the children.
Where were all the complaints from parents or, worse,
Mrs. Devereux, about her unspeakable behavior. True, they
might not have heard about it yet, but her nude presence
(Athena started blushing at the thought) on the floor in
the play room would have been hard for anyone to miss
when they had come for their daughters at 8.
Athena was relieved when she sensed Danielle rise off
her hips and crawl down to the foot of the bed. “Good,
Athena thought. “She’s finished. Now I can finally
think this thing through in peace and then try to get
some sleep.”
Thinking over the events of the day and their possible
implications, Athena was only vaguely disappointed when
she felt Danielle spread her legs wide apart. “Must not
be finished yet,” she thought. She settled herself
deeper in the sheets, secretly enjoying the feel of the
seductive material on her heated flesh, in the pleasant
expectation of the massage being continued.
Athena stiffened though when she felt Danielle’s hands
on her thinly covered buttocks and now-spread naked
thighs. She knew she really should say something, but
she felt she was just now on the lead of something big
and didn’t want to break her concentration. Besides, she
was wearing panties, thank goodness, and Danielle was a
girl after all, so what could happen? she thought
Going back to her original idea, Athena felt
increasing surges of excitement. If nannies were indeed
expected to act as their charges’ playthings, what a
story that would make! And if they were expected to do
so for the children, what about the parents? How did
they fit into this scheme? Were the parents at fault for
their nanny’s predicament? Or was this all part of some
new child-rearing theory that was being secretly tested
in the field. And were the nannies a willing component?
She knew her group going through nanny school were not
given the same training as the others. Maybe this was
all part of her missing training? So focused had Athena become, Danielle was able to
easily slip between the woman’s opened thighs and began
to expertly tease her panty-covered vulva with one hand
while still working on her buttocks with the other. She
noted with satisfaction that Athena’s slick crotch band
was already very damp. Athena found herself becoming more and more excited.
Never had she been so turned on by an idea before! The
very idea made her absolutely breathless: Nannies as
playthings! How dehumanizing! How terrible! How
exhilarating! What a story!!
She felt electrified, as if she were on the edge of
something very important. She could feel her heart was
literally racing inside her rapidly heaving chest she was
so excited.
Without realizing it, Athena started to push her hips
against the insidious hand Danielle had working between
her thighs. Athena felt her entire body tingling with excitement!
This assignment could be her ticket after all, her big
chance to break into the major newspapers. No more free
press! No more sleazy assignments covering supermarket
openings! Athena Valentine, Washington Correspondent!
Athena Valentine, World-Famous Author! Athena Valentine,
Pulitzer Prize Winner! Athena Valentine, TV Talk-Show
It was when she was receiving the Nobel Prize for
Literature, that Athena Valentine, future multi-media
star, unexpectedly climaxed!
Shocked, the gasping Athena grabbed the silk sheets
under her in horror as her semi-nude body convulsed about
the bed. “What happened?” her dazed mind wondered as she
helplessly felt the narrow crotch band of her panties
becoming soaked with her flowing vaginal fluids. “What
in hell happened?” It was only when her body finally calmed down that she
was able to take stock. She lay there, panting for air.
She felt Danielle pull her tight soiled panties down her
hips and off her legs, but for the moment she just didn’t
care. It was when Danielle turned her over onto her back
that she started to say something, then stopped when the
teenager thankfully covered her nude body with a silk
“Thank you,” Athena mumbled, ashamed of herself once
again as she rolled over on her side and drew her knees
up to her chest, so she wouldn’t have to face a witness
to her shame.
“It’s all right,” Danielle said kindly. She turned
out the lights, pulled up the sheet, and got into bed
alongside the distressed nanny. She rolled on her side
and pressed her nude front tightly against Athena’s back.
She rubbed Athena’s thick blonde hair with her left hand
and slid her right hand up and down the curled-up woman’s
bare flank.
“There, there,” she whispered. “There, there.”
Unable to hide any longer, Athena moved her legs down
and spun around. She threw herself fiercely against the
thin teenager, wrapping her arms tightly around her bed
companion’s neck. “Oh, Danielle!” she cried. “I feel
so…so ashamed. I don’t know what’s happening to me!”
Danielle used her right hand now on Athena’s trembling
buttocks, while her left continued to stroke her
luxurious hair.
“Why? What’s wrong, honey? You can tell me. After
all, what are friends for?”
Athena had to tell someone. If she didn’t, she knew
the shame of it would eat away inside of her forever.
“Well, it all started on the flight to Chicago…”
Athena, normally a taciturn individual about anything
concerning her personal life, surprised herself by
telling Danielle everything. She told her friend about
all of the misadventures that seemed to have happened
to her since she boarded the plane so very, very early
this morning.
Moving from the base of her buttocks as Athena talked,
Danielle worked her hand over the 21-year olds vulnerable
cuntal slit. By the time Athena had reached in her
narrative all about her most recent episode here on the
bed, Danielle already had three fingers working inside of
the gasping woman’s well-lubricated vagina.
“You don’t say?” Danielle murmured sympathetically as
her long fingers continued their devilish work inside the
distressed woman’s cunt.
Athena’s mind was spinning out of control. Even as
she told her ghastly story, she could feel the terrible,
wonderful excitement building within her. “Won’t this
ever end?” she wailed to herself. She had never felt
like this before. She felt Danielle’s hands all over
her, yet knew the girl was only trying to comfort her.
It was her own body which was reacting outrageously yet
“My God!” Athena suddenly exclaimed, when her
narrative had reached the bedroom. It suddenly came to
here! The last thing she remembered on the bed was
Danielle giving her a massage. Was she that far gone, to
the point where the slightest touch by someone, anyone,
even complete strangers, could cause her body to explode?
“What is it?” ask Danielle softly, thrusting her
fingers ever deeper into the very tight and very wet
cuntal passage, while her other hand was now tweaking one
of Athena’s very responsive nipples.
Athena knew that Danielle must think her an absolute
slut for reacting to her kind touch in such a disgusting
manor. How could she ever make it up to Danielle? How
could she ever make it up to herself?
“Eh, Nothing!!” the gasping Athena shouted, her nude
body bucking as Danielle tenderly rubbed her thumb over
the woman’s erect clitoris.
“What are you doing?!?!” the lust-maddened 21-year old
finally demanded, the last of her control almost gone.
“This,” whispered Danielle with an evil grin, as she made
her final expert assault on the reporter’s vulnerable
“NO!!” shouted Athena as she frantically tried to
fight the tidal-wave of sensations pouring through her
helplessly thrashing body. “It’s too much. It’s too
much! Make it stop! Please MAKE IT STOP!!!” her mind
screamed as yet another unexpected orgasm consumed her
very being, blotting out everything within her except the
terrible pleasure-pain coming from her defenseless
spasming vagina!
With one final terrible cry of outrage and defeat, the
overwhelmed woman mercifully fainted.
Danielle re-positioned the unconscious Athena on her
back, and made a pleasant meal of her pulsing vaginal
fluids, before pulling up the covers over them both and
going peacefully asleep, one hand on Athena’s right
breast and the other nestled comfortably between the
woman’s still-twitching thighs. It was 12:01, and the first day of Athena Valentine’s
assignment as an undercover reporter, investigating the
world of the modern-day nanny, was finally over. There were only 89 more days to go until her assignment
would be completed.

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