“Angel! We’re gonna be late for church!” Nikki was frowning at me.
“Wait, I’m almost ready.” I said, trying to button my hipsters.
They were red leather and seriously sweet, fitting my 18 year
old hips, ass, and thighs like a skintight glove. Not that I had big
hips, I didn’t. They were narrow and, quite frankly, a little boyish,
but my ass was great!
“You’re never gonna get those on!” Nikki giggled, and he looked like
he’d just been fucked.
“Yeah…I…Will…” I said with little grunts.
“No, God! Just wear those harem pants thingies, the ones with the
drawstring.” Nikki said. “Your father’s waiting.”
“Shoot.” I frowned and pushed those hipsters down my thighs because
Nikki was right. I wasn’t gonna get into them.
“Or wait…You gotta wear this!” Nikki said, and he’d found my Girl
Scout uniform.
I’d never been a girl scout obviously, cause I was just thirteen years
old, but I’d found a used outfit at a garage sale and it was big
enough and loose enough that it fit me pretty good, since I was almost
seven months pregnant. Mostly I thought pregnant Girl Scouts were sexy
for some reason and I might have worried about that, except a lot of
other people seemed to think so too.
“What are you guys doing up there?” My dad asked loudly from the
bottom of the stairs and Nikki grinned at me, like ‘I told ya so’ and
rolled his lively blue eyes.
“Girl stuff, John.” Nikki yelled back to his husband.
“Girl Scout stuff, daddy!” I yelled with a giggle.
“Well…Okay.” Daddy said after a few seconds of thinking about that.
“Sometimes I really wish I wasn’t pregnant.” I sighed, rubbing my big
round barely-a-teen tummy.
“You liar!” Nikki giggled. “Put the skirt on now, hurry up. No, don’t
worry about underwear, we’re going to church! Duh!”
“Duh!” I grinned. “God! Even this is getting tight now.”
“Yeah, you’re getting pretty big.” Nikki grinned at me. “It’s sexy
though, especially your boobs.”
“You think so?” I pulled that skirt up, wearing it low, underneath my
swollen tummy.
My tits were getting nice now, big and almost kinda full of milk, sort
of, if you could call the thin warm drippy stuff milk. I wasn’t
leaking a lot yet anyway though, just a bit if someone really played
with my tits nice. My boobs were still mostly nipples tough, not big
or anything, but the nipples were fat and swollen with big rubbery
teats like I was a little cow or something. I grinned at my best
friend and he handed me the blouse, green like the pleated skirt and
cute with some little patches sewn onto it.
“All you need now is a box of cookies!” Nikki laughed.
“To go with my milk!” I stuck my tongue out at my mom.
Nikki was only mom because he’d married my dad, of course, and that
hadn’t been terribly long ago. But we’d always been best friends, ever
since we were born it seemed like. It was their baby I was carrying in
my seven month pregnant belly, since obviously Nikki couldn’t have one
inside him. I didn’t mind, I loved both of them more than anything
else in the world and being the only pregnant girl in seventh grade
was pretty cool.
I was seriously spoiled.
“Here…” Nikki was digging through my closet and he’d found some shoes
for me, brown ones with low heels, because walking on stilts when
you’re seven months pregnant sucks.
“Thanks!” I laughed dropping them on my bed cause I was still
buttoning up that blouse, but only a couple buttons anyway. I liked
showing off my tummy. I pulled my hair back, cause it was loose and
fell in my eyes. I have nice hair too, you know, except it’s black and
straight, not a shaggy golden bed head like Nikki always has. His hair
is totally cool like he just walked out of a gang-bang. I pulled mine
into a ponytail a real quick, just cause that would look sweet with
the uniform.
“How do I look?” I asked, posing for my best friend and pulling my
blouse kind of open around my tummy, as if it didn’t fall open anyway.
Mostly it was just sort of covering my swollen pregnant tits, and the
skirt, riding super low now, fell past my knees and I frowned at that
cause I did like showing off my legs, but it just couldn’t be helped.
I should have hemmed it all the way up to my pert round butt,
“Hot!” Nikki giggled and I rolled my eyes at him. He always said that.
Nikki was the hot one though. We were both just thirteen, well
thirteen and half now, and about the same size, which is to say pretty
small. Nikki was maybe five feet tall, and I was like four foot eleven
or so. He didn’t have tits yet, just big swollen nipples. My nipples
were round and pink and fat now, Nikki’s were like cherries, sorta big
and more pointed and that was because they were pierced and leashed
with a titty tether and my dad loved yanking those nipples around
while they fucked. Or even when they didn’t and Nikki was topless most
of the time anyway, so I yanked his chain every chance I got too!
We both had some seriously nice butts though. Not big really, but
shapely. Very, very shapely, pert, firm, round butts like only
thirteen year old girls can have. Except Nikki is a boy, but you
wouldn’t know it looking at his butt. Or looking at him anywhere
probably, except between his smooth tanned thighs where his cocky and
balls were. We were both tanned, like caramel, which was cool. We’d
gotten practically black in Rio on their honeymoon, and then summer
had come, and now we were still pretty brown and that was awesome
because we had nice legs. Nikki had killer legs, even for a kid, and
he showed them off every chance he got. My legs were sweet too and I
liked to tease guys just as much as Nikki did. So we had a lot of
short shorts and miniskirts, believe me!
I just couldn’t wear them anymore, for the obvious reason.
Nikki was beautiful too, in the face I mean. I was merely very pretty,
or insanely cute, a lot of people said that. But I think Nikki was
cuter than me, if you look the word up. He had those blue eyes and
those high cheeks and dimples. Freckles too, just a few across his
nose, and bee stung lips like he’d had them done special, but Nikki
hadn’t. They were just the way they were, ripe and red and pouting…
Until he smiled and then his dimples popped and his eyes twinkled and
his little pink tongue showed and all you wanted to do was love him.
I didn’t have any dimples, just a pretty, heart shaped face with a
sweet smile and soft brown eyes. Bedroom brown, like come fuck me hard
and make me cry brown, not boring old brown. I liked my eyes and a lot
of other people did too, especially if I was giving a guy head. Then
he loved my eyes because it was obvious how much I loved his big hard
hot penis! Nikki loves cocky too, being a sissy like he is.
“You make my dick hard.” Nikki told me.
He was wearing a red leather miniskirt and a black peek-a-boo training
bra, with his golden titty tether hanging between his exposed nipples.
Some serious heels, like four inch stilettos and I don’t know how he
walked around in those, two inches was good for me even when I wasn’t
pregnant, but Nikki’s little feet were made for heels, I think.
“I do?” I giggled, strapping my shoes on as I sat on the bed, sort of
leaning around my tummy and in another month or so I wasn’t even gonna
be able to see my feet!
“Yeah.” He nodded, lifting his skirt and I could see his pretty pink
cocky standing stiff and all of five inches long, maybe. His thong was
pulled to the side and I knew what he wanted.
“My dad’s waiting though.” I reminded him.
“I know, so be quick!” He stuck his tongue out at me, stepping closer
and I was already sitting there, leaning over like I wanted it anyway.
I just opened my mouth and took mommy’s cocky into my mouth. Poor
Nikki was always hard and I guess that’s just a teenage boy thing,
like all he ever did was get erections all the time and want sex. He
could cum like six times a day too, easy, even though he just had a
pair of cute little balls hanging in his pink hairless scrotum. Not
big heavy sperm factories like daddy had, no, but they were working
just fine all the same. Nikki always had a lot of girly sperm when he
came. It was sweet too, like buttermilk with honey stirred into it.
All guys taste different, and Nikki was the best tasting cum I’d ever
had. I wanted to eat it on toast and sometimes I did.
“Nikki! Angel!” Daddy yelled again.
“Hold on!” Nikki called out sweetly. “Angel’s got her mouth full!”
“What?” My dad was coming up the stairs. “She’s got her mouth full of…
Oh…This is how you get ready for church?”
“Uhhh…” Nikki giggled and held my head while I sucked his cocky hard,
drawing my cheeks in and licking all around it like crazy.
“Hmph.” Daddy chuckled and shook his head and I knew he wasn’t mad or
anything. He loved us and knew what it was like having a hard penis
and a willing mouth in the same room.
I was letting Nikki face fuck me and he could do it too, all the way,
because his cocky wasn’t very big. Size is good, you know, big thick
dicks like my dad’s are always cool, but the fact is that smaller can
be better, just because a cocky like Nikki’s is so much fun to play
with. I had the whole thing in my mouth and I still had plenty of room
for my tongue to wriggle around, and flick across the head, and tickle
Nikki was going to cum in six minutes, I’d bet money on that, and I
was going to be slurping down my best friend’s cum and taste it all
morning while we sat in church talking to God. How cool was that?
Daddy was rubbing his own manhood now, standing there almost sorta
patiently, watching his thirteen year old boy-wife get a blowjob from
his thirteen year old, seven months pregnant daughter. Daddy was hard
as a rock and probably the luckiest man on the planet, and he knew it.
Daddy was spoiled too.
I played with Nikki’s butthole while I sucked him. It made him shiver
with pleasure, feeling my middle finger sliding easily into his tight
hot rectum and I wriggled it around. Nikki’s asshole felt just like a
pussy, I swear, and he always kept himself super clean and well
lubricated, since he was my dad’s wife, you know. My dad’s dick is a
pretty big one and I was always amazed not only by how easily Nikki
could take it, but how his boy cunt went right back to being small and
tight after they were done. I think Nikki was just made for fucking,
like one day God was jerking off up in heaven and he said…
“Hmmm, I think I’ll make a boy that’s just made for fucking!” And so
God made Nikki.
That’s what our minister said anyway, since he liked fucking Nikki as
much as the next guy, and daddy wasn’t going to be selfish, not at
church! Well, my dad wasn’t a jealous sort of man anyway. He knew
Nikki loved him and he also knew that like all teenagers, Nikki had
needs of his own. My dad, being forty years old had slightly less
needs maybe, although he sure wasn’t lacking in the keeping up
department! My dad might have been forty, like I said, but he had the
physique of a man more like twenty-five. My dad’s a cop though, so he
had to stay in shape, and he has good genes too, which helps a lot. I
have his good genes too and I’m thankful every day!
Nikki was cumming soon after he felt my finger inside his ass, holding
my head tightly and whimpering happily like he does. Nikki’s smallish
cocky spasmed hard as it pulsed hot buttery sissy sperm into my hungry
mouth. I swallowed quickly, just gulping that stuff down because it
was so yummy! I wish McDonald’s would make ‘Nikki Cum Shakes’ or
something. Boy! They’d make millions off that! Nikki tasted especially
good with French fries.
“There!” I grinned up at Nikki, smacking my lips and smiling. “Feel
better, mom?”
“Oh, yeah!” Nikki giggled and he was putting his wet sticky cocky into
the small pouch of his thong, smoothing his short skirt and nodding
“Are we ready to go now?” My dad wondered and he was smoothing his
tie, pretending like he hadn’t been playing with his big dick at all.
I shook my head at the man and his blue eyes twinkled with guilty
mischief. If we weren’t already running late, Daddy would have had
Nikki bent over and screaming with passionate lust already. That boy
is loud when he gets fucked!
“Yes, dear.” Nikki nodded, standing tip-toe in his heels to give his
husband a kiss. “Now we are.”
“Good!” Daddy nodded and he was so tall and big and Nikki was so short
and small…God!
They were so cute together. And my daddy is dark too, I mean his hair
is black and he’s so handsome in his charcoal church suit. He always
wore the same one even though he had others, since he was a police
inspector and didn’t have to wear a regular uniform. I just smiled,
watching daddy grab Nikki’s titty tether, giving it a hard jerk to
make Nikki gasp as those sweet cherry nips strained for a second, and
then daddy led the boy downstairs while I followed them.
The church we go to is a really cool one. It’s the Church of Drugs,
Sex, and Rock n Roll and it’s sorta like being Catholic. We get all
the miracles without all the guilt. There’s no Pope either, just The
King, who’s a twelve year old girl named Becky and everyone says she’s
Elvis Presley reincarnated. I don’t know about that, but she is
totally fuckable. Everytime I saw her I wished I was a boy just so I’d
have a dick I could put inside her. I’m no lesbian though, don’t get
me wrong, it’s just that she’s The King, you know, and really fucking
The band was already on stage by the time we got there and the choir
was leading the congregation in an uplifting rendition of ‘Memphis’
the old Johnny Rivers song. I kissed the picture of Kurt Cobain as we
walked in, since he was my favorite saint. Nikki liked St. Bonham, the
guy from Led Zeppelin, Keith Moon too, but he just had a thing for
drummers. Daddy liked St. Janis a lot, but he always sighed when he
saw Jim Morrison’s picture. That man had been seriously sexy and daddy
always wondered what St. Jim would have looked like as a twelve year
old sissy fag in panties and lipstick. Probably pretty hot!
I grabbed a handful of ecstasy, giving some to Nikki and he already
had a double shot of tequila to wash the pills down with. I was
pregnant though, so no tequila for me. I had to settle for apple
juice, which kind of sucked because that tequila really knocked the X
into high gear and it was gonna be a real party today, being
Christmas, New Years, Roy Orbison’s birthday, and the winter solstice
all wrapped up into one big celebration. We only had church like four
times a year.
“Ready to go inside?” Daddy asked us and I was ready, Nikki too.
Inside the church proper it looked like any other church, probably. If
the other church was a dance club, I mean. There was a stage at the
far end, underneath the big stained glass windows showing the
Ascension of Elvis into Rock n Roll heaven. He was driving a big pink
Cadillac, smiling over his shoulder while the Archangel Buddy threw
the pearly gates wide open in welcome. I always felt my heart leap
when I saw it, especially on a bright sunny day.
Beneath the windows was the band and they were always different, and
always really good. Nobody was supposed to know who they were, you
know, because they were all really famous and stuff and the church
didn’t want people joining it just so they could see a free concert
every once in awhile. As soon as I saw Flea jumping around with his
bass though, it was pretty obviously the Red Hot Chili Peppers jamming
this time and that was cool.
They’d have to do the classic hymnals of course, like that Johnny
Rivers song, but they gave it their own flavor, you know. Later they’d
be doing their own stuff and I had a hunch they’d be doing ‘Under the
Bridge’ just before the homily, when the service had to slow down and
get serious for the lesson. Once it was over though, they’d come out
with ‘Dani California’ probably and I loved that song a lot. I
wondered if they’d do ‘Breaking the Girl’ when Becky got her tight
little pussy sacrificed on the altar of Drugs, Sex, and Rock n Roll.
That was her thing, her job sorta, leading the rest of the church in
the sex part of the worship service. She was good at it too, since
she’d been a child porn star in Mexico since she was like six or
something. She was just twelve now, like I said, but pretty
In front of the band was the pulpit, naturally, and that’s where the
minister did all his preaching. The church had its own bible too, with
the old testament and new testament, the gospels and psalms and all
that stuff. The Gospel of St. John was my favorite, personally,
because he was so cool. The minister liked to read the passages from
‘Imagine’ and I always got chills because it was so beautiful. Lennon
wrote the Book of Psalms too, along with Paul McCartney I mean, and
George Harrison helped. St. George, who was the Patron Saint of
Supermodels, had written Psalm 23, the one that starts “Here comes the
sun…” Yeah, that one, and everyone liked it a lot.
The choir was in the balcony above and behind the church and they were
good too. The minister had gone to Salt Lake City and done some
preaching there, selling CD’s out of the back of his car mostly, and
spreading the good word about Drugs, Sex, and Rock n Roll. A lot of
people there didn’t like that, of course, being home to the Mormons
and all, and they’d persecuted the minister, subjected him to trials
and tribulations and all that stuff. At the end of it though, the
preacher had emerged from the wilderness stronger, wiser, and with a
big bus full of converted Mormon Tabernacle Choir members.
Those people didn’t even know what sex was until they found Elvis and
by the time they got back here eight girls were pregnant and three of
the boys were cocksucking sissies. They were the castrated ones, being
the sopranos like they were, and happy to make the sacrifice in the
name of sweet harmony. They didn’t need balls to suck dick anyway and
a lot of the men who loved those boys said it made their sissy
assholes pucker extra tight. Daddy liked it and he’d teased Nikki
about getting his balls snipped too, but he wasn’t serious. Nikki’s
balls were too sexy to cut off. Anyway, needless to say, we had a
really good choir at our church.
And then there was the church itself, with thick shag carpeting, wide
soft leather pews, and lots of friendly throw cushions that came in
handy for all sorts of stuff, including pillow fights. It was crowded
in there, of course, because even keeping the church a secret like it
was, there were still a lot of members. I bet there were sixty people
in there and more coming, the folks who were running a little late,
like we were. Mostly they were standing up, clapping and singing along
with the choir. You know, just getting into it while waiting for that
ecstasy to kick in.
They were mostly adults too, but there were some teens as well. Little
kids couldn’t attend the worship service, of course, they went to
Sunday School and learned about Rock n Roll from coloring books and
bible stories read by volunteers. My dad was a Sunday School teacher,
every now and again, and he said it was just as much fun as going to
regular church, except there wasn’t any drugs or alcohol. I’d peeked
in there before, just to see it when my dad was teaching. It looked
like fun and I wished we’d been members of the church when I was
Daddy had been holding a pretty little girl on his lap, like an eight
year old Judy Garland, reading from the Book of St. Jim, telling the
kids the parable of the Backdoor Man and how the men don’t know what
the little girls understand. That little girl squirming on my daddy’s
lap understood just fine though, I could see that, and my dad was a
good teacher. It had made my kitty all juicy and after just a few
minutes of watching daddy teach, I’d had to go back into the church
just so I could jill off.
That was the best part of church. I mean the drugs part was fun, and
the rock n roll was essential, but the sex part? Woo hoo! That was
everybody’s favorite part, probably. It helped that all the members
were pretty sexy anyway. I mean, I wouldn’t say the church
discriminated against ugly people, but…It did. Of course, the minister
said that once a person joined the church they became beautiful, like
it was a miracle and who knows, maybe it was. Personally, I had a
sneaking suspicion that most of those people were beautiful to begin
with, but I wasn’t complaining either.
There were a lot of miracles too though, so who knows? One miracle,
the biggest one maybe, was the miracle of Immaculate Conception. There
was a lot of that, like after every worship service you heard about
someone, usually a teenage girl, but a lot of older women too, who’d
been touched by the Holy Spirit and suddenly found herself in the
family way without being able to point a finger at any one man in
particular. When that happened, well, it was a miracle, like I said.
My own swollen belly wasn’t a miracle though, since I knew exactly
whose baby was dancing in my womb. It was just a maculate conception,
I guess, although technically that isn’t a really good word to use
when describing anything so utterly cool as making a little person
inside another person. I hoped after I had their baby, daddy and
Nikki’s, I’d be visited by the Holy Spirit and have another one all my
own. The next time they had church would be for Easter and there’d be
a lot of men hunting for Easter eggs, believe me! I’d have the baby by
then and probably be ready to get my eggs hunted too. Mom already said
I could and Daddy said that was Nikki’s department, since he was my
mom and I was a girl. That was gonna be so much fun! Looking for the
Miracle, like the Prophet Leonard said in his letter to the church. I
never really understood all of Mr. Cohen’s letters though, that man
was seriously deep!
We found our places in the church, people smiling at us and making
some room. It was nice because I was next to Tyler Ross, who was an
older man, like my daddy, but really cute. I’m into older guys anyway
though, like what thirteen year old isn’t? Guys in their forties and
fifties, they’re all hot! They know what they’re doing too, that’s the
best part. They know how to make a little girl like me feel special
and they’re so patient and gentle, like moving in slow motion, but it
still feels really good. Boys, young guys, they always want to go too
fast, I think. Like it’s Armagideon Time and Joe Strummer is gonna hit
the big E Chord to announce the Second Coming…That won’t happen for a
long time though, because St. Joe won’t come back without the rest of
the Clash, you know? The Four Horsemen playing a reunion concert at
the Palladium in New York City.
Yeah…Mr. Ross. As soon as we got there he was reaching for my tummy
and I giggled, pushing out with my hips and offering him my almost
Girl Scout covered stomach just so he could rub it for me. He had a
lot of kids and so Mr. Ross knew how itchy a girl can get when her
belly gets big. He pulled me close after a minute, so I was standing
in front of him, with my back against his chest and he wasn’t so tall,
only like five nine maybe, so it was nice, I fit him pretty good like
that and I could feel his bulging cocky through his trousers, rubbing
my butt through my long loose skirt.
“Hey Angel!” Mrs. Ross noticed me then and gave me a smile, watching
as her husband slid his hands inside my blouse, rubbing my belly
nicely and going a little higher to play with my puffy little boobs.
“Hi Mrs. Ross!” I smiled back and wriggled my body a little against
the man holding me close.
The ecstasy was starting to kick in and I sighed happily as the band
was launching into ‘Oh Pretty Woman’ in honor of Roy and the Chili
Peppers were jamming it hard too! It made me seriously want to dance
and so I was really starting to move, which Mr. Ross didn’t mind. He
was moving too, sort of grinding against me and making my swollen
belly feel warm all over. My baby was awake and kicking and I laughed,
looking up into the man’s warm brown eyes as he felt it too.
Next to us Nikki was already on his knees. He wasn’t one for patience
at all and tequila does funny things to the boy anyway. He had my
dad’s long fat dick out, all nine inches of it, and Nikki was going to
town on It while a lot of people watched and a few of the guys had
taken their cocky’s out too, stroking themselves in time with the
music and waiting their turn. Everyone knew Nikki wouldn’t say no to a
hard penis, all they had to do was wave it in front of his face and
Nikki would open his mouth wide.
The guys doing that were mostly just boys though, like the sixteen
year old Folsum twins. They were always on Nikki and it was pretty
obvious that they had a real crush on the boy. It made daddy chuckle
and roll his eyes because they would call our house like five times a
day and ask for Nikki and then as soon as he answered, they’d hang up!
They were just too nervous to talk to talk to my mom, I guess, but
while we were at church it was all okay and they just acted like
normal boys mostly. You know, like they’d smile a lot and show off and
try to impress Nikki by jerking each other off or whatever, trying to
get Nikki hot and bothered for them.
He was nice to the twins anyway, I mean Nikki was nice to everyone,
being the Nikki he was. He’d let the twins do him, one in my
bestfriend’s tight ass and the other fucking Nikki’s mouth, but it was
just for fun. Nikki was totally in love with my dad. They knew it too,
my mom and dad, and so even when daddy was trying to make a miracle
with one of the girls, Nikki was okay with it. He loved seeing my dad
stretch some woman’s kitty wide open and if he could, Nikki would be
right there to kiss his husband and whisper dirty things in daddy’s
ear. They really were the perfect couple.
Daddy was feeding Nikki right then though, getting his first blowjob
of the day from his wife, like a man should. Probably it was more like
the second blowjob of the day though, since Nikki tended to wake my
dad up with a blowjob every morning. Anyway, that doesn’t matter, you
know what I mean.
“Let me…Ummmm…” Mr. Ross was breathing into my ear and I giggled,
feeling him reaching between us to free his cock.
“Need help, Tyler?” Mrs. Ross asked and she was rubbing her kitty
while she watched us.
She wasn’t very old either, not like her husband. Calling her Mrs.
Ross makes her sound forty, but she was only like twenty-three or
something and she was proud to be a trophy wife. Mrs. Ross had been
Miss Alabama a couple years ago and then she’d met Mr. Ross right here
in this very church and it had been love at first sight, or so they
said. Mrs. Ross had told me that she hadn’t really seen her husband’s
face until like the third or fourth time they’d fucked, just because
he liked doing it from behind and Mrs. Ross loved sucking dick and so
she was usually doing that while he fucked her.
One day though, she’d ended up on her back and Mr. Ross had put the
woman’s long perfect legs over his shoulders, and that had been it.
True love. He’d asked her to marry him just before they came together
and Mrs. Ross had said “Oh God! Yesssss…” and the minister had married
them on the spot, no pun intended, pronouncing them man and trophy
wife. After that there’d been the obligatory bridal train and daddy
said Mrs. Ross really knew how to fuck good!
I didn’t know about that, but Mr. Ross was a great lay himself and I
soon felt his hard blunt cockhead rubbing between my bare butt cheeks
as Mrs. Ross had pulled my skirt down so it fell around my ankles and
I’d known that wasn’t gonna last long. I tended to get naked quick at
church for some reason! Right away the man was pushing his thick penis
against my kitty from behind, which felt great! Being pregnant really
did funny things to my sex drive…Like turn it into sex overdrive!
“I just want to…Rub you a…Little…Mmmm…” Mr. Ross sighed and he was
teasing us as I spread my legs for him, feeling his hands on my
pregnant thirteen year old tummy, rubbing me nice.
He wasn’t putting it in me, not right away, and I was squirming in his
arms, wanting it bad. That ecstasy was rushing me by then and the
music was so good, the Chili Peppers giving that Pretty Woman song a
seriously funky sound. I couldn’t stand still for all the chocolate in
Switzerland, I was rubbing my kitty all over that long hard shaft, so
the head of Mr. Ross’ cocky would poke out in front of me like I was
growing a dick of my own. That was funny, but insanely wonderful as my
greasy lips would split around it and my clitty was buzzing like crazy
as she was getting rubbed raw, sliding back and forth like I was
riding a hot bar of manly steel.
“Put it in me!” I finally moaned, turning my head and begging the man
with my eyes. “Please? Fuck my kitty!”
“Don’t tease the girl, Tyler.” Mrs. Ross frowned. “She’s pregnant!”
“Sorry…It just feels so good!” Mr. Ross chuckled, kissing the top of
my head and pinching my nipples hard, making me yelp with painful
I love having my titties molested like that. Nikki does too and we’re
sorta like twins that way, and when I say molested, that’s what I
mean. Rubbing and squeezing, and kissing is all okay and pretty good
foreplay, but I need the real thing too. I want my pink nips bitten
hard sometimes, and pinched like Mr. Ross was doing it. Like he was
gonna pull them right off my body and take them home with him. I
wanted my titties hurt, you know? Punished for being so little, for
being so pretty, for being so…Titty. For whatever reason pain just
felt good and it always made my kitty purr like I was in heat. Not
tortured though, don’t get me wrong, I love my boobs. I just liked it
a little rough.
Mr. Ross knew that and as he bent his knees, letting his big old cocky
point up at my too small hole, he was making my eyes water with his
fingers. Rolling my puffy nubbins and biting my ear and then thrusting
his fat prick towards heaven and driving about eight inches of studly
fifty year old cock up my thirteen year old kitty like a beautiful
fist to punch the soft pillow of my cervix. I gasped hard, my whole
body jerking like a puppet on strings and I came. Like that. BOOM! I
was weeping and speaking in tongues and bouncing up and down on my
toes because there just wasn’t anyplace to go to escape the intensity
of having too much penis in my too small vagina!
I was just a kid, really, well a teenager, yeah, but only barely and
compared to Mr. Ross I was just a baby! His cocky was way too big for
my little kitty. My soft walls were stretched like I was made out of
rubber or something! The bottom of my cunt was bruised and forced to
mold itself around the mushroom head as Mr. Ross tried to drive
himself all the way inside my uterus. I was almost worried he was
gonna hurt my baby! But of course that wasn’t gonna happen. I did
tense up a bit anyway though and sucked a deep breath when the man
backed off a little, dragging my tiny kitty inside out it felt like,
just cause my sex was clinging to him so tightly.
“Yeah, little girl, you like that don’t you?” Mr. Ross asked me
softly, breathing the words into my ear and I nodded.
“Y-Yeah…Fuck me more…” I answered breathlessly and he did, lifting
himself again so his long prick was suddenly balls deep and my feet
almost came out of my shoes.
He was holding my belly for me then and it was a good thing he was too
or I might have had my baby right there in church! He held us tight
though, me and my baby, and he was fucking me up and down like I was
on a big hot fat hard thick pogo stick shaped like a man’s penis. My
feet came off the floor and then he’d let me back down, kissing my
neck through my hair, and my ear and cheeks. I loved the way Mr. Ross
fucked me and he liked it too. There weren’t a lot of girls around he
could fuck like that!
Mrs. Ross was getting fucked right next to me. A man I didn’t know was
fucking her from behind and he must have been way up the woman’s butt,
judging from the look on her face. Another man had her from the front,
his cocky stroking in and out of her cunt while they sandwiched the
woman between them. She was hugging them right back, kissing them as
she turned one way and then the other, like she couldn’t decide which
one she liked better.
It was easy to get confused like that, believe me and even before Mr.
Ross could spill his creamy load into my tight little cunt a man was
standing in front of me with his big dick ready to be sucked. That was
fine with Mr. Ross and he let me back down onto my unsteady legs,
pushing my shoulders so I’d bend over and just like that I was getting
it from both ends. The cocky in my mouth was a nice one too and I took
it right into my throat, making the man gasp because I don’t think he
was expecting a little pregnant girl like me to do that.
Nikki was getting it too, from the Folsum twins, and that was hardly a
surprise. They’d keep the boy all to themselves if they could. One of
them was fucking my best friend’s tight little butt, while Nikki mouth
fucked the other one. You couldn’t tell which twin was which, Jamie or
Jimi, cause they were identical, plus they switched back and forth
every few minutes and I bet even Nikki lost track of which one was
The last time I saw daddy, before I found myself bent over and eating
penis, he was riding a girl named Celia, who was sixteen and
everybody’s favorite bicycle built for three. That girl had taken more
dick than any four girls I could think of, but she’d been raised by
nuns in an all-girl catholic orphanage, until she found Elvis and
started coming to church regularly. She got cured of her lesbianism
quick after that! Daddy had her now and they were gonna have to hurry
because the minister was coming into the church. The band was playing
‘We Will Rock You’ and I bet half the congregation was fucking to that
insistent beat. Somewhere upstairs St. Freddy was choking down some
serious dick and laughing, I was sure. That guy had rocked!
“Come here, Angel…Like this…” Mr. Ross was sitting down, like most
everyone else and I found myself sitting comfortably on his fat cocky.
It was comfortable like that, believe me, leaning up against the man’s
chest, my legs spread so that my lightly furred kitty was plain as day
to anyone who wanted to see it. Of course it was pink and red and a
little raw, with my greasy kitty lips clasped around the wonderfully
hard cock buried about seven inches inside me. It was still cute
though and a lot of people liked to see it and every now and then Mrs.
Ross would lean over to kiss our fuck, which was nice.
It was time for the lesson though and so all the fucking was done
quietly, like we were doing it and I was trying hard to make Mr. Ross
cum inside me, just by squeezing my kitty around him. Nikki was doing
the same thing to my daddy, except they were facing each other and
Nikki was grinding his boy cunt down on my dad’s dick hard! Daddy was
gonna cum like three times, I’d bet, even before Becky came out riding
her donkey!
That was Nikki though and the minister would spank the boy later for
not paying attention, I was sure. Sometimes I thought Nikki did it on
purpose, just so he’d get a good hard spanking. He was such a slut for
“There’s a lady who’s sure, all that glitters is gold…” The minister
began with the Chili Peppers playing softly behind him and a
collective sigh of approval sounded from the congregation.
This was gonna be a nice long lesson today and I rolled my hips,
grinding my kitty down around that big cocky so I could feel the head
of it massaging my cervix and this was what I loved about church! Old
Testament fire and brimstone to get me hot all over while I rocked
that fat cock throbbing in my teenage cunt!
“…and she’s buying a Stairway to Heaven.”
“Fuck yeah, little girl, love that cock!” Mr. Ross breathed in my ear
and he was working his shaft in and out of me slowly, just a few
inches and I could feel out sticky juices running down his manhood.
“Ummm…Fuck me, yeah…Oh God! Give it to me hard!” I moaned,
squirming my ass and putting my hands on top of his while the man
rubbed my belly.
My baby was really moving, rolling around in my belly and that was
making it even better. Getting nicely fucked while I was already
pregnant, feeling my hard little clit buzzing as she rode the prick
inside me. I could feel my kitty full of hard penis and I was so wet
already, but not squishy. Mr. Ross was too big and my kitty too small
for a lot of sloshing around, it was a tight fit and I knew he could
feel my sex squeezing every inch of him.
Mrs. Ross was on her hands and knees, being slowly fucked by another
man and he tugged her long blonde hair, turning the woman around and
driving her with his swollen prick until her mouth was right on our
fuck. I gasped and giggled and thrust with my hips as the woman
started licking and sucking all around her husband’s cocky. She was
licking me too, of course, dragging her tongue around our union,
gathering up the juices that were able to squeeze out of me. She
washed Mr. Ross’ balls briefly and then she gave my clitty a bath and
that sent me off, making me shiver as the woman sucked my clitoris
hard. It isn’t very big, but she had all of it and all I could do was
turn my head and make out with her husband.
Mr. Ross shoved his tongue deep into my mouth too, fucking his tongue
into my face and I swapped spit with him eagerly, playing with the
much older man’s tongue and sucking it hard. He found my tits again,
molesting me like the child I was, grabbing my swollen pink nipples
and milking the thin cream right out of me, so that it spilled down my
tits and stained my belly. The man’s wife was right there to lap it
up, kissing my seven month pregnant stomach, licking and even dragging
her tongue across my taut flesh. She kept going up my body slowly,
seeking the source of that warm nectar and then I felt her lips on my
nipple and the beautiful woman’s mouth quickly replaced her husband’s
“Oh God!” I gasped loudly and I was cumming hard, feeling Mrs. Ross
biting my big rubbery nipple and drawing the milk from my breast,
swallowing it down happily while her husband was pumping me harder. He
put his hands low, under my firm round ass to lift me slightly and
then let me back down, over and over, making me whimper with lust as
he worked my teenage kitty hard. We were fucking great and I almost
wished I wasn’t pregnant, just so the man could make a miracle in my
womb. Someday, I promised myself, Mr. Ross was going to seriously
knock me up!
But that would have to wait until Easter, probably, and he’d have to
hunt for my eggs just like every other man in the place. I couldn’t