Free sex stories

Now I start fisting you

This story that I am about to tell is completely and utterly true. I like sex and felt that I was adventurous enough with my sex life. However, all my past partners seemed to be bored with that sex that […]


Beth’s kinky fuck

I almost went up the steps… onto the back porch. They certainly would have heard me and things probably would have been different. I happened to see through the screen door before stepping on the first step. There was Mrs. […]

Free sex stories

The Exhibition Gardens

By I, Voyager The summer of 1980 seems a long time ago now. I’d just been medically discharged from the Royal Air Force after a bad motorbike accident. At twenty one I was working in a pub in York for […]

Free sex stories

The Muse of my kinky dreams

  My muse, lying so still on the quilted sheets, stripped nude and waiting for my attentions. Her skin so soft and white, so ready to be my story, so wanting the words. Her breath is short and excited. She […]

Free sex stories

Licked my limp

The hot fingers stroking my stomach roused me from my sleep. I petted the crown of her long, dark hair and felt the blood swell into my cock as her hand roamed down there. Her lips joined her fingers, teasing […]

Free sex stories

Working Late

We decided to take a break and slumped into our respective chairs. Cyndi’s head fell back and she rolled it side to side, trying to shake the fatigue that we both felt. It had been a long day and the […]

Free sex stories

Away Games – Humiliating Affair

You know the way women often despise themselves for fantasising about ‘rape’, even when it horrifies them, and feel guilty and afraid to admit it? Well, I felt guilty about this, because of what I thought it said about me, […]

Group Sex Stories

Sniffing my pants

On Friday nights, I go to Newcastle with a bunch of girlfriends, drinking, dancing and sometimes flirting a little bit. One particularly hot night, I was dancing with a couple of friends, when two Asian boys joined us. “You’re Amy, […]

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