Darcey didn’t rush the ass licking, giving Rebecca plenty of time to get
her rear end completely clean, but it wasn’t the only reason she took
her time, before going on to the next punishment phase. The real reason
Mrs. Jones let her go on was because she was riding out one orgasm after
another. During that time she wouldn’t have traded places with anyone
else in the world, the sensation of soft, warm tongue coupled with the
knowledge of what that tongue was doing was the most sensorially
delightful feeling she had ever experienced.
“Now pull out your tongue and tickle my shit hole with the tip. Just
barely let it touch the surface as you move it all around. Ahhhhhhhh.
That’s it, ahhhhhh. Keep doing that. Oooooooooooooo”
Mrs. Jones allowed herself to get vocal, sighing louder and more
frequently as an orgasm approached. She was completely free to act
however she felt. Rebecca would never say a word to anyone without
permission. She could do anything she wished, in whatever way that she
wished, with regards to Rebecca. There was no need to be shy when near
her, act fairly or even act in good taste. The animal that was licking
her ass so conscientiously now was hers and hers alone and wouldn’t dare
divulge the slightest detail of what went on between her and her mother.
“OK, back off you little shit licker you.” Darcey forced herself back
down to earth. “I’m going to make sure you have some every day from now
on, even if I have to have someone else come around on the days I’m not
Mrs. Jones ducked out from between Rebecca’s arms and then spoke more
words that Rebecca did not want to hear.
“Get your ass over the bar again. I’m not finished with you yet. I told
you I’d focus on your ass hole and it’s still barely been touched.”
After again securing her daughters wrists and shoving the ball gag back
deep into her mouth Mrs. Jones stepped in front of Becky’s totally
vulnerable ass hole. Her left shoe landed in some of the shit that was
the reason for this discipline session. Darcey paid no attention. She
placed her index finger on Rebecca’s anus and moved it around feeling
how hot and dry it was. The antiseptic spray was really irritating it,
and two deep bruises from where the knots of the cunt whip had landed
contributed to the inflammation. Like the rest of Becky’s posterior, it
was tender to the touch. It hurt like hell when her mothers finger
forced it’s way through the center of Becky’s ass hole dry. She tried to
force another scream but it didn’t come out very loud.
“Shut up and wait till you have something to scream about!”
Darcey picked up the peculiar black dildo and gave Rebecca a good look.
It was terrifying, 10″ long, not counting the length of the base it was
mounted on, and 2″ thick, bigger then anything Rebecca would believe
would ever fit up her ass hole. It wasn’t smooth either but covered
with bumps and ridges that went right around it. They would be very much
felt as it moved in and out.
“Right now it’s at it’s smallest size but take a look at what happens
when I pump it up like this.”
Darcey began squeezing the bulb that hung from the base of the dildo.
Very slowly Becky watched it expand, growing ever bigger and bigger with
the bulge largest around the middle and tapering off a bit at each end.
This design made it next to impossible to expel while inflated since her
anal ring would be stretched to it’s limit and unable to stretch any
more without ripping.
“Don’t worry my slut. I’m not going to tear you today but you’ll
probably believe you are are being torn. I don’t want a three month
project to turn you into an obedient slave. Your going to learn fast and
hard. You’re going to use that ass hole every day and I’m going to make
sure you don’t enjoy it very much. That ass hole is for my enjoyment not
yours, just like your cunt and tits; speaking of which, I have a hat pin
to insert through the other tit. I like symmetry in a slave. Here, hold
this under your chin.”
Mrs. Jones placed the dildo on Rebecca’s neck and the girl brought up
her chin to hold it there. It forced her to watch as her mother ruined
her other milk sac. Her left udder still ached as it hung, upside down,
towards her face. No amount of denial or will power made the pain go
Mrs. Jones grabbed the right tit the same way as the left, squeezing it
tight between her thumb and forefinger and plunging through another hat
pin near the base and right through the center of the soft tit. This
time Darcey pushed the needle hard from the very beginning getting it
through faster then the first one. She got the resistance she had
expected and new what it took to overcome it. Mrs. Jones couldn’t
believe that a slave known as ‘the pooch” had actually pierced her own
breasts with a red hot darning needle. Of course pooch had been fighting
for her life and that could be a very motivating force.
Rebecca’s screams were again reduced to tolerable levels by the ball gag
that was still trying to force her jaws even farther apart. She closed
her eyes as soon as she saw the pin touch her young and tender tit meat.
Unbelievably, Rebecca didn’t drop the dildo. She had an idea of the
consequences if she had. Probably more pins Both tits throbbed from the
pain of the fat needles.
Taking the phallus back from under Rebecca’s chin, Mrs. Jones dipped the
end of the dildo into a wide can of grease. The rods end was tapered to
make sure it would get past the little anal gate keeper, the anal ring,
with a minimum of difficulty. Once inside the dildo could be forced the
rest of the way in; the bumps grabbing and pulling on her shit hole
walls all the way along.
“Relax your ass muscles and let it in, believe me you don’t want to
resist because it will hurt you twice as bad, and besides, you can’t
stop it anyway. The more you clench the more it will hurt you.”
Rebecca wished she could relax but natural reflexes don’t always give
way to willpower easily. Her ass hole clenched tight when it felt the
touch of the tip of the giant dick, and it didn’t stop. Using steadily
increasing pressure Mrs. Jones began to inch the wide, rigged phallus
pushing pushing a little harder and so on till Rebecca’s sphincter
muscle gave way hitting her with a pain as sharp as any knife would have
brought. Mrs. Jones held the dildo steady letting Rebecca release her
muscle from further effort and letting the pain subside. It would be
replaced by the pain of having her virgin ass hole stretched beyond
anything it was ever designed to take. Rebecca just grunted, the energy
used for screams just wasn’t available any more. Her violation was
reaching new highs with the humiliation of having her ass hole raped by
her own mother. Never in her life had she imagined that such a thing was
possible. Seeing her black and blue striped body bore testament that
this was actually happening to her, but she still couldn’t believe it
100%. Her only last hope was that she would still wake up from a bad
dream and find this never happened.
“I’ll let you know when the fattest part of the cock is in your ass. Get
ready to stretch some more.”
Darcey again increased the pressure on Becky’s rear end, getting another
grunt from the girl as the pain she had just adjusted too was replaced
by pain to which she hadn’t. A millimeter more and Becky knew she would
rip open It only felt that way.
“Just wait till you feel this fucking your ass, sawing in and out of
you. Your ass will never be the same again. But you will get used to it.
It’s not going to be very often that you don’t have something shoved up
into your butt and this little number will be one of your frequent
Mrs. Jones put the base of the dildo up against her own pelvis and
continued to push with her body as her hands were used to pull Rebecca’s
ass cheeks farther apart. To Rebecca the pain was almost unbearable as
the fattest part of the cock head slipped into her rectum and her ass
hole closed down over it, then the first ridge bumped against it and
began stretching it again. Rebecca didn’t stop crying now as sharp pain
from the progress of the fat head up her intestine was met by the
sensation of having her ass hole pulled apart and the tender skin being
scrubbed by the cock walls.
She noticed a new sensation begin building in her gut about the time her
anus slipped over the second ridge. It first felt cool but soon the
coolness changed to burning. The grease lubricating the phallus had been
mixed with Habanjero pepper extract creating the sensation that she was
burning up inside.
“Did you know that once your insides are coated with the grease there
isn’t anything anyone can do to put out the fire. You have no choice but
to bear it till it goes out on it’s own. Peppered greases are the only
kind I’ll use to lube you up, I think. They hurt but don’t really burn
so it’s ideal. It can take away your pleasure without lowering your
value. There now you’ve swallowed the fattest part.”
Even though the cock head had entered Rebecca’s rectum the progress of
the ribbed phallus was still very slow finding a lot of resistance from
the anus and the intestine as well. Mrs. Jones pushed hard and even
rotated the dildo trying to get more of it inside. The sensation of both
fire and her insides being ripped into helped Becky find a little more
energy. She started thrashing her ass around the pathetically small
distance that she was able to. She clawed at any possibility of relief
moving any muscle she still could. This encouraged her mother to push
just that much harder. Watching Rebecca squirm from the pain began
arousing Mrs. Jones again Rebecca’s ass had taken half of the long
Mrs. Jones stopped pushing and allowed the black phallus to just stay
where it was for a while. She would give Rebecca’s insides a chance to
adapt before forcing it in any further.
For a minute, feeling cocky, Darcey squatted in front of her daughters
face, legs spread as always flaunting her magnificent, unringed and
thickly forested cunt. The hairs were now all matted, stuck together by
her own lubrication. The pussy lips were swollen and red while the inner
lips spilled over the top of the outer lips, dark brown in color and
contrasting sharply with the pale white of her thigh and belly. Mrs.
Jones knew that the sun aged skin and so allowed herself as much direct
sun as a vampire might. She would watch others grow old while she would
barely age at all she figured. Darcey Jones had indeed maintained very
youthful looking skin.
“I don’t think your going to like this very much at all but I may as
well tell you. Your ass hole is going to be the second most used hole in
your body, right behind your mouth. It’s going to be used every day,
365 days a year with no days off not even Christmas. It’s going to be
used for all kinds of things almost non of which you would like now but
possibly you might learn to enjoy later. That thing you have in your
ass hole now will make some of the tricks you’ll be doing with it later,
possible. Now relax that shitter of yours bitch, I’ve only got a few
more inches to go.”
Her nightmare seemed to be never ending and promises of things yet to
come created a feeling of utter hopelessness. The eyes of her soul saw a
never ending chain of horrors until she would finally die. What else
could she look forward to if she didn’t escape, and right now escape
didn’t seem very likely. Relaxing her anal muscles did help reduce some
of the sharp pain of the stretching, Not caring about what happened to
her reduced the physical pain a bit more. Her mother hadn’t lied to her
when she’d told her things would hurt less if she didn’t think she still
owned her own body. Rebecca noticed that her mother had been straight
with her.
Mrs. Jones returned to her upright position.
“This isn’t the punishment part of your ass hole treatment. That’s still
to come. This is a part of your training”
Darcey felt her slut daughters anus slip over another ridge on the
phallus, releasing built up pressure and allowing another inch of the
black dick to penetrate her large intestine bringing with it not only
pressure but the burning grease still coating the cock.
Rebecca’s mind jumped from the burning back to the ripping and tearing
pain as another ridge of the cock pulled open her ass hole wider then it
had ever been pulled open before. And then the ridge pushes up against
the walls of her guts pulling her intestine much more then a smooth
surface ever would have and causing sharp, penetrating pains. More and
more the young sex slave began to see her body as something alien. She
was rising above it and looking down on it from above. She still felt
the pain but it was less and less hers. It was a way that let her go on.
Mrs. Jones continued to push and wiggle the the oversized cock trying to
get it to force it’s way around the bend in the colon slowly working it
in farther and farther till Rebecca had swallowed up a full 8 inches. T
was still a couple inches short of the base of the intruder.
Mrs. Jones took the inflating bulb in her hand and opened the valve with
the fingers of the same right hand that held the bulb and then began
pumping. At first not a great deal happened and then Mr. Jones saw Becky
stiffen and her anus stretch out a bit more then it had been. The dildo
expanded from the center, inside Rebecca’s gut, inflating in the middle
first and then flaring out towards the ends. For Rebecca she felt as
though she were being ripped apart inside. The expanding bubble pushed
up against Rebecca’s already stretched anal ring and not being able to
get by it, it had the effect of pushing the thickening phallus deeper
inside until the base finally hit up against Becky’s ass and stopped any
further motion.
“This isn’t a part of your punishment dear. I know you may think so but
you are going to get quite used to what’s up your ass right now. What
comes next will be a part of the punishment though.”
“That thing in your ass has a fairly wide hole going down it’s entire
length and an attachment for an enema hose. What it will be doing to you
is plugging your ass and preventing any leakage. Anything going in will
stay in until I let it out. I could keep you plugged for days. Once it’s
inflated I can remove the valve and bulb from the base and there is no
way for you to deflate it or remove it without ripping yourself wide
open, and you don’t have the strength to do that. I don’t believe you
have ever had an enema have you? You certainly have never had one like
you will be getting in a few minutes.”
For rebecca the pain had grown so bad she temporarily re-associated
herself with her body and suffered through pain never felt or dreamed
of. If she could have evacuated any cavity she would have but was now
left with only her nose that was not artificially plugged. Her head
upside down, snot drained out and up back over her nose towards the
floor at a steady rate creating a small puddle beneath her head. All of
her air was obtained by sucking around the ball gag. If that air supply
were sealed off she would die. It was getting hard to pull away her lips
far enough from the ball to get a good supply of air too. Happily
Rebecca again began to drift out of her body as the pain diminished. She
lay over the steel cross bar the picture of helplessness making no
effort to take any pressure off her hips, letting it bear all of her
body weight. She lay still.
“Don’t go anywhere, I’ll be right back.” Darcey couldn’t resist making
the remark before going upstairs once again to bring down her little
Rebecca continued to cry but was grateful for the break from new
Upstairs Mrs. Jones gathered up the components of her punishment enema.
On the stove she heated 2 bottles of Tai hot pepper oil. Keeping the
fingers of her left hand dipped in the oil she stirred and heated until
it became too hot for her fingers and she pulled them out. She turned
off the flame and left the pot to cool a few minutes while she grabbed a
half liter bottle of warm seltzer water and a half gallon size enema bag
and hose assembly. Bag and seltzer in one hand and pot of very warm oil
in the other, she proceeded to clipity clop down the cellar stairs
On the end of the enema bags hose was a mounting assembly which secured
to a complimentary mount in the base of the dildo. Mrs. Jones secured
it. Hanging from the ceiling, above Rebecca’s ass was a hook for hanging
the enema bag. Darcey hung it there after pouring in the bottle of
seltzer. She turned a valve near the end of the hose and the seltzer
water ran quickly inside of her daughter.
“Remember dear, nothing comes out until I say so.”
When the last of the seltzer had run down the hose Darcey removed the
bag from the hook and refilled it with the pepper oil. The gas forming
in her belly from the seltzer water began to build up pressure with
nowhere to escape. Gas pains hit her belly hard and then the oil began
to flow and the gas bubbles churned the mix. The weight of the column of
oil exceeded the gas pressure so it still had no easy escape. Rebecca’s
belly began to, quite literally, inflate. The oil created a sensation of
burning adding it’s own high temperature and the action of the peppers
on mucous membranes together created the sensation of being boiled in
oil inside out. Even Rebecca’s disassociation from her body couldn’t
keep her from screaming, bug eyed into her gag. A tiny amount of gas
escaped the long way working its way through all the intestines and back
up through her stomach. It brought with it some of the heat of the
peppers into her throat.
Mrs. Jones helped to push the last of the hot oil down the plastic hose
then shut the valve and pulled the hose fitting out of the base of the
big plug.
“I think it’s probably safe to release you and let you move around a
bit. You must be very stiff by now. I don’t expect you to move when I
release your wrists and ankles. You just keep them where they are till
you are told to move or until I move you. I determine your movements”
Mrs. Jones proceeded to release all of Rebecca’s appendages including
her neck from their links to the floor. She took the opportunity to
spread her legs as she squatted to undo the fastenings making sure her
overgrown twat was always in Rebecca’s sight. She wanted Rebecca to
understand that her true master was her mistresses unrestrained libido.
Her cunt was the bound sluts true master. What it wanted, it would get
from know on. There would be no more holding back of her sexual
fantasies. She had created a situation in which she could live them all
out and wasn’t going to waste it.
“It’s only about 5 feet back to the cage. You should be able to position
yourself back in it in say 3 minutes. 3 minutes to go 5 feet. I don’t
think it’s unreasonable of me to expect you back in the cage in 3
minutes, do you?”
Rebecca didn’t believe she had any ability to move left and didn’t
expect she would be required to remove herself from the bar. Her
abdomen hurt so badly she didn’t dare tighten a muscle or move around.
Her legs had stopped functioning long ago during the the caning. All she
had in any state of functionality were her arms, and the cracked ribs
made it hell to put pressure on anything with them since it would always
tighten her pecks and this would cause the sharp, shooting pains from
her ribcage. 5 feet may as as well have been 5 miles.
“After 3 minutes I’ll use a cattle prod to motivate you to move you into
position. You may not know it but your body has a tremendous capacity
to do just a little bit more when it’s hit by a 65,000 volt shock.
Sometimes you’ll even find that you can do a lot more. I want you in the
cage facing the same way you did last time on all fours. I’ll keep
shocking you until you are in position. I do hope you understood that.”
“OK, cunt GO!!”
“While you’re getting over I’ll just pop upstairs and get the prod. I
can’t wait to try it out”
Rebecca wanted to die, not to move. She tried to get herself up, first
trying to push with her legs and being rewarded with nothing but pain,
then by bringing back her shoulders and trying to grab the cross bar
with her hands but here she got the sharp pains in her chest and her gut
as movement caused the gas bubbles to move around in her gut again as
well as contracting it, creating intense pain. Rebecca heard her mother
climb the stairs again and began to tremble from fear. By now she knew
her mother meant what she had had said. For sure she’d receive the
65,000 volts. Rebecca concentrated on the elapsed time between the
present and the order to Go. As she began to acutely sense that it would
only be moments before she would be given the promised electrical jolt
Rebecca summoned up the forces of fear and with a Herculean effort did
the only thing she could and pushed off the cross bar, despite the
agonizing pain, with her arms, and then dropped to the cement floor
hitting the tip of her chin against the top of the crossbar on her way
The hit on her chin was an unwelcome surprise jolting back her head and
stripping of a tiny bit of flesh from near the cleft. Becky did,
however, manage to land on her good right shoulder and it absorbed the
force well. She was on the floor on her belly trying to turn her body
around towards the cage when she heard the familiar sound of her
mother’s high heeled mules coming back down the basement stairs.
“Some progress is better then none I guess, but still it does hurt me to
have to use this. I was hoping that you would have shown a bit more
determination. You know I never intended to be doing this to you. I was
going to start your training in manners appropriate to be my slave. Of
course you would need correction since you are particularly ill
mannered, but it wouldn’t have been anything like you have to endure
now. You just couldn’t control your bowels could you. Now I have to make
you remember that I won’t put up with it. You WILL learn to control that
Mrs. Joan’s laid blast of current into the side of Rebecca’s abdomen,
causing a convulsion so violent Rebecca’s body left the floor, jumping 6
inches into the air and then as if through a miracle Becky turned and
began to crawl furiously back to her cage. She used her arms and toes
for propulsion and like some huge, ungainly crab Rebecca moved to the
cage making good progress. She stopped noticing her pains, all that
mattered was to be in the cage before getting another shock, she
couldn’t handle that.
The shock was slightly longer then the first, the prod was driven right
between her ass cheeks settling on the short bridge between her vagina
and ass hole. Rebecca’s struggles became frantic as she sought to gain
the safety of the cage.
“You better hurry you little piece of shit. I think I’m enjoying this.”
“Ughhhhhhhhhh!!!, Ughhhhhhhh!!! Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!”
Frantically Rebecca moved past the open cage and then started to back in
so she could prop her feet up against the back wall of the cage and then
with just a little help from her leg muscles she could get up onto her
knees by pushing her body back with her arms and hands.
Bz Bzzzzz, Bzzzzz.
Mrs. Jones gave her daughter 4 quick jolts along the left side of her
torso. Without thinking about any consequences Becky put herself on all
fours, like her mother had told her, in just over 1 minute. The girl
couldn’t believe she had done what she had done. The horrible thought
was that if she could do so, that fast, when it had been allocated 3
minutes of time. Surely it meant that she could do much more then she
thought given severe enough pain. She could now count on her mother
making things still harder then for her then they were now. It was a
horrible thought, things could still get worse. With the imminent threat
of the cattle prod gone, Becky knelt in her wall less cage trembling
with fear from whatever would be done to her next. She didn’t want to
think about it. She didn’t want to think about it very badly but now it
was the only thing other then her physical pain that she could think
about. After the shocks stopped the old aches and pains returned too
quickly. Her legs were going through hell her abdomen was being slashed
and burned. Still, it was better then the cattle prod. Becky tried to
stay still. It was very hard to do through the pain.
“See what you can do when you put your mind to it. I bet you surprised
even yourself. I know that next time I tell you to do something you’ll
do it; won’t you dear?”
Mrs. Jones went around the cage removing the sand paper linings from all
the cuffs in the cage.
“Don’t worry, I haven’t gone soft. It’s just that your wrists and ankles
are now raw enough so that the coarse leather of the cuffs will keep you
from getting comfortable. They’ll stay raw for a long time Get down on
your elbows!”
Mrs. Jones fastened Becky’s restraints to the four corners of the cage
and then returned it’s heavy sides and top to their closed position,
locking Becky in again.
“Do you know how much longer we can play today? Why; it’s only 4:30 in
the afternoon. Don’t you go thinking that I’m going to be leaving you
alone just yet. Can you believe I still have a month to go on my leave
of absence from work? Great isn’t it? We’re going to get to know each
other so well.”
Not being an escape artist Rebecca had no way of getting out of the
cuffs. The solid bars of the cage were designed as much to crush the
spirit as to restrain the body. Darcey replaced the large combination
lock in it’s hasp and then reached into the cage to remove the gag from
her daughters shit soiled mouth. There were still signs of it in the
crevices of her once pearl white teeth.
“I’ll remind you just this last time. Not having a gag in your mouth is
no excuse to say a single word. Keep your yap silent; speak only when
told to you can work the kinks out of your jaw now if you like.”
Rebecca did as permitted slowly getting the over stretched jaw muscles
functioning again, trying not to let the soreness bother her.
“I think I’ll feed you dinner a little early today. You must be
Mrs. Jones pushed the dog bowl that had sat on the floor since breakfast
when Rebecca had refused to eat the gruel and urine mixture.
“Before I feed you dinner however you still have breakfast to finish
Parking the putrid mess in front of the cage, Mrs. Jones scraped her
shoe on the lip of the bowl, the one which had stepped into Rebecca’s
shit earlier on. When she was satisfied most of it was off she picked up
the bowl and pushed it into the cage through a narrow rectangular
opening in the cage front. It was there to permit the entry of the
feeding bowl without opening the cage.
Her belly still in wild pain, nausea was already a part of what Beck
felt. It was aggravated by kneeling in the small cage amongst the turds
already deposited there by her insane mother. The smell of the bowl
started her fighting back the urge to vomit. The tension placed on her
belly by stomach contractions sent even sharper pains throughout her
“If you finish in 5 minutes I’ll relieve the pressure in your gut. If
you don’t I’ll use the cattle prod on you again till you are finished.
The bowl is to be completely clean by the time your done. Get going.”
Somehow Rebecca felt even more degraded as she pushed her face down into
the bowl of pissy gruel sticking out her tong and pursing her lips,
trying not to get too much on her face. She though this couldn’t be her
actually doing this, fighting back nausea to eat raw sewage. It was
another Rebecca not the real one. Again she drifted off and became a
spectator to her own debasement. Rebecca understood logically that it
was her body doing this degrading act but it was somehow not a part of
her essence any longer. It wasn’t the real her.
Darcey Jones lifted her right leg to the top of the cage as she had done
the previous night, and released a thick stream of urine onto Becky’s
head and neck. Much of it ran down into the feeding bowl, the rest
splashed off her body or ran down to the floor of the cage.
“Now I know how it feels to mark your property like a cat does. I like
Rebecca’s punishment
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