“Jesus,” Dirk Donalds said softly. “Dad told me you were an old maid.”
Sherry Murphy could fed his eyes touching her as she stood up. She’d been trying to milk the cow but it was the first time in her life she’d ever tried, and she wasn’t doing very well. She brushed a strand of honey-blond hair back from her forehead and gave Dirk an exasperated look. “Well I’m not,” she said.
“I can see that,” he said, leering.
He’d been shocked when he had first walked into the barn and seen the woman bent over on the milking stool. She was nothing like he’d expected. He’d expected his cousin to look matronly, but there was nothing matronly about her. She looked about twenty-five and she was built. Her breasts pushed out at her pullover blouse and her jeans were just tight enough to reveal the outlines of her panties.
Her intelligent face was a mixture of innocence and education, as if she knew all about sex from books but had never tried it for real.
Dirk felt an aching between his legs and he knew he was going to have to try this pretty thing out.
“There’s a trick to that,” he said, pointing at the bucket. “Would you like for me to show you?”
Sherry was vet aware of all the things she’d heard about farm boys and barns. She gave an involuntary glance at the hayloft and she shivered. She wanted to run away but she controlled her impulse. She knew she had to learn to handle this guy quickly, or she’d never be able to live on the farm.
“Yes,” she said softly. “I know I must seem foolish to you, but I’ve never lived on a farm before. I’ve always been big city. But Uncle Tim just made this place seem so inviting I couldn’t turn down his summer invite.”
“It’s okay,” Dirk said. “A lot of people don’t know how to milk cows. You have to massage those tits just right.”
Sherry felt herself blush right down to her feet. He wasn’t looking at the cow when he said that. He was looking at her blouse. Again she had to fight an impulse to run away.
It was funny but she’d never had any problems with the city men. She’d not dated that much in her twenty-four years and most of the men had been very nice. Gentlemanly. She’d never had a man look at her like Dirk did.
She backed away as Dirk came near. He grinned at her as he sat down on the milking stool. His hands worked quickly and she watched the bucket being filled with white squirts. Dirk got it half-filled and then he stood up.
“Sit down,” he said. “I’ll show you how.”
“That’s all right,” she said quickly. “I think I’ve got the idea.”
“Sit down,” he said.
He took a step toward her and Sherry sat down quickly. He was a frightening seventeen-year-old with big, brawny arms and hands that made three of hers. The way he spoke left little room for refusal.
His powerful arms went around her shoulders. He grasped her hands and began to direct her in the milking process. In a few minutes she got the rhythm but still he didn’t take his arms from around her.
“You’ve got to have the right rhythm for milking,” he said. “You’ve got to squeeze just right.”
His big hands left her own and cupped her breasts. At first she couldn’t believe it. His hands actually squeezed her softly with the same pumping movements he’d given the cow.
“Please don’t do that,” she pleaded softly.
“Why not?” he asked. “It feels good. These pretty tits need squeezing now and then.”
“No,” she said. “Nobody’s ever touched me there before. Please don’t do that.”
He laughed and the sound of his laughter made her feel weak and sick. She panicked. She pushed herself away from him and slapped his face as hard as she could. Her tiny hand left five red welts across his cheek.
Immediately she was sorry. She thought she should have taken the soft approach to the situation, should have tried to talk to him. She knew she couldn’t talk to him now. His steel-blue eyes had a fierce anger in them.
“Bitch,” he said savagely.
She never saw his hand coming but she felt it. His heavy fist slammed her backward. He had bit her in the mouth and she tasted blood. He had split her lip slightly. She moved backward quickly, dodging the cow, and trying to get out of his way. His strong fingers wrapped around her wrist and jerked her back.
“No,” she begged him. “No, don’t! Please don’t hit me again! Please!”
“I might not,” he said, “If you’re nice to me.”
She was afraid of what he meant but she couldn’t help being a coward. She’d always been afraid of pain and she knew Dirk was capable of really hurting her. She didn’t want to make him any angrier than she had to.
“What do you want me to do?” she asked.
“Let’s start with a bus,” he suggested. One arm was around her waist and he tugged her closer to him. She could smell beer on his breath. She struggled weakly but she was not even close to being a match to this huge farm boy.
“Please,” she said. “You’re my cousin.”
“That’s just another reason for you to be nice to me,” Dirk said.
He pinned her so tightly against him that she could hardly breathe. She could feel his heart pounding rapidly. She felt his hot beer breath against her necks his lips brushing gently against her throat.
“Nice,” he said. “You’re nice all over. You’re nothing like I expected. I expected an old woman to cook and dean. I didn’t expect a bod like yours.”
“Please,” she whispered.
This time his lips crushed hers and his tongue pushed at her tightly closed mouth. He wasn’t having any of that. He lifted his head and stared down at her with those same empty eyes. The hand around her waist suddenly clutched her by the throat. He bent her head back until she was gasping for breath.
“Cunt,” he said. “You’ll do what I want. Open your Goddamned mouth!”
The pain was too much for her to take. She quickly opened her mouth as his meaty lips pressed down again. She felt his salty-tasting tongue filling her mouth. He wiggled it around until she understood that he wanted her to respond.
Tentatively she pushed her tongue against his and quickly drew it back. She didn’t like the taste or feel of his tongue. His hand tightened around her throat and she started to grow faint.
She started wiggling her tongue against his frantically and the grip around her throat eased. He released her and she almost fell. She fell back a couple of steps.
“That’s better,” he said. “You’re learning. Now climb up to the hayloft.”
“No,” she said.
“What?” he asked, grinning. “Are you telling me no again? I thought you were learning.”
She tried one last time to get past him. She wasn’t quick enough. His arm caught her around the waist and pitched her backward. She fell over the milk bucket and landed on her back in the hay. Dirk was still grinning, like he was having a wonderful time.
“Oh hell,” she said softly.
She very seldom cursed except when she was really upset. Right now she knew there was no way out the door, and she couldn’t outfight him. He was too strong.
He nodded at the ladder, saying, “Bitch, hurry up. I want to see that pretty ass of yours climbing the ladder. We’re going to have to get you some tighter jeans. I like to watch girls in jeans climb ladders.”
“Can’t we talk about this?” she asked.
“There’s nothing to talk about,” he said. “I’ve got a hard cock and I want some of your pussy. That’s all you need to know. Now get up the fucking ladder!”
Sherry had never heard any man use language like that in front of her, but what really frightened her was the look of intense excitement in his eyes. He rubbed one massive hand over his crotch.
“Hurry,” he mid impatiently.
In another moment she could see that he was going tort violent again, if she didn’t do what she was told. With a sigh, she turned to the ladder. He was right behind her as she climbed up the first few steps.
Twice she felt his fingers brushing her ass and once she gave a startled gasp as his hand slipped roughly between her legs and clutched her tightly.
“Oooooh,” she said.
“Like that?” he said. “It’s going to get better. You’re going to love it.”
She scrambled into the top of the hayloft and backed against a far wall. There was really very little room. There was small window on one side but it we too small to get through. She could only stand there and watch as he pulled his muscular form into the hayloft.
“Alone at last,” he said. “Don’t you like this better?”
“No,” she said.
“You’re going to,” he assured her. “You’re going to like it much better. Now take that pin out of your hair. I want to see it all soft and wavy.”
She’d knotted a lot of her hair at the back and now she took the pin out. Her hair fell to her shoulders in soft, golden waves.
“That’s good,” he told her. “Now we’re going to have a little fun, and I hope you don’t forget the lesson you had downstairs.”
She didn’t forget. He had hurt her downstairs and he was capable of hurting her again if she didn’t do exactly as he wanted. This time she didn’t try to wiggle free when he crushed her to him.
Her mouth was soft and willing when he kissed her, and she opened her lips immediately to allow his fat tongue to wiggle inside.
Then an odd thing happened. She found she didn’t dislike his kisses so much when she relaxed. His beer breath wasn’t so bad. It simply added another flavor to his salty masculine hate. It wouldn’t be so bad if all he wanted to do was kiss.
But she knew kissing wasn’t all he had in mind. His broad hands dropped to her ass and he pulled her even tighter against him so that she was feeling the huge outline of his prick pressing against his trousers. This dine she did try to wiggle away but she found that wiggling only seemed to excite him more.
Finally she remained still, her lips still being bruised by his, and his club-like hands still directed the movements of her ass.
There was one thing Dirk knew and that was that he had found a gold mine in this woman. He had expected her to be cold all the way through but he had felt the gentle response of her lips when he kissed her. She hadn’t been just putting up with him, she had been enjoying it.
He knew she was a hot one and he could get a gold mine of pleasure from her if he treated her right. A boy on the farm gets plenty of pussy to practice on.
He released her again but only for a moment. He wept her off her feet and placed her on her back in the soft hay. He saw the pleading look in her eyes and this excited him even morn. He had seen such a look on a deer he’d tapped once.
He wondered if her titties would look as good without the covering. He ran his hands beneath her blouse and cupped the firm mounds. Damn, she was wearing a bra. She started fitting him again.
One of her hands clawed for his face and he caught her wrist. He bent it backward until she sobbed in pain. He released her and slapped her face lightly about a dozen times. Tears covered her face when he stopped.
This time he half lifted her up and pulled the bra off. He slipped her blouse and bra over her head and found himself looking at the most beautiful pair of jugs he’d ever seen. Rosy areolas as big as silver coins and plenty of creamy flesh that didn’t sag at all.
She was crying softly but he paid no attention to her. He placed both hands against her titties and squeezed them. He felt the nipples growing harder under the touch of his fingers. God, she was a hot one. She was about to make him come right in his trousers.
She put her hands on the sides of his head. She wasn’t trying to get him away. She just left them there as if she were trying to beg him with her hands. Soft little sob, came from her mouth.
He had to taste that firm flesh. He squeezed both her tits so that the nipples poked at him. He bent his head and licked at one nipple.
“Oh no,” Sherry said. “Oh no. Please don’t do that.”
This time Sherry did attempt to push him away but he was as firmly fixed as a huge rock. Her feeble attempts were useless. He acted as if he didn’t even feel her hands. His lips kept licking at her nipples and she felt them getting even harder.
A tingling excitement started between her legs, something she couldn’t control. Her tits had always been sensitive, always. That was one area she’d been so careful not to let men touch them on dates. She could touch them herself and feel a hot moistness in her pussy.
But this was not touching. This was far more exciting than just touching. His tongue was causing her titties to swell to an aching need, and she no longer wanted to push him away — she wanted to pull him closer.
She slipped her fingers through this thick hair around to the back of his head and began to tug him closer. She sighed then she felt his lips open and suck her tender flesh into his throat.
“Ohhhhhhh,” she said with a delicious shiver. “You’re making me feel so funny.”
He wasn’t wasting any time. Even while his lips sucked at her titty-flesh, his fingers worked to undo the snap on her jeans. He got it apart and he jerked the zipper down. His broad hind went inside her jeans and touched her panties.
She sobbed softly as his fingers began rubbing across her most sensitive area. She knew he could feel the moistness of her panties, and there would no longer be any doubt in his mind that he was turning her on.
“Please stop!” she yelled, but they were useless words because already her hips were moving against the pressure of his fingers, and she was lifting her ass up to help him pull down her jeans.
He took her shoes off and she kicked the jeans off and she was naked except for her panties. This was the first time a man had ever looked at her that way and she flushed with a hot, fierce pride because she knew her body was good.
“Kiss me,” she said. “I want you to kiss my mouth again!”
She reached for him and pulled his mouth against hers. Her tongue darted hotly into his mouth and she heard his soft groan of surprise. She we so hot. She had never known she could get this hot. Even in the tub sometimes, when her fingers went between her legs to help the itch, she had not gotten this hot.
She lifted her back and rubbed her titties against the rough fabric of his shirt. God, how that made her feel. She could feel shivers going through her body.
He pushed her away and stood up. She knew what he was going to do and she couldn’t take her eyes off him. Her blood raced to her head and made her feel weak and sick. She stared at him with a mixture of fear and excitement.
He knew what she was looking at but he made her wait. He undid his shirt and pulled his undershirt off. His chest was like a thick oak tree and he was covered with thick, black hairs. His muscles rippled as he undid his belt and pulled the zipper open.
Her eyes were transfixed as he pulled the trousers down his legs. He sat down to loosen the strings on his heavy farm shoes. He pulled them off and then slipped out of his trousers. He wore only a pair of jockey shorts and she could easily see the outline of the hard bulge.
“I think I’m going to let you take my shorts off,” he said. He leaned back and put his hands behind his head. “Come on over here.”
She crawled over to him on her hands and knees. In his position she could have easily hurt him and escaped. The thought didn’t cross her mind. All she could think of was her burning itch and the need to look at her first real cock.
She tugged his torts down his thick legs and pulled them off his feet. Only then did she look at the weapon sticking out from between his legs. It was a brutal-looking thing. A hard shaft capped by an enormous red head. Even as she watched, a little drop of white appeared on the end.
She couldn’t move. She sat looking at him and knowing that that huge prick would soon be in her cunt, tearing her apart. She knew it would kill her. She didn’t see how it could help but rip her in two.
Yet she couldn’t refuse when he made a motion for her to come closer. She stretched out beside him and kissed him on the throat. He took her hand and placed it on his throbbing cock. Her fingers jerked back as if they had been burnt.
“Put your Goddamn hand back,” he said, and she knew he was growing angry again. Quickly she touched his firm cock, wrapping her fingers around his stalk and feeling his powerful throbbing.
He may have had something mind but her fingers touching him drove him crazy. He pushed her hand any and rolled over on top of her. She felt suffocated by his huge body. He kissed her again and she opened her mouth to him. His hands dipped beneath her body to cup her asscheeks.
“I’m going to fuck you,” he whispered into her ear. “I’m going to fuck your virgin cunt. I’m going to stick my cock right up your cunt and fuck the shit out of you.”
She couldn’t say anything. Her words fat fuck in her throat. She could feel the wetness at her cunt where his cock was rubbing against her. He covered her mouth with his own and he pushed hard with his cock. She gasped as his cock-head pressed between the rosy petals of her virgin cunt-lips.
He gave another push and his cock-head jabbed inside her until it was against her hymen. It began to hurt. She was not lubricated enough and his fat cock filled her so completely that she couldn’t relax.
He jabbed again and his cock-head broke through her hymen and jammed deep inside her. She cried out with pain. He had known she would yen and that was the reason his mouth never left her. He kept his lip crushing hers as his cock rested in her.
He didn’t move. She felt bin thick cock throbbing within her but he didn’t by to move. He remained still while his lips and tongue explored her mouth. His hands slipped beneath her again and took firm gripe on her fleshy asscheeks. He began to squeeze the firm globes as both his middle fingers probed at the crack of her ass.
Then the pain began to leave and the hot, moist hot feeling returned. That same tingly feeling began to I make her feel weak and sick. She’d have never believed it but she was the one who started to move against him.
His lips left her mouth and he kissed her throat and the tops of her titties.
“I’m going to make you go crazy,” he said. “I’m going to make you go out of your fucking mind!”
He began to really fuck her, driving his cock in and out of her cunt with a deep, filling stroke. Her cunt was stretched a little more with each stroke and she would grow a little wetter, so that in a few moments there was no discomfort at all.
She found herself liking the sensation of his stiff cock rubbing against her cunt walls and she wrapped her arms around his shoulders and pulled him tighter against her.
“I told you you’d like it, cunt,” he grunted.
She no longer cared what he said. She was not humiliated by the fact that he was making her moan with pleasure. She could only think about the delicious sensation of being really fucked. It was unlike anything she’d imagined, even in her wildest dreams. He knew how to use his cock to I make her experience the mast pleasure.
“I love it!” she cried out. “I love it! I can’t help it! It just feels so good!”
She protested as she felt him withdraw his cock from hot steaming hole. She reached for him but he moved away quickly. Again she grabbed frantically for his stiff cock, knowing that she had to be a whorish looking sight crawling on her hands and knees and reaching for his prick.
“Please,” she begged him. “Don’t leave me like this. Please let me have it. Pleaseeeee!”
“I will, cunt,” he said, grinning broadly. “I’m going to really wire it to you. Now turn around and get on your hands and knees. I’m going to put it in your cunt from behind.”
Again she felt a moment of shame but it didn’t last her long. She needed that blood red prick in her cunt too bad to protest anything he wanted done. Quickly she pulled around so that her flail body turned to him. She climbed to her hands and knees and allowed him to position her she wanted her. She felt sticky in the places whore his huge cock-head brushed gently against her.
He reached around her body and cupped her titties in his broad hands. He started squeezing them roughly until she started squirming in pleasure. She pushed back at him, tiring to pull that hard cock inside herself.
“What do you want, cunt?” he asked, laughing. “What can your old cousin give to you?”
“You know what I want,” she begged.
He squeezed her tits even harder and his fingers nabbed across her nipples until they were painful peaks of heated desire. She started shaking her head from side to aide and low sobs escaped her throat.
“Tell me,” he demanded. “Tell your old cousin what you want and I’ll give it to you.”
“Please,” she said. “Please give it to me.”
“That won’t do,” he chided. “Tell me what you want. Tell me you want me to fuck the hell out of you. Tell me!”
“I want you to fuck me!” she screamed. “I need you to fuck me! Please fuck me!”
He laughed at his victory and plunged his thick cock back into her tight cunt. He went deeper than before, so deep that she was afraid he was going to tear into her stomach. It was a fantastic feeling.
“God, I love it,” she groaned. “I love it! Give it to me. Fuck me some more!”
His rough hands kept their grip upon her hanging tits as he started slamming his cock forcefully into her. She felt a shiver each time his cock filled her. Then she felt one hand leave a tit and his fingers probed between his cock and the fleshy folds of her cunt.
She went crazy. She started squirming wildly, meeting his every deep stroke with a backward shove of her own. He seemed to somehow get deeper.
“Stay,” she moaned. “Stay in me. Something’s happening. I’m getting crazy! Oh please keep your cock in my cunt I’m so fucking hot! I LOVE YOUR FUCKING COCK!”
Her body rocked with the violence of her climax, and all the time his fingers kept massaging her tit and the fleshy folds of her cunt underneath his cock. She was left weak and exhausted but he didn’t let her fall down as she wanted.
Instead both his hands cupped her titties again and he began to drive his cock into her cunt even more savagely than before. She felt his thick prick vowing within her and she knew he was getting ready to come.
“No,” she protested weakly. “You can’t put that stuff in me.”
“Keep still,” he demanded.
It was too late to stop him from doing anything for she felt his long, shuddering sigh and then the wetness of his huge prick-head exploding into her. She felt his thick jism coating her sensitive cunt walls. He only pulled his cock out after the last thick spurt had filled her cunt.
“You’ve got some sweet pussy,” he said.
This time she was able to collapse and she felt the first hue shame. Dirk had stood up, that same wide grin still on his face, and he used her flimsy panties to wipe off the end of his cock.
She was telling herself that it couldn’t have happened. She couldn’t have allowed him to fuck her. It couldn’t have been her who begged him with those awful words. She blushed right to her ears as she thought of the wanton way she had acted and everything she had said.
Quickly she dressed herself and ran for the house with the mound of his deep laughter still ringing in her ears.
Tim Donalds knew something had happened as soon as he heard the sound of crying coming from Sherry’s bedroom, and he had a feeling that he knew what it was. Dirk had wasted no time introducing his niece to the joys of farm life.
Tim smacked his full lips together. He would have enjoyed taking the girl’s virginity himself but he was willing to settle for seconds. And thirds. And fourths.
He walked through the house and knocked softly on Sherry’s bedroom door.
“Who is it?” Sherry asked, sobbing.
“Tim,” he said.
“Go away,” she said. “I don’t want to talk to anyone right now.”
Tim tried the handle and found it wasn’t locked. He pushed open the door and watched Sherry scramble for something to pull over herself. She was a sweet-looking piece. He got a quick glimpse of full, heavy tits and a cream-white ass before she got the blankets pulled up to her chin. She looked as if she had just stepped from the shower.
“GO away,” she said again.
He walked to the bed and sat down beside her. He took her hand in his own. He caressed her soft fingers and gave her the kindest look he knew how to give.
“Sherry,” he said. “There’s no need to be so angry. I know what happened. I know you couldn’t help it. You can’t blame yourself for it.”
Sherry looked into his kind eyes and felt her tears start again. It seemed natural to put her head against his shoulder even though there was only the blanket between her naked titties and his coat.
He patted her head as she cried.
“There, there,” he said soothingly. “We’ll talk about it and you’ll feel better.”
She knew she wasn’t ever going to feel better. She’d behaved like an animal, like a two-dollar whore on the street corner. She had begged for Dirk’s cock and she knew she could never really say he raped her.
She wasn’t even aware when the blanket dropped a little and his fingers started stroking her back all the way down her spine to the cleft of her asscheeks. She was aware when he put his hand underneath her chin and lifted her face. His lips brushed against hers lightly.
She was shocked. This couldn’t be happening. Not with Tim, too. She tried to turn her face away but he held her firmly and pushed his tongue into her mouth. His tongue tasted more of peppermint than the strong beer taste of Dirk.
He had very quick hands and somehow he got the blanket down to her waist, exposing her firm, creamy tits. His hands touched her tits and caused her to shiver. He gently stroked her flesh and she could feel herself responding to him.
“No,” she protested weakly.
Somehow she found the strength to push him away, but she saw that he had no intention of stopping. He stood up and started stripping off his clothes.
“No,” she said. “What are you doing? You shouldn’t do that.”
“Shhhh,” he said. “I’m going to make your sweet little cunt feel good.”
She stared at him in disbelief as he finished stripping off his clothes. He wasn’t as strongly formed as Dirk, but his muscles were hardened from working on the farm. He stretched out beside her and she felt his half-limp cock pressing against the blanket.
“Oh no, Uncle Tim,” she whispered. “You can’t. Please don’t do this. PLEASEEEEEE!”
He kissed her, forcing his tongue into her mouth. He wiggled it around in her throat and again she felt the hot shivers going up her spine. She feebly pushed at his broad shoulders but he simply ignored her.
His hands once again cupped her titties. He ran his thumbs over her nipples, causing them to become painfully erect. She tried to slip out of his gasp but he held her firm.
“Don’t fight me,” he said. “I’m going to make you feel good. Really good.”
She wanted to scream at him and yet she wanted him to continue. She was so confused about the way her body was responding to his kisses. She didn’t want to consider herself a bad girl and yet she’d always thought that only bad girls had feelings like she’d gotten with Dirk and like Tim was giving her.
He pulled the blanket all the way off her and she knew there was no sense fighting him any longer. She realized that she wanted him as badly as he wanted her. She just couldn’t stop now to think about what was right and wrong.
“Oh Tim,” she said softly.
Tim sensed her surrender and he quit holding her so firmly. He dropped his head to one creamy mound and licked at her erect brown nipple. She cried out as she felt his lips open and take the tender bud into his hot, wet mouth.
He began sucking on her flesh and giving her feelings that she’d never known before. He gobbled her flesh like he was trying to swallow it, and all the time his wet tongue kept brushing across her nipples.
She couldn’t control the high scream that broke from her throat, and her fingers tangled in his hair. She urged him closer to her tit with the pressure of her hand. He understood what she wanted and even more of her sensitive tit was sucked into his willing mouth.
She felt his hand at her thighs and she opened her legs willingly. His fingers gently caressed her silken thighs higher and higher until he was touching her cunt mound. She found herself spreading her legs wider as his fingers brushed against the rosy petals of her cunt.
“Oh do that some more,” she begged him. “Keep touching me like that. It feels so good!”
His finger was causing a kind of electricity between her legs. She grew wet enough for one of his fingers to part the rosy petals of her cunt and push inside.
Her ass started moving against the sheets of the bed as she began to react to the gentle penetration of his finger. He pushed his finger in all the way to his knuckle and began to move it in a circular motion. She thought that nothing could feel as good as that, but he had other tricks in mind to show her. His fingers parted her cunt even more and two more of his fingers slipped inside her hungry hole.
Again he started moving those fingers in that wide circular motion that brought his fingers into contact with every sensitive part of her cunt. Every nerve in her body tingled. One finger brushed against her sensitive clit and she thought she was going to jump right out of her skin.
He had her on the brink of her orgasm and he pulled his fingers out. She pushed up at his fingers, trying to draw them inside her hungry cunt once more.
“Oh no,” she pleaded with him. “Don’t stop now. Please do something.”
“I’m going to do something,” he assured her.
His cock we rigid and she thought she was about to get fucked. She reached for his cock but he moved away from her hand. His lips covered her tit but only for a second. Then she felt his wet lips travel down her stomach, pushing into her belly button.
“What are you doing?” she cried out. “What are you trying to do to me? Put your cock in me, please. Please put your cock in me!”
Instead his face went between her thighs. She couldn’t believe it was happening. His tongue licked any her cunt juices from her thick pubic hairs. She could actually feel him sucking up some of her pussy hair into his mouth.
It seemed so dirty to have him down there. She could lift her head and see the top of his head pressed between her soft white thigh and it looked vulgar. Even more vulgar than being fucked. She kept telling herself that she wanted him to stop and yet her fingers once again tangled in his hair and pulled his face closer to her cunt mound.
His tongue probed her pussy and she screamed in shivery delight. She opened her legs wider and his tongue slipped deeply into her hot, wet crevice. He started lapping at her like a cat laps water.
“Oooooooooh!” she cried. “That’s so lovely. It’s making me feel so wonderful! So gooodddd!”
She completely gave in to the fantastic feelings his tongue gave her. She couldn’t seem to hold her body still. Her ass moved from side to side beneath the thrusting of his fat tongue. Her hands tugged at his hair, massaged her swollen titties, and jerked at her own long blond hair.
Her head went back and her red lips parted. She licked her lips each time his tongue probed her cunt. God, it was fantastic! Really fantastic! Nothing could ever match the feelings she was getting.
She knew she was growing really wet down there but he didn’t seem to mind. He was swallowing loudly, like a man really enjoying a meal.
Without warning, his tongue suddenly left her cunt.
“No!” she screamed. “You can’t stop now! You can’t! Oh God, I feel like I’m going to explode!”
He wasn’t stopping. He stretched out on his back and motioned for her to straddle him. She crawled up his body until her cunt was at his face and she lowered herself carefully. He grabbed her tightly and pulled hard until her cunt was covering his face.
She screamed as his tongue shot up into her like the touch of an electric prod. She bent backward as again and again his tongue thrust up into her. This time his hot tongue seemed to go deeper and to fill more of her cunt. She couldn’t help but grind herself against his face as hard as she possibly could.
“Ahhhh,” she gasped. “Ahhh, it’s happening! My body’s on fire! It’s happening! Your beautiful tongue! Your tongue, your tongue, your tongue, tongue it! OH GOD, IT’S HAPPENING, I’M COMMMMMIIINNNGGG!”
She didn’t give a damn if he could breathe or not as she pound herself down on his face. She erupted into his mouth with a flood of tangy juice and he never tried to move his face. He lapped her juices, swallowing every drop and then licking for more, until she finally quite trembling.
Even then he didn’t let her escape but he kept his tongue in her hot cunt. She felt as weak as she had ever felt and he didn’t by to stop her as she fell down beside him on the bed. He moved closer to her and put one hand on her tit.
“Did you like it, sugar?” he whispered.
“Yes,” she admitted. “I liked it.”
She knew she shouldn’t have told him that but she had enjoyed it. Very much. She had never experienced the hot delight that had just been hers, but she knew that she could never go without the feelings again.
He dropped his head to her titty and sucked in one nipple. She could feel his hard cock against her leg. Almost as if she were another person she reached for his cock. She felt the tough texture of his skin as she wrapped her fingers around his prick. She began to move her hand up and down.
“Uh-uh, sugar,” Tim said. “I can’t last that way. And I want to fuck your tight little cunt. I want to get my hard prick in your joy-hole.”
She agreed with him. She wanted to feel his prick in her pussy. Her cunt was already beginning to feel empty. Yet she was reluctant to move her hand. There was a strange sense of power as her hand massaged his cock.
Finally he had to force her hand away from his prick. He stretched out on his back and put his hands behind his head. He made a motion with his head for her to straddle him.
“I don’t understand,” she cried.
“I want you on top,” he explained. “I want you to do the work this time while I just lay here and enjoy the feelings.”
She straddled his body and reached beneath herself and took his cock. She laced her fingers around the stem and carefully guided the cock-head to her snug nest.
“Put it in, sugar,” he said. “Suck it right up your tight cunt.”
She bit her lip as she felt the huge cock-head pushing at her cunt-lips. His cock was bigger than Dirk’s. She hadn’t realized it before because Dirk had been so much more muscular-looking. Tim’s cock-head was already stretching the entrance to her cunt.
“Get it in,” he said. “I want to feel your cunt around my cock. I want to feel your pussy squeezing out my cum.”
“You’re so big!” she wailed.
She lowered herself a little farther and she felt the big cock-head pop into her cunt. It was a little painful. She was still a little sore from Dirk’s cock. Yet, she knew she couldn’t pull away. She knew she wanted his big prick deep inside, fucking her. She lowered herself farther until she had half his cock inside her.
Tim wouldn’t stand being still any longer. He had fucked a lot of women but he had never felt a tighter piece than his niece. He thrust upward and felt her cunt stretching to fit his savagely tearing cock.
She grunted as his cock went into her all the way to his heavy balls. A fiery feeling went through her body as her cunt grew wet again. She started moving gently up and down on his trembling cock automatically squeezing her cunt muscles against his rubbery cock-head.
“Fucking tight,” he grunted. “Your cunt is so sweet and tight. I love it, Sherry. I love your pussy.”
He reached up and grasped her tits firmly. He ran his thumbs over her nipples and was rewarded by a low sob that broke from her throat. He thought that he had never seen anything that looked as sexy as this. Her head was thrown back, her mouth open in a look of pure delight. Her long blond hair brushed her shoulders and fell part way down her back.
She looked so fucking good that she made his balls hurt. He squeezed her titties even harder, feeling the firm flesh swelling in his fingers as she grew more turned on. He had told her that she was going to do all the work but it just felt too good. He began thrusting into her, lifting himself off the bed as he slammed deep into her cunt. “Oh damn!” she cried out softly. “You’re fucking me. I feel like an animal! A fucking animal! You make me tingle and you get me so hot and your big cock fills me up so goooood!”
His hands left her tits and he grabbed her by the hair on both sides of her head. He pulled at her hair but it didn’t seem to hurt her. It only turned her on more! He pulled her down against his body, feeling those magnificent snowy titties pressing against his hard chest.
“Oh yes,” she groaned. “I like this. I like being against you.”
She started moving her body back and forth so that her titties rubbed acme his chest. The sensation made her nipples painfully hard, and it got her cunt even wetter. He was also getting more excited because she felt him increase his thrusting rhythm. His hands went down her back to the crack of her ass. She felt his finger brushing across her bare ass and then he was parting her crack.
“What are you doing?” she asked.
His mouth pressed hotly against hers and cut off any further words. His tongue pushed hotly into her mouth just as one of his fingers probed her asshole.
She realized what he was doing and she tried to pull away. He put one hand against the small of her back and easily held her steady. His tongue still probed the inside of her mouth. He started thrusting harder with both his tongue and his cock as his finger started pushing into her ass.
Again she tried to escape from him but there was nothing she could do. His finger went into her up to his knuckle and she experienced pain. She sobbed, but the more she moved the more excited he got from the friction of her cunt against his swollen prick.
Then he began to move his finger in and out of her ass with the exact rhythm of his thrusting cock. It began to feel better, and then it started to feeling good. She no longer protested. She allowed herself to be carried away with the sensation of having both her holes filed.
“Feel good, sugar?” he eked. “Does my finger make you feel good?”
“Yes,” she admitted.
“Someday we’ll try it with another cock up your ass,” he said.
Site had a moment of fear as she thought about the pain that another cock would cause. It would hurt too bad. She would never allow that to happen. Never.
Again the hot feeling went through her and she forgot her tear. She began to get wild again. She started bouncing faster against his cock, going up and down like she we trying to milk the white stuff from his cock-head. He wasn’t going to last much longer for she could feel his throbbing cock growing even larger inside her.
“Baby,” he grunted. “Baby, you’re so tight! Your cunt is so good. You’re making me blow my wad. You’re going to make me pour my stuff up you. Fuck me, baby, it feels so good I’m going to comeeeeee, babyyyyyyyy!”
His hot jism erupted from the end of his cock in thick rivers that filled her insides. She could feel her own electric sparks going up her spine and that growing wetness between her legs.
“Oooooh,” she moaned as she pressed herself closer to him, wanting that exciting feeling of having his hard, bare chest rubbing roughly against her sensitive tits. Her nipples rubbed against his and her entire body was one fiery mass.
“Fuck me,” she begged. “Fuck me hard! Fuck me really hard! Make me see stars!”
He knew what she wanted and he pushed her off him. She protested but not too much as he pushed her off the bed. He made her turn around with her head against the bed and her gaping cunt exposed. He drove his cock furiously into her cunt without waiting for her to get positioned exactly right.
“That’s right!” she cried. “That’s how I want your big cock. Fuck me hard. Really give it to me!”
He fucked her harder than he had ever fucked anyone, driving his cock into her wet cunt with an animal savagery. She loved it! She moaned and begged for mote. Her ass wiggled against him with every stroke.
“I’m cominggg,” she whispered. Then her voice grew higher. “I’m coming I’m coming I’m coming I’m COMINGGG!”
He felt her cunt muscles squeeze his cock and only when her hot juices flooded him did he feel his cock beginning to grow soft. God, she was a fine piece of ass! He’d never stayed that hard for so long after he’d come. She was a fantastic addition to the farm.
Sherry might have learned to control her newly awakened sexual desires if Tim and Dirk had fucked her regularly for a while. Instead they ignored her. She did her chores while she waited for one of them to attack her again, but they both seemed to have forgotten she existed.
She told herself that she was not the kind of poison who would approach them, but her finger wasn’t enough to extinguish the fire that had grown in her. Each night for a week she went to bed with her body aching.
She was at the point where she was ready to beg them to fuck her again when Tim and Dirk decided to take a trip to town. She was unaware of their plans until she awakened one morning and found the note on the kitchen table.
“Damn them, anyway!” she said bitterly. “Why did they do this to me?”
She tried to get rid of her increased desire by working around the house. She cleaned frantically but nothing helped. She did everything that could be done and finished by twelve o’clock and still there was a fiery itch between her legs.
“I can’t stand it!” she wailed. “I can’t go on like this. I need a man.”
She went into the bedroom and stretched out on the bed. Her hand went between her legs but her caressing fingers only increased her desire. She got up off the bed.
“Maybe a little walk will help,” she said.
She told herself that she was really not thinking about David as she pulled off her house dress and pulled on her jeans and a revealing halter top. She was just going to get a little more exercise and that was all.
She was going to feed the chickens when she heard the big truck pull into the front yard. Two huge men were already unloading boxes by the time she got to the barn. Both men were rugged truck-driver types, stained with sweat and dirt. They both wore only their trousers and their naked chests were covered by thick mats of hair. They looked like naked apes.
She tried not to look at them as she walked to the barn. They made her nervous. She didn’t return the larger man’s grin. Instead she gave him a haughty look as she walked past them and the barn to the chicken coops.
She was aware of one of the rough-looking men punching his friend in the arm and they both stopped work and stared at her. One of them made an obscene gesture with his hand at his crotch.
“Look at that ass,” she hoard one of them whisper.
“She sure don’t mind showing it, either,” the other man said.
She fed the chickens quickly, but she didn’t want to walk back past them. Instead she decided she would do a little, exploring, at least until they were gone. She walked past the barn and found a meadow with high green grass. She followed the meadow path until she reached a clump of trees. Right there it felt nice and smelled fresh and she decided to take a seat and wait for the sound of the truck leaving.
It didn’t come. She had waited ten minutes when she was aware that she was not alone. She looked up and she found the two grinning truck drivers standing over her. She felt a little afraid. They had funny expressions on their faces, the same look Dirk had had when he’d raped her.
But this was different. Dirk was really a nice-looking boy. There was nothing nice-looking about these two men. Both of them had a couple of days beard on their faces and they both smelled dirty.
“What do you want?” Sherry asked them.
“We thought you might be getting a little lonely waiting out here,” one of them said. “We thought we’d come out here and keep you company.”
“Yeah,” the other said. “You’re too nice-looking to be sitting here all alone.”
Then Sherry knew what was going to happen and she knew there was no sense fighting. She had really tried to fight Dirk and he had been much too strong for her. And either of these truck drivers looked as if he could break Dirk in two.
There was also no use screaming. Only the cows and chickens would hear her. There were no other houses close enough to the farm for anyone to hear screaming. One truck driver sat down in the grass beside her and put a hand on her thigh.
She didn’t protest as his hand traveled up her thigh and touched between her legs. He grinned at her as he began squeezing her cunt. His fingers explored her as if he owned her.
“You’re not going to fight,” he said.
“No,” she said.
“Good,” he said. He leaned back and put his rough hands underneath his head. “Now you just take it out and play with it a little bit. I watched your ass jiggling when you walked across the yard and I got so fucking hard it hurt. Now I want you to take the edge off.”
Her tiny hand trembled as she reached for his zipper. He was still grinning at her and she had the feeling that he would like it if she tried to fight him. She had a feeling the only thing fighting would get her would be a few hard blows. She wasn’t a coward but these two men frightened her. Alone in the woods they could do anything they pleased with her. She had to do what they wanted even if she found it distasteful.
Burt Andrews felt the fear in her and he loved it. He liked for a woman to be afraid of him. It made it more exciting. He knew he could do what he wanted with this young piece and she would only come back for more. Hot damn, he thought. It’s like discovering a goldmine right in the front yard. He spread his legs as she undid his belt and pulled down his zipper. His cock was throbbing hard and he breathed a sigh of relief as she wrapped her fingers around his meat and pulled it out. He lifted his hips so that he could pull his trousers down to his knees.
She was a pretty Goddamned thing. She was looking at his cock like it was something she’d never seen before. He watched her lick her lips nervously. He reached for her hair and tugged her don.
“Suck it, cunt,” he said. “I want to feel my prick in your mouth. Get the fucking edge off.”
God, it was fine. He felt her soft red lips touch the end of his pecker. He felt her lips open and she took just his sensitive cock-head into her mouth. She began to use her mouth and tongue on his prick. She was no novice at cocksucking. He wondered if Tim and Dirk had been teaching her things.
“Play with my balls,” he said.
Her soft, gentle fingers cupped his heavy balls. He groaned as the sensations overwhelmed him. Her fingers caressed his sac while her mouth sucked at his prick. She sure was a sweet-sucking bitch. He grabbed her by the back of her neck and forced her farther down on his cock.
“Get it all in then, baby,” he said. “Fill up your fucking mouth with it. Mine isn’t the first cock you’ve ever sucked. You know how to do it.”
He forced her lips down until he could feel his cock-head pressing the back of her throat. He grabbed her with his other hand and began forcing her head up and down. Her sweet lips slid up and down his rubbery staff like a action pump. He knew he was leaking slightly but she didn’t try to pull her lips away. She had tasted cum before. He could feel the boiling cum in his balls and he knew he was going to empty his load into her throat.
“Baby,” he groaned, “this feels so good. I’m going to fill your mouth! I’m going to put my cock down your throat and fill your fucking mouth. Ah Jesus, babyyyy!”
Sherry, had gotten enough practice with David to keep from choking. She swallowed quickly, drinking down great gulps of his thick cum. She had to admit to herself that she was excited at the thick, salty texture of his cum. She could feel that familiar hot urge between her thighs as she kept his large, rubbery cock-head pressed against the back of her throat until he had finished.
She didn’t release him immediately. She kept licking at his cock-head until she was sure she had gotten every drop of his precious cum. He stroked her head and shoulders she completely cleaned off his prick, and then ran her tongue down to his balls. She carefully licked each of his balls with her tongue until she felt him growing excited again.
“Damn!” he exploded. “What a cocksucker! You’re the best fucking head I’ve ever gotten!”
She was strangely pleased at his compliment even though she told herself she didn’t give a damn what he thought of her. But he did have an exciting taste. She could still taste his cum against her red lips.
“Damn, Burt,” Eric Mann said impatiently. “I’m getting all hot and bothered just watching. I’ve got to have some of that.”
“I got her pussy first,” Burt told his friend. “You can have her sweet mouth. I promise you a really fantastic blowjob!”
Sherry had almost forgotten about the other burly truck driver as she had been concentrating on Burt’s prick. Now she felt his able hands exploring her ass and thighs. She stretched out on her back as she felt him pushing her thighs apart. He kissed her creamy thighs softly, running his tongue underneath her tight shorts as far as he could. Burt was kissing her throat and suddenly his mouth pressed hotly against her own, and his tongue wiggled into her throat.
She started to feel weak and trembly. This had never happened to her before and it was a new experience. Two men touching her body anywhere they liked. Kissing her. Even the thought was exciting, mostly because of the depravity of the situation.
She felt like she should protest what they were doing but already Burt’s hands unzipped her shorts and started pulling them down and she knew she didn’t have the will to resist. She lifted up to help him slip the tight shorts off her legs.
“Look at that,” Burt said softly. “She’s not wearing panties. She was ready for us.”
Burt’s hand went underneath her halter top to cup one firm tit. He laughed rudely as he felt her nipple grow hard under his touch. Quickly he jerked her halter top over her head. Her tits were exposed to his hungry eyes and lips.
He bent his head and ran his tongue over one of her nipple, licking her sensitive flesh until she started arching her back, trying to push more of her tit into his mouth. He responded by biting her all over her creamy flesh, his lip, and tongue making her feel wet with his saliva.
She felt the other truck driver’s hands between her thighs, pushing her legs apart. She knew her cunt was exposed to his eyes. She shivered as she felt his fingers touching her there. Then his mouth was basting the insides of her thighs, his lips sucking up her soft fish just as Burt worked on her aching tits.
“Oh stop that,” she pleaded with them. “Please stop that. I can’t stand it!”
Sensations went through her like she’d never had before. A fiery heat grew between her legs and made her wet. She was ready for a cock. Any man’s cock. All this kissing and touching was driving her crazy.
She reached for Burt’s cock. She found his prick hard and throbbing. Her fingers laced tightly around his stem and she squeezed convulsively. She started running her fingers over his sensitive cockhead, she was moaning softly as every inch of her body seemed on fire. She opened her silky legs wider and she felt Eric’s face pressed snugly against her cunt mound. She gasped as he licked away her juices. She grabbed his hair with one heated tried to nil him tighter against her.
“Oooh,” she sobbed. “That’s nice! That feels so nice!”
His tongue parted her cunt-lips and slipped inside her moist cavern. He began licking the juices of her inner cunt, making loud noises as he swallowed her tangy juices. She lifted her ass off the ground as her cunt tried to suck more of his tongue into her.
“I love it,” she sobbed. “I love your hot tongue in me! Oh eat me! Eat me up!”
Burt’s mouth left her tits. He grabbed her by the hair and bent her head backward. His tongue thrust hotly into her mouth. His other hand groped at her titties.
“God,” he said. “I’ve got to fuck you. I’ve got to put my cock in your sweet pussy.”
Both men left her writhing against the pound as they tore off their clothes. They looked like two savages standing before her, both of their pricks hard and ready. They looked like they were ready to kill her instead of fuck her. She climbed to her knees quickly and sucked Burt’s cock into her mouth. He pushed her head away and she moved to Eric’s cock. He had a gigantic one and she could hardly get its stiff flesh into her mouth. She hollowed her cheeks as she sucked his sweaty rod deeper into her throat than she had ever had a cock. She could feel his huge cock-head pulsating against the back of her throat.
“You’re right, Burt,” Eric moaned. “She can sure give head. She can sure fucking suck a cock!”
She remembered that Burt had liked his balls played with and she touched Eric’s. She brushed her fingers lightly against his balls over and over as she gobbled on his prick. She could foci his growing excitement as well as taste his wet stickiness leaking into her mouth.
“She’s good,” Eric groaned. “She’s so fucking good at this! I feel like she’s going to suck it off!”
He grabbed her by both sides of her head, his fingers tangling in her thick blond hair. He started ramming his cock into her mouth, feeling a sense of power as well as lust. This was the kind of thing he’d dreamed about in his fantasies. A beautiful blond girl on her knees while he fucked her savagely between her hall, red lips. He could feel her throat contracting against his throbbing prick.
He had never felt so brutal with a woman! He had never felt the need to punish one with his cock. He remembered a country school teacher he’d had. A pretty blond girl like this one. How many times had he dreamed about fucking her mouth while he had jerked off at night.
His strong fingers tightened in her hair. He could feel the fiery ache in his balls that meant he was approaching his orgasm. He wanted her to gag on his cum. He wanted to make her swallow a gallon of it. He wanted the feeling of really making her work. Her mouth worked frantically as she sensed his coming. He pulled his cock out of her mouth and held the dripping head next to her soft cheeks. He leaked on her skin, leaving a wet stain. He was coming. He felt it spurting from his slit. He pushed his cock once more deep into her throat so that she could get it all.
“Swallow it,” he said savagely. “Swallow it, cunt! Swallow it all. I want to feel you swallowing it!”
He jut his fingers against her throat as he felt his prick spurt into her mouth. He could feel her throat muscles working as she swallowed his jism. It was exciting. God, it was exciting. She was every woman he had ever desired swallowing his cum. He made sure that not a drop of his cream escaped. He held her head in a steely grip as she sucked out the last drop.
His prick finally wont soft and escaped her throat, and he heard her take a deep breath. He had really made the little blonde cunt work on him. His balls felt empty, drained, and he felt exhausted. He looked up to find Burt smiling and squeezing his cock.
“Good?” Burt questioned. “Was it as good as I told you it was?”
“It was fantastic,” Eric agreed. “She drained me dry.”
“Not me,” Burt said. “I’ve got a little more and feel that tight little pussy around my cock.”
Sherry was still on her knees and she had never felt so tired and yet so excited. Her throat muscles were sore and yet she knew she would keep sucking cocks as long as possible. She was already ready to taste more. Between her legs she was wet and hot, and knowing that Burt was going to fuck her made her even more excited. Burt saw the hunger in her eyes and he laughed. He moved down so that his dripping cock-head pressed against her cheek. She licked any a drop of cum from his tiny hole.
“You’re hungry for it, aren’t you, baby?” Burt asked. “You want old Burt’s cock right up your hot twat. You want to get fucked, don’t you?”
“Yes,” she admitted. “I want you to fuck me.” He pushed her back on the soft green grass. He made her lift her legs until they were above her head. She knew that nothing could have looked more depraved than she now looked. Her cunt gaped open to his view, and she knew her blond pussy hairs were covered with her glistening juices.
“Pretty,” he said. “A sweet-looking pussy. I’m going to fuck the shit out of you, baby.”
He knelt between her legs and drove two fingers into her wet cunt. His fingers went in easily and she shivered as his fingers caused her inner heat to grow. She began moving against the rhythmic thrust of his fingers.
“Hot damn,” Burt said. “She’s a hot piece. I can hardly wait to sample her goods.”
His fingers slipped out of her cunt and he fell against her. His weight pressed her legs into an even more uncomfortable position but she didn’t care. Al that mattered was his big cock-head fitting snugly against her hot cunt.
“Put it in me,” she begged him. “Put your big cock in me. Fuck me!”
He plunged his thick cock deeply into her cunt. She sighed softly as she felt the length of his stiff rod filling her. She started to move against him as his cock slipped deeper into her that any cock had ever gone.
“Harder,” she groaned, her arms pulling at his body. “Fuck me harder.”
He knew what she wanted and he gave her everything he had. He fucked her brutally, his balls slapping loudly against her ass. Her cunt seemed to tighten on his throbbing cock with each savage stroke. Such sweet, tight pussy. He knew he was having one of the best pieces he would ever have.
He was in so deep that Sherry could almost feel him in her stomach, and yet she still pushed up at him for more. His brutal, tearing cock tilled every inch of her cunt deliciously. How she loved it! It was a part of a man that she could love the most. She kept grinding herself against him as he made her tingle more and more.
“It’s so gooooood!” she wailed. “Your cock feels so good! I love a cock! Any cock! All of them make me feel good. Fuck me good and hard with that beautiful cock!”
Her fingernails dug into his back as she felt her climax growing. She could feel his thick prick growing also and she knew it wouldn’t be long before he came. She could open her eyes and see Eric watching them. He had dressed again but he couldn’t pull himself away. He had never seen anything like the two writhing bodies fucking on the grass. It was savagely beautiful!
“I’m going to come!” Sherry cried out. “I can feel my cunt hurting. I’m coming. Your good cock is making me come. Give it to me harder. HARDER! HARDERRRRRR!”
“Ah fuck, baby,” Burt moaned. “You’re tearing me up! You’re killing me. Fuck, baby, it’s so nice I can’t stop it. I’m going to pour it in your hot cunt! Right in your sweet fucking cunt!”
Their juice mingled as they collapsed together. It took a long time before Sherry could move again. Buy inch of her body felt scream tired. She felt Burt get off her but she didn’t open her eyes. She heard thorn talking and laughing as Burt dressed. She didn’t know how long she remained there but then she opened her eyes they were gone.
She got up and gathered up her clothes. She didn’t bother to get dressed. There was nobody who could see her but David, and he’d already seen everything she had. Right now all she wanted was a nice, hot shower, and a long nap.
Tim and Dirk returned the next day but Sherry found that she wanted little to do with them. She was ashamed of herself. Ashamed of the way she had acted with them, with David, and especially with the two truck driven. Those two truck drivers had used her brutally and it was shameful the way she had begged them for more. She blamed everything that had happened to her on Tim and Dirk, and she had few words to say to them.
She did the few things that needed doing around the farm, the cooking and cleaning. She didn’t mind that hard work seemed to deans her soul and helped to keep her mind off sex. She we a little surprised that none of them tried to force her, although it seemed like a natural thing for them to do. After all, she hadn’t made much of a fuss the first time.
But neither rim nor Dirk seemed awfully interested in her. She heard thorn talking that evening and she had to blush at their busing stories. No wonder they weren’t ready to jump on her the moment they came home. If all their stories were true then they didn’t suffer from want of pussy while they were gone.
She went to bed early that evening because she was tired of listening to their stories. She took a hot show and decided to sleep with only her pantie, on. She didn’t expect to be bothered but to had locked her door just the same. She had barely gotten into bed when she heard someone trying to open the door.
“Who’s there?” she asked.
“It’s Dirk,” Dirk said. “Open this fucking door. I’ve got something to talk to you about.”
Go away, she said. “I’ll talk to you in the morning.”
She wasn’t prepared for what happened next. Dirk a cry of rage and her door seemed to splinter, into fragments. He was standing there looking at her with an ugly expression on his face.
He was wearing only his shorts and he was holding a can of beer.
“Get out,” she whispered. “I don’t want you in my room.”
“Well you fucking bitch,” he said. “I only wanted to talk but you’re behaving like your cunt has gotten gold plated while I’ve been gone.”
She was frightened of his. As frightened as she’d been that day in the barn. He walked across the room and she didn’t protest when he tore the covers back from her. He fondled her naked tits with one hand while he finished off his beer.
“You got a nice pair,” he said. “I had a fantastic redhead this weekend. She was able to hold her tits together so I could fuck her between them.”
“Please leave me alone,” she begged him.
He laughed at her. He crumpled his beer can up and dropped it to the floor. He stepped back and stripped out of his jockey shorts. His prick hung limply between his legs and she gasped softly. She couldn’t help the feelings that went through her. He was just so strong-looking, and so commanding that he made her feel weak. Like the truck drivers had made her feel.
He got into bed with her. He kissed her gently on the lips and then he leaned back and put his hands behind his head.
“I’m tired,” he said. “You do all the work. Suck my prick, cunt!”
Her heart pounded as she went down on him. She kissed the rubbery tip of his cock and felt it coming to life. She opened her lips and took just the cock-head between her teeth. She worked on the sensitive ridge with her teeth and tongue until his pride began to get stiff.
She hollowed her cheeks as she sucked the length of his prick into her throat. Her fingers traced patterns on his sensitive balls. She felt his hand at the back of her head, softly directing the movements she made.
He groaned softly as her red lips sucked his prick down to his balls. He filled her mouth and almost made her gag, but she didn’t release him. Instead she squeezed his balls between her fingers and started to move her head in a circular motion. Somehow she knew he would like this.
“Sweet,” he said softly. “You’ve got a sweet mouth. Suck me good, baby. Keep it up. I want to put my cum in your throat. Suck me good!”
She started bobbing her head, her mouth going up and down his cock in quick, jerky movements. She felt his cock start to throb and then his cock-head grew in her mouth and she knew he was losing control. His rough hand pressed down hard on the back of her head and she felt him leaking into her mouth.
“Ahhhh,” he groaned softly. “Nice, baby. Keep sucking me like that. So fast. You’re a fucking cocksucker, baby. A real fucking cocksucker. Aghhh! I’m blowing it in your mouth aghhhhhhh!”
He spurted once into her mouth and then he jerked his cock out so that the rest of his jam struck her cheeks and dripped to her full tits. She didn’t pull her face away. She didn’t close her eyes. She knew he wanted to see her being covered in his cum and she tried to give him what he wanted. He sighed and fell back. His eyes never left her as she rubbed the cum onto her fingers and popped her fingers into her mouth. Again she just knew this was something he wanted to see.
“Lick it clean,” he said.
She lowered herself to his prick once more and licked every inch of his shaft. She even popped each of his heavy balls into her mouth. He was finally satisfied and he pulled her up against him.
“I’m so hot,” she whispered.
“Keep that way,” he said. “I’m too tired tonight, and you’ve got a big day tomorrow.”
“What am I doing?” she asked.
“You’re going with me to a country turkey shoot, baby,” he said. “I want to show off my new girl. I want you to wear a short skirt and a tight blouse with no bra so your tits are free to shake. I want to turn the guys on.”
He drifted off to sleep even as he talked to her. She was so hot but she was afraid to move. She remained nestled in his strong arms until her heart quit pounding and she was able to breathe normally again. She wanted to come and scream at him, but she didn’t have the strength to do that. She knew he was boss when she was with him.
She drifted off to sleep thinking about the turkey shoot. She had no idea what a turkey shoot was. She didn’t think she wanted to go watch anything being shot, but she knew she was not going to refuse to do anything Dirk asked her to do.
She awakened early the next morning but Dirk was already up. She got out of bed and took a hot shower to help her wake up. It was time to dress and she debated about what she was going to put on. She already knew what Dirk wanted her to wear and she knew he would be angry if she didn’t, but she was not the kind of girl who enjoyed showing herself off. She picked out a pair of pants and a shirt but then she knew that he would make her come back upstairs and change.
She finally got nerve enough to put on her shortest skirt and a blouse. She looked at herself in the mirror. Her skirt barely came below her thighs and her big nipples were very obvious beneath her sheer blouse. She knew that the boys would certainly be turned on.
Dirk said nothing when she came downstairs, but she saw his eyes open wide in approval. He took her arm and guided her out to his old truck. He put his hand underneath her skirt as he helped her get into the truck. She felt his rough hand give her ass a hard turn.
“Beautiful ass,” he said.
He slipped into the driver’s seat and he made her sit close and pull her skirt up above her panties. He played with her thighs each time he changed gears. She couldn’t help but get turned on. She’d been hot the night before and now he was awakening the fires within her again.
She could feel her nipples poking hard against her blouse and she realized that was what he wanted. The boys were really going to be jealous when they saw her so obviously turned on. She’d thought she had known shame before but now she was going to know what being shamed really meant. All those hungry eyes staring at her, undressing her, fucking her with their imaginations.
There were only a few men around when Dirk pulled the truck off the road. She was thankful to see that there were paper targets lined up in rows. At least they weren’t going to be shooting at anything alive. Dirk stopped the truck and she felt hot eyes on her as she got out. Dirk put his hand on her bottom and gave her a squeeze. She saw the smug looks pass between the men.
She’d thought the day was going to be had but she didn’t know how bad. She was the only woman there and the men started getting drunk and they took advantage. Dirk didn’t seem to mind a man letting his hand stray to her thighs or putting his arm around her waist and letting his hand brush her titties. In fact, Dirk didn’t seem to mind anything his friends wanted to do.
But Sherry minded. She grew more humiliated as the day passed. She found these men vulgar. She didn’t stay as turned on as when she had first arrived. She only wanted to get away from the shooting, the rough laughter, and the pawing hands of drunken men.
Dirk got so drunk that he hardly knew where he was, and Sherry was able to slip away from him. She would, have taken the truck but Dirk had the keys and she wasn’t about to ask him for them. She decided to walk. She had gone only a few steps when she heard someone coming after her.
“Where the hell you going?” Dirk asked in a slurred voice. “The fun’s just starting. We thought we’d go down into the woods for a party. Just you and three or four of my friends.”
Sherry felt her heart pound as she looked beyond Dirk into the pinning faces of the men who had followed him. There were at least a half-dozen big, brawny men. She considered running but Dirk must have known what she had in mind. He grabbed her by the arm and his eyes were hard.
“Now don’t you hurry off,” he said. “Like I said, the fun’s just starting. The boys just want to we if everything you got is real.”
Dirk started dragging her off toward a clump of frees, his friends following like hungry wolves. She couldn’t believe this was happening. She had been shamed at the thought of doing it with two men, but now Dirk was about to force her to have sex with many more than two.
“Dirk,” she whispered. “Let me go. Please let me go. Don’t do this.”
He continued to pull her toward the trees. She gave up hope. There was no sense flying to struggle. She would simply have to take what came. She would feel her body tingling a little. God, what’s wrong with me? She was actually starting to get excited at the thought of being fucked by all these men. She didn’t want to feel that way. It was a disgusting feeling. But she had to admit to herself that there was something exciting in the situation.
Dirk got her to the bushes before a tall, gentle-eyed man stepped in front of them. At first Dirk didn’t realize what had happened. He looked up with a puzzled expression. He started to pull Sherry around the man but again the man stepped in the way.
“What you doing?” Dirk asked. “Get out of the way.”
“You’ve had your fun,” the man said. “Now I’m taking her home. Let her go.”
Sherry thought she was about to see the man broken in half. There was an angry mumble from the men behind her. She saw Dirk’s face grow beet red and his right fist clenched.
“Go ahead,” the tall man said gently. “Try it. I want you to.”
Dirk relaxed and Sherry realized that Dirk was actually afraid of the man. There was something so confident in his manner that Sherry found she was looking at him with a new respect. He may have been tall and skinny, and not very handsome, but there was something about him…
“I’ll take you home now,” he said.
He took her arm and guided her back through the crowd. There were a few muted grumbles but nobody got in the way. Sherry could see the respect and fear on the faces. This was a man that few men wanted to mess with. His grip on her arm was firm but gentle. She could have jerked away but she didn’t want too.
“My name’s Rick Dobbs,” he told her. “I’ve got a few things to pick up in the target shed and then I’ll take you home.”
She nodded. The target shed was damp and dark. Rick shut the door and locked it. His arm went around her waist and his lips nuzzled at the back of her neck. Suddenly Sherry know why Rick had taken the trouble to rescue her. He had rescued her for himself.
“You were excited by the trouble, weren’t you?” Rick asked. “You were expecting a fight.”
Sherry realized that what he said was true. For a few minutes there she had wanted a fight. It hadn’t mattered who would be fighting or who would win, just as long as they fought. Like cavemen fighting over her. She would be the prize of the victor.
His hands went up the back of her firm, creamy things and touched her panty-covered ass. She moaned softly as his strong hands kneaded her flesh. His fingers slipped into her panties and touched her bare skin.
“I like that,” she told him honestly. “I like your hands touching me.”
He turned her around so that he could kiss her mouth. Her sweet lips parted under his and he sucked her tongue into his mouth. Her pointy tits pushed excitedly against his chest and he felt his cock go stiff.
“Sweet Jesus,” he moaned softly. “You did get excited back there!”
“Yes,” she admitted to him. “I did! I got so hot!”
There was very little room in the target shed but there was enough room for him to push her down on her knees. He looked down at the top of her head. Her fingers tugged his zipper down and he felt her hot hand slip into his trousers. Her fingers seemed so cool a she touched his rod. He hadn’t been completely stiff but he grew immediately.
“Ummmm,” Sherry said. “You’ve got a big one.”
Her fingers wrapped around his flesh and she tugged his cock out. He grabbed the back of her head and pressed her face against his crotch. She didn’t seem to mind. Her mouth opened immediately and he felt like he was being engulfed by hot lava. Her tongue was a sexy, darting weapon that covered the tip of his cock with kisses.
He pulled her tighter and he felt his thick cock slip all the way into her mouth until his cock-head fitted snugly against the back of her throat. She was sucking him as no woman ever had. Her throat muscles worked on his cock, sending shivery sensations up his spine and making his balls burning hot and heavy with cum.
He stroked her golden hair as she sucked him. Her hair felt so nice. He dropped his hands between them and cupped her full tits through the thin blouse site wore. He could feel her excitement. Her nipples were painfully hard and her titties felt swollen with her lust. He squeezed her flesh hard and heard her moan. He lifted his head and his mouth fell open. Nothing had ever felt as good.
He was too close to blowing his wad and he wasn’t ready for that. First he wanted to feel, her snug pussy fitting over his cock. He wanted to slam his throbbing cock into her cunt and make her squeal for joy. He was so fucking hot! He put his hands in her hair again and tugged her head away from his swollen cock. He could see a little drop of cum on her bottom lip. As he watched, she licked it away.
“Don’t stop me,” she begged him. “Let me keep sucking you. Ill suck you off all the way. Ill swallow it. I like the taste of your cum.”
“Later,” he said. “Right now I want to fuck you.”
“Yes,” she agreed, her eyes opening wide. “I want to be fucked. I’m so hot!”
He lifted her to her feet and his mouth crushed against hers. She opened her lips willingly as she felt his tongue probing. He drove his tongue deep into her mouth while his rough hands cupped her buttocks. She pressed herself tightly against him, feeling his hard cock throbbing excitedly against her.
Her fingers quickly undid his belt and pulled his trousers apart. He was wearing no shorts and she tugged his trousers down to his knees. Just as quickly she undid the buttons of his shirt and pulled his shirt apart. She pressed herself against his hard, hairy chest and she felt the shivery heat go all through her.
She dropped her hand to his cock and laced her fingers around the blood-filled stem. He was leaking and she felt her hand get sticky. She began to move her fingers up and down the length of his pulsating cock. She dropped her hand to feel his balls, heavy with cum for her. The thought excited her even more. She wanted to feel that big cock inside her, pounding her senseless.
“Fuck me,” she groaned softly. “I need your cock so bad. I need a man to teach me. I need a man to put his cock in me. I’m so hot!”
There were some targets piled up in the corner and he pushed her back. His hands tugged her panties down her legs and she opened her blouse down the front. He turned her around so that she was leaning against the targets while he was still standing.
His hands went underneath as he grabbed her hanging titties. Her skirt was up above her waist and she felt his cock pressing against her cunt. She moaned as she felt him pushing his cock-head into her cunt. It was good! So good! She felt her cunt stretching to admit his throbbing cock. She pushed back against him, her cunt sucking up every delicious inch of his prick. His fingers tightened on the fiery, sensitive flesh of her titties.
“Fuck me!” she cried. “Jesus, fuck me!”
She knew that anyone standing anywhere near the target shed would know what was going on inside, but she didn’t care. All that mattered was that great, throbbing prick filling her insides.
“Hard!” she screamed at him. “Fuck me hard!”
Rick had never met a woman who got as excited as she did. He felt her pushing back to meet him as he began his savage thrusting. He fucked her brutally, as if he were trying to beat her to death with his prick. She seemed to love it, because her breath came in soft gasps and she met his every thrust.
He got deeper into her, somehow. The target were shaking. His heavy balls fitted snugly against her each time he shoved his cock into her. His entire cock felt as if it were a spear of flame, and he could hardly stand the fantastic tingling sensation as his cock-head parted the juicy folds of her cunt.
“Oh baby!” Rick cried. “I’m going to come! I’m going to pour my cum in your cunt! It feels so good, so good! I love it! God, it feels so fucking NICE!”
She pushed back against him as she felt his cum pouring into her hungry cunt. The feeling of his thick cum striking her cunt walls caused that sweet heat to grow in her body. She pulled away from his cock and turned over on her back. She lifted her legs high and pulled his cock back into her again.
“Stroke me hard, Rick!” she screamed. “Put that fat cock in me deep! That’s it! That’s how I want you to fuck me! Again! Fuck me hard. OH GOD, RICK, I LOVE IT!”
The entire shed seemed to shake. She kept grinding herself against him until all her good feelings passed and her juice had mingled with his thick cream. It had felt so good! She hated to feel his prick slipping limply out of her cunt.
“Come on,” Rick said. “It’s time I took you back.”
“Did you like it?” Dirk asked.
Dirk was mad as hell. He’d been very nice when she and Rick had left the shed. He’d promised Rick that he would take Sherry straight home and even Sherry had believed that he had been sincere. He was serous about taking her straight home, but the smile left his face almost as soon as he got her into the truck. When he pulled the truck into the front yard he turned to her with an evil look on his face.
“Did you like it?” Dirk asked again.
“I don’t know what you mean,” she said demurely.
“The hell you don’t,” Dirk said. “I heard you crying from outside the shed. He must have a big fucking cock to make you beg like that.”
Sherry turned a little red and got out of the truck. Dirk pulled the door shut behind her and he slammed the truck into gear and went tearing out of the yard. Somehow Sherry had the feeling she’d not heard the last from Dirk about what had happened. Sherry had the feeling that she should pack her bag and leave. Go back to the city where she belonged. There we nothing but trouble awaiting her here. Yet she know she couldn’t. At least not until she’d seen Rick win. She didn’t know if Rick cared anything about her or not. It we obvious that he had enjoyed himself as mach a she had. But there we no way of telling if he ever wanted to see her again. There was one thing for sure. Sherry wanted to see him again, if only to experience the sweet pleasure that she had gotten from him again.
She we deep in thought as she walked upstairs to her room. The house was quiet. Both Tim and David had gone off somewhere. She took a shower. She seemed to be taking a lot of showers lately. She dried herself off and sat in front of her mirror combing her thick blond hair.
She didn’t look any different. She was still the same person on the outside. Yet, she was the one who had begged for cock. She had begged to be fucked.
“Who are you trying to fool, Sherry?” she asked herself. “You loved it.”
She heard the sound of someone driving into the yard and she looked out her window. A pale-blue van had parked in the yard. It looked like one of those hippie things with flowers painted all over the side. She saw David get out of the back and she realized that the van had to belong to some friends of his.
She got up and quickly dressed. This time she dressed in panties and bra, and a conservative pants outfit. She no longer looked like the hot-fleshed woman who had seduced David. Dressed like this she could play the hostess without feeling vibrations from David.
She was not worried about David turning her on. Rick had quenched her desires for the moment. She sighed as she remembered how good his cock had felt. He was a good cocksman. He had a big cock and he had more experience than Tim, Dirk or David. He had known how to give her what she wanted. Sherry was beginning to learn that having a big cock was not enough. A man had to know how to use it. Rick used his prick with the obvious confidence of having had dozens of women. Or maybe hundreds. Sherry felt a pang of jealousy.
Maybe Rick had a wife or a girlfriend. Maybe he was fucking her right now. Sherry had not considered that possibility. Certainly a man like that would have his pick. He might have forgotten Sherry by now. What seemed so wonderful for her may have beat a simple passing urge for him. He had no reason for coming back to usher. She had not played hard to get. He had gotten what he wanted.
“No,” Sherry said softly. She would refuse to consider that. She had to think that Rick had experienced just as fantastic a pleasure as she had.
“Hey, Sherry,” David called.
She remembered that David and his friends were downstairs. She put on her greeting face and hurried down to meet them. Thorn was one boy and a girl in the kitchen with David. At first Sherry thought she was seeing double and then she realized they were twins. Boy and girl twins. They were both nice-looking with dark eyes and dark hair and timid smiles. The girl was dressed in tight jeans and a skimpy halter that barely contained her breasts.
“This is my cousin Sherry,” David said. “This is Burt and Dinah Peters.”
“How do you do,” Sherry said. “You’re the first friends of David I’ve met.”
They nodded at her. The girls soft red lips parted in a nervous smile.
“Would you like something to eat or drink?” Sherry asked.
Sherry we beginning to feel very uncomfortable. It was like the twins had come for something and nobody was willing to tell her what. She looked at David and found that he was just as sick-looking as the twins. She wondered what he had told them about her.
“I think I’ll go back upstairs,” Sherry said quietly. “I’m not really feeling well.”
She was feeling sick! Sick at the thought of David bringing the twins there for more fun and games. How could he? How could he think she was that kind of person? Her eyes filled with disgust as she looked at David. He was just as bad as his brother. Worse.
She started backing out of the kitchen and David got up quickly. He put his hand on her shoulder and she felt the heat going right though her blouse. She didn’t like the weak, trembly feeling in her insides.
“Don’t run off.” David said. “Burt wanted to show you his new van. He’s really got it fixed up.”
Her first thought was that she’d been wrong about David. He wouldn’t be trying to take her outside if he had sex on his mind. He’d be trying to get her into the bedroom. There could be no harm in looking at Burt’s van. Perhaps David was completely innocent and her own guilt had made her react so angrily.
“All right,” Sherry said. “I’ll got out and look at his van. It’s such a pretty day outside that a little sunshine might do me good.” She didn’t tell them that she’d been out in the sun all day long. She softened her expression. After all, she’d been the one who had seduced David. It hadn’t been the other way around. She’d been the one hungry for David’s cock. She’d been the one who had dressed so sexily and had gone looking for him. He hadn’t expected it. He’d been innocent. Everything had been her fault. It wasn’t fair for her to blame David for her perverse desires, not fair at all.
“Let’s go look,” Burt said.
Sherry wondered what was so great about a van, but she was willing to go look. She knew how young people were. They were very proud of their things and loved to show them off. Burt must have been proud of the artwork on his van.
The four of them went straight to the back of the van. Burt opened it. Sherry blinked at the darkness inside. It took a few moments before her eyes became accustomed to the dark. The back of the van we done up in lush purple. Soft foam covered the floor and the walls.
It looked like a traveling whorehouse. Sherry felt her heart pounding as she started to realize that her first impression had been right. This had been a plan to get her into the back of the van.
“Get in,” David said. “See how comfortable it is.”
“I don’t know if I should,” Sherry said. “I think rye seen enough.”
“Get in,” David said. His voice was suddenly hard. Sherry gave him a haughty look and shook his hand away from her arm. Dirk might get away with the tough-guy routine but she felt like she could handle anything David tried. He didn’t have the experience of his older brother.
“I don’t think so,” Sherry said icily.
He grabbed her and pushed her back. She fell off balance but not for long. She came up angry. She slapped his face hard, leaving the imprint of her four fingers across his cheek.
“Bitch,” he said, rubbing his cheek. He looked shocked as if he didn’t expect anything like this. Perhaps he had thought a little more of his prowess in the treehouse than she had. She pushed past him but he grabbed her arm again.
“If you don’t let me go,” Sherry said. “I’m going to kick the hell out of you.”
He let her go. He knew he was beaten. For the first time Sherry felt as if she had really won a battle. At least she could handle the boys. She started back to the house.
“Sherry,” David said. “I don’t think Dirk’s going to like knowing about you fucking me. Or Tim. Or any of the test of the people in town. I was just a little innocent boy and you took advantage!”
David had tried a bluff because it was the last thing he could think of. He had no intention of telling anyone else about what had happened in the treehouse. Tim and Dirk would only laugh. The rest of the town would think he was lying or bragging. Nobody would believe his stow. But he thought he might bluff her.
He was surprised at the pale expression on her face. He had shaken her. It was a useless threat but she didn’t know that. He couldn’t tell what was on her mind but he could tell that he had frightened her.
“You bastard,” she said. “You would tell, wouldn’t you?”
“Yes,” he grinned.
Sherry sighed. She wasn’t worried about what the others in the town might think. Or about Tim or Dirk. The only thing that worried her was what Rick might think. Rick might not understand her need for the boy.
“What do you want me to do?” Sherry asked him.
“Get in the van,” David said.
Sherry slowly got into the back of the van, a pained expression on her face. The three teens quickly scrambled in after her and David pulled the van doors shut. It was crowded in the van. David put his hand on Sherry’s thigh.
Dinah sat back in the corner and Sherry wondered what she was going to do. Perhaps she just wanted to watch. Sherry hoped so. She’d heard of women doing things together but that was too awful to think about.
Burt kissed her cheek. His lips were soft. Sherry turned her head and parted her lips. Bun’s lips were against hers, his tongue slipping hotly into her mouth. She decided to give him his money’s worth. She could feel David squeezing her thigh as she wrapped her arms around Burt and pulled him tight against her. She was on her side and her fleshy tits poked him in the chest. She drove her tongue deep into his mouth and he went wild.
His hands went around to cup her buttocks. He groaned as he pushed his tongue against her. He rolled it around the inside of her mouth as if he had never had his tongue in a girl’s mouth before. She rolled so that she was half on top of him. She began to drive her tongue into his mouth as if she were a man fucking his mouth with her tongue-prick.
She hadn’t meant to get excited. She had just wanted to get it over with quickly. But his hot hands gently squeezing her asscheeks got to her. Her nipples grew hard and lust-swollen. She wanted to feel his hand inside her blouse but she realized he was just as inexperienced and shy as David had been.
“Unbutton me,” she gasped. “Take my blouse off.”
His fingers nervously tried to unbutton the front of her blouse. He wasn’t getting anywhere and she had to help him. She got her blouse unbuttoned and she felt David’s hands on her back. He very deftly unhooked her bra. Sherry became impatient to feel hands at her titties.
“Pull it off,” she said. “Pull it off. Hurry, Goddamn it!”
She lifted up and Burt and David pulled her bra off. Her naked tits were exposed to their hungry, groping hands. They couldn’t seem to get enough of feeling her flesh. She foil over on her back as both boys massaged her aching flesh.
Burt fell to one tit and his mouth sucked up her tender flesh. She moaned softly but her moan became louder as David hungrily gobbled her other titty. She’d never felt the sensation of having her tits sucked at the same time. Both boys were short on experience but they made up for it with energy and eagerness.
“Oooooh,” she sobbed softly. “That feels so good. Keep sucking me like that. That’s soooooo nice!”
David starting biting her but she didn’t mind. His sharp teeth sent new good feelings up her back. She arched her back so that both boys got more flesh into their hot mouths. Her cunt grew hot and wet. She could feel her panties getting waked from her cunt juices.
God, she had never expected to be turned on this way. They were boys. Young and innocent boys. Yet the things they did to her drove her crazy. She groaned as she felt Burt’s lips leaving her tit and traveling down her flat stomach, licking and sucking and biting her flesh. She sobbed as she felt Burt’s tongue slip into her navel.
“Oh Burt,” she groaned loudly. “Oh Burt, that drives me wild! It drives me up the van!”
She dropped her hand between Burt’s thighs and she squeezed his hard cock. She fumbled at his zipper and finally got it undone. She reached inside and groped for his sweaty prick. His cock was rigid and throbbing. She ran her fingers gently over his sensitive prick-head.
“God,” he groaned softly.
She laced her fingers around his swollen stem and carefully tugged his cock from his bowers. She’d felt bigger cocks but she’d never felt one so excited. His prick jumped in her hand as if it had a life of its own. Again she ran her fingers lightly over his cockhead and felt her fingers get sticky.
“I’ve got to fuck,” Burt said. “I need to have a piece of pussy.”
“Ummm, yes,” Sherry agreed.
David helped him tug off her pants and panties.
She opened her legs to the probing of David’s fingers. Burt got undressed. She reached for his rock-hard prick spin as soon as he climbed out of all his clothes.
“Ummm,” she said. “Put that thing in me. I want to feel it in my cunt!”
Her words got him really excited but he wasn’t fast enough. She felt a tongue at her thighs, touching her cunt. She looked down at the top of David’s head. She groaned as she felt his hot tongue dart into her cunt. Her fingers tugged at his hair but she really didn’t want him to stop. It felt too good.
“You’re eating her,” Dinah said.
Sherry turned her head so that she could see the girl. Dinah’s face was a pale white and her lips had parted slightly. Her red tongue licked her lower lip. Her nipples were hard little points under her skimpy halter. Her hands were on her thighs but Sherry had the feeling she would soon be rubbing her cunt. The young girl was really getting turned on.
“I want to eat her too,” Burt said.
David was moving. Burt was putting his face down there also. Sherry felt two tongues caressing her sensitive cunt-lips. She could hear them making swallowing sounds as they drank her juices.
“Oh Jesus,” Sherry said softly. “Not both of you. I couldn’t stand that. It feels too good. Not both of you!”
But both their tongues touched her, kissed her, licked up her tangy juices. She parted her legs wider. How could they do it? They both had their heads between her legs. Burt was doing something with his fingers as he used his tongue. Sherry was afraid she was going to bum to death as fiery heat shook her body. They ignored her pleas that she couldn’t stand it.
Burt pressed his face completely into her blond thatch and his tongue entered her. He rolled it around her cunt until he found her hard bud. He sucked her clit between his lips like he was experienced at eating pussy. She grabbed him by his hair and lifted her ass to meet his sucking lips.
“Burrrrt!” she wailed. “You’re driving me any!”
She had forgotten all about her hesitation about getting into the back of the van. Once again her body’s needs betrayed her. It was like she couldn’t get enough sex. The more she got the more she wanted. Her lips started writhing from side to side as she felt the pleasure build.
“Oh Burt,” she moaned. “I want your cock! Put your cock in me now!”
Burt’s fact left her cunt. She pulled at him and he stretched out on top of her. She opened her thighs as she felt his cock-head fitting against her cunt. He started pushing gently and his cock slowly went into her hot cunt hole. Her fingernails dug into his shoulders as his cock was completely sucked into her cunt. She started grinding herself against him, rubbing her aching titties against his strong young chest.
He began to fuck her in slow, deep strokes, but already she could feel his prick swelling inside her. He was too impatient and she knew he would come too soon. That was all right. She could see David getting undressed and she knew his cock would be in her cunt as soon as Burt came.
“Baby,” Sherry purred. “It’s all right. Come. Come in my pussy. I want to feel your come in me. Come on, baby. Fill up my cunt. Fill me up!”
“Oh Jesus,” Burt groaned. “Oh Jesus, I’m coming. I’m coming! It feels so good! Oh it’s so fucking goooood!”
She pushed up against him as she felt his prick pouring his cum into her cunt. She released him with a soft sigh. She was still hot but his coming had felt good. She turned her head to look at Dinah once again.
The girl was getting worse. NOW her hand was rubbing between her thighs just inches from her pussy. Her face was flushed and her lips parted. The top button on her jeans was undone and Sherry knew her hand was only moments away from feeling her pussy.
Burt seemed exhausted. His limp prick slipped out of her and he rolled over on his back. Sherry looked up at David. His prick was rigid. She reached up and wrapped her fingers around his prick. She slowly moved her hand up and down.
“God,” David moaned.
He dropped to his knees beside her. In one quick movement he straddled her chest so that his prick was between her creamy tits. He cupped her titties and squeezed them together, making a warm cave for his cock. He began to move back and forth between her tits.
“Let me hold them,” Sherry said.
She held her tits together for him as he fucked between them. It was a nice feeling. The friction made Sherry’s cunt even hotter. She squeezed her thighs tightly together but that didn’t help. She needed David’s cock down there but she hated to make him stop fucking her tits. Everything felt so good! His hand was between her legs and he drove two fingers savagely into her cunt. Even as he fucked her tits he massaged her clit with his fingers.
“That’s delicious,” she groaned. “That’s so nice. But I need your cock, baby. I need you to fuck me!”
David lifted up from her and she was ready for him. She parted her legs so that he would have easy entry to her cunt. She licked her full lip.
“Hurry,” she begged him. “Hurry!”
“Not yet,” David said.
She opened her eyes. His face held a peculiar expression. She didn’t like it. She was reminded of the cruel eyes that Dirk had. At that moment she knew that David was certainly Dirk’s brother. The only difference in them was that Dirk had more experience, but David wouldn’t take too long before he knew as much as Dirk.
“What are you doing?” Sherry asked him. “I need your big cock in my pussy! I need it right this minute!”
David ignored her. He was looking at Dinah. Dinah had finally gotten over her shyness and her hand was between her legs. She was rubbing herself hard while she watched them out of timid brown eyes. She looked like a frightened deer and her look made David feel powerful. He was more aroused than he had ever been.
“We shouldn’t leave Dinah out,” David said. “Come on over here, girl.”
Dinah shook her head. Sherry didn’t understand what was going on and she didn’t really give a damn, what she wanted was David’s hard cock in her pussy. She didn’t care what he did to Dinah. She turned her head again and saw that the poor girl had backed up all the way to the front seats, shaking her head.
“Come here,” David commanded.
Dinah whispered weakly. “I want to go home.”
Burt looked weak and sick, as if he knew that things were going wrong. Sherry could read fear in his face. He wanted to stop David but he knew better. David wouldn’t care to be stopped at that moment, and only a crazy man would have tried.
“Come here, you little bitch!” David screamed. Dinah move. Sherry felt sorry for her. The girl trembled as she drew close to David. David kissed her softly on her parted lips. The poor thing no longer looked carried away by desire. She looked as afraid as her brother.
“Take off your top,” David said.
“Please, David,” Dinah begged him. “Please don’t make me. I just came along to watch.”
Anger flashed in David’s eyes. He slapped her hard. Dinah had tern running down her cheeks. She looked so childlike that Sherry wanted to take her in her arms and comfort her. But even Sherry was afraid to move. She didn’t bow what David would be capable of doing.
“I said take off your Goddamned top,” David said. “Take it off. Show me your tits.”
“David,” Burt said. “I think we’d better top now. Dinah’s a virgin.”
“Shut your fucking mouth,” David said. “Or I’ll beat the fuck out of you and her too. Now take off the Goddamned top or I’m going to take it off for you.”
Dinah shrugged her shoulders. She slipped out of her top quickly, exposing firm titties with hard red nipples. She tried to crass her arms over her nakedness but David jerked her arms away. His eyes ogled her tanned flesh.
“You’ve got a nice-looking set,” David said.
Sherry was feeling an excitement she didn’t understand. She wanted David to stop and then she didn’t want him to stop. It was just that Dinah looked so fragile, so innocent, so virginal, and the look of her fear made Sherry’s blood boil. She was beginning to understand how a man could force his cock on a woman. It wasn’t just the act of sex but the feeling of power that came with it.
“Please, David,” Dinah said.
“Now the rest,” David said. “Take everything off.”
“Oh no, David,” she said. “I can’t do that.”
There we no mercy in David. “Take it off.”
Slowly, painfully, Dinah stripped all the rest of her clothes off. Tears streaked her soft cheeks. She sat there looking miserable as David ran his eyes all over her. His eyes rested on the thick black path of hair between her soft white thighs.
“Open your legs,” David said.
She opened her legs to expose the red folds of her cunt. Sherry was shocked and she couldn’t tear her eyes any. She had never seen another woman’s cunt. Sherry had forgotten the heat between her legs. She no longer had the temptation to stop David. She wanted him to continue. Every nerve in her body tingled.
“Look at her, Burt,” David said. “She’s your sister but she’s got a cunt just like any other girl. Look at those pink, juicy lips just waiting for a cock. How’d you like to grab a piece of that, Burt? I bet she’d be tighter than boil.”
“Oh my God,” Burt said softly. “Leave her alone, David.”
But even as Burt spoke his eyes rested on his sister’s cunt. He had never seen her before. Not like this. They had played the usual brother-sister games of show me yours and I’ll show you mine. He had seen her bare ass and her titties.
But never like this. Never in such a vulgar way. Never with her holding her cunt apart so that he could see the juicy folds of her inner pussy. And it was turning him on. That was the worst part. He could feel the ache in his balls and he found himself wondering what it would feel like to put his cock in her tight cunt.
Somehow he took his eyes away from his sister’s naked body. He was feeling a little sick from his excitement. He couldn’t hide the fact that his cock had grown hard again. He heard David laughing loudly.
“Damn,” David said. “He would like to fuck you. He’d like to fill your cunt!”
David grabbed her by both sides of her head and pulled her face down to his crotch. Sherry knew what Dinah was going through. Sherry could still feel the steely tip that Dirk had held her with. Dinah’s lips were inches away from David’s cock. He pulled her closer so that her lips touched his cock-head. Sherry heard her quick pap of breath. Probably he was leaking and Dinah had tasted his cum.
He looked over Dinah’s head and his eyes met Sherry’s. Sherry knew she was about to join his pines. She felt a tingle. He motioned for her and she climbed to her knees. She pressed her mouth against the side of David’s cock, her mouth just inches from Dinah’s.
“Both of them,” David said. “This feels good. You should fly this, Burt. We’ll make a cocksucker out of your sweet sister.”
David stepped back. Sherry had a strange feeling that she knew what was coming and she wasn’t going to like it.
“Get on your back,” he told Sherry. “I’ve got a little treat for you.”
Sherry leaned back on the soft floor. She parted her legs slightly and lifted her knees. Her cunt tingled hotly. David pushed Dinah toward her. Dinah looked confused, but Sherry understood immediately. It was sick, disgusting. Sherry couldn’t allow it to happen. She found that she couldn’t close her legs together like she waited to.
“What do you want?” Dinah asked. “What do you want me to do?”
“Eat me,” Sherry whispered. “He wants you to eat me.”
“Oh no,” Dinah said. “I couldn’t do that.”
“You will,” David said.
He stepped toward her and she fell backward. He grabbed her by the hair and pulled her toward Sherry. He pushed her face between Sherry’s legs. Sherry moaned softly as she felt Dinah’s innocent lips touching her lust-swollen flesh. David’s face was bloated with lust as he positioned Dinah like he wanted her.
“Eat her,” David commanded.
David pushed the back of her head so that Dinah’s face pressed hotly into Sherry’s muff. Sherry opened her legs wide as she felt Dinah’s tongue slip into her cunt. Dinah may have been an innocent but she was catching on fast. Sherry pound herself against the face of the young girl.
“She’s doing it,” Sherry moaned. “She’s eating me. She’s got her tongue in my pussy.”
David took his cock in his fingers and pressed it against Dinah’s pussy. He felt her shiver as she tried to avoid him. He grabbed her and held her still. He pushed his cock against her cunt entrance once more.
“Feel that, baby?” he asked her. “I’m going to give you a good stroke. I’m going to put it right in your cunt.”
Dinah was moving about but Sherry wasn’t about to allow her face to escape. Dinah’s tongue felt too good. Sherry’s fingers tangled in the girl’s dark hair and held her steady.
“I’m getting in,” David groaned. “I’m getting some of her tight pussy. Ahhhhh, it’s so fucking tight. So good. I’m getting in there.” Sherry knew when it happened. She felt Dinah shudder as David’s prick broke through her cherry and entered her cunt. Dinah’s movements began to get more frantic as if she was still trying to escape from David’s cock.
But there is no hope for the young girl. David had her and he was keeping her. He began to fuck her in slow, gentle strokes. Sherry could hear the sound of his balls slapping against the young girl’s cunt.
“Come here, Burt,” David grunted. “Come over here.”
Burt’s cock was hard. He couldn’t help but be excited by what was going on. He approached the three writhing bodies. He was surprised at Sherry. David’s older cousin reached hungrily for his cock. Her fingers wrapped around his stem and she pulled him to her. Her mouth closed hotly over his throbbing prick.
“Ummmm,” Burt groaned. “Ahhh God, that’s nice.”
He still felt guilty about what was happening to his sister but he knew there was nothing he could do about that. It had happened and there was no way to bring her virginity back. He could hear David’s grunts each time he drove his prick into his sister’s tight cunt.
Burt began fucking Sherry in the mouth. He grabbed her head, his fingers tugging at her hair. He began to drive his prick deeply into her throat. He didn’t want her to suck him. He wanted to fuck her mouth, to treat her like his poor sister was being treated.
He gagged her. He felt her try to pull her mouth away but he wasn’t having any. He grabbed her tighter and he slammed his cock so deep in her throat that his balls slapped against her chin.
Sherry was going crazy. The cock in her mouth was fucking her throat savagely and that was the way she wanted it. She was squirming against the tongue that lapped her cunt.
“Jesus!” Burt cried. “I feel it coming! I’m going to shoot my cum in her hot mouth! I can feel it coming! I’m coming! I’m coming! Oh I’m fucking her hot mouth full of cummmmmm!”
Sherry drank his thick cum down. She swallowed every drop and then licked the tip of his cock for more. She screamed as she felt her juices flooding Dinah’s mouth. It was so fucking good! God, it felt fantastic!
Sherry grabbed the back of Dinah’s head and kept the poor girl there as her juices seeped into her hot mouth. Again and again Sherry felt herself explode. She knew Dinah was choking, but Sherry still kept her there. She heard the sound of swallowing and knew that Dinah was taking her juices down.
“I love it,” Sherry moaned softly.
Her ass jerked back and forth as the last tingles of pleasure went through Sherry. Dinah still remained between her creamy thighs because there was no place for her to go. David was still pounding her cunt with rapid strokes.
A look of pure lust was on his face. Sherry knew he didn’t care how Dinah felt. He didn’t give a damn if Dinah enjoyed it or not. His balls banged loudly against her flesh and he grunted.
“SO tight,” he said. “So fucking tight. Sherry, get over here and play with my balls. Kiss them if you can. I feel so fucking tight there.”
Sherry allowed Dinah’s face to escape. She got to her knees and quickly positioned herself so that her tongue was inches from David’s prick. She could see the slight smear of blood around David’s pride that told her that Dinah had certainly been a virgin.
“Lick my balls,” David cried, still thrusting hard. “Lick them and play with them. I’m getting ready to come.”
Sherry lifted her face and licked the drops of moisture away from David’s balls. She began to run her tongue all over the tight sac. David’s thrusts got harder. She put her hand at the base of his prick and licked him every time he withdrew his cock from her snug-fitting pussy.
“I’m there!” David screamed. “Fuck me, you hot-used little bitch! Fuck me! Push it back here! Eat me up with your cunt!”
He kept pounding her cunt until Sherry knew that every drop of his cum had been pound into her cunt. Only then did he allow his cock to slip out of her. Dinah was crying softly.
Only David wore a satisfied look.
Sherry had her bags packed. She’d thought about a lot of things when she’d gotten back into the house. She decided that Rick was a lost cause, now. He would certainly hear about her from somebody. A woman who couldn’t keep her hands off children was not the sort of woman a man would want to keep around.
Sherry was sick with herself. How could she have allowed David to treat the poor twins that way? Sherry thought herself even worse titan David because she could have stopped it even before it started. She could have just walked away.
His bluff hadn’t really frightened her. She’d been excited at the thought of getting into the back of the van with those two innocent-looking twins. She’d known it was possible that Dinah was going to touch her, even love her. She’d known and she’d looked forward to it. That was the most disgusting part of all.
Sherry knew she had to get away. She couldn’t stay another day on the farm because every day she grew more and more depraved. Maybe going back to the familiar places of the city would help her control her newly awakened desires. She had to try before it was too late for her.
She couldn’t carry all her bags in and she didn’t want to ask anyone for a lift. She decided she would send for her bags later and she would walk to town. She would carry just enough to get her back to her apartment in the city.
She dressed in a blouse and simple skirt and sensible shoes. She walked the two miles to town and she didn’t see anyone on the road. She purchased a ticket at the bus station. It wasn’t much of a station. It was a small place like the town, but there was a bench outside.
She put her bag down and sat down to wait. She was aware of men passing now and then and she was aware that they were looking at her. Once, a big, beefy fellow stopped and grinned at her.
“You going somewhere, Missy?” he asked.
“Yes,” she said. “I don’t see that it’s any of your business.”
He sat down beside her on the bench and placed his big, rough hand on her bare knee. He squeezed. She took his hand off her knee and gave him a fiery look.
“You keep your hands to yourself,” she said.
“Come on, honey,” he said. “Everybody in town knows you put out. You don’t have to get mad and leave. So what if Tim and Dirk can’t give you enough? There’s plenty of men in town.”
She didn’t answer him. So this was what it had come down to. Being mauled while she waited for her bus. Being insulted. Being treated like she didn’t have feelings. He leaned over and put his rough hand back on her knee. This time he squeezed harder. His breath was foul.
“Listen,” he said. “I know someplace where we can go. I’ve got a big one. A whopper. You’ll love it. I can put it up your cunt until you beg for mercy!”
She was not shocked or surprised. She knew she deserved this kind of treatment. What kind of girl allowed children, truck drivers, and relatives to use her any way they pleased? A bad girl. It was no wonder that men thought she was a pushover. She was tight-lipped as she half turned toward the man.
“Leave me alone,” she said. “Or I’m going to scratch your evil eyes out.”
There were men standing across the street watching. Probably there had been some kind of bet as to how fast this man could get her to his room. Well it wasn’t going to work this time. She had no desire to go anywhere with the creepy-looking man.
“Get out of here,” she repeated. “You’d better go right now. Right this minute.”
“Okay, sister,” the man said.
He wasn’t so sure of himself any more. He got up and walked lazily across the street. He talked to the men for a while. She heard the rough laughter and she saw their leers but she ignored them. It was only ten minutes before, the bus was due to win and she knew she could wait that long.
She crossed her legs, aware that her skirt had slipped far above her knees. She tugged it down, again aware of the sly glances of the men across the street. She hoped they were getting their eyes full because this was going to be the last time they ever saw her.
“Your bus, Miss,” the ticket-taker said.
She sighed with relief as she saw the bus coming in. The bus was early and she certainly didn’t mind. She wanted to get the dust of the little town off her heels as fast as she could. She was aware of a feeling inside. She felt better than she had in a long while.
She handed her bag up to the driver and got on board. She was the only person on the bus. She slipped into the front seat.
“Going far?” the driver asked.
“Back to the city,” she said.
“I don’t blame you,” he said. “I’d shake this little town, too. Nothing here but a few farms. No action. Say, how about us doing the town together when we get in?”
“That’s an idea,” she said, smiling at him.
The smile left her face when she saw the beat-up pick-up truck pulling into the bus station. Dirk got out of the front seat with a swaggering look. He held his can of beer and she saw him stagger a little. He’d drunk a little more than usual.
Her heart sank as he walked straight for the bus. “Please,” she told the driver, “let’s leave. Right now.”
“Can’t do it,” he said. “I’ve got to leave on time and…”
He stopped talking as Dirk pulled himself up into the bus. He took a long swallow from his beer. Sherry felt weak and beaten. She knew she could not leave if Dirk wanted her back. There was no way she could fight Dirk. He was more man then men twice his age. At seventeen he was already larger than the bus driver.
“Well,” he said, placing his beefy hands on his hips, “leaving so soon, cousin? And without even saying good-bye?”
“I have to go back,” she said. “It’s time. I didn’t plan to stay as long as I did.”
“Shit,” Dirk said. “You’re not leaving. Get off the bus. Put your bag in the truck.”
“Now wait a Goddamned minute,” the driver said.
It was a mistake. Dirk reacted violently. He turned and slammed the bus driver against his seat. He waved one rough hand before the man’s face. He poured the rest of his beer in the driver’s lap.
“Open your mouth again,” Dirk said, “and I’ll break your fucking head.”
The bus driver got very still. Dirk patted him on the head and turned his full attention back to Sherry. He was no longer grinning and his eyes were hard. Sherry suddenly felt as if someone had struck her very hard in the pit of her stomach.
“Get your bag.” Dirk said.
She picked up her bag and left the bus. She put her bag into the front of the pick-up and climbed in beside it. She heard the jeering calls of the men across the street, and she knew what they were thinking. She was fair pine now. She had tried to leave and Dirk was bringing her back. Any man could try his luck and probably get all he wanted.
Dirk got into the front seat with her. He didn’t start the truck. He leaned back against his door and placed one rough hand on the steering wheel.
“What were you thinking, cunt?” Dirk asked. “Did you think we were just going to let you walk away?”
“Why not?” Sherry asked. “I’m not your slave.”
“Yes you are,” Dirk said matter of factly. “You’re our fuck slave. You belong to us.”
“That’s not true,” Sherry protested angrily. “I don’t belong to anyone.”
He grabbed her head. His thick, stubby fingers grasped her by the hair and pulled her against him. His beer breath blew into her face.
“Who the fuck do you think you’re arguing with?” Dirk asked. “I’m not asking you. I’m telling you. You’re a fucking slave until I say different.”
“No,” she protested.
He started slapping her. His rough hand left red marks on her cheeks. She tasted blood and knew he’d cut her lip. She started wondering if he intended to kill her. She wondered why someone didn’t break it up. She tried to claw his face and she got one fingernail into his skin. She ripped downward and she saw a deep gash from his nose to his neck.
“Bitch!” he screamed.
This time he hit her solidly with his balled-up fist. She went backward over her bag and against the door. She saw stars for a moment. He had her by the hair and he was dragging her toward him again.
“Bitch!” he yelled.
He struck her again with his fist and then he started slapping her gently. Over and over again. She was numb. She had the feeling that he really was going to kill her.
“Bitch,” he said a third time, and then he stopped hitting her.
His hand was still in her hair and he started caressing her. Then his fingers went down to caress the soft curve of her tit. She didn’t care. She was too dazed to care. He started unbuttoning her blouse. She remembered that they were right in the middle of the street.
She looked around and saw that there were faces all around them. Grinning men licking lips and staring at her. She knew her face was puffed and bruised from his fist but it wasn’t her face they were looking at.
Dirk got her blouse unbuttoned and she felt him reaching behind her back to unsnap her bra. Again she struggled to be free but he stifled slapping her and she stopped. She remained passive as he unhooked her bra and drew it over her head.
“Fuck bitch,” Dirk said savagely as his hands lifted her tits for the men outside to see. “You’re a fuck bitch and I want the men to see how much you love it. I’m going to let you take it out and suck me dry.”
“Not here,” she protested. “Not with all of them watching.”
“You’ll do what I fucking tell you,” he said.
Dirk was really enjoying himself. The look of fear and humiliation on her face was arousing the animal in him. God, she was a good-looking bitch with all that blond hair around her face, her soft lips parted just as they’d be parted when he made her suck his cock. He knew the men standing around the truck would be jealous and that turned him on even more. He knew their jealousy would quickly turn to laughter if he didn’t make her do as he wanted.
He had the thought that he might be going too fast. Raping her in the hayloft, while she moaned in pleasure was one thing. But taking her on a city street was another. There were too many people around to witness. She might even be able to have him put in jail.
The thought was gone immediately because she knew he was past the point of being able to control himself. His prick was hard and throbbing, ready to feel her soft lips around it. He grabbed her by the hair and pushed her back against the far window. He put one hand around her throat.
“Do as I fucking tell you,” he said softly. “You’re going to take it out and suck it. You’ll making me mad. Don’t make me mad. I’ll beat the hell out of you.”
The fire didn’t leave her eyes. She still looked as if she would cut his heart out if he gave her half the chance. But a look of resignation came to her face. She was smart enough to know when she had no choice, Dirk knew. This time there wasn’t going to be anyone around to rescue her like there had been at the turkey shoot. This time she was damn well going to do what he wanted.
“All right,” she said softly.
“You’re not going to try to get away?” he asked.
“No,” Sherry said. She knew she had little choice.
Sherry squirmed and trembled nervously. She wasn’t fast enough to get away and one look in her cousin’s eyes told her that he meant what he said about beating her up. She had to do as he asked. After all, it wasn’t like the hadn’t done it before.
Dirk moved away from her. His hot eyes ogled her tits, just like the men who stood around the truck. She didn’t try to cover herself up. She looked defiantly at the men and noted a slight hint of shame in their eyes.
But the shame wasn’t enough to overcome their excitement. They wanted to see this happen. It would be something to talk about for years afterward. Not one of them thought of stopping it. For one reason Dirk would have killed them. And even if they could stop Dirk, there was Tim to consider. Tim would certainly come for them and nobody in town could handle Tim.
“Get over here,” Dirk said. “Take it out.”
She moved across the seat until she was pressed close to him. She lifted her face up because she knew he wanted to kiss her and she felt his hard, bruising lips grinding against hers. She opened her lips as his fat tongue wiggled into her throat.
All the while his hands massaged her tits. Despite herself, she began to feel a little aroused. Her nipples were starting to grow hard. She willed herself to be cold. She thought of other things, or tried to. But all the time his fingers caressed her flesh and there was no use in her trying not to like it.
She was just too hot-blooded. She didn’t want to be. She could still fed shame in her situation. But there was just something about a man’s hands touching her that made her feel weak as jelly inside. It didn’t matter what man. Any man could do it.
Dirk lowered his face to her throat and she felt his tongue making wet little patterns against her sensitive skin. She opened her eyes and she could see the hot, flushed faces of the men. It seemed like there were more men watching. She knew that each one of them lusted after her body. Each one of them wanted to be where Dirk was. The thought didn’t turn her off. It made her hotter. She moaned softly as Dirk’s teeth nipped at the top of her tits.
“God, baby,” Dirk said. “I’m getting so fucking raunchy. Let’s get it on.”
Dirk leaned back against the window. His hand pressed against the back of her head and she allowed herself to be pushed down. His zipper was already partly undone. It was no problem undoing his belt and pulling his trousers apart. His zipper came down easily and she reached inside for his stiff cock.
She wrapped her fingers around his cock and drew it out. She could hear the heavy breathing of the men outside. She knew that each of them would have a hard-on. The truck moved a little and she realized it because some of the men were rubbing themselves against it.
She pulled a strand of hair back from her face and lowered her mouth to the purplish knob. First she licked away the drop of jism at the tiny eye. She felt Dirk shudder with enjoyment. His fingers tightened against the back of her head.
She started licking all around his sensitive cock-head, covering his bloated knob with her saliva. She tasted a little more of his salty-flavored jism. She still had her fingers wrapped around the base and she moved her fingers gently up and down while she worked on his tiny hole with her tongue.
Her hair was back in her face and again she had to brush it back. She let go of his cock with her fingers and started running her tongue down the length of his stem. She groaned softly and his hips began to thrust up.
“Baby,” he said. “I’m getting hot. Take my cock in your mouth.”
She wasn’t ready yet. All thought of pain and humiliation were gone. It always happened that way when she began to enjoy what she was doing as she was enjoying herself now. Damn it, she couldn’t help it. She liked to suck cock. She could thrill to the sense of excitement at power she got when a man’s cock was throbbing in her hand, and when her tongue could cause him to shiver.
It was one time when she had a man completely in her power. She started licking around the base of his cock, sucking up each of his balls and rolling them beneath her tongue. He was jerking at her hair, trying to get her to come up for the head of his cock.
She felt a little wetness against her cheek and she knew he was getting close. Quickly she raised her head. She opened her lips just above the blood-engorged knob. Slowly she sucked his prick between her full lips, thrilling to the collective gasps of all the men standing outside.
“That’s it, fuck bitch,” Dirk said. “That’s it. I love it. Get my cock in real deep!”
She knew the men wore watching in disbelief as she kept sucking his prick into her mouth. She felt his cock-head press against the back of her throat and she still didn’t have it completely in.
She willed herself to relax. She felt his cock-head slipping deeper into her throat. She closed her eyes as her cunt pew wet at the excited feeling of having a man’s cock so deep in her throat. Still, she got him deeper. She could feel him pushing so deep that she thought he was going to end up in her stomach. It was a fantastic feeling. His magnificent throbbing prick filled her mouth completely.
“God,” Dirk groaned. He had never had a girl take him that far into her mouth before. Another inch and… He felt himself slide deeper until his balls pressed against her lips and he could go no farther. He was shocked. It was impossible. Nobody could do that, but she was doing it.
“Oh Christ,” Dirk groaned. “I can’t hold it back! I can’t stop it. Christ! CHRIST!”
He exploded into her mouth with the force of an erupting volcano. His thick jism went deep into her throat and she swallowed quickly to keep from choking. She hadn’t been ready for him to come. She hadn’t expected it that fast. Some of his thick jism escaped the sides of her mouth.
Dirk really didn’t mind that. He wanted the men to see that she was really taking his cum. This was the most exciting thing that had ever happened to him. He hadn’t realized she was such a good sucker. He had never had a better blow-job.
“Sweet Jesus,” he gasped softly.
Sherry raised her head from his now-limp prick. She knew she had drained him and now her cunt was burning hot. Her panties were damp from her dripping juices. She knew she had to get away quickly or she would be begging men in the crowd. And she didn’t think she could ever get over doing something like that.
“Let’s go, Dirk,” she pleaded with him.
He knew what was wrong with her. He slipped his rough hand between her legs and felt her damp panties. He laughed loudly and roughly.
“What’s the matter, cunt?” he asked her. “All hot and ready? Maybe we could ask some of these nice gentlemen to help you out.”
“No,” Sherry begged. “Please, not that.”
“You don’t like any of these men?” he questioned.
“Please don’t tease me,” she said. “Let’s go back. Let’s go back right now.”
Dirk looked around at the pinning faces. He knew any one of them would jump at the chance to put his cock in Sherry’s cunt. And he damn well knew Sherry wouldn’t protest for now she was hotter than a firecracker. He almost offered one of the men that chance but then he had a better idea. He knew a way to break Sherry’s spirit.
“All right,” Dirk said, “You don’t like any of these men so I guess you’ll have to do it yourself.”
“What do you mean?” Sherry asked.
“Play with yourself,” he said. “Spread those pretty legs and play with yourself. Let the nice man see you with your fingers in your cunt.”
“No,” Sherry whispered.
“Goddamn you!” he yelled. “Don’t argue with me!”
She was half-second away from getting clobbered. She could see it in his eyes. She leaned back against the seat and pulled her skirt up. She could hear the grunts of admiration. She quickly slipped her panties down her legs and spread her legs. She closed her eyes because she couldn’t stand to see the drools of the men.
She pushed two fingers inside herself and began to massage her cunt. She was already hot and it didn’t take a moment before her hips were moving in response to her fingers. She knew it was depraved to show herself this way to all the hungry eyes, but she found herself leaning back more and spreading her thighs wider.
Her fingers searched until she found her sensitive clit and she began to frantically massage it. She felt the warmth spreading from her cunt all over her body. Tingly feelings went up her spine and made her skin burn.
“Oooooh,” she groaned softly. “Oh, I’m making myself come! Oh, it feels so good! Oh my goodness!”
Her cunt got juicier as her fingers slipped out of herself. For a moment she couldn’t seem to move and then she slowly became aware of the staring eyes.
“Put your panties, on, cunt,” Dirk said. “You should have known you couldn’t get away from me.”
She pulled her panties back on. She was aware of the men laughing roughly as Dirk started the truck and jerked away from the curb. Ugly laughter that burned her ears. The way some men might laugh at a dirty joke.
Sherry looked at the farmhouse with a sinking feeling in her stomach. She hadn’t expected to ever ace the place again, but she knew one thing for sure. She wasn’t going to stay. She was just looking for her chance to get away again, and this time she would just keep running. She would get away if she had to walk nil the way back to the city.
Tim was standing in the yard as Dirk pulled the truck to a stop. He had his big hands on his hips as he watched them climb out of the truck. He didn’t look happy.
“So she tried to run away,” Tim said.
“Sure did,” Dirk said, grinning, “but I sure taught her a lesson. Made her suck me off right there in front of everybody. Best fucking head I’ve ever got, too!”
“That’s good,” Tim said, “but I don’t think that’s enough. I think she needs to learn a real lesson.”
His face was ugly as he put his broad hand on his belt. Sherry’s mouth dropped open. Surely he couldn’t be planning on beating her with that thing! She heard Dirk’s rough laughter and she knew that that was exactly what he was planning.
“Yes sir,” Tim said. “A little strap across your bare ass ought to teach you better.”
Her legs felt weak. She knew he meant what he said, and he had a look of enjoyment on his face. It looked as if he had just been waiting for a chance to take a strap to her. Sherry was beginning to realize that there was something different about her cousins and her uncle. They didn’t just like sex. They liked to feel power and the ability to hurt someone. She had seen that trait in David and now she saw it in Tim. He undid his belt and pulled it off. He doubled it up and slapped it against the palm of his hand. He walked toward her with that same sick grin on his face.
“Leave me alone,” she said.
She backed up but not far. Dirk was standing behind her and she felt his strong arms go around her waist, holding her still. He bent down and blew in her ear.
“Now don’t you fight,” he whispered. “Or you’ll get it worse. Tim likes it when they fight.”
She got scared. She couldn’t just stand there because he would really hurt her. She brought her foot down hard on Dirk’s toes and he howled in rage. She hardly realized what she was doing as she drove her foot down again and he let go of her.
She ran for the barn. She heard Tim yelling at her. She got to the door and then remembered that there was no back door. She was so scared she could hardly stand up and she felt like she was going to be sick. She tried to make it around the corner of the barn and Dirk tackled her. She scratched and clawed at him but he just laughed at her.
“She wants to go to the barn,” Tim said. “Take her to the barn.”
Dirk picked her up like a sack of produce and pitched her over his broad shoulder. He carried her kicking and screaming to the barn. He dropped her on the hay with her arms twisted up behind her. He picked up a piece of rope and tied her hands and then pitched the end of the rope over a rafter. He tied her solidly to the rafter so that she could barely move.
“Let me go,” she sobbed. “Don’t hurt me. I won’t run away any more.”
“Lying bitch,” Dirk said.
He tore her clothes off her. She had never felt so naked as she did hanging there. She couldn’t turn her head enough to see Tim but she could hear him. He pressed up against her and his hands caressed her bare ass.
“Nice and round and soft,” he whispered. “It’s a shame I have to mark it up. But you know you have to learn a lesson. We can’t have you running away every time my back is turned.”
“I won’t,” Sherry said. “I promise you. I won’t!”
“Oh, you would,” Tim said. “As soon as you got the chance. But that’s because you haven’t got the fear. But you’re going to get the fear.”
“Please,” Sherry sobbed.
Tim rubbed the leather of his belt against her and she shivered. His fingers parted her thighs and he pulled the leather belt between them. He pulled it back and forth for a few moments, creating some new sensations in Sherry’s body.
“See,” Tim said. “I can make you feel good. Real good. I can also make you hurt like hell!”
She screamed as her uncle jerked the belt from between her sensitive thighs. He brought it down with a hard snap of his wrist that made her hurt all over. She heard Tim laughing and then asking Dirk to go to the house for a beer.
The waiting was hard. Tim didn’t speak to her while Dirk was gone for the beer. Ho didn’t put his hand on her. She heard him whispering when Dirk came back and she heard the pop tops on the beer cans. Again she tried to turn her head but the rope allowed just so much movement.
“Now the real fun begins,” Tim said.
He beat her all over with the belt. He beat her until she was sobbing for mercy and promising anything. He kept biting her until she started thinking that he a going to beat her to death.
Finally he stopped. Tim lifted her head and looked into her puffy face. Her cheeks were tear-stained but the anger and spirit had left her eyes. Now she looked at him like a frightened animal.
That was the way Tim liked his women to be. Afraid of him. A scared woman would do anything she we asked and without question. He let his hands fail to her creamy tits and he canned her until he felt her nipples begin to stiffen.
Damn, but she we a hot one. Even after a beating like this one she could still feel passion. He grabbed her hair and bent her head back until she we staring up at the ceiling. He knew it we almost an impossible position and she started to whimper softly.
“All right,” Tim said, “let’s take her up to the house.”
“Why not right here?” Dirk asked.
Tim nodded. The hay was soft and it had been a while since he’d really fucked a woman in the barn. He reached up and untied her hands and she fell to her knees. He grabbed her by the hair and pulled her face against his crotch.
Her lips started working immediately, almost frantically. That we the way it always went. The women wanted to satisfy him, to do anything he wanted. A good beating made a woman easier to live with.
“Take my prick out,” he said.
Her fingers tugged nervously at his zipper but she got it down. He felt her small hand reach inside his trousers and search in his shorts for his hard prick. Her fingers touched him deliciously. He spread his legs as her fingers wrapped around his prick and she pulled it out.
He sipped at his beer as he looked down at the top of her blond head. She looked up at him. Her face was questioning and he nodded. Damn, but this was better than he had expected. The little bitch was asking his permission to suck his cock. Damn, but this was fine. He grinned at Dirk, who was stripping out of his clothes.
“Feels good,” he said. “Feels real good!”
He grabbed her by her head and forced his cock deep into her throat. He sighed as he felt his cock-head pressing against the back of her throat. He started moving his hips, thrusting his hard cock in and out of her full red lips.
“A little tongue,” he groaned. “Ahhh, that’s it, baby. Give me a little tongue. Fine. Nice. This feels good, you fucking sweet little cunt!”
He felt the ache in his balls and he knew he was getting ready to come. Quickly he jerked his cock out, leaving a little stain of white on her lips. He brushed his throbbing cock-head back and forth across her full lips, loving the tingly sensations she gave him.
“Damn nice,” he said. “So fucking sweet. Come on over here, Dirk.”
Dirk came closer and brushed his hard cock against her cheek. He saw her close her eyes and her face blushed red with shame. That excited him.
He held his cock in his stubby hand and he directed his dripping cock-head all over her face.
“That’s enough,” Tim said. “Get on your back, Son. Let’s let her ride your prick.”
Dirk leaned over and based Sherry’s cum-stained dick before he dropped to his knees and then to his back. He still had his thick fingers wrapped sound his pulsating meat and he pointed it out at her, grinning.
“Come on now,” he told her. “Come and get it, baby.”
Sherry acted like a zombie as she straddled rim. All the fire and spit had been beaten out of her. She knew only one thing. She would do what she had to do to keep Tim from hitting her any more. She also knew that she wouldn’t try to run again. Fear was like a thick hand covering her throat, almost keeping her from breathing. She knew she would never be able to run. She wouldn’t have the strength.
“Sit on me, Sherry,” Dirk said impatiently. “Hurry up. I want to feel your tight cunt covering me!”
She slowly lowered herself on his fat prick. She felt his prick-head stretching the lips of her cunt and then that feeling took hold of her again. Her insides started quivering as his thick staff slipped into her, filling her.
“Fantastic,” Dirk said. “She can still feel tight even after the beating you gave her. She’s one fantastic piece of ass. So fucking nice!”
“The best we’ve ever had,” Tim agreed. He was standing near and he put his hand on top of her head. He dropped his hand to caress her tit, running his fingers gently across her flesh. Her nipples grew hard and aching. He pinched one and she moaned. He put his broad hand back on the top of her head.
“Now bounce on him,” he told her. “Bounce up and down. You do the fucking. Make him feel good. Milk his cock good or I’ll have the belt to you again!”
Even the thought of it made her blood run cold. She started to bounce up and down frantically. As his thick cock slid up into her tight cunt, Dirk reached up and cupped her tits. He squeezed her until it almost hurt but that kind of pain seemed to add to her pleasure.
“She’s beginning to dig it,” Tim said. “Her tits are getting hard.”
She felt Tim pressing against her back. His hard cock was rubbing up her spine and pressing against her neck. She could feel the wet touch of his cock-head against her skin. Her lips parted as she thought about getting his hard cock in her mouth again. She could almost feel his cock-head snug against the back of her throat.
“Ummm,” she moaned softly. She was beginning to feel good. She had not forgotten the beating but she was more consumed with the hot, tingly feeling in her cunt.
“God, she’s making it tight,” Dirk groaned. “I don’t know if I can stand it. She’s making it so tight.”
“Hang oh, boy,” Tim said. “Don’t come yet. We’re going to get it together.”
Sherry wondered what he meant, but she didn’t have long before she found out. Tim’s hand went back to the back of her neck and he was pushing her forward. She didn’t mind that. Her tits pressed against Dirk’s hard, hairy chest and she started rubbing her nipples against his. Dirk’s arms went around her shoulders and pulled her even tighter.
His hot lips pressed against hers, his tongue thrusting into her mouth again and again. The fires grew in her. She could feel her juices flowing, giving his cock easier entrance. She opened her mouth wider and drove her tongue against his. His hips started thrusting upward as his excitement grew.
His hand jerked her mouth away by grabbing her hand.
“Gawd,” he said. “I can’t wait. It’s getting to feel so fucking good.”
“Goddamn it, wait!” Tim commanded.
Dirk slowed his upward thrusts. Sherry protested loudly as she wiggled around trying to get him started again. He wouldn’t. She knew he wanted to. Why was he waiting?
“Come on,” Sherry pleaded with him. “I’m hot. I’m so hot. Please keep on fucking me!”
Then she realized why Tim had her in the position she was in. She felt his strong hands massaging her asscheeks. He pulled them apart so that her tiny whole was exposed to him. He rubbed his fingers across her tiny hole.
Sherry stopped wiggling. All excitement went out of her. She tried to move out of his grasp. There was no possible way to do that. Both men were too strong for her. She groaned as she felt one rough finger slip into her ass.
“You’re going to like this, sugar,” Tim said.
“No,” she begged him. “No, please don’t do that. Anything but that. It’ll hurt too bad. Pleaseeee!”
Tim wasn’t listening. He was enjoying himself too much. He was taking his time because he knew there was no way she was going to escape. He thought that nothing was more beautiful than this luscious ass in front of him. He drove his finger into her ass a few times, getting her prepared.
Then he knelt behind her and pressed his cock-head snugly against her tiny asshole. Even then he didn’t drive it in. He took his time. He held his cock in one hand and rubbed his cock-head up and down the crack of her ass. He grew more excited as he felt her trying to wiggle out from under him.
“Don’t wiggle so, Sherry,” he said, laughing. “You’re going to get it. Just relax.”
“Don’t do it to me,” she begged, sobbing.
There was no way to stop him. His prick pounded in hot excitement and he couldn’t wait. Again he pressed his cock-head firmly against her tiny puckered hole. She felt so sweet. He gave a shove and slowly forced her ass open to him. She was so fucking tight. She was trying to wiggle away.
“You’re tearing me in half!” she screamed. “You’re killing me. You have to stop! You’re killing me! God, please stop! Please don’t hurt me any more!”
He had never felt such pressure. She was so rigid that he had to give another brutal shove to get his cock-head inside. Her frantic wiggling only excited him further. He could feel a hot, aching pressure building in his balls. When he came he was really going to give her a fun load.
“Let me go!” she wailed.
“Don’t be so impatient, Sherry,” he said. “You’re going to get every inch of it soon.”
“Bastard!” she cried out loudly. “You bastard! You ugly fucking bastard! You’re killing me! God, you’re killing me!”
“Shut her up for a while,” Tim commanded.
Sherry moved her head from side to side but still Dirk managed to press his mouth against hers. His tongue pushed deeply into her throat. He had calmed down a little and he began his thrusting movements with his cock once again. Sherry couldn’t help but respond. Each time his cock pushed into her it rubbed against her clit.
This sub tic mixture of pain and pleasure was beginning to drive her up the wall. She wanted it to stop but then she didn’t want it to stop. She was confused and angry. The more she wiggled the deeper her ass sucked in Tim’s cock.
Tim was beginning to lose his patience. He had wanted to be a little gentle with her but he hadn’t expected it to feel this good. He had never gotten his cock into a woman’s ass that felt so snug. He could wait no longer to get his throbbing prick inside her.
He stretched out on top of her so that she was sandwiched between himself and his brawny son. He gave a brutal shove and his cock went partially into her tight ass. He shoved again and went a little farther and he could finally feel her muscles relaxing.
“You Goddamned bastard!” she screamed. “You sick bastard! Stop that!”
He had no pity on her. Once more he shoved hard and this time his prick went nil the way into her ass. He filled her up. He waited for a little while as he felt her row used to his intruding prick.
“Now, Son,” Tim directed. “We fuck her together.”
Tim pulled his prick out and slammed it forcefully back into her ass again. He did it twice more until he had her juicy enough so that he could begin fucking. He began to screw her in slow, deep strokes that made her body shudder each time he drove his cock into her.
“God, Tim,” Dirk groaned. “I can feel you fucking her. I can feel you!”
“I told you,” Tim said. “Didn’t I say this was good!”
“It’s fantastic!” Dirk agreed. It was also fantastic for Sherry once the pain stopped. It took a few minutes before she could feel the tingles again, but then the heat in her body grew more powerful than before. She was filled with cock. As filled as she’d ever been. Two throbbing pricks fucking her with the same rhythm was more than she could stand.
“Feel her moving?” Dirk groaned. “She’s starting to like it. She’s moving so good!”
Sherry tried to fight the feelings but not for long. The wild animal in her came out. She scratched and clawed and bit into Dirk’s shoulder. It felt so good! It was such a delicious feeling to have two big cocks pounding her. It felt so fantastic to have their cocks rubbing together through her thin cunt wall. She ground her mouth against Dirk’s. This time it was her tongue that drove deeply into his mouth.
He turned at her hair but she wouldn’t be pulled away. She started driving her tongue in and out of his mouth with the same slow rhythm that they fucked her with. She felt absolutely savage! Every nerve in her body tingled.
Shiny felt them increasing their thrusting rhythm. They were fucking her savagely, harder and faster each second. Sweat dripped from all their bodies.
“God,” Sherry, moaned. “You’re making me feel good. You’re making me hot all over.”
“Fuck her hard,” Tim grunted. “Fuck her hard!”
“Yes,” Sherry agreed. “Fuck me hard! Fuck me with those fucking cock!”
She felt Dirk shudder. He started to groan softly and his cock-head seemed to expand within her. She knew that Dirk wasn’t going to last much longer. Somehow she got her fingers in between them and she softly caressed his balls.
“Ahhhhh,” Dirk gasped. “She’s such a fucking hot box! It feels so good. So Goddamned good. I’m going to blow my wad. Jesus, it feels so fucking good. I can’t stand itttt!” She kept milking his cock as he exploded within her. Hot rivers of cum filled her insides. She shivered as she felt Tim’s cock growing in her ass. She started thrusting back to meet him, trying to draw his cock even deeper into her ass. It seemed like his thick cock-head was going into her stomach. She moaned and gasped as she felt the first flames rock her body.
“Oooooo!” she moaned. “Oooooh, I’m coming! I love it! I love your cock up my ass! It’s making me come! It’s making me come! Jesus, it feels SO WONDERFULLLLL!”
Later Sherry would have to admit to herself that it was the best orgasm she’d ever experienced. It made her entire body weak. Tim’s cock grew and she could feel his cum pouring into her ass and she kept thrusting back as long as he moved.
It was fantastic. Really fantastic!
She wouldn’t admit it to them, though. She wouldn’t speak a word as the two men got dressed and left her in the barn. She looked at her torn clothes and she thought about running away. She might make it. Then a fear came over her so strong that it nearly made her physically sick.
She couldn’t run away. Not now. Not ever. Not until they told her to leave. Now she was too afraid of them. She gathered up her clothes and walked to the house.
[missing text] introducing her to new things. Yet she felt lonely. She put her comb down and stepped back from the mirror. Her hair was getting longer than she liked it. Already the ends reached down to the small of her back. She liked it a little shorter and fluffier but her hair was now the way Dirk liked it and the way that Dirk demanded it to be.
Everything else about her new look she liked. Her body was a little plumped but she had always been too skinny. She had been getting plenty of sun and now she no longer needed to wear stockings for her legs to have a tanned look.
“I look like the farmer’s daughter,” she said. She picked her comb up and gave her hair another few strokes. She went to her closet and picked out a short blue skirt and a frilly white blouse. Tim had wanted her to play hostess for him that evening. He was having a card game and he wanted her to serve the players like a waitress. He especially wanted her to be dressed in the sexiest outfit she had.
She knew he wasn’t disappointed in her choice when she walked down the stairs. His eyes practically bugged out. She had on the short blue skirt, a tight, pretty thing that barely touched the top of her thighs. She wore blue panties that showed a slight outline beneath the skirt. Enough to show that she was wearing bikini panties.
She found she hadn’t needed the uplift bra she’d picked out to wear. Her breasts practically spilled out of the top of the frilly blouse and she’d unbuttoned the top two buttons to give herself even more cleavage.
She’d want high heels that, though they were hard to walk in, gave her a taller appearance. She reached the bottom of the stabs and she turned for him, making sure he got the fun view.
“Fantastic,” he said. “Damn, I feel like taking you back upstairs right now.”
She was a little surprised. Tim was not the sort who usually gave compliments. Her outfit must have really gotten to him in a way she’d not expected. For a few moments she’d thought that he really was going to take her back upstairs.
“No,” Tim said finally. “I don’t want to men you up. I want the fellows to see you just like that. I’ve been telling them what a fantastic-looking piece you are and now they’ll see for themselves. I’ll teach those bastards to lie.”
Sherry got the feeling that this wasn’t going to be a really friendly card game. She remembered that she hadn’t been excited when he’d told her about it. In fact, he seemed angry just as he did now. She wondered what it was all about.
The card players were late getting there. Two of them were farm types like rim. Big, brawny suntanned men who looked like they were used to hard work. It was the third man who shocked Sherry. She hadn’t seen him in a long while but she’d thought about him often. It was Rick.
Tim didn’t look as happy to see him as he’d looked about seeing the other two men. He said all the right things but his voice was at mined.
“Well let’s get this started,” Rick said.
They sat around the table and began to play cards. Twice, as Sherry moved about the room, she felt Rick’s eyes on her. Each time she smiled at him but his eyes were hard and cold, as if he hated her. She knew that he had probably heard all the stories about her.
“All right,” Rick said finally. “This isn’t getting us anywhere. You know I didn’t come to play for small stakes.”
Sherry felt the sudden tension in the room. The two farm men looked down at the floor. Tim stared into Rick’s eyes with obvious hostility. Rick smiled and Tim was forced to look away.
“What do you want?” Tim asked in a whisper.
“You know I hate you,” Rick said softly. “You know I want your family out of this town. That’s what it’s all about. By the time I’m finished one of us is going to see the light.”
“I won’t leave,” Tim said weakly. “This is my home.”
“One of us is leaving,” Rick said.
Tim’s hands trembled a little and Sherry once again felt that aura around Rick. Men were frightened of him. It wasn’t anything he did. It was just that feeling that he could do something. He was more of a man than Tim, Dirk or David.
“I can’t leave,” Tim protested.
“Rape is an ugly crime,” Rick said. “I don’t want Dinah to go to court. I don’t want any publicity. That’s why we’re playing this game. At the end of it one of us agrees to leave.”
“You can go to hell,” Tim said.
Rick stood up. At first Sherry thought he was going to start swinging. His face was an angry red. He reached across the table and placed one hand on Tim’s shoulder.
“I thought we could do this peaceably,” Rick said. “Say, a nice card game. But you’re leaving. Take your bags and get the fuck out of this community. Take your sick family with you. Be gone in the morning or I’m going to come over and help you pack.”
Rick’s voice was soft but he had scared Tim. Even Sherry could see that. His face was a pale white and his hands trembled. Sherry had never thought anything could scare Tim. He shook Rick’s hand off but he said nothing.
“In the morning,” Rick said.
He gave Sherry another angry look as he walked to the door, but he said nothing else. The door slammed shut behind him and there was an audible sigh of relief from the three men.
“Damn,” Tim said. “Well, I’m not going to worry about that bastard any more. Let’s play cards.”
“Are you going to leave?” one of the men asked. “Hell no,” he said. “That bastard’s not big enough to run me off the farm.”
The three of them concentrated on their card game. Now they were playing seriously. Tim was losing badly. He kept calling for Sherry to bring him more beer. Each time he would reach over and fondle part of her.
“Nice,” he would say. “Fucking sweet-looking girl. I told you guys she was nice.”
“I never would have believed it,” one man said. Tim kept gaming and he grew angry. The money in front of him dwindled. Finally there wasn’t any.
He put down his cards with disgust.
“Well I guess that’s it,” one farm man said.
“Wait,” Tim said, half drunk. “You’ve got to give me a chance to get some of my money back.”
“How?” the farm man asked. “You haven’t anything left to play with.”
Tim’s eyes wandered around the room. They stopped at Sherry. She was standing near the door and she felt a little cold at the expression on his face.
“I’ve got something else to bet,” he said. “How’d you like a little time alone with Sherry?”
Sherry had been afraid that was what he was going to suggest. She felt her heart pound as the big red-headed farmer looked her way and grinned at her. He licked his full, meaty lips. He looked over at his friend.
“What do you think, John?” he asked.
“Fine with me, Red,” John answered.
“Good,” Tim said. “Pass me some money over here. I’m going to win this one.”
He didn’t. Tim lost the next hand and the next and the money in front of him dwindled until it was gone. Red put the cards down with a slow smile, “That’s it,” Red said. “You’ve lost everything in the pile. Come on over here, honey.”
Red looked straight at Sherry and she felt her knees grow weak. Red was a nice-looking man and she might have been willing if it had been a normal situation. But she didn’t like the thought of being won in a poker game like some piece of property. Tim saw her hesitation and he leaned back in his chair. He touched his leather belt and Sherry felt sick inside.
“Come here,” Red repeated.
Sherry walked to him and stood by his chair. He just sat thew looking at her like a mouse might look at a piece of cheese it was about to devour.
“Where’s your bedroom?” Red asked.
“Upstairs,” she answered.
“Well let’s go, sugar,” he said.
She walked slowly up the stairs with Red right cc her heels. She hesitated at the door but Red pushed it open. He placed one big hand at the small of her back and pushed her inside. He stood in the doorway with his beefy hands on his hips and looked around her room.
“Nice,” he said. “I like a woman with taste and I can tell you’ve done a little work.”
“Thank you,” she said.
It sounded so stupid she wished she hadn’t said it. He grinned at her. He walked around the room examining things. Nothing she had was private. He opened drawers and went through her clothes. This was the ultimate cruelty. No man had ever invaded her privacy the way Red was doing.
Finally Red turned his attention to her once more. “All right,” he said. “Strip it off. Let’s see what I won.”
“Not like this,” she said. “Come back sometime and I’ll give you what you want, but not like this. This is dirty. I feel so… cheap.”
“You weren’t cheap,” he said. “You cost a good bit. I’m a working boy and I don’t have time to come calling so strip it off, sugar. Strip it off now.”
Her hands felt numb as she undid the buttons of her blouse and pulled her blouse apart. His eyes ogled her bare flesh almost like hands touching her. She let the blouse fall to the floor and she cupped her hands underneath her breasts.
“Beautiful,” he said. “Absolutely fantastic. I thought you might have had a funny bra on to make them stand up that way. But you didn’t. Nice, baby. Nice.”
She unzipped her skirt and let it fail. She remained in her high heels and flimsy blue panties. She knew he could plainly see her heavy bush through her panties. She started to kick her heels off but he stopped her.
“No,” he said. “Keep everything else on. I’ll take the panties off later. And I like a woman in high heels. I think she looks sexier that way. Come on over here. I want you to undress.”
There was something sexy about the situation. Something that caused Sherry’s blood to stir. She didn’t like being won in a poker game but somehow she felt that Red was going to be a good lover. A very good lover.
She walked to him and he gathered her into his strong arms. He explored her mouth with his tongue and she began to feel hot and shivery all over. His hands dropped to her buttocks and he squeezed gently over and over.
She slipped out of his grasp and reached for the buttons of his shirt. He had a nice chest. Strong and hairy with the same bright color as his red hair.
She got his shirt unbuttoned and then reached for his buckle. It took her only a few seconds to get it undone and she pulled his trousers down.
He wore undershorts and she tuned the shorts down to his knees. His cock was only half hard but it was huge. She lifted his balls in her fingers as she pressed herself close to him again. His hands cupped her buttocks. She squeezed his balls with the same gentle rhythm. His tongue jutted into her mouth and she wiggled her tongue against his.
It was a nice feeling, a hot feeling. He was strong but he wasn’t rough. He was a lot like Rick had been in the way he loved her and Sherry started wondering how many other men in the world could also make her feel so good.
“Umm, baby,” he said, pushing her away. “Why don’t you go down and see about my prick. It feels so lonely down there.”
“Yes,” she agreed. “We can’t let it get lonely.” She dropped her knees and found his hard prick against her cheek. Sherry moved her head slowly until the head of his cock pressed against her lips. She wanted to make it good for him. She wanted him to enjoy it. She opened her lips and sucked just the sensitive crown between her teeth.
“Baby,” he moaned. “I never had too many girls do that to me. They usually don’t want to. But you make it feel so good. So fucking nice!”
She understood, from the sound of his voice, that he had probably never had a real blowjob before. Well she was going to give him one. She’d forgotten that he had won her in a poker game. There was something else inside her now, some urgency that drove her to make him happy. She wanted him to be satisfied.
She licked the length of his cock, tasting his sweet taste of hay and sweat. He smelled like a man who worked on a farm. It was a good smell. She licked the sweat from his balls and then took one gingerly in her mouth.
She hollowed her cheek and rolled his sensitive sac between her tongue and teeth. It drove him crazy. His hips began to move and she wondered how excited he was going to get when she took his wonderful cock into her mouth.
She couldn’t wait to find out. She licked back up the underside of his cock and stopped her lips just above his crown. She licked away the little drop of lubricating fluid that was there. He moaned and he tried to thrust his shaft into her mouth.
“Suck me,” he said. “Please suck me. I want to feel my cock in your mouth.”
She didn’t make him wait any longer. She opened her mouth and took his shaft completely into her hot cavern. Her tongue flicked around the sensitive crown rapidly. She felt his throbbing, massive staff jerking in her mouth as he grew more and more excited.
She sucked him deeper, feeling him snug against the back of her throat. It was like the time with Dirk except she was enjoying herself a lot more. Her curd ached.
“I love it,” Red moaned. “I love it. God, you’re a fine woman!”
She brushed her hair back from her eyes as she really went to work on his cock. She began to bob her head up and down on his rod, coating him with her saliva and his dripping juices. He leaked a lot. She kept tasting his salty fluid.
She wondered how long it had been since he’d had a woman. She ran her fingers lightly across his balls and she could feel how heavy they were. It had to have been a long time. It felt as if he had been saving it for a while.
“Oh fuck,” he groaned softly. “I’m coming, baby. Take your mouth away quick. I’m coming.”
She looked at him in puzzlement. Take her mouth away? Why? Then she realized he was flying to keep her from having to take a mouthful of his cum. He hadn’t really ever had a good blowjob before. She smiled at him.
“I’m almost there,” he groaned. “You’d better stop!”
“I don’t want to stop,” she said. “I want to drink your cum. I want to drink every drop!”
Red couldn’t believe it. He grabbed the back of her head and drove his cock deep into her throat. His hands felt burning hot. He felt the fluid going through his thick cock.
“I’m there!” he screamed. “I’m going to come! I’m going to put my cum in your mouth! You’re taking it in your mouth! GODDDDDD!”
His cum shot thickly into her throat. More cum than she had ever tasted. He kept driving his cock into her mouth and filling her mouth with his jism. She tried to swallow it all but it ran out onto her lips and chin and dropped to her tits, and she kept bobbing her head for more.
“Baby,” he groaned, holding her head against his chest.
She kept sucking his cock. She kept sucking it until she felt it start to grow again. She felt his stiffness once more filling her throat. She had known he would be ready quickly. She knew he had been saving it too long.
“Baby,” she said, releasing his cock from between her full red lips. “I want you to fuck me. I need to have your cock.”
“Fuck yes,” he groaned. “Get on the bed.”
“No,” she whispered. “I can’t wait. I can’t. Come on down here. My cunt’s so hot.”
She grabbed him by the shoulders and pulled him down against her. His hands grabbed the top of her panties and ripped the flimsy things away. She could feel his monstrous cock brushing her stomach as she leaned over to kiss him.
“I’m so hot for you,” she whispered.
She still had on her high heels as she lay back on the floor. She parted her legs and he dropped on top of her. Her legs were high enough for him to gain entry easily. He grunted as he thrust his cock into her.
“Yes, baby!” she cried out. “That feels so good. I needed it. I needed your big cock inside me.”
She crossed her legs behind his back, still wearing the heels. She dug her fingernails into his shoulders. He started fucking her in quick, rapid thrusts and their bodies slapped together loudly.
“I love it!” he yelled. “It feels so good! So good!”
His hands went underneath to cup her fleshy buttocks. She felt his finger part the crack of her ass and one finger go slowly into her anus. Then two fingers. He started driving them in and out of her ass with the same rapid strokes.
She kissed him, drawing, his tongue into her mouth. It seemed like she couldn’t get enough of him. She wanted to devour him, to take him completely into her body. She wished he had three cocks so she could take them all into her body.
“Jesus, baby,” he groaned. “You’re turning me on too bad. I don’t think I can wait. I don’t think I cannn!”
It was good that she was hot to begin with for they had just started fucking when his cum started pouring into her. Rut she was hot. Hot and ready. The tingles went up her spine and her pussy juices mingled with his thick cum.
“We’re coming together!” she screamed. “It’s so wild! It’s never been this good! It’s never been this good! Oh, God, we’re coming together!”
She clung to him as the last shudders went through their bodies. She hadn’t been lying. It had never been that good! His body was drenched with sweat and she put her lips to his jutting nipple and licked a drop away.
“Oh Red,” she said. “That was absolutely wild!” Now he seemed angry at her. She couldn’t understand it. He started dressing without looking at her. His face looked as if he had eaten something that didn’t agree with him. He started for the door.
“Red,” she said. “It was good. It was great. Don’t be mad at me. Tell me what I did wrong. I’ll make it up to you. You were the best I ever had.”
“Sure,” Red said. “I believe you. Now I’ll send John up and you can spread your legs and tell him the same lies.”
Red shut the door with a loud bang.
The sound of angry voices awakened Sherry. She dipped out of bed and wrapped a robe around herself. She hurried down stairs to find out what was going on. Tim stood in the doorway, his face white. He held a shotgun. Dirk was at the table and David was backed against a kitchen door.
“Get off my property,” she said.
“I’ll not leave until you do,” Rick said. She knew his confident voice.
“We’re not leaving,” Tim said.
“Yes you are,” Rick said. “You and your entire family. You can send a change of address so that we’ll know where to send the money from the sale of your farm.”
“Are you crazy?” Tim said. “I said we’re not leaving.”
Sherry was able to see through the kitchen window. Rick was standing in the yard surrounded by a group of angry men. She saw that Red and John were among them. She had serviced John the night before by sucking him off. She had not seen Red leave.
“You funky old bastard,” Rick said. “Don’t you understand yet? We don’t want you here. Dirk has beaten or raped half the young girls in this town. He’s castrated a few men. You’re leaving if I have to take you off that porch. I warned you.”
“I’ll shoot,” Tim said.
Sherry had no doubt that he would but it wasn’t Rick she was thinking about. That big shotgun could carry more than one man away with it. Even Red. He was standing close enough. Sherry knew she had to do something.
She went for him. She was almost too slow. Both David and Dirk reached for her but she scrambled past them. She went for Tim with her nails and teeth and he turned around too late. She scratched his face bloody as she drove him backward off the porch.
He butted her in the stomach with the butt of his shotgun but he was too late to stop Rick and the others. Rick knocked him to the ground and sent the shotgun spinning away. He got to his feet quickly but Rick knocked him down again. Tim didn’t get up this time.
Dirk came off the porch with a scream of rap. He struck Rick in the shoulder and turned him around. Rick kicked Dirk in the balls really hard. Dirk bent over and Rick kicked him again. And again. Dirk fell to the dirt, groaning.
“You want some?” Rick asked David. The young boy shook his head.
“All right,” Rick said. “You start packing bags. Anything you leave gets sold. Get with it, boy.”
Tim and Dirk were good for nothing for a long while. Sherry packed their bags for them. Rick kept giving her nasty looks and she wondered how she had ever liked him. He was just as bad at the rest, only worse because he tiled to hide behind his morals. And Sherry knew his morals weren’t that good.
“Put everything in the truck and take the rest of the trash with you,” Rick told her.
Red we the only man there who stepped forward to help her put the bag into the truck. All except her bag. Red picked it up and put it back on the pound.
“Him too,” Rick commanded.
“I don’t think so,” Red said softly.
“I said I wanted all the trash away from here.”
Red picked up her bag and walked over to his own truck. He put it in the front seat and domed the truck door. He gave Rick a steady look.
“Now you won’t take it out of there,” Red said softly. “Or you’ll go over me.”
Rick thought about it but one look at Red’s granite face made him decide against it. Red was the one person in town he didn’t think he could handle. At least without a lot of trouble and maybe getting a few broken bones.
“The hell with it,” Rick said. “Let’s get the rest of the trash in the truck.”
Sherry stood quietly as Tim, Dirk and David piled into the truck. They were the only family she knew but she didn’t feel bad about seeing them go. She watched until the truck disappeared in a swirl of dust.
“All right, boys,” Rick said. “That should do it. We won’t have any more trouble out of this crowd.”
Rick stopped and looked at her as he walked past. She saw his eyes go to the top of her robe where her breasts peeped through like ripe melons. She gave him a defiant look and held her robe together tightly.
“Maybe we could get together sometime,” Rick suggested. “Now that you’re staying. I’m an important man. I could kind of make things cozy for you.”
“You go to hell,” she said softly.
Red was standing close and he smiled at her answer. Rick clenched his fists as if he were getting ready to strike. Red walked over to him in two long strides and put one strong hand on Rick’s shoulder. He peered into Rick’s eyes.
“Don’t make a bad mistake,” Red said. “She’s my woman from now on.”
“All right,” he said.
Red and Sherry stood in front of the house as everyone got into their cars and drove away. Sherry was afraid to say anything. She didn’t know if Red had meant what he said. She slipped closer to him and put her hand in his.
“Did you really mean that?” she asked, “About my being your woman?”
“I never lie,” he said.
He pushed her toward the truck and her gown came open down the front. Quickly she gathered it up. She felt his broad hand squeezing her ass.
“Get in the truck,” he said.
“But my clothes,” she protested. “I need to get dressed.”
“Here, baby,” he said. “You’re not going to need to get dressed for a long while.”
He didn’t drive her to his farm. He drove out a long, lonely road to where a river ran through a dump of trees. There was a little cabin there. He opened the door for her and told her to get out. She slipped out of the truck, feeling her heart pounding rapidly.
“Let’s go down to the river,” he said.
They went down to the river and he stripped off his clothes and stepped in. He motioned for her to do the same. She dropped her robe and stepped naked into the cool water. He put his broad arm around her shoulders and pulled her tightly against him.
“I was mad as hell last night,” he said. “I didn’t want to think about you being with other men. Every time I thought about it made me sick. But I couldn’t let you go. You’re too fucking good.”
“I won’t go with any other men from now on,” she promised.
“You’d better keep that promise,” he said. “Or I’ll take a strap to your ass.”
She felt weak in her knees and he had to hold her steady. She knew that Red was the man she’d been looking for. The man who would teach her how to really be a woman. There wouldn’t be any need for other men as long as Red was around.
He crushed her tight against him and she could feel his cock growing stiff.
“Umm,” she said, reaching down and fondling his prick. “Do you have a problem?”
“Nothing you can’t take care of,” he said. He picked her up and carried her back to the bank. He lay her down on the soft green grass and his face disappeared between her thighs. She felt his tongue licking away the drops of water from her thick pubic hair.
She ran her fingers through his thick hair. She tugged at his head when she felt his delicious feeling tongue parting her cunt folds and slipping into her hot box. Her hips began to move against his thrusting tongue.
“Oh yes, Red,” she groaned. “Oh yes, that’s nice. I love being eaten. I love it!” His hands cupped her ass and he squeezed her flesh as his tongue thrust in and out. She felt her cunt getting juicy as the warmth spread through her body.
“Let me turn around,” she said. “Let’s sixty-nine.”
He released her so that he could stretch out on his back and she quickly covered him with her cunt. She leaned across his body so her lips touched his cock-head.
“I love to suck your cock,” she told him. “You have a magnificent cock. So sweet-tasting.”
She shivered as he drove his tongue deep into her cunt and she knew the time for talking was over. She lifted his rod with her fingers and started planting wet kisses all over the head of his prick. She licked away the little drops of lubricating fluid that appeared on the tip.
She did love it. Sucking his cock made her feel hotter and hotter. She sucked his rod into her mouth all the way up to his thick balls. She worked on him like his cock was a candy stick, and the best thing she ever tasted.
She released his cock with a soft pop and licked down both sides of his prick. She pulled his balls into her mouth and found them to be just as heavy as the night before. Perhaps he was just one of those men who had a lot of cum. She hoped so.
She went down on his rod again until she could feel his thick cock-head against the back of her throat. She sucked him deeper, so deep that she felt his balls press against her. She started using her tongue and lips as well as she could with the room that his thick shaft left in her mouth.
His tongue became frantic as he drove it into her. She could feel her passions growing. She couldn’t stand it. She wanted to feel his cock in her cunt.
Again she released his cock and this time he was ready. He pushed her off him and made her get on her hands and knees. He stroked her hair for a moment before he pressed his cock against her pussy from behind.
He was on his knees but he gave a savage stroke that nearly drove her into the ground. Another savage thrust drove his cock so deep in her cunt that she was afraid it was going to come out her mouth. She loved it. God, how she loved it. She pressed back against him as he began to fuck her in a deliciously filling way.
“Honey!” she cried. “Honey, that’s nice! That’s so good! I love your cock! I love it!”
“Fuck me, baby,” he said. “Fuck me!”
She drove herself back at him again and again and she felt her climax start. It came so soon that she was surprised by it. Her body trembled. She pressed her face to the pound as she was overcome by the wonderful sweetness of it.
“God,” she said. “You made me so fast. You made me come so fast.”
“Again,” he said. “I’ll make you do it again!”
He did. His throbbing cock never lost rhythm as he drove it into her. He filled her cunt so completely that the friction he caused was almost a new sensation. He was so damned good with his cock. His balls slapped against her so hard she knew she was going to turn black and blue.
“I love you!” she screamed.
Again she felt the hot sensations overwhelm her. This time she went weak and could hardly hold herself up. She pitched her head back and cried out in pure joy. No man had ever done this to her before.
“Your ass, baby,” he said. “I’m going to put it in your ass.”
For a moment she was frightened. She remembered the pain. She started to wiggle away. But Red talked soothingly to her and she knew there was nothing she wouldn’t let him do.
“Yes,” she said. “Ill let you. Put your beautiful cock in my ass.”
He was a lot gentler than Tim had been. He took his cock from her pussy and pressed it snugly against her ass. He reached around and grabbed her titties as he pressed his cock into her. He went slowly and his massaging fingers helped her relax. She felt his cock-head pop inside her and then his thick shaft went in all the way to his balls.
“Ooooooooh yes,” she moaned.
He began fucking her slowly and there was none of the pain that there had been with Tim. He fucked her gently, his fingers still massaging her swollen nipples.
“Reach between your legs,” he said. “Play with your clit. It’ll feel better that way.”
She put her weight on her knees and reached between her legs. She slipped two fingers in her slit and rolled around until her fingers brushed her clit. He was right. It did feel better that way.
She began briskly rubbing her clit as he continued to drive his cock into her ass. He started fucking her faster, and a little more savagely. His balls slapped loudly against her. She loved it. She met every thrust.
It was hard to believe but she was getting close to her climax again. She had never been able to come this many times. Only Red could make her feel this way.
“I’m coming!” she cried. “You’re making me come again! God, I can’t believe it! Everything you do to me feels so Goddamned good! I love your big, powerful cock! I LOVE IT!”
This time she was completely exhausted. She didn’t know how she was going to last another minute on her knees. She didn’t have to go too long. She felt him increasing his thrust and his cock was throbbing inside her ass.
“I’m ready!” she wailed. “Give, it to me! Give me all your hot cum!”
“God yes,” he said. “I’m going to pour it in you. I’m going to fill your ass up with my cum. I’m going to make it come out your mouth! GOD YESSSSSSS!”
They collapsed together as he finished pouring his cum into her ass. Still, his cock didn’t come completely out of her. She felt it still half hard and she knew he wouldn’t go very long before he started fucking her again. God, he was a man. The man she’d always wanted. It had taken her cousins and her uncle to find him for her, but she knew she was going to stay with him as long as he wanted her.
Sherry gave a contented sigh.