The toilet club

Twenty-five year old Sarah brushed her hair. Her long, blond hair hung in tight curls about her shoulders. Laying the brush aside, she stood. She checked her appearance in the mirror again, for the thousandth time. A pink blouse with a short, pale white skirt was her dress for this special day. She wore heels… then decided against the heels. Kicking them off, she took out a pair of loafers and slipped them on. She brushed her hair back behind her ears and stepped away from the mirror.

This was a VERY special day for Sarah. For months she had searched her city, a big city… for a VERY special entertainment. She had searched and asked around in all the hidden, alternative lifestyles throughout the city. Then one day, out of the blue, she received a phone call:

“Hello,” Sarah greeted her caller.

“Hello,” a woman answered. “My name is Rita. It took me a while to get your phone number.”

“And?” Sarah was puzzled.

“Through a very discreet channel,” Rita started…”I understand you are looking for an alternative lifestyle?”

Sarah’s heart skipped a beat, for a moment she couldn’t respond to the caller

“Are you still there?” Rita asked.

“Yes,” Sarah stammered.

“Well, is this true?” Rita questioned.

“Yes,” Sarah answered.

“Just what kind of alternative lifestyle are you seeking?” Rita asked.

“Forgive me, Rita, this call came out of the blue. I wasn’t prepared for it,” Sarah apologized. “I had to sit down.”

Rita laughed, “If you are uncomfortable speaking to me about this lifestyle, this need… maybe I should just hang up.”

“NO! NO!” Sarah pleaded. “Don’t hang up!”

“I think I know a club you may be interested in,” Rita said.

“Really?” Sarah could not believe her ears.

“Could I come out to your place? Talk about it? The phone is not a very discreet way to converse,” Rita said. “What day would be a good day to see you?”

“Could you come by this evening?” Sarah asked.

“Well…” Rita hesitated. “I have something to do this evening. How about tomorrow? What time would you be free?”

“Would sometime between noon and three be all right?” Sarah shifted her hips.

“Fine,” Rita answered. “I’ll be at your home between noon and three tomorrow. What is your address?”

Sarah managed to give this woman her address before hanging up.

Since yesterday, her nerves were strung tight. Never did she imagine such a club existed. But what if it weren’t what she was looking for? Could that be possible? Of course it was possible, Sarah felt, yet she had to meet with this lady, just to find out for sure.

The clock crawled by noon, then one. Still no Rita. Sarah was on pins and needles. Several times she looked out her window. She started filing her nails, not that they needed it, they were perfect now, but she was so nervous.

The doorbell finally rang at 2:15. Sarah jumped up quickly and checked her appearance in the mirror again. She hoped she didn’t look too trashy.

She let the doorbell ring a second time before answering it. Rita smiled warmly as she was admitted.

“You are Rita, aren’t you?” Sarah asked.

“You were expecting someone else? Perhaps I’d better leave?” Rita started for the door.

Quickly Sarah grabbed the woman’s arm…”Please don’t go, I wasn’t expecting anyone else… I just wanted to make certain you were Rita.”

“Shall we begin our talk?” Rita asked.

“Sit down, make yourself comfortable,” Sarah suggested. “May I make you a drink? Some wine, perhaps?” Sarah was nervous.

“That would be wonderful,” Rita smiled warmly.

While Sarah got the wine and was bringing it back, she took in this woman. She was maybe 35 with a svelte figure with a bountiful bosom. Rita was wearing a leather dress with boots that came almost to her knees. Her red hair contrasted the color of her dress.

“Are you nervous?” Rita smiled warmly. “You appear to be.”

“Yes. Very!” Sarah answered.

“Why?” Rita questioned.

Sarah hesitated as she looked at Rita…”I’m not sure you are what I’m looking for… or this club I mean.”

“Just exactly what are you looking for?” Rita took a sip of her wine.

Sarah blushed.

Rita smiled, “I like the way you blush, that redness goes right down your neck.”

“I can’t help it,” Sarah admitted.

“Since you are blushing so badly, your desires much be pretty bad… or good?”

This made Sarah blush again. It was difficult to talk with a complete stranger about this.

Rita got up from her seat and sit down right beside Sarah…”Now, explain your needs to me.”

“Lady,” Sarah tried to start…”This is very difficult!”

“Because I’m a woman?” Rita drew back to look in Sarah’s eyes.

“No,” Sarah swallowed hard. “I’m a lesbian!”

“Wonderful,” Rita beamed, “I too am bi.”

“I’m not bi,” Sarah corrected the woman.

“I understand perfectly,” Rita said. “Would you like to tell me about this desire of yours?”

“I don’t want to offend you,” Sarah looked down.

“Dear, you won’t offend me… remember, I know a club of altertive lifestyles,” Rita beamed

“If you got my phone number, you already know something of what I want,” Sarah said.

“I do know something of what you’re looking for… how do you think I got your number?” Rita smiled again.

Rita’s smile plus the wine was beginning to loosen Sarah’s inhibitions… somewhat. “Tell me about this club, what they do.”

“I can’t do that… yet,” Rita explained. “After all, you could be an undercover cop. Maybe at this time, you’d better tell me what you do, how long you’ve been there.”

“I am a nurse, I work at Rideway hospital,” Sarah was more comfortable answering that question.

For answer, Rita picked up the phone, dialed the hospital and asked for personnel. After conversing with them several minutes, Rita hung up the phone. “Everything checks out, so far. But before we can go much further, you need to explain your desires. I understand now, you were looking for a toilet club. Is that right?”

“Yes,” Sarah shifted her hips.

“There are all kinds of things one can do at a toilet club. Are you submissive? It would appear that might be the case from your actions.”

“Yes, Rita, I have been a submissive lesbian for most of my life,” Sarah answered.

That answer brought forth Rita’s warm smile again.

“Are you a dominant?” Sarah asked.

Rita only nodded her head ‘yes’. Then, “Are you ready to explain exactly what you are looking for?”

Sarah blushed again. Rita slid over next to Sarah and placed her arms around her. “Are you into showers? After all, you were interested in a toilet club.”

“Sometimes,” Sarah couldn’t help but notice the warmth of this woman.

“Sometimes?” Rita smiled that warm smile again. “Tell me about it.”

“I can’t, it’s too nasty!” Sarah blubbered.

“Nasty?” Rita held Sarah at arm’s length. “By your words, I can assume it isn’t golden showers you’re interested in?”

“Oh, I’ll take golden showers too!” Sarah clasped her hand over her mouth with that last word.

Rita didn’t bat an eye, her expression didn’t waver. “So… you’re interested in BROWN showers?”

“No, I’m not really that interested in showers, unless the Mistress wants me to!,” Sarah found herself explaining more than she had intended too.

“Not golden, not brown? What are you wanting then?” Rita asked.

“I’m… I’m into brown, but not showers,” Sarah explained

“There, that wasn’t that hard, was it,” Rita hugged Sarah. Sarah smelled the woman’s perfume. “Tell me, Sarah, where do you like this solid form, on your face?”

“No,” Sarah answered.

Rita drew back…”Not on your face? Where then?”

“In my mouth,” Sarah blushed again.

“If I were to shit in your mouth… what would you do with it?” Rita smiled that warm smile.

“Whatever you wanted,” Sarah looked hopefully at Rita.

“What if… if I made you eat it?” Rita asked.

Sarah rolled her eyes back and closed her eyes…”YES!”

“Is that what you want most of all?” Rita asked.

“Mostly,” Sarah shivered.

“Mostly? Is there something else you want?” Rita asked.

“I’m… I’m an anal erotic,” Sarah poured herself another drink and offered Rita another.

“I could have guessed that,” Rita smiled again, that warm inviting smile. “But tell me, have you ever done this before?”

“Yes, lots of times,” Sarah answered.

“Really, so you are a real toilet slave? Of the nastiest kind?” Rita sipped her wine.

“Yes,” Sarah answered.

“Are you seeing a Mistress now?” Rita questioned.

“No,” Sarah shook her head. “The Mistress I was seeing moved awhile back. California I think. That is why I was seeking out this club. May I join this club?”

“No, not yet,” Rita shifted her body on the couch. “There are a lot of things we need to check on first. We need to know definitely you’re on the level.”

Sarah showed her disappointment…”Anything you want.”

“That shows great interest,” Rita set her glass down.

“Oh yes, I’m VERY interested in joining this club,” Sarah’s eyes sparkled.

“If, and that ‘if’ is a very big step… if you are allowed to join… as a submissive… you will be degraded in ways you’ve never imagined before. That is the major part of being a submissive. We use a cunt for *our* needs and wants… *our* desires. While eating shit may be *your* priority… and it often gives a Mistress a big high seeing her crap being consumed… there are other things a Mistress may want of you. In may ways, you will have to earn this privilege.

“Such as?” Sarah questioned.

Rita smiled again, “That you will find out in due time.”

“In due time? You make it sound like I will have to wait; forever!” Sarah sighed.

Rita stood up, “I’m going to have to leave, I have someplace I need to go.”

“Oh no! Please don’t leave me hanging like this!” Sarah stood. “I was hoping you might allow me to worship your asshole with my mouth.”

“There you go again, thinking of yourself first. If you’re allowed to join this club… THAT viewpoint will have to cease, do you understand me?” Rita spoke more harshly.

“Yes, Mistress,” Sarah hung her head. “Do you have some idea of when I might be able to join?”

“Maybe two weeks,” Rita started for the door.

The weeks crawled by slowly for Sarah. She just knew she had found the club she had always dreamed of. Often she found herself masturbating with visions of this club dancing in her head.

Two weeks went by and nothing, no call or anything. Sarah was beginning to have doubts, that this was all a hoax… when her phone rang:

“Hello,” Sarah greated her caller.

“This is Rita,” the woman said. “Do you remember me?”

“Oh yes!” Sarah’s excitement mounted. “Have you got some good news for me?”

“Not so fast,” Rita scolded Sarah. “You need to be more patient, young lady.”

“Yes, Mistress,” Sarah sounded meek. “Could you tell me how often this club meets?”

“This club meets only once a month, usually the first weekend of the month… but… if you are good, there are several Mistress’s that will use you almost anytime time you like,” Rita answered.

“I can’t wait,” Sarah’s excitement was evident in her tone.

“There is one more test for you,” Rita explained. “This club has appointed me to be your test guide. That is, if you’re willing. When will you be free?”

Sarah’s heart pounded…”How about tonight? Is that too soon?”

“No, no,” Rita answered. “That isn’t possible. How about this coming weekend? Are you available then?”

“YES, YES!” The thought excited Sarah very much. “What time will you be coming?”

“Is Saturday, about 1:00 good for you?” Rita asked.

“You are the Mistress, whenever you like,” Sarah breathed heavily.

“Cancel out anything you have planned for Saturday, I’ll be there around noon,” Mistress Rita then hung up the phone.

Saturday at 12:15, Rita arrived. She was dressed much as she had been on their first meeting, but she was also carrying a large bag. Sarah was dressed in only her robe from a bath she had taken just before noon.

“Step out of that robe, bitch,” Rita demanded. No longer was Rita flashing that warm, beautiful smile.

The robe slid to the floor.

“Go over to that couch,” Rita pointed, “lean over it from the rear.”

Sarah did as directed.

Rita walked over behind Sarah and rubbed her hand across the cheeks of Sarah’s ass. “You have a lovely ass. Just made to be whipped!”

The first strike of the riding crop across Sarah’s ass made her jump, but she bit her lip and didn’t utter a sound. The riding crop landed again, harder, in a different spot. This time Sarah jumped and bit at her lip. The third strike made her utter a groan, a whimper. The fourth made her stifle a yell. Still they came. At least ten slaps of the riding crop landed on her ass, criss- crossing her ass because of the side Mistress Rita was standing on.

“You did quite well, my dear,” Mistress Rita caressed the ass she had just whipped. “Now I want you to do something for me.” Mistress Rita walked around the couch and laid back on it. Crooking her finger up at Sarah, she pointed down between her legs. Sarah padded around her couch and settled her mouth on the woman’s pussy. It had been some time since she had eaten pussy so her tongue went wild. Up and down the slippery lips her tongue licked. Sucking each labia into her mouth, she sucked at it for a few seconds. Then her tongue crawled out and began to lick up and down between the inner and outer labia. Back and forth she went at it, both sides. She was testing this Mistress for sensitivity. Finally her tongue tip flicked at the woman’s clitoris.

Mistress Rita pulled her other leg up to give Sarah easier access to her tender folds. Back and forth Sarah flicked her tongue at the swollen clit, feeling it throb against her tongue until she felt Mistress Rita stiffen and raise her hips. She was getting ready to climax. Sarah put forth added effort at this cunnilingus and Mistress Rita’s body exploded in orgasm lasting a full ten seconds.

Sarah slid her tongue down the slit to Mistress Rita’s cunt hole and drove her tongue up into the warm, slippery, cum-filled tunnel, sucking the sticky white cream out of Mistress Rita’s cunt. For a full two minutes, Sarah continued this action, then slid her tongue back up to Mistress Rita’s clit. Her lips settled around the little pea and she began sucking as her tongue played and rolled around on its surface. For ten minutes her tongue built Mistress Rita back towards another orgasm. This time, after Mistress Rita had climaxed, she held Sarah’s head and pressed it to her pee hole. The slow trickle started, directly into Sarah’s mouth. She swallowed time after time until she had swallowed Mistress Rita’s full bladder load. Then Mistress Rita pulled Sarah’s face and mouth back up to her clit.

For over an hour, Sarah licked and sucked at the woman’s pussy. Her jaws were beginning to ache, her tongue unable to work properly. When Mistress Rita realized that Sarah was having trouble now, she felt the girl’s tongue unable to lick as she had previously… she pushed Sarah away. “You did fairly well, you gave me four different orgasms… but I have a slave that can give at least seven in one hour. I’ll have to have you meet her so she can guide you.”

“Thank you, Mistress, for allowing me eat your sweet pussy and suck up all your cream,” Sarah bowed her head.

For the next two hours, Mistress Rita asked Sarah question after question… until Mistress Rita began to be quite satisfied with Sarah and her legitimacy: “Since you tried to contact us, a toilet club… you are more interested in toilet slavery?” Mistress Rita voiced.

“Oh yes, very much!” Sarah enthusiastically admitted.

“Well… slave Sarah… this is Saturday. Right now, this club is meeting. This very minute, some other slave is eating shit. Does that excite you?” Mistress Rita asked.

“Very much!” Sarah dropped to her knees before the woman.

“I’m going to take you to this club, early tomorrow morning. I am going to leave for the afternoon shortly. Are you ready?” Mistress Rita asked.

“Very much!” Sarah began kissing the woman’s feet.

“About six tomorrow morning I will return, no… I’ll be here about four. That way it will be dark. Meantime, there are a few things I will do to you,” Mistress Rita spoke as she rose to her feet. “For a beginner, you have a thick mat of pubic hair. THAT will have to go!”

“You want me to shave it?” Sarah excitedly asked.

“I’ll shave you,” Mistress Rita said. “Get your razor and shaving cream, unless you want it dry.

After Sarah was shaven, Mistress Rita left for the afternoon with the warning for Sarah to be ready for her the following morning.

At precisely 4:00 the following morning, Mistress Rita showed up. To start, she tied Sarah’s wrists behind her back, loosely with a pair of nylons. Next she blindfolded Sarah before she took her out to the car. Sarah was placed in the back seat of the car and told to lay face down on the seat. Once Sarah had done all of this and Mistress Rita was satisfied that Sarah was complying, she got in the car and drove off.

The drive took no more than 45 minutes. Several times during the drive, Mistress Rita looked in her mirror to check and see if Sarah had risen. And several times she asked Sarah if she was still face down.

Then Mistress Rita pulled into a driveway, where she waited for a garage door to open, then drove into a garage. Then she got out and opened the back door of her car…”You may rise up now and step out of the car.”

Sarah slid out of the car and Mistress Rita took her by the arm and led her to a stairway. Mistress Rita instructed Sarah to step up at each step. They passed into a structure of some kind. In this room, obviously there were several women who had been talking, groaning and moaning, but their voices stilled when they saw Sarah.

“This is the cunt I was telling you ladies about,” Mistress Rita introduced Sarah.

“Take that blindfold off her and let her remove her clothes,” someone yelled loud.

At once Mistress Rita slipped the blindfold from Sarah’s face. Sarah batted her eyes several times against the sudden light before her eyes became accustomed to the light. In the room were at least a dozen ladies. About half of them were slaves, nude and reclining at their Mistress’s feet… some of them with faces plastered with secretions.

“Remove your clothing, cunt!” Mistress Rita ordered.

Sarah began removing her clothing until she was standing as nude as the day she was born.

“You ladies go right back to what you were doing, I’m going to show this slut around… give her an idea of what this place is all about,” Mistress Rita took hold of Sarah’s arm and guided her out of the door to a hallway that had several doorways along one side. These rooms were minus doors.

“Everything is out in the open with this club. If you or anyone would like to watch… they are welcome,” Mistress Rita explained. “First though, I need to take you to the supply room and get your colors.”

“Colors?” Sarah wondered.

“Every one of the slaves wears a necklace. This necklace denotes their duty and length they have been with this club. You probably noticed several of the girls wearing colors around their necks in the main room,” Mistress Rita went on explaining.

“Do all these slaves take shit?” Sarah asked as Mistress Rita placed a red collar around Sarah’s neck with a six foot chain.

“Yes, they all take shit,” Mistress Rita answered. “The color of the collar I have placed around your neck designates you as a new member slave. You noticed your’s is red, you also noticed several of the slaves wearing other colors. Green is the highest level you can attain while here with this club… although there have been slaves that graduated to full Mistress’s here. That doesn’t happen very often.”

Mistress Rita looked at her wrist watch. “It’s almost time.”

“Time? For what?” Sarah looked about nervously.

This made Mistress Rita smile. “What did you come here for?”

Sarah blushed deeply.

“Have you ever eaten from more than one Mistress?” Mistress Rita asked.

“No,” Sarah shivered.

“Are you cold… or did that frighten you? Eating shit from several Mistress’s?” Mistress Rita asked. “I noticed you shivered.”

“I’m not cold,” Sarah answered.

“You WILL be eating shit from several Mistress’s today,” Mistress Rita explained. “Remember, it was YOU that sought us out, not the other way around.”

“Will *you* use my mouth first?” Sarah asked.

“Would you like that?” Mistress Rita smiled.

“You were the Mistress to contact me for this club,” Sarah explained.

“Tell you what then, I would like to use your mouth first as well… so I will explain to the other Mistress’s about this,” Mistress Rita promised.

“Mistress Rita, how many of the Mistress’s will use my mouth?” Sarah asked.

Mistress Rita laughed, “I’m sure ALL of them would like too, since this is the first time for you… or the first time at this club. AND you will do the other slaves as well!”

“Won’t I get sick from all that?” Sarah became frightened.

“You’d better not!” Mistress Rita smacked Sarah on the ass. “If you do, you’re through with this club!”

Sarah felt this at once, long she had tried to find a club like this and she couldn’t give it up, she just couldn’t! “Ill try.”

“You’ll do more than try,” Mistress Rita warned. Again Mistress Rita looked at her wrist watch. “Would you like to watch this?”

“You’re not ready?” Sarah asked.

“Probably another hour,” Mistress Rita explained. “Come on, come with me. I’m going to show you some sluts getting what you want so much.”

They had to go to the second room, the first room was empty. In this room, a girl who could have been no more than fourteen was kneeling behind an older woman. She had her face buried between the older woman’s buttocks.

“What do you think that young girl is doing, Sarah?” Mistress Rita pointed at the couple in the room.

“I can’t see, but I can imagine she’s licking that woman’s ass,” Sarah responded.

“You’re absolutely correct,” Mistress Rita took Sarah into the room. “This woman is Betty and the girl behind her is Coleen. They are mother and daughter.”

Sarah gasped, “You’re kidding? Aren’t you? That would be incest!”

“No, I’m not kidding. Betty punished her daughter one day like this… and before you know it, Coleen was wanting this punishment more and more. Come, let’s go to another room, we’ll come back when Betty starts feeding her daughter a big, fresh turd!”

They started to another room. “You were kidding about those two being mother and daughter, weren’t you?” Sarah asked.

“Absolutely not. Look into this room,” Mistress Rita pointed into a room. “Let’s go in.”

In this room, there was a girl of no more than eighteen. She was lying on her back. A woman was squatting over her, dumping a big, fat turd in the girl’s mouth.

“This Mistress is usually the first one of us to shit,” Mistress Rita explained.

Sarah watched the teenager chew up the turd as it hung down. For several moments she watched this girl enjoying the turd. Sarah had always felt she was the only girl in the world that enjoyed this, but now she was witnessing others do the same thing. Sarah, without realizing it, dropped her fingers down to her twat.

“Does that make you hot?” Mistress Rita asked.

Sarah blushed and dropped her fingers away from her sex. “I want to go back to Betty and Coleen.”

“You can’t wait to see that little girl eat her mother’s shit, can you? Come along then,” Mistress Rita laughed.

Back in the room with Betty and Coleen, Coleen was still worshiping her mother’s asshole.

About this time, Betty pulled away from her daughter and pushed her over on her back. Straddling the girl’s face, she placed her asshole on the girl’s mouth. At once the girl started licking again.

“Lie down on the floor so you can watch this closer,” Mistress Rita suggested.

Sarah dropped to her knees and stretched out on her tummy about the time Betty started shitting. It came out slowly, sort of oozing out, straight towards her daughter’s mouth. When it hung down about three inches, Coleen raised her head up and closed her lips around the turd. When she felt her daughter’s mouth close over the turd, Betty pinched it off.

Sarah watched as Coleen chewed each mouthful slowly, savoring each bite before allowing the turd to drop down further into her hungry mouth. It took Coleen a full five minutes to devour the turd and then she started licking at her mother’s asshole again. Evidently this was a signal to her mother to shit some more. Betty started shitting again. Coleen opened her mouth widely to receive this tasty morsel. As before, Coleen waited until about three inches slid out of her mother’s shit-hole before she closed her mouth around it. And again Betty pinched it off. And just as before, Coleen took about five minutes to chew up and swallow this piece of shit.

“Isn’t it about time you took care of me?” Mistress Rita asked Sarah.

Sarah got up, “How much will Betty give her daughter?”

“All of it… who knows how much,” Mistress Rita remarked. “Now come along… I feel I need to go right now! Does that excite you?”

“Yes, but I’m scared,” Sarah admitted.

“Scared? Isn’t this what you sought out?” Mistress Rita asked as they walked along the hall to the big room.

“Yes, but I was hoping it would be more private,” Sarah cringed.

“As you just saw, there is NOTHING that is private in this club… NOTHING!” Mistress Rita added.

When they walked into the main room, there was that same group of ladies, now in more intimate postures. Some were eating pussy, others licking ass… that is until Mistress Rita and Sarah came back into the room, then all went quiet.

Mistress Rita had Sarah get up on a low table, measuring about 4×8 feet. At each corner of the table were posts that stuck up another three feet above the surface of the table. On each post was a manacle and a chain. Each chain also had a manacle at the end of the chain. Sarah was placed on her back and told to spread out wide as Mistress Rita secured each leg and wrist in these manacles.

Mistress Rita crawled up on the table to stand looking down on her newest convert. “Are you comfortable? It really doesn’t matter much. If you look down, you can see the other Mistress’s and slaves. See how there’re sliding their chairs up close to the foot of the table? Of course you do, you heard them doing it. You know right now these ladies and sluts will be watching me shit in your mouth. And it feels like a REAL big one for you… you see, I haven’t shit for two days! So you will be getting a nice, big, creamy turd!”

Mistress Rita squatted over Sarah’s face and lowered her asshole right down to Sarah’s mouth…”Worship my asshole first!”

At once Sarah’s tongue slithered out to taste the wrinkled orifice. Her tongue rolled around a couple of times as she licked, laving this delectable flesh.

“Oooh, she really knows how to worship a shit-hole!” Mistress Rita closed her eyes as she felt this obscene pleasure. “Suck it, bitch! Suck it and I might give you a little taste!”

Sarah’s lips suctioned the opening hole.

“Is that as hard as you can suck?” Mistress Rita looked down.

Sarah tried harder. She resisted the idea of pushing her tongue up into this tunnel, she just kept sucking.

“You want some shit?” Mistress Rita looked down. “Some nice slimy crap?”

Sarah nodded her head slightly against the woman’s asshole. For answer, Mistress Rita strained. Her asshole opened still more but nothing came out. She strained and strained. “I must be constipated… I always get this way when I don’t go to the bathroom for a couple of days.” She grunted and strained several more times, and gradually her butt-hole opened up wider.

“Quit sucking now, get your tongue up there and see if you can dig it out,” Mistress Rita told Sarah.

At once, Sarah slid her tongue up into the wide, pink hole. At once her tongue touched the end of a turd, very firm now.

“She touched my shit with her tongue, ladies. It’s right there. Now, bitch, wash the end of my turd with your tongue, that will make it slide out easier,” Mistress Rita kept grunting.

Sarah began sliding her tongue up into Mistress Rita’s asshole, between the turd and the bowel walls. It slid in fairly easily and she felt the turd move. Pulling her tongue back out, Sarah opened her mouth wide.

“Fill her mouth,” a Mistress yelled out from the crowd.

Slowly, the big turd crawled out. It was hanging about three inches when it touched Sarah’s lips. Mistress Rita pinched it off, then looked down into Sarah’s face. “Eat it, cunt, eat my filthy shit!”

Sarah bit down, severing the turd while holding the remainder between her lips. Slowly, as if to savor this big mouthful, Sarah began chewing.

“She really likes your shit!” one of the other slaves yelled out.

“Why not?” Mistress Rita asked. “You already know how yummy and tasty my crap can be… don’t you?”

Sarah chewed several seconds and swallowed, allowing the remainder to fall into her mouth. She had to chew several times before the end of the turd softened enough to swallow… and then she opened her mouth again.

“Damn!” Mistress Rita growled. “Do I have to train you at this? Your last Mistress must have let you have your own way. Start licking again, lick it clean and then kiss it for giving you this tasty treat!”

At once Sarah began licking. With her tongue already being so brown, it took her several moments to clean it completely, but finally all traces of shit had been licked away. Sarah kissed the hole and opened her mouth again. Sarah was rewarded by another turd, this one much longer… maybe six inches. It wasn’t nearly as firm as she rolled it around in her mouth, chewing it as she rolled until the sludge was nothing but shit soup. She swallowed as she closed her eyes, feeling the warmth slide down her throw to settle in her stomach. Again she opened her mouth.

Mistress Rita got up, looking down at Sarah. “I’ll save some for later”… then turned to the crowd…”Would any of you like to use my toilet mouth?”

“I’ll use her mouth!” another Mistress stood up.

Her blond slave grabbed her arm. “Mistress, you promised *me* your sugar.”

“You know that we Mistress’s like to use a new member… so you just behave yourself!” The Mistress climbed up on the table and squatted astride Sarah’s face. “Open wide… here it comes!”

Sarah barely had time to open her mouth before the crap started curling out of the Mistress’s asshole. This one wasn’t nearly as firm as Mistress Rita’s had been, it was perfect to chew up quickly and swallow. This Mistress however did not allow her time to chew it up completely before another long, slender turd started sliding out. It was softer too, not near soft enough to just drink… but it took no more than a couple of chews to grind it up into sludge and then be swallowed. As she was chewing, the Mistress kept right on shitting, it came down and made a big pile on Sarah’s face… which she just sucked into her mouth at a leisurely pace.

This Mistress finally dismounted…”Who’s next?”

“At the moment, besides you and me, there is only one other Mistress here at this time, and she’s busy right now,” Mistress Rita said. “How many slaves do we have here now?”

The slaves were counted and the number was seven.

“Not enough for the tub yet,” Mistress Rita said. “Is slave Cori here yet?”

“No,” a Mistress answered. “Mistress Peggy is bringing her later with her three slaves.”

“Good, I want to put her and Sarah in the tub together,” Mistress Rita said.

“Tub?” Sarah asked wondering.

“You’ll see… when is Mistress Peggy going to get here?”

“Another hour of two,” a slave seemed relieved that she wasn’t having to use the tub with Cori.

“Come with me, slave,” Mistress Rita summoned Sarah.

Back down the hall the two went. At the first door where the mother/daughter combination had been… they were still there. Collen had eaten all of her mother’s shit and she was still licking her mother’s butthole.

“She’s really hungry, isn’t she?” Sarah was amazed.

“Come, let’s look in the other rooms,” Mistress Rita pushed Sarah along.

The rooms were all empty at the time, so Mistress Rita took Sarah into one of these rooms. Mistress Rita placed Sarah on the table, face up. Doubling her legs back, she plunged a lubed finger up Sarah’s asshole. Sarah sucked in her breath at this sudden insertion. The finger began to slide in and out and soon was joined by a second finger. Finger after finger was added until Mistress Sarah had the fattest part of her hand wedged into Sarah’s asshole.

“Oooooh!” Sarah moaned.

“So you have taken a fist before?” Mistress Rita grinned and grinned and pushed her fingers into Sarah’s cunt. “Ever had two fists before? One in your ass and another in your cunt?”

“Nooo!” Sarah grimaced. “I’ve had one in my cunt before but never at the same time as my ass.”

“You did tell me that you were an anal erotic… I’m not surprised you take it in the ass. How much can you take up your ass? More than one hand?” Mistress Rita pulled her hand from Sarah’s cunt and began sliding a single finger along her wrist already buried up Sarah’s ass. She added a second.

Sarah grimaced.

“Can’t take anymore?” Mistress Rita questioned. “I’ll have to loosen up your shit-hole more… AND I WILL!” Mistress Rita yanked her hand from Sarah’s asshole.

A Mistress came hurrying into the room…”Mistress Peggy is here!”

“Good,” Mistress Rita exclaimed. “Come with me shit-slut, it’s time you met Cori!”

In no time at all, both Sarah and Mistress Rita were standing before Mistress Peggy and slave Cori. “This is my new shit-slave, Sarah. I called you the other day about her… I think it would be a great experience to place Sarah in the tub with Cori.”

“Do we have enough yet?” Mistress Peggy asked.

“With the three you brought, there are ten,” Mistress Rita answered.

“That should be enough,” Mistress Peggy laughed. “I’ll go check with my sluts first.”

Sarah had got sided off with Cori. Cori was a lovely blond, a really beautiful girl with big blue eyes. She could have been no more 5’3″ and probably weighed no more than 115 lbs. Her breasts were beautiful, the kind you couldn’t help but want to put your mouth on. Like the other slaves, she was shaven and her color collar was green, the highest level a slave could attain.

Mistress Peggy came back with her three slaves…”They can function… although we should keep them till the last since it’s very early for them.”

Mistress Rita turned to Sarah, “Come on now, I’ll introduce you to the tub.

“You’re going to use the tub… with me?” slave Cori asked.

“What is this tub?” Sarah asked nervously as they padded into another room.

“You’re going to use the tub with me!” Cori hugged Sarah.

When Sarah was released from the hug, she stood back to gaze at the contraption before her. First, there was an ordinary bathtub in the center of the room. Steps led up over the tub at a height of about six feet. Then, directly over the tub was a toilet lid that was supported by a steel platform running the length of the tub. Cori stepped into the tub and beckoned Sarah to follow her.

When Sarah had stepped into the tub, Cori hugged her and began kissing Sarah. As they were kissing, a slave climbed the stairs and plopped her ass on the toilet seat. Breaking her kiss from Sarah, Cori turned her face up and opened her mouth. As she opened her mouth, she pulled Sarah to her in a hug… telling her to raise her face and open her mouth. There Sarah stood, cheek to cheek with Cori, their faces upraised and with their mouths open.

The young girl above them began to piss and it started to splatter into Cori’s mouth. When her mouth had filled, she pulled Sarah over to receive a mouthful of the piss as Cori swallowed. Pushing Sarah’s face away from the stream, Cori once again took a mouthful of piss. Back and forth the two sluts went, taking mouthful after mouthful of the girl’s golden nectar. When the girl finished pissing, Cori stood there still with an open mouth.

The girl above began to grunt and strain and within seconds her shit-hole began to open and the end of a turd became visible to both Sarah and Cori. So this was what being in the tub meant… Sarah opened her mouth wide just as Cori was doing. The fat turd slid down maybe six inches before it broke loose. Cori was positioned perfectly and caught it in her mouth. As she was still holding the turd in her mouth and beginning to chew, she pulled Sarah over to receive her mouthful. This one was maybe four inches long and not nearly as thick as the mouthful Cori was munching on. It broke loose but Sarah’s mouth wasn’t positioned just perfectly, she only received a chunk of shit. It slid down her neck and Cori grabbed it as it slid over Sarah’s tits. Cori began smearing it around over Sarah’s tits. Once she had smeared it all over Sarah’s tits, she raised her dirty hands and fingers up higher and began smearing it over Sarah’s face.

Cori kept chewing up her share of the shit as her fingers worked on Sarah’s face. The girl above pushed out that last, small piece, about an inch long, and it landed on Cori’s forehead. Sarah began smearing it all over Cori’s face.

Cori was just swallowing the last of her section and she pulled Sarah to her and began a good long kiss, driving her crap-coated tongue deep within Sarah’s mouth. Sarah accepted the tongue and began sucking at it. Cori’s fingers found Sarah’s shaven cunt and began fingering it, smearing her brown-coated fingers between the lips of Sarah’s cunt.

The second woman was climbing the steps now and Cori broke free of this nasty embrace and turned her face upwards again, opening her mouth. Sarah followed suit.

“Oink… oink,” the woman above looked down through the toilet hole.

Cori pursed her lips and blew the woman a kiss.

Laughing, the woman seated herself and began to piss. It splattered downwards, cascading across both Sarah’s and Cori’s face. By no means did it wash away the shit stains, it just made them more slippery.

This woman’s crap was loose, not runny, but very loose. It started on Sarah’s face loosely before it hit her open mouth. It more or less splattered Sarah’s mouth, she didn’t have to chew it, it was so loose.

Cori pushed Sarah’s face to the side as it started raining down into Cori’s mouth. When she had her mouth overly full, her cheeks bulging from this brown rain, she turned to Sarah and began kissing her. Over and over she kissed Sarah, rivulets of crap running down over the bodies of both shit whores… but the woman above wasn’t finished crapping yet… it still came down. As Cori was kissing Sarah, the woman’s shit above rained down in her hair. Cori pulled Sarah over beneath this shitty stream and it ran down her face as well.

The woman dismounted the stairs. By this time, very few places on either slut’s body were not covered with shit… and there had only been two slaves! Eight more were to follow!

When no one started up the stairs, Cori turned Sarah around and uttered one word… SHIT!

Sarah did need to shit, not near as much as the two previous women had done… and it came out it one piece maybe five inches long. Cori was cupping her hands beneath Sarah’s ass as the crap slid out into her fingers. Once it was out, Cori turned Sarah around and laid Sarah down in the tub… then she laid down as well. Laying the turd between their shit covered faces, Cori began giving the turd a bath with her tongue. When Sarah hesitated, Cori pulled Sarah close and made her lick at her own turd. Both Cori and Sarah were licking the turd all over when another rain of piss descended down.

The two sluts continued licking at the turd throughout the piss, but raised up to accept the brown offering. This woman’s turd was not near as big as the two previous women… Sarah was thankful for that. Already she had eaten far more than she had ever eaten at one time.

As Sarah was chewing up her portion of the turd, she was reminded of what Mistress Rita had told her… ‘YOU BETTER NOT THROW ANY OF IT UP’. This scared Sarah greatly as she chewed up the remainder of the turd. No longer was she chewing it up with complete leisure, but was swallowing it quickly to get it out of her mouth.

Another woman climbed up on the toilet and sat down. Quickly Sarah opened her mouth for a fresh taste of piss to wash the taste of shit from her mouth. Then the shit started. It missed Sarah’s mouth and Cori caught it quickly and slapped it into her mouth. Another piece dropped, which Sarah caught in her mouth. She chewed quickly and swallowed. Through shit enhanced lust, she quickly looked at Cori. She was still munching the turd off with little nibbles. Her eyes rolled back in her head as Sarah leaned over and drove her tongue into Cori’s mouth. As the two kissed, another woman climbed the stairs and started pissing and shitting at the same time… soft runny shit that splattered down on their heads, completely matting their hair in a stinking mess… but still the two sluts kept kissing.

Breaking free, Cori dropped to her knees and began licking and sucking up the piss and shit mixture at the bottom of the tub. Sarah followed Cori and began licking at the sodden mess.

In the hour that followed, girl after girl mounted the steps to urinate and defecate on the two sluts below. As the two sluts were eating, Cori rolled Sarah onto her back and doubled her legs back up over Sarah’s head. Cori stepped between Sarah’s legs, holding them in this position, and she placed her asshole right on Sarah’s cunt. Slowly she filled Sarah’s cunt with her waste. So big was Cori’s tube of crap, it started oozing out along the sides. When Cori had finished shitting, she stepped awav from Sarah and, dropping to her belly, she covered Sarah’s cunt with her mouth and began sucking the filth out. She was eating her own shit from Sarah’s cunt!

A big fat turd landed on Sarah’s stomach and Cori reached up to pick it up. Hesitating from her own eating, she reached up and spread the turd across Sarah’s lips. Sarah’s lips opened to accept this brown offering as Cori went right back to eating Sarah’s cunt.

As Cori was eating her new tub freak, she started fingering Sarah’s asshole. Before long she had buried her whole hand into this newest member’s ass and was sawing her hand back and forth as her tongue played over the swollen clit after taking a mouthful of shit from Sarah’s cunt.

Sarah’s lust built with this new stimulation and she grabbed everything she could get her hands on and stuffed it into her mouth.

Cori had finished her own shit from Sarah’s cunt and she pulled her hand from Sarah’s ass. Standing, she was just it time to catch a big, fat turd in her mouth. It filled her mouth and dropped down along her cheek.

Sarah rose and slapped her mouth to the piece of turd lying against Cori’s cheek and began eating. Both sluts ate away as if in heaven… a shit heaven.

As they were eating, more women sat on the seat and dropped their waste. Cori and Sarah had little time to offer their mouths as targets, they were on their knees sucking up pieces that had dropped earlier.

During this whole scene, other Mistress’s and their slaves were hooting and hollering insult after insult, degradation upon degradation of the filthiest kind possible. Cori, naturally, was immune to these insults… but Sarah was hearing and feeling each one. Surprisingly, it was making her do this vile deed with Cori.

More and more of the waste the two sluts sucked up, along with the pool of piss. Every once in a while, Cori would grab Sarah and place a kiss on her mouth, driving her slimy tongue into Sarah’s mouth. Piss and shit was everywhere, hardly a square inch of flesh wasn’t covered with this slimy, gooey mess. A couple of times, Sarah was about to retch when Cori slapped a hand over her mouth and shook her head.

The last of the girls had mounted the stairs up to the toilet when a girl of no more than fourteen mounted the stairs. Sarah recognized the girl who had eaten her mother’s shit earlier. There were still shit stains all around her mouth.

A Mistress handed Cori a bench and Cori sat it in the middle of the tub. Climbing up on the bench, she held out her hand to Sarah, who climbed up on the bench with Cori. The girl sat down on the seat as Cori and Sarah turned their faces upward, a scant couple of inches from the girl’s ass. A resounding fart filled the room and Cori breathed deeply of this heavy shit smell. The smell of this heavy fart struck Sarah’s nostrils as Cori pulled her over beneath the girl’s buttocks. Again the girl blasted out a heavy fart, as well as a runny crap, which splattered over Sarah’s face. Cori began licking at Sarah’s face as the runny shit dripped downward.

One by one, the Mistress’s took their slaves and left the room to go elsewhere, leaving Sarah alone with Cori.

“Did you have fun?” Cori’s shit covered face grinned.

“It was different, I think I’m gonna be sick,” Sarah responded.

“NOT HERE!” Cori quickly stopped Sarah from vomiting. “In a few minutes we get to go to the showers… and there you can throw it all up… if you like. Me, I want to keep it all in my tummy.”

Two hours later, Sarah was with Mistress Rita again. “Cunt, is this what you wanted in a toilet club?”

“I never imagined eating so much, my tummy is bulging… look at it!” Sarah rubbed her hands across her tummy.

“You didn’t throw it up?” Mistress Rita asked surprisingly. “Usually we do that to a new member of our club… not that we get that many,” Mistress Rita explained. “I think you did very good, holding all that. It’s getting close to evening now… you still have to take care of me… remember? And there should be more Mistress’s show up with their slaves later this evening. Working Mistress’s.”

“I can’t eat anymore!” Sarah cried out.

“You WILL EAT SHIT until there is no more to give! Do you hear me, you filthy cunt? You wanted to find a toilet club and now you’ve found one!” Mistress Rita addressed Sarah.

“Yes, Mistress,” Sarah bowed her head.

“Besides, there is always tomorrow, isn’t there? By the time I take you home, your whole body pores will be permeating the odor of shit. It might take you days to get rid of that odor… I can imagine you using colognes by the gallon by the time we’re finished with you!”

Mistress Rita took Sarah out of this smelly room and back down to one of the rooms she had seen earlier. She was placed on the table, face up. Her arms were outstretched and bound to the posts and a strap was placed across her tummy before her legs were drawn up over head. Then this strap was pulled towards the bottom of the table and secured to the bottom posts.

At this time, the young girl who had eaten her mother’s shit came into the room. She began lubing up her hands and arms as Mistress Rita placed a low porta-pot over Sarah’s face. “Lunchtime,” Mistress Rita said, laughing as she sat on the porta-pot. “Remember me telling you I hadn’t shit for two days? Well, I normally have a big bowel movement, about nine inches long… so imagine you getting all that sweet food! Bombs away!” Mistress Rita grimaced as her shit-hole started to open.

Sarah, looking upward as Mistress Rita’s shit-hole ballooned outward, felt the young girl’s fingers start up her ass. The turd started downward, a mere distance of maybe seven inches. It was huge in girth as well, a good inch and a half in thickness. When it touched her lips, the young girl had already embedded a whole hand up into her rectum and was starting her second hand into this tightest of orifices.

In front of Mistress Rita was a huge mirror so she could watch this newest toilet slut eat her shit and she watched intensely as Sarah chewed up her turd. As Sarah chewed at this firmer piece, the young girl almost had her second hand embedded now. Sarah felt the stretching very much, she hoped this would not make her bleed back there. It was so painful she wanted to cry out but her mouth was stuffed full of shit coming down. Sarah chewed and swallowed as fast as she could. It seemed hours before Sarah had eaten this whole log, spittle was running down her cheeks over her chin and along her neck as the young girl had buried her arms almost up to her elbows.

When Mistress Rita got up from the porta pot, the young girl began pulling her hands out… together! Together they passed through her shit-hole!

Mistress Rita untied Sarah…”It’s time for you to get a thorough cleansing. Follow me,” Mistress led away. They went into another room where Sarah was placed on her tummy and secured again. She felt the enema nozzle go up into her butt-hole and felt it swell up… an inflatable enema nozzle. This made it impossible for it to leak back out.

The warm water slowly trickled into her bowels, filling her colon, then her intestines. But it didn’t stop there. She had taken three-quart enemas before, but this was more! It just kept coming! Her stomach, already swollen from the shit and piss she had swallowed, was getting bigger and bigger. All at once, Sarah gagged! The warm water had filled her intestines and had reached her stomach and was backing up! Sarah was scared now!

Mistress Rita poured more water into the enema bag and Sarah’s mouth overflowed. Everything she eaten and drank earlier came up. It was an overpowering rancid mess, the smell was horrible, but Mistress Rita kept pouring water into the enema bag. Sarah retched and retched. When she had vomited up all that shit and piss, Mistress Rita deflated the enema nozzle and pulled it out. “Go to the potty, get the rest out of your system.”

It seemed to Sarah that she squirted shit and piss for fifteen minutes, it just kept coming out. At one point, she vomited again from all the smell. Finally however, Sarah finished and was allowed to take a shower. There she cleansed her body thoroughly again. Not only did she bathe completely, but she gave herself another enema and douched. Then she stepped out of the shower to towel herself dry. Then she replaced her collar around her neck for Mistress Rita.

Again Mistress Rita took Sarah to the main room…”Would one of you ladies like to use my slut’s mouth?”

“It’s about time for me,” a lovely Mistress stood up from the pussy eating she was getting from one of her sluts. This Mistress was new, Sarah had not seen her before, so evidently she had just arrived. She was short, no more than 5’1″ tall but had to weigh about 130 lbs. She was a lovely redheaded woman, maybe 40 years of age.

She walked up to Sarah. “So you’re the new shit-slut?”

“Yes, Mistress,” Sarah dropped her eyes.

“Look at me!” The Mistress angrily demanded.

Sarah raised her eyes again.

“My name is Goddess Victoria. I want to pink-brown you,” Goddess Victoria laughed.

“I don’t know what that is,” Sarah stammered.

“Hey ladies,” Goddess Victoria turned to the crowd, “this shit-whore doesn’t know what a pink-brown is.”

“Show her!” Mistress Rita giggled.

“Indeed I shall,” Goddess Victoria took Sarah over to the table again, making her mount the table and lie flat of her back. Again she was strapped down… then a miniature camera was set up close by, directly pointed at Sarah’s face. This way the other Mistress’s could see all the action on a screen without having to crowd about the table.

Goddess Victoria climbed up on the table, straddled Sarah’s face and lowered her big rump right into Sarah’s face. “Worship my shit-hole first,” Goddess Victoria lowered her rosebud down to Sarah’s mouth.

Sarah slipped out her tongue and began rolling her tongue around in this pink pit. She had done this about ten minutes when she got her final instructions.

“Now,” Goddess Victoria started…”you will slide your tongue fully up into my dirty shit-hole. Know why it’s dirty? Of course you do… it’s full of shit… what you hunger for…”

“I don’t think she’s hungry for more shit, we’ve already filled her mouth several times today!” Mistress Rita laughed again.

“It doesn’t matter much,” Goddess Victoria added. “Slide your nasty tongue up my dirt-hole. Just hold it there. I am going to try to shit with your tongue up my dirty tunnel. Keep your tongue extended or you’ll get a full mouthful of my shit… and I WON’T stop shitting either. I’ll suffocate you with my shit… so you’d better keep your tongue extended!”

Sarah slithered her tongue up into this smelly pit and felt the turd starting to press against her tongue. The pressure got stronger as she tried frantically to keep her tongue extended.

Goddess Victoria pressed down a little harder. Shit began to ooze out around Sarah’s tongue, it was literally impossible to stop the shit… but Sarah kept trying. Goddess Victoria had a fairly big asshole, she was able to dilate it outward far more than Sarah’s tongue. Shit was oozing out now, all over Sarah’s face. It was literally oozing around her extending tongue, all around her tongue… down her cheeks, over her chin… up into her nose. She had to push deeper, it was getting difficult to breathe.

Shit just kept oozing out, all around Sarah’s mouth… she became panicky. The only way she could get her breath back was to withdraw her tongue, then Goddess Victoria would just shit in her mouth. And she wouldn’t stop either, she had already said this to her… but Sarah was having trouble breathing as it was.

Pulling her tongue back, she felt Goddess Victoria grind her ass down so it was impossible for Sarah to close her mouth and the flood of shit started.

“EAT IT!” Goddess Victoria looked down. “EAT MY STINKING SHIT!”

Sarah swallowed as fast as she could get it down, she didn’t have to chew much before she swallowed.

Goddess Victoria stood up, then looked down…”Open your toilet mouth, CUNT! Show these ladies how I browned your mouth!”

Sarah opened her mouth.

“She still has shit in her mouth,” a Mistress yelled out.

“Shit-whore, is this club something like you wanted?” Goddess Victoria asked. “Are you getting pounds and pounds of shit?”

Sarah swallowed again to answer, “Yes, Goddess. I have eaten many pounds of shit today.”

“Today isn’t over yet,” Goddess Victoria smiled down. “And there is tomorrow! You will find out EXACTLY what a shit-whore does here. Your mouth will be the receptacle for ANY Mistress here… ANYTIME she desires this of you. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Goddess,” Sarah answered.

“What are you?” Goddess Victoria asked again.

“I am a shit-whore,” Sarah closed her eyes with humiliation.

“A FILTHY shit-whore!” Goddess Victoria remarked. “There are lesbians by the score… but a lesbian of your nature… there is only one word for you… you are a sick shit-whore!”

And so it went… Mistress Rita finally drove Sarah home the following day. She was blindfolded and laid in the back seat.

“See you next month,” Mistress Rita waved good-bye to Sarah.

Sarah went back into her home and stripped her clothes away. Getting into the shower, no matter how much she scrubbed her body, she was unable to get rid of the smell. It was making her gag. Once, when standing in the shower, she threw up. She knew right then she would have to call in sick for work tomorrow, she would be unable to remove all that odor from her body. Her mouth tasted like a sewer, a stale, putrid taste.

As she was bathing, she remembered Mistress Rita telling her that the first time for her, she would be eating shit from several Mistress’s as well as the slaves. Maybe next time, she wouldn’t have to eat so much. Her body tingled… she was already looking forward to that next meeting!

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