A girl’s best friend 2.

It had to be arthritis, Juan Chaverez mused sullenly. What else… unless it was that damned bed he and Rosita lumped to the center in like a sailor’s hammock? God, how his back ached. He drove the dilapidated Chevy with an air of regality in posture, but only to relieve the pain above his hips. Slowly, he brought the vehicle to a halt and the massive woman beside him rolled out.
“Will you come for breakfast?” she asked in Spanish.
“Woman, I told you, I have that Goddamned horse to groom… and I’m lucky if I can bend over and pick up the currycomb…”
“I only asked you…”
“Keep the coffee hot,” he grumbled in their native tongue. “I still haven’t figured out why we came to work an hour and a half early on a Saturday morning. We gain no more money for our stupid kindness…”
“I told you, lummox, I had personal things to do for my Mrs. Martin…”
“Ooohhh, you and your Mrs. Martin… Ughhh! I’m going to the stables,” Juan said without looking at his wife, the pain in his back not so strong when he stood and walked. What he needed was a good and healthy belt of tequila… with a bitter wedge of lemon and salt! Christ, he was getting too old to work as he did. He was fifty… too fat and too lazy, besides his brain was still warped with visions of grandeur that had never materialized from his young years, and he hated everyone because of it. He smiled to himself. Well, nearly everyone, he thought a second time. Not the enticing little Missy… not his Katie… Damn, he had only to look at her to become revived all over again… no pain, no anything but love…! Stupid! You fat old man with the big prick! You’re stupid! But he doubted that he would ever forget the night he stood outside her bedroom window and watched her undress… strip stark naked! Then, parade around the room with that Goddamned wolf behind her, his vicious nose half way up her luscious ass! Goddamn! He’d never seen anything like it! She was so beautiful… even the beast, itself, had seemed to notice! And then, the lights had gone out! A dozen more times he had tried to watch, hoping to just glimpse her lovely breasts, her intoxicating hips and thighs… and that erotic spot between her legs where the golden hairs grew… but he’s been unsuccessful; she had remembered to close the draperies.
So… enticing things came to poor peons in small measure. At least, he got to watch the mother occasionally when she prepared for bed, and what could be a more enchanting sight than that provocative woman? All of the attributes of the daughter with dark trimmings. He grinned to himself. In truth, Juan Chaverez, you are a very lucky man… but only because you are a lecher and a voyeur. The fact that you are lazy and worthless is permissible only because you have been married for a thousand years to a good woman who bore you many sons and daughters… worthless sons and daughters! They provide nothing for your old age as you did…
The familiar partial-howl of the wolf brought him up short. He had been about to flip open the stable door when he heard it. Several things raced quickly through his mind. Number one: the filthy beast wouldn’t be in the stables unless his mistress was there; the brute never went anywhere without her. Number two: why would she be in there this time of morning, except to be with the roan? But again, why…? He hadn’t groomed him yesterday after her ride…! So, he hadn’t thought she paid that close of attention! He could, with little stupidities like that, lose his job… then Rosita would haunt him… until the pain in his back became unbearable…!
He listened, hearing strange… almost gasping sounds. The whinny of the roan even seemed distorted. The wolf whimpered again… and then, he thought he heard a human moan…! He’d slip in the side way and see…!


Katie could hardly fathom the lascivious sensations filling her from the tip of her working toes to the crown of her voluptuous blonde head. In the never-before lewd state she had let overwhelm her, she felt no more than an animal herself, nor did she want to! The enchanting delight of Genghis’ lashing, loving tongue between the flushed lips of her moist and pink cunt, however familiar, was adding immeasurably to the delight of knowing she was bringing her Gallant Red toward a climax. Insane little fermentations continued to flutter through and over the wild nerve ends of her near-naked body as he licked at her clitoris and she held to her obscene position, with raised legs and soft pink feet clutching at the horse’s massive, pendulum-cock, rubbing the outer layer of heavy skin up and down, its black mushroomed head dangling above her naked belly.
God, how she wished she could wedge it into her, but the head alone would split her wide open! She loved it! Yes, she did! Just as she loved Genghis’… and that was like some sort of impaling log! Yet… maybe she could try… just the tip when he was ready to unleash all of his love-juice…! Good God, she was losing her mind! She was nothing more than a bitch, herself…! And what was better than that…?
Katie moaned aloud as Genghis continued to lick her cunt with deep penetrating, upsweeping strokes, his vicious teeth and fangs bared and she drew back her thighs until her knees were touching her breasts. She reached down and caught Gallant Red’s elongated, black-velvety prick in her hands, then pressed it downward over her belly and between her thighs, forcing Genghis back and away.
“It’s all right, Darling!” she gasped. “I love you! You know that…! But our darling’s getting ready to cum… just like you do! Oh Baby, stay right there, don’t go away!” she managed, raising her head, and to her amazement she saw the massive wolf’s tongue licking up the backside of Gallant Red’s great cock, as she tried to nuzzle its huge head between the lips of her blonde cunt!
Suddenly, she could feel that gigantic knob pressing against the small mouth of her vagina and she was wanton with desire! Feverishly, she worked her feet up and down against his long shaft… then it happened!
The pulsating head squeezed a ways into her and she felt the horrendous squirt of his gushing sperm! Insanely, she raised her head to watch, seeing it spurt back out around the black, insinuated shaft because there was no room to take it… spurting back like a fountain to spray her belly and thighs…! And it was then that she realized how fortunate she was that his loins and hers held enough distance between to prevent more than the very tip of his mighty prick to enter her! Good God, he would’ve scooped her up like a pig on a spit! But it had been beautiful… her loving doll had emptied himself of his need… even though she still had her own…!
She lay momentarily, fascinated by the sight of his wonderful cock shrinking up and away from her, finally being absorbed in the sheath between his legs, even as her own desire relentlessly churned inside her.
She rolled from beneath the spent animal and slowly gained her feet, ever caressing him with her hands. He whinnied and nodded his head in what she considered to be gratification. Somewhere behind her, Genghis whimpered.
Damn, she thought, if she ever needed anything she needed release right at that moment! She could feel the wet viscidness of Gallant Red’s sperm on her belly and drenching her loins. God, she was an animal bitch all right… nothing more!
She dropped to her haunches and the great wolf came toward her, his tongue hanging out as if he were sweating.
“Now, Darling!” she gasped, swinging around to get on her knees and draw her skirt up to her waist, exposing her young, delightful rounded buttocks and white thighs, her ass thrust into the air salaciously, the moist pink slit of her cunt a trained haven for her precious brute… “Now Baby! Fuck it! Oh God! Fuck it!”


Juan couldn’t believe what his bloodshot eyes were actually witnessing! He had entered from the outside in through the tack-room, but stopped short at the doorway into the stables, easing it nearly closed when he saw the pretty Missy lying on her back beneath the big roan, completely naked from her belly to the tip of her toes, her long and tapered white legs raised in the air so that the Goddamned horse’s cock was caught between the pink, wrinkled soles of her feet… and she was milking the fucking rod between them, working her luscious legs up and down while she held the huge throbbing head with both small hands, nuzzling it against her soft white belly! Then, the Goddamned wolf slithered between the roan’s hind-legs, half-blocking his view of Katie’s beautifully taut, white upturned buttocks. Shit, he had even been able to see the little pink hole between her asscheeks and the coral slit separating the golden down-covered lips of her young cunt before the fucking Lobo got in the way! He opened the door wider and shifted his position until he again had a commanding vantage point… Christ! The Goddamned wolf was licking her cunt!
In his uneventful, yet, too often wicked lifetime, Juan Chaverez had never enjoyed a more obscene sight that he could recall, nor had his heavy cock ever leaped into hardness any quicker than it had right at that moment. He was damned near overcome with immediate lust and he clutched at his swollen member inside his pants as Katie let out a sensuous moan of delight.
Goddamn… if it wasn’t for that vicious bastard, he’d go over there and bury his throbbing prick in that sweet young pussy! But the brute would tear him apart if she ordered it…! Oh Christ, he’d never seen such an expression of lust on any face, let alone one so pretty as the little Missy’s… and what was she trying to do? Fuck! She was trying to wedge the head of the huge horse-cock down between her soft full thighs that she held raised and spread apart… and she was lifting her ass up so that she could splay open her moist pink cunt-lips with its pulsing black tip…!
Holy Mother! He’d seen women in Nogales and Tijuana take on a burro, but they were hags with cunts like satchels… not tender little girls with a small sweet hole like the Missy’s! It would mangle her delicate entrails if he so much as gave a lunge… and he was getting ready to squirt out his load! Shit, she would be drowned!
He saw Katie writhe and squirm, then as she continued to hold the thick back animal-cock nuzzled into her obscenely stretched open pink cunt the horse’s viscid, milky semen suddenly spurt back out of her young tight passage to drench her enchanting crotch, belly and thighs like a firehose.
The unbelievable and salacious show had set Juan Chaverez’s rock-hard prick into a throbbing ache that would never leave him now until he brought it relief in some form or another. The Missy was crawling from beneath the lucky Goddamned roan… and she would probably run to the house now and bathe away the animal jism drenching her lovely crotch, while she thought about it all and played with herself… the little bitch! If only he dared to chance it with that fucking wolf there…! Damn, he had to do something; his balls were churning as if they were on fire…! No, he couldn’t take a chance with Genghis around… the brute was too dangerous, and if she decided to cry out…! Christ, he hated to think of that…! No, he would go up to the house and make the old woman stoop over in the pantry…
What the hell! Sonofabitch, the blonde little lovely wasn’t finished yet! Now, she was down on all fours with her skirt pulled up to her waist once more, her luscious young naked ass waggling lewdly back at the Goddamned Lobo! Juan could see the glistening dampness that saturated the smooth crevice between her lush white asscheeks, while some of the creamy, viscous animal-cum continued to spill from between the blonde-fringed lips of her pink cunt to run in rivulets down the milk-white columns of her soft inner thighs…
“Now Baby!” she gasped, twisting her head around, an almost depraved expression of wild excitement contorting her beautiful face. “Fuck it! Oh God! Fuck it!”
Juan listened in awe, while he stared openmouthed at the wolf moving in between her widespread legs and thighs behind her. He heard the beast whimper eagerly, then saw him lash out with his tongue, lapping it licentiously over the entire exposed area of her open crotch, from the tightly clenched little hole of her puckered anus, down beneath the taut and damp pink edges of her pussy… even to the base of her puffy mound of silken hair, where it penetrated moistly to flick against her clitoris. Again and again, he repeated the act, his long tongue laving through her soft hair-covered genitals savagely, spreading her open in the tenderest parts until she began to twitch and jerk noticeably at his licking and sniffing of her loins.
Jesus Christ! She must be some kind of witch, Juan thought wildly to himself, while simultaneously he stroked his own swollen prick inside his pants. Or maybe she had been cursed by a demon! Otherwise, why would such a beautiful golden-haired girl be giving herself to animals this way? Holy Mother! He’d never seen the equal of it; she was like a wanton bitch… gasping aloud now as Genghis drew his hot tongue the entire measure of her sweet young cunt! Then, she closed her eyes and was inching her knees a little farther apart to open her coral-hued, gently quivering split wider to him! He saw the animal-tongue thrust up the moist hair-lined fissure, flicking at the mouth of her tight vagina, ravishing her exposed genitals mercilessly, while she moaned and coaxed him on lewdly…
“Yes… yessss, my sweet darling! That’s it, Lover… lick my cunt with your beautiful hot tongue!” Juan heard her coarse whispers. “Yesssss… Baby, like that…! Now… now, come up and fuck me, Darling! Shove your great wonderful cock into my hole…! Now, Baby! Now!”
Suddenly, the roan whinnied and the wolf mounted her… his muscular, furry body crowding in toward her widespread buttocks, his powerful forelegs clutching at her soft white hips! Juan gaped in amazed and near-overpowering lust at the glistening, scarlet wolf-prick slipping from its huge sheath, dripping freely, its tapered point jerking and dancing as the brute hunched in close to her, trying to bury the pink, lean tip and its thickening shaft into her delicious young body! Shit! This wasn’t the first time the Goddamned Lobo had fucked her; he’d bet the little bitch had trained him!


The maddening and lascivious desire racing through her carnally tingling, lush body was more intoxicating than Katie had ever known in her young teenage life! To be “hot” and “horny” wasn’t a new experience; she guessed she was as normal as any girl her age, but the sight of Gallant Red’s magnificent cock squirting his cum into her pussy had been too much! It’d gushed into her like scalding streams of thick milk, warming her belly and cunt-channel… and she could still feel a puddle of it sloshing around inside her! And the wild sensations that were charging through her at that very moment, with Genghis’ powerful forelegs clutching at her hips…! She could feel the tip of his mighty prick between her hot thighs, searching for her quivering vaginal-mouth and the ecstasy that she knew it was about to bring her saturated her venerally-incited brain!
Oh, Daddy, Lee, Mom… if you could only see your little Katie right now…!
With an unrestrained moan, she moved the twin spheres of her upthrust, spread buttocks in searching little circles, attempting to capture Genghis’ lengthening and thickening cock, the obscene thought of her act building the tension within her to an almost unbearable peak. God, how she wanted his beautiful rod inside her to finish the task her wonderful Gallant Red could never do! She had to have it inside her, like so many, many nights… but this was special… else she’d lose her mind with her building need!
Her brain raced lewdly, filling with forbidden thoughts of her daddy and Lee as she frantically reached down through the enticing arch of her thighs and crotch, grasping the moist, rubbery spear of hard animal-flesh and guiding its throbbing tip toward her tingling, damp hole. She’d fuck Daddy! She’d fuck Lee, too… but they had to make the first move! God, she would… maybe even suck them, although she’d never done either to any male! Yes, yes, yes…! Both at the same time…!
Immediately, Genghis thrust, spreading her slightly opened cunt wider and wider as with a whimper, he buried his long animal-cock deep up into the wanting and squirming pink hole between her legs!
“Oooohhhhhh… oooooohhhhhhh!” she sighed gutturally, her breath gushing from her lungs. “Ooooohhhhh Goddddd!”
Juan Chaverez had unleashed his swollen, pulsating cock. He hardly knew what in hell he was going to do with it, but at the moment he was stroking it salaciously, his arm wrapped around his protruding belly, his hand clutching the massive stalk, while he watched in lecherous fascination as the thick, scarlet wolf-prick slithered forward with a damp charge until it was sunk in the Missy to the hilt, the fucking beast’s hairy balls swinging ferally down between Katie’s moist, blonde pubic hair.
“Oh Lover!” she moaned, her eyes wide and glazed as the brute fucked into her from behind.
“Oooohhhh… ooohhhhh… oooohhhh,” she chanted in obvious relief and began to move backward rhythmically to meet the animal’s powerful long strokes into her.
Juan watched as he began to pump at his own prick more systematically and with increased vigor… watched Katie’s beautiful and contorted face, completely enraptured by the enviable animal-fucking the wolf was giving her. He found himself keeping tempo with his masturbating to the Goddamned beast’s thick cock skewering deeper and deeper into her from behind, his savage, muscular body ramming and thudding resoundingly between her lush, widespread buttocks, his vicious cock a merciless piston of glistening, rigid animal-flesh sinking to its full depth deep into her soft white belly, while she rotated her young, tender buttocks furiously, grinding them back against the fucking wolf like a hungry bitch in heat!
It was at that very moment that Juan knew that he had to gamble! The Goddamned Lobo could tear him apart; he was too old and achy anyway! Fuck, he couldn’t stand it any longer! The sight of that four-legged bastard humping his long, thick animal shaft into his Missy, while he pulled at his prick didn’t seem sensible! Goddamn, he was going to gamble…!
Katie breathed a moan of bliss from her slackened lips as she moved in cadence backwards to meet Genghis’ superb panting thrusts. She felt his forelegs clinging to her hips like furry arms, and she tried to undulate her body, rotating her buttocks in carnal little circles, giving herself fully to the erotic delight of the beautiful fucking her faithful lover was pounding into her from the rear.
She wished there was some way she could watch his pleasure-giving cock disappearing inside her clasping pussy, but she could only visualize the forbidden scene, and the mere thought of their unnatural coupling sent salacious and depraved exultation soaring through her sensually aroused, voluptuous young body. God, she wished Daddy was watching from some secret place… or Lee… or both of them together! She’d suck them… one after the other! And then… and then…!

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